Write-Up The Sith Order

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Star Wars Legacies

The Star Wars RP
Dec 22, 2017
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The Sith, also referred to as the Sith Order, was an ancient religious order of Force-wielders devoted to the dark side of the Force. Driven by their emotions, including hate, anger, and greed, the Sith were deceptive and obsessed with gaining power no matter the cost. A little over one-hundred years after the Battle of Exegol, the Sith made a resurgence and ushered in a new Sith Empire. But after being ousted from The Empire, the Sith Order are banished and now work in the shadows to build their power and influence. Like all incarnations of the Sith, they are the mortal enemies of the Jedi Order.

Modern History​


The Sith Order has undergone many transformations since its reappearance into the galaxy. It began as the Sith Eternal, a symbiotic relationship between the Guardians of the Eternal and the Eternal Legions, but as it grew in power and began to take planets, it was transformed into the Sith Order. Under the leadership of the Eternal who seized the title of Dark Lord of the Sith, the Sith Order took on a more traditional structure with a Sith Council overseeing Sith Marauders and the more experienced Sith Lords.

Over the years, not all has been peaceful within the realms of the Sith. New Sith Lords and Councilors rose out of the attack against the Jedi temple on Ajan Kloss. Led by the future Darth Raze, a team of powerful Sith warriors managed to slay the Jedi Grandmaster and Council member to strike a major blow against the Jedi.

Going on to create small kingdoms of their own, these Sith and others began to cause upheaval within the Eternal’s domain. Darth Malicia began the expansion, taking large swaths of territory under her command in the north and south of the Sith. Serenno, Malastare, the twin worlds of Moraband and Korriban, and Dromund Kaas were all brought under her command and she used this power to launch herself into a position on the Sith Council.

Darth Andruil expanded the northern kingdom as well, bringing her native Dathomirian people into line and annexing Felucia and the surrounding territory of both planets. Invasions commenced in the North and South. Darth Asminys led Sith forces to take Eiattu while Darth Raze began the push into FWA territory at Denon followed by Darth Stolas’s assaults against Taris. The war with the FWA had officially begun.

While many Sith took direct control of their own territories, Darth Raze took a more subtle approach. Known to the galaxy as Emryc Thorne and his identity as a Sith a strict secret even within the Order, he established the ISC, a conglomerate of nations under his influence with no true loyalty to the Sith.

With Sith Lords carving out their own territories that had questionable loyalties to the Eternal, and the deaths of members of the Council at Coruscant and Sullust, the Eternal’s grip on the Sith Order became less steady. Subtle signs of defiance began to rise from Darth Malicia and new members of the Council began to ascend. Darth Stolas challenged and deposed Darth Malicia through the rite of ascension and Darth Andruil seized upon one of the now-empty seats on the Council after the death of Darth Vyrassu.

The future Darth Caelestis managed to locate and overtake Exegol, restarting its shipyards to begin building a naval power for the Sith. He gained the attention of the leaders of the Order and acquired his Lordship and declared his intention to one day soon join the Council.

The building tensions within the Sith came to a head when Darth Andruil publicly condemned the needesley violent actions of the Eternal and sought a seat within the Galactic Senate. Unwilling to sit by while its Sith Lords continued in defiance, the Eternal traveled to Andruil’s domain on Dathomir and attacked. After a violent battle, Andruil emerged victorious, slaying the Eternal and seizing its position as head of the Sith Order for herself.

Intending to create a more organized and legitimate government, Andruil set about reorganizing the Sith Order into the Sith Empire. A stable government capable of providing justice and security to its people, The Empire has begun to seek diplomatic recognition on the galactic stage and settle its disputes through means other than skirmishes and border wars.

Ancient History​


The current Sith Empire was born millennia ago from the Jedi Order. Before the Jedi Exiles became the first Sith Lords, the seeds of the Eternal Legion were sown. A Jedi Knight by the name of Xendor gained a following that believed the study of the dark side of the Force was a necessity, leading to the First Great Schism of the Jedi Order.

Founding a new Jedi Academy of his own to focus on studying the darker side of the Force, his followers became known as the Legions of Lettow. The Jedi Order and the Legions faced one another in open combat that ultimately led to the death of Xendor and what appeared to be the destruction of the Legions.

While the original Legions of Lettow have been all but forgotten by the histories of the galaxy, the truth is that their principles and people lived on in exile. For thousands of years, the Legions of Lettow had made their home deep within the Unknown Region, and little is known about this period of time.

What is known is that their principles evolved during this time, and what had begun as an interest in studying the dark side transformed into the realization that the dark side of the Force was the natural state of the Force.

The Legions of Lettow continued their isolation until some would say that fate intervened. For 7,000 years since the Hundred-Years Darkness the dark side seemed to favor the Sith Lords as its champion in their struggle against the Jedi, but with the destruction of Darth Sidious and the death of all the past spirits of the Sith Lords, the dark side required a new champion.

Leading the Legions of Lettow from the isolation of the Unknown Region and raising them up to be the new champions of darkness fell to the Eternal. The figure known as the Eternal is shrouded in as much mystery as the Sith Lord of the same name from ancient days. Some even say it is an avatar of the dark side itself.

When it appeared on the doorstep of the Legions of Lettow after the final death of the Sith, every member of the Legions recognized its strength in the dark side. It provided them their first access to the teachings of the Sith and taught them how to build lightsabers of their own and become warriors of the darkness. Three decades later it appeared again and led the Legions through the Unknown Region to the remnants of the Sith Eternal who now took for themselves the name “Guardians of the Eternal.”

The Legions of Lettow were rechristened the “Eternal Legions” and together with the Guardians of the Eternal formed the new Sith Eternal.

As the two sects intermixed with one another, it was discovered that the Eternal’s appearance to both groups had been equally as mysterious with neither sect knowing its origin or intention. They only knew that it carried with it a darkness and authority that surpassed anything that had been seen since the death of the Sith, and it was obsessed with finding the original Mask of the Eternal.

Eventually, the Sith Eternal was discovered by the galaxy at large and could not survive in the state it was currently in. Instead of running and cowering, The Eternal decided to claim the mantel of the Dark Lord of the Sith. With this new title, he reformed the Sith Order, returning the Sith to older, more aggressive traditions before declaring war on the Jedi Order.


View of the Dark Side

Many members of the Sith long criticized the Sith Eternal as being a “murder cult” devoted to nothing but spreading death to the galaxy.

Make no mistake, the Sith still believe in the rule of the strong. The weak are culled and the strong rise to take their place. The Sith Code as laid down by Andraste is no less important today as it was when it was first written.

Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall free me.​

In order to ensure the Order remains strong ,the Sith still allows the Arauk'kesh. Translated into basic as “Rite of Ascension,” those who believe their superiors are weak or incompetent may challenge them for their position. While the traditional means of doing this is a singular duel to the death between two combatants, this does not always have to be the case. Those with enough cunning may find other means of undoing their opponent. However, as a true Arauk’kesh is an honor duel between two parties, cheating is treated with the utmost severity by the powers that be within the Sith

Sith Order Ranks​

One of the greatest differences between the Sith Empire and the Sith Order is the recognition that those without the Force still have great value to the success and prosperity to the Sith. While this view has slowly been changing with time, the transition into The Empire truly finalized this view. Roles specifically for those without the Force have become more prominent and there is room for the most skilled and dedicated in the Sith to even rise in power over members of the Sith Order.

Sith Acolyte (Optional Starting Rank)
A Sith Acolyte is a Force-sensitive who has completed the basics of their training and has been chosen to continue their journey towards becoming a true Sith. They usually have basic control over their Sith skills—the Force and their martial abilities—but have potential that could be drawn out with further experience. Note: this rank is optional for player characters.

Sith Champion (Starting Rank)
The backbone of the Sith, these individuals are the warriors, spies, and diplomats of the Sith. Sith Champions are comparable to the role of the Jedi Knight. Trained in the Force and expected to be independent operatives, they are the most common members of the Sith Order seen.

Sith Master (Rank 2)
These individuals are an indispensable part of the Sith. Sith Masters are experts in the Dark Side, feared by many, and often well known inside and outside The Empire

Sith Lord (Rank 3)
The Dark Council is made up of the most powerful and dedicated members of the Sith Order. Traditionally, each member of the Dark Council oversees a particular area of the Order’s interests. Members of the Council often take specific titles that represent their expertise and it is at this rank that Sith are allowed to take the title of "Darth." While the seats on the Council are not set in stone they typically involve a expert in the arcane, head of diplomacy, and leader of covert operations.

Dark Lord of the Sith (Rank 4)
The Dark Lord of the Sith is the highest position on the Counci and they oversees the Council and its members, ensuring that they act appropriately and are performing their duties as expected. He provides support to the other members of the Council.
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