The Sage Halls

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Jul 15, 2011
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The New Jedi Order
Sage Halls of Empress Teta


"If you do not understand the philosophies of the Force then you have no business wielding it."
—Jhon Cordatus, Sage Master

Nestled into the warm protection of the Deep Core, Empress Teta is a metropolitan cityscape rivaled only by Coruscant. A Galactic Alliance world, it is represented in the Galactic Congress and is effectively seen as the hub of galactic civilization in the region. It was highly urbanized, offering few pockets of nature.

Resting quietly in one of those few natural corners of the world are the Sage Halls, the center of Force and philosophical training in the New Jedi Order. The temple was constructed years ago when the various aspects of Jedi training were split amongst different Jedi locales, and the Sage Halls were kept close enough to Tython within the protection of the Deep Core while far enough away from the rigors of politics and diplomacy on Coruscant.

The temple is watched over by the Sage Master, who has a seat on the Jedi High Council. Within the Sage Halls, one can find Padawans, Knights, Masters, and even Jedi Councilors honing their natural abilities and learning to understand the philosophies of the Force. While The Light of the Force, the flagship of the Order, specializes in lightsaber and non-Force combat under the tutelage of the Battle Master, the Sage Halls focus on the use of Force abilities and the underlying philosophies behind them. Although non-violence is a strong tenet of the Jedi sages, it would be foolish to believe that a Jedi was fully prepared to be a guardian of peace and justice if they did not know how to wield those powers in the event of combat.

Many specialized abilities beyond the use of Force powers for combat
are honed in the Sage Halls. Jedi Seers and Jedi Prophets learn to use the Force to achieve spiritual enlightenment and understand the Way of the Jedi through interpreting visions and dreams. These pupils are watched over closely by the Sage Master and the other Jedi Masters who oversee the temple and ensure the proper teaching of the Way.

The Hall of Healing is also based in the Sage Halls. The Sage Master serves as the Chief Healer, and a number of the Order's foremost and adept Jedi Healers are located in this medical and training facility, treating some of the most critically injured Jedi and non-Jedi alike
—anyone who needs the care of the Jedi can be treated in the Hall of Healing.

Filling the temple are small training chambers for one-on-one or small group training sessions, as well as larger rooms for bigger group classes. Each Jedi assigned to the Sage Halls is assigned their own personal quarters, where they can sleep, rest, and interact with others
—though all three are often done outside the walls of the temple. Common areas are in all corners of the temple, and there is one mess hall for all to use. In the event the Jedi Councilors are all on Empress Teta, a Jedi Council chamber is available for use.

Outside of the Sage Halls, yet still far from the busy streets of the nearest metropolis, is one of the last areas of natural wonder on Empress Teta, providing peaceful serenity to Jedi and anyone else who wishes to visit. Rolling green hills serve as the backdrop of the temple; trees are scattered about, where Jedi can often be found resting, meditating, or interacting with others; small streams and mighty rivers flow through the area, and a waterfall offers a unique glimpse at the power of nature.

Anyone who visits the Sage Hall is sure to leave having profoundly influenced their spiritual path and ability to achieve enlightenment within the Force.
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