The Republic Rising

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Star Wars Legacies

The Star Wars RP
Dec 22, 2017
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The Republic on the Rise

A missive to the Jedi Order, issued by the restored Jedi High Council based on Jedha:

Since its inception, the Republic and the Jedi Order have been natural allies in the Core Worlds.

The Republic's commitment to freedom and democracy best represents Jedi ideals, but since the end of the Hundred-Year Darkness, it has retreated from galactic affairs to repair the infrastructure damaged during the war.

With the recent political turmoil on Alderaan and our dark brethren increasingly becoming more organized, the anxious Republic Senate has reached out to us and called for our aid once again.

If the Jedi Order is to survive the inevitable resumption of conflict, we need a strong Republic at our side. We must do everything within our power to ensure stability in the Republic so that we may resume the diplomatic ties we enjoyed during the war.

This operation is paramount and the mission of all Jedi in the Order: help the Republic in whatever way you can. The time is soon coming when we will need their help again...

— Grand Master Cadef Sige​

Balmorra on the Brink

Some say the war never ended on Balmorra. A critical world, which developed much of the Republic wartime technology during the early phases of the war, it quickly became the target of Exile and Hutt activities, both of whom sought to paint the planet their colors in order to gain access to their weapon facilities.

But there are no political back dealings taking place here; the Republic is fighting a two-front war as both a cell of Exiles, led by the Warlord Ryras Nur, and a mercenary paramilitary force led by Balla Desijilic Tiure, bombard cities and Republic military bases (and, occasionally, each other) in their struggle for supremacy over the planet. As a result, the Republic has been forced behind the citywide shield network protecting Sobrik and a hidden military research facility called Bugtown.

It is the wish of the Jedi Council that Jedi wishing to help the Republic focus their efforts on retaking two critical positions on Balmorra: Base 11A, a massive and well-protected military bunker which the Exile cult is currently holed up in, and Bin Prime, the planet's capital city, which has fallen under the sway of the Hutts and is the central base of their mercenary army. Winning back these two critical positions should turn the tide of the battle there and ensure that the planet stays firmly within the Republic's fold. A warning, though, that any Jedi traveling into this warzone should expect heavy resistance and extreme danger.

An Influential Side Quest

Additionally, any other mission (thread or plot) undertaken to aid the Republic on its other worlds would go towards the Jedi Order's influence with the Republic. Succeed and aid the Republic and watch as the relations between the Order and the Republic blossom until their friendship returns. But beware: Fail or harm the Republic in some way, and the Order's influence with the Republic will drop and we will risk losing this critical friendship as we move closer and closer to war.
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Star Wars Legacies

The Star Wars RP
Dec 22, 2017
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Jedi Storyline Archives

Storyline #1: Calling of the Fourth Conclave of the Jedi Council

A missive to the Jedi of the Order, issued by Masters Cadef Sige, Ryell Vao, and Riaca Erach of the Jedi Council.

The Jedi Council has called the Fourth Conclave of the Jedi Council, to be hosted on the holy moon of Jedha.

Masters Rem Shivaaga, Tanda Winters, and Thalia Corliss have been out of contact. Their retrieval is vital to the commencement of the Fourth Conclave. It is urgent that they be found.

Rumor has it that Master Rem Shivaaga is gathering forces in the Raioballo Sector. It is possible that he has established a base in the Dantooine System from which to strike out against the Exiles. It is imperative that he be convinced to abandon his crusade and return to Jedha for the Conclave

Whispers indicate that Master Tanda Winters has been spotted on Nar Shaddaa, in the depths of Hutt Space. Use extreme caution in your search for her, the Hutt Cartel is no ally to the Jedi Order. With the bounty on Jedi, it is crucial that we find her before the Hutt Bounty Hunters do.

Master Thalia Corliss was last in contact heading to Tython. We believe she seeks further understanding into the nature and power of our enemy. This is a dangerous path she walks, one fraught with temptation. Extreme caution is warranted when searching Tython. The Siege of Tython left the planet dangerously unbalanced, and we know not what remnant of the Exiles armies might remain on the planet.

It is critical that our enemies do not lay hands on this information. Once you have read and understood the message, destroy it.

Search for the Missing Councillors

The Jedi Council is split, with half of the surviving members out of contact with the Jedi Guardians on Jedha. The Council has ordered a search to begin for the three (hopefully) surviving Councillors. The Council is anxious to begin the conclave so it is of extreme urgency that the Councillors be found and returned to Jedha. Rumors indicate that they can be found on Dantooine, Nar Shaddaa, and Tython. They may be reluctant to return, and their locales dangerous, so extreme caution is advised, especially on Tython and Nar Shaddaa. Tython is home to dangerous force storms and possibly host to leftover abominations and other monstrosities from the war. Nar Shaddaa is firmly in control of the Hutt Cartel, who have issued a bounty for the heads of Jedi. Only Dantooine is believed to be peaceful, a colony world teeming with life. But rumors indicate it is not devoid of its own dangers.
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