The Empire's Grip OOC


(not on discord)
May 29, 2015
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No. And I don't intend to... lol. 7v1 hardly seems entertaining. We might have split it into smaller threads later on, but for now it should be fine. I'll wait until tomorrow to give some other people the opportunity to join before posting again.

Topher Ridge

The Ever-tired
SWRP Writer
Jun 2, 2013
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Got ya I was just curious as I agree a 7 on 1 doesn't sound like fun for anybody lol. As far as I can tell though I'm the only one even close to you @Aberforth.

Talon maara

SWRP Writer
Jan 29, 2016
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Maybe with enough force....we can....stop the rounds impacting?.....idk just a thought


I'm Warfare Not Welfare
SWRP Writer
Dec 21, 2015
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Been waiting to see where I can best enter the folds and have woken up to a lovely situation.


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jul 17, 2017
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Don't mean to cause issues, just that post seems a bit hard to believe. It's a Jedi Starfighter entering Imperial space, of an incredibly important and well defended planet no less. Moments after they dropped out of hyperspace sensors would have picked them up and defenses scrambled, even if it's just one Starfighter. It wouldn't be a good defense force if they let some possible enemies through just because their numbers were too small to be of notice. At the very least the orbital defense force would have deployed fighters and ships to stop you before you could come into low orbit, which is where my ship currently is. I believe a prep thread for infiltration would be needed to get to where you are without drawing an alarm for jumping into the system. Unless I'm wrong, though, of which if I am then I'll appreciate an Admin informing me if needed.

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
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Unsurprisingly, I have many thoughts about the turn this thread has taken, as well as @Tsunami's post.

Sadly, I am currently in hour 3 of waiting for a jury. I won't be able to fully elaborate until tonight. The suspense! I would suggest holding off on IC and OOC post as to not clutter either thread.


I'm Warfare Not Welfare
SWRP Writer
Dec 21, 2015
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Don't mean to cause issues, just that post seems a bit hard to believe. It's a Jedi Starfighter entering Imperial space, of an incredibly important and well defended planet no less. Moments after they dropped out of hyperspace sensors would have picked them up and defenses scrambled, even if it's just one Starfighter. It wouldn't be a good defense force if they let some possible enemies through just because their numbers were too small to be of notice. At the very least the orbital defense force would have deployed fighters and ships to stop you before you could come into low orbit, which is where my ship currently is. I believe a prep thread for infiltration would be needed to get to where you are without drawing an alarm for jumping into the system. Unless I'm wrong, though, of which if I am then I'll appreciate an Admin informing me if needed.

I was under the impression that for an Open thread we only needed reason to be there, which is the same as the others, I have merely held off. If the issue is the "Jedi Starfighter" I would understand that would make sense to change it, to make it more plausible. The only problem I had with not picking a Jedi Vessel was that it would have been a bit crap of me to come in on a fighter that was of unknown origins as you have no reason to retort my post until I boarded your vessel.

This way I thought it might allow you to send out a few fighters to come and meet me, either to bring me aboard or to have a little dog fight. Will await @Valen Pelora but I'm not looking to bullshit board you @Insalius So as far as i'm concerned you could react as you see fit, I don't have an interest in OCC arguments regardless if I get blown out of the sky next post by the star destroyer or if its wanted to be kept interesting.

Topher Ridge

The Ever-tired
SWRP Writer
Jun 2, 2013
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Yeah this kinda got crazy real fast. I probably should have made it more clear when I said we should switch to ask. It was meant to mean so no more Jedi join, but @Aberforth could've brought allies in to make it even.

As of now I just think trying to coordinate this on either side is going to be complete chaos.


(not on discord)
May 29, 2015
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I have changed the thread from OPEN to ASK (at least until we hear Valen's arguments).

Unless anyone objects, we will then follow this posting order:

@Valen Pelora
@Talon maara
@Topher Ridge
@Fantasy Liver
@Richie B.

As there are 13 people in this thread, I will have to set a posting time limit to keep things moving: 48 hours is way too long. I want everyone to post at least once a week, so the time limit will have to be 12 hours.

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
Reaction score
I have changed the thread from OPEN to ASK (at least until we hear Valen's arguments).

Unless anyone objects, we will then follow this posting order:

@Valen Pelora
@Talon maara
@Topher Ridge
@Fantasy Liver
@Richie B.

As there are 13 people in this thread, I will have to set a posting time limit to keep things moving: 48 hours is way too long. I want everyone to post at least once a week, so the time limit will have to be 12 hours.

My jury is still out (might be hung). However, I'm fairly certain you can't reduce the time to post without the agreement of ALL parties involved. I do not agree with a decreased time to post.


(not on discord)
May 29, 2015
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This is not a main battle thread, so yes I can reduce the time limit. In fact, as the thread creator, it is my responsibility to keep things moving. Otherwise the thread will most likely die of inactivity. I am open to discussions though and I am sure everyone will understand your predicament. The time limit would only take effect after Ulysses posts, but if you need more time, it will be granted to you.

Panda Hermit 98

Tired Old Man
SWRP Writer
Apr 25, 2017
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I can't help but feel I'm out of place in this thread, I'll keep going but would anyone have any suggestions as to something that keeps me involved?

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
Reaction score
This is not a main battle thread, so yes I can reduce the time limit. In fact, as the thread creator, it is my responsibility to keep things moving. Otherwise the thread will most likely die of inactivity. I am open to discussions though and I am sure everyone will understand your predicament. The time limit would only take effect after Ulysses posts, but if you need more time, it will be granted to you.

Actually you can't. This may not be a main faction battle but all PVP threads (which this very clearly is) default to the main faction battle rules. The rules clearly state the time limits can only be altered by agreement. There is nothing in the rules giving you the power to dictate the time limit as the original poster. I have run this by a staff member and the time to post can only be reduced by agreement. This is certainly true once PVP begins.


(not on discord)
May 29, 2015
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Unfortunately for you then, this is not a PvP thread yet. No one is actively engage in fighting anyone.