Talak Xen


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2019
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NAME: Talak Xen
FACTION: Jedi Order, Galactic Alliance
RANK: Padawan
SPECIES: Arkanian
AGE: 48
WEIGHT: 180 lbs

Talak Xen almost looks like a typical baseline Arkanian, or rather, what people think a baseline Arkanian looks like. He has pale skin, with long white hair that drapes down past his shoulders. His most striking physical feature by far though, are his yellow eyes. This is not a symptom of Dark Side Force use, but just a trait he was born with, the result of a random mutation. He also sports two brown tattoos running from the middle of his forehead, over his eyes and ending as a half circle on his cheeks. He stands six feet tall and is rather slender at 180 pounds. He is lean, not well muscled.

Talak Xen is talented in the fields of natural science and medicine. Long hours studying and conducting experiments have honed his mind and concentration to fantastic heights. While he stays relatively active, he is by no means well muscled or strong. He has almost no focus on combat training, relying on his brain and the Force when in a bind and as a result would probably fall to the average adversary. He also has no desire to improve his combat ability, except to learn new techniques to better protect any patients. In addition, he is extremely arrogant when it comes to his knowledge of biology, almost to the point where he would refuse help or input for something he was working on. When encountering a difficult problem, he will obsess over it and can not take failure as an option.

Talak carries himself with confidence. Arrogant to a point when it comes to natural science and medicine, he knows how skilled he is. This bleeds through to how he treats others, constantly getting in trouble with superiors with his blunt demeanor. He is obsessive, and though would never admit it, constantly feels the need to continue to prove himself to others. He is able to recognize his flaws in other matters, mostly combat. He is not above fleeing a dangerous situation, but would be compelled to protect any high value experiment.

Born on Arkania to a renowned surgeon and a respected university professor, Talak Xen faced adversity almost immediately in life. Due to a random genetic mutation, he was born with atypical eyes for a baseline Arkanian and as a result, practically shunned by his surgeon father. His mother though doted upon him. Yet, he always yearned for the approval that his father withheld.

Early in his childhood, it was realized just how smart he was. By the age of 14, he had gained admission to the university his mother taught at, garnering two doctorate level degrees in molecular biology and biomedical engineering by the age of 21. In no small part this was due to latent Force abilities, helping to guide his experiments to the desired outcome, unintentionally manipulating genetic material and cells to his whim. This still did not garner recognition by his father but had begun to draw in more attention from others, even though his mutation was a constant source of belittlement. He was able to gain admission to medical school utilizing his mother's connections before her untimely death. By 25, he had graduated and entered residency as a surgeon.

It was during his residency that his life would change forever. Often confronted with the most challenging of cases due to his superior's prejudice, he often had the most beneficial outcomes. Blood loss miraculously stopping, wounds healing at impressive rates while he worked, many patients recovering from injuries that they just should not have survived. He began to realize that his gift was not just due to his intellect and training alone, but rather to some unique ability that he could not place. Upon a tumor removal observed by his father, the operating theater could see the tissue repair itself in areas he was not touching. He was called unnatural, worthless, and a burden to the family all for things he cold not control.

Eventually, word of the young man with extremely deft hands and knowledge of science made its way to the right, and wrong, ears. He was sought out by both the Sith and a covert Jedi. Luckily, the Jedi were able to find him first, being whisked away through the promise of greater training and experimentation than he could ever dream of, just before he was to be taken. Making his way to a hidden Jedi base, he has since been a Jedi Padawan for three years.

A brilliant surgeon and scientist, he is extremely adept at experimental design and surgery. Since beginning his training, he has augmented his latent talent with Force heal, enough that he would consider it his specialty. He is moderately skilled in telekinesis and augmenting his own physical abilities. He is an extremely poor duelist, having enough skill to barely allow him to escape confrontation.

Standard Jedi Padawan robes
A standard blue bladed lightsaber, with a silver hilt.
Medical Sleeves
DTX-1480 INFORMASTER datapad
Rev-All canisters
Drug Patch- K.O. Squares

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The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
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Nice character! All is fine bio wise. Although one thing stands out

Talak Xen may be one of the smartest of his generation when it comes to matters of natural science and medicine.

This would have to be toned down, as that sounds a bit much starting out. Your character can be talented in those fields starting out, but not one of the smartest. That is not to say with time he could eventually be one of those though.

Said said, everything else looks fine. Let me know when edits are made and I'll look over wen I can


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2019
Reaction score
Totally understandable, was all about him focusing on science and medicine just wasn't sure how much would be appropriate so I figured I'd start at the top! Edited to just talented. If it needs further toning down totally fine! @Faster Than Light
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