Ask Spreading Hope

Thalisa Sarasashi

Queen Consort

Character Profile
Mar 28, 2024
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Dromund Kaas had recently come under Azar’s control. An entire new planet was aligned with the Kingdom, or at least in theory. Like how some of the desert clans of Korriban still resisted his rule, the people of this world could also show animosity due to the sudden annexation.

Due to that, Thalisa and Azar were going to the planet on an official visit to show that they respected the locals and to introduce the Spreading Hope program in Dromund Kaas. There was a lot of work to be done if they wanted to win these citizens. The Queen also hoped to recruit local children for his little birds, so she would be able to know what happened in Kaa city.

Eventually, she also planned to have the Red Circle operating here.

At the moment, Thalisa was brushing her hair while looking at the mirror. Their ship had yet to land and she was still preparing herself, even though she already looked prepared to meet the people with her purple dress and make up. It was her first time outside of Korriban and she was a bit nervous.

She wondered how Azar was getting prepared for that, probably the meeting was going to be normal for him.


Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Sith Lord

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May 22, 2023
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Despite Dromund Kaas being one of his strategic target planets, he had never set foot on it before now. Kaldar and Freyja had set the foundations for a takeover and Vossari and Trael followed through to fully bring it into the fold. However, the planet still lacked a clear leadership structure to maintain on his behalf.

One way to acclimate the locals to his presence and rule was to engage with the public directly. Spreading Hope was a smart way to win them over and diplomatically keep his rule going without inspiring rebellions.

Azar took his time getting ready, his black locks neatly cascading over his shoulders and golden piercings along his ears. He was adorned in a formal, white attire to contrast against his crimson skin. He was in the common area of the ship by the time it landed, his flying anxieties still not entirely gone.

Azar looked up from a datapad when she emerged, offering her a smile, “You look radiant, my wife,” He complimented. He was still not entirely used to having wives or referring to them as such, but he adjusted to the reality easily enough. His father had several wives growing up, and he remembered the dynamics.

“We will be visiting the slums and poorer districts of Kaas city before visiting some of the villages outside of the city limits,” He explained, not too thrilled about the second stop in their tour. Having to visit those desert tribe camps was bad enough.


Thalisa Sarasashi

Queen Consort

Character Profile
Mar 28, 2024
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Like Azar, Thalisa was also used to taking a long time in getting ready. She had her makeup to do, besides the hair to be properly braided and jewels selected. The Queen was as cautious about her appearance as she was about her political machinations, especially when she was visiting a planet for the first time.

First impressions were important.

Once she was satisfied, Thalisa left to meet Azar. She found her husband in the common area of the ship. He was dressed perfectly, which was no surprise. However, she silently lamented that his attire hid his tattoos. They gave a special charm to the King. “And you look gorgeous, my husband.” she said, smiling at him.

The Queen walked toward Azar, stopping until she was next to him. If he didn’t oppose, Thalisa would touch his cheek in a tender careness. “Even more when looking close.” she still couldn’t believe that her husband not only respected her, but was also gorgeous. The number of Purebloods that were forced to marry nearly real mummies due to political marriages was great.

Her older sister had been an example.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t time for Thalisa to admire her husband’s beauty, they had work to do. “I'll sent some of my servants to gather possible members for my little birds. It’ll be good if we have eyes there too.” besides Rami, Azar was the only other person aware of her webs of spies. “How outside of the city are these villages?” like her husband, the Queen wasn’t very happy about needing to stay in the middle of the jungle.

What if they don't have bathrooms?


Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Sith Lord

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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“The villages are out in the countrysides,” Azar said with a slight grimace as the ramp lowered, “However, the scouts I sent out in advance report that they at least have running water and indoor bathrooms,” He said, “I had to shower outside during my time with the desert tribes,” Azar said with disgust in his tone. He wouldn’t disparage the desert tribes near Ilyan, but he wouldn’t hold back with a fellow royal. Azar found their uncivilized ways absolutely appalling. Hopefully with some real jobs and ambition, they would evolve from their primitive ways into well adapted citizens.

There was a speeder waiting for them and soon they were on their way to Kaas city. Azar watched the scenery passing by - forests and greens all around. Despite being out of Korriban for years, he still marveled at terrain like this, “Beautiful, isn’t it?” He asked Thalisa, knowing she was likely overwhelmed by seeing so many trees and feeling temperatures that weren’t just dry heat, “You’ll get used to it soon enough,” Azar reassured her.

They arrived in the poorer districts where there was a crowd waiting already. Many of them had never seen pureblood before. The King and Queen had several speeders behind them loaded with food and gifts to be distributed to the locals. There was also a protocol droid to translate for Thalisa in case her Basic wasn’t adequate.

Azar stepped out and gazed at the crowds, speaking Basic for the first time since Thalisa met him, “Greetings all,” He began, “I am Azar Kressh, King of Korriban,” He could hear a few whispers already. He gestured to Thalisa, “This is my wife and queen - Thalisa Kressh,” Though her formal surname was Sarashashi iv Kressh, he chose the official name she adopted now, “The changes in the political climate of Dromund Kaas were decreed by me. I wanted to meet with you personally and learn about your ways to allow us to coexist peacefully under a new regime. My wife comes bearing gifts for you all as a token of good faith and a promise of continued prosperity.”

With that, he gestured for Thalisa to step forth and share any words if she pleased or start distributing rations.


Thalisa Sarasashi

Queen Consort

Character Profile
Mar 28, 2024
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Thank the gods.” Thalisa said, not hiding her happiness with the fact that there would be running water and decent bathrooms. If she had to bathe outside, use a hole in the ground and a leaf for cleaning, the Queen would have returned to Korriban and Dromund Kaas could go to hell. She would not submit herself to such shame.

Azar’s revelation about his bath in the desert made Thalisa grimace. She knew that they lived in nearly total poverty, but the tribes could at least have made a place where the King could bathe without having his privacy assaulted. The thought of some desert people spying on her husband while he was distracted washing himself was really disturbing and infuriating. Where was the respect?

I was hoping to bring the Spreading Hope program to the desert, to bring health care and proper education. Perhaps its influence will help turn them more civilized.” the introduction of moisture vaporators in the desert villages was already a first step in bringing them to civilization. The charity program could speed up that process.

After they left the ship, the couple entered in a speeder that would bring them to Kaas city. Perhaps on purpose, it took the most scenic route. It crossed forests and Thalisa was sure that she saw a waterfall. She didn’t look much royal at the moment, glued to the window of the speeder with a nearly childish expectation, waiting for the next surprise that the landscape had to offer.

The voice of her husband made Thalisa turn away from the window. “Yes! It's so green! I never saw so many trees and water in my entire life besides in the holonet.” after all, this was the first time that she left Korriban. “Do you think that we could go see one of these waterfalls when we finish?” swimming in the river didn’t seem a bad idea anymore, but it had to be one away from villages. Because people from these places had the tendency of throwing their trash in the water.

They arrived at the poorer part of the city some time later. A crowd had already gathered here to see the royals. After she left the speeder, Thalisa noticed that there was no Pureblood among the people, which was expected. “People of Dromund Kaas, we hope that your ties with Korriban will remain forever. These ties are forged upon fraternity and respect.” she said after Azar gave her the word. While she knew basic, her accent made it difficult for the locals to understand some words. The protocol droid helped.

In Korriban, we have an organization that helps less favored people. Its name is Spreading Hope. From now on, it'll be operational in Dromund Kaas.” there was some applause, while others didn’t understand the situation at first. Thalisa gestured for one of the servants to bring the supplies, while she approached a small girl that was in the front of the crowd. She crouched in front of her. “What is your name, dear?

The girl blushed and who had to answer was an adult behind her, one of her parents. “Rya, majesty.” Thalisa nodded, before passing the supplies from the servants to the adults and a doll to the girl, who immediately hugged it and muttered a thank you. The Queen gestured for the guards to proceed in delivering the rations, while she returned to Azar's side. A large line was being organized by the royal servants, so everyone could receive gifts.

They acted more peacefully than I expected.” Thalisa whispered, looking at how the crowd was picking the ration and gifts. “I hope that the people in the villagers will also be receptive. Did the scouts see something in that sense?” she was pretty sure that Azar already knew everything about them, from their receptiveness to the number of weapons. She also wanted to know what they should expect.


Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Sith Lord

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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Azar was impressed by Thalisa’s metamorphosis into a kind, loving woman. She wasn’t crass normally, but she was certainly stern with the grotthu and palace servants back at the palace. And Azar was well aware of her frosty relations with Ilyan. Out here, however, she presented as a nurturing, caring woman that had everyone’s best interests at heart.

Azar joined in with distributing rations, ignoring the stares of wonder as people tried to figure out what he was. The Pureblood smirked at Thalisa, “No one will say no to free things,” He responded breezily. They would have to keep up the good appearances to keep these vagrants in line.

After the distribution was done and they stepped away, Azar glanced at Thalisa, “You were a natural out there,” He remarked, “It was admirable,” Azar admitted.

“The villagers are far more wary of outsiders, but I’m confident their needs are even greater for a program like Spreading Hope,” Azar answered at last, “You are proving to be a very effective Queen, Thalisa,” He added with a smile.


Thalisa Sarasashi

Queen Consort

Character Profile
Mar 28, 2024
Reaction score
A smile appeared on Thalisa's lips. “This is true, but there are always the ones that are too prideful.” her eyes fell upon a small group that remained away from the others, only watching the rations being distributed. It was obvious that not everyone would accept their help so soon. However, she was sure that with time, the necessity would force them to do that.

Thalisa’s cheeks got darker with Azar’s comment. She was used to receiving compliments about her appearance, but it seemed to be different with her husband. They sounded much more sincere. “I’m used to it. I have learned that everyone likes to hear comforting words, be them nobles or commoners.” she said, when they were already away from the crowd.

Sometimes these words, even if false, can be more effective than gifts for those that are really starved for attention.” she used to do that with the little birds. Children that society ignored and were as much starved for attention as they were for food. This was why they loved to hear her read stories for them, because it showed that there was someone that still cared for their existence.

Some people could be so easily manipulated.

Then, I’ll need to be more convincing.” if the villagers were anything like what she heard about the desert tribes, then they had a lot of work to do. Usually, these communities with their own culture were too prideful, even if they had a precarious life. However, Thalisa already had plans to deal with them.

Thank you, my husband.” she smiled, feeling her cheeks get darker again. “I have many other ideas that can help with your rule.” but there was still one thing that a true effective queen had to fulfill: give birth to an heir. However, she was already working on that.

While they walked to the transport that would bring them to the villages, Thalisa decided to continue their conversation. “Did you always wanted to be king?” she was genuinely curious about it. After all, males had more freedom to be what they wanted and being royalty deprived them of most of it.
