Location Sleek's Shinies


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Sleek's Shinies
Call me or screw it up yerself.
•General Information•
  • Nar Shaddaa (formerly)
  • Fondor (current)
TypeHandyman business
OwnerYoshiko "Sleek" Ryder
  • In-store hangar
  • Warehouse


Sleek's Shinies was a droid, equipment, and starship repair shop that dealt in parts components and provided illicit, underground services such as fencing and credit laundering. Founded and led by a Fiani woman named Yoshiko "Sleek" Ryder, the shop was reputable for giving reasonable prices and exceptional service.

The shop was initially located on Nar Shaddaa but was eventually relocated to Fondor. The relocation enabled the shop to break free of the influence of the Hutts, as well as provide an uptick in business and afford more profitable cuts when arranging deals for fencing or transportation of illegal goods.


Most of the time, Sleek's Shinies was known to provide droid, equipment, and starship repair. However, Sleek's Shinies offered many other services, from salvaging to laundering illicit goods. It owned a hangar large enough for most ships, a warehouse, and various high- and low-tech equipment for any repairs someone may need for old and new models of equipment and technology.

Sleek's Shinies had a positive reputation in Nar Shaddaa for its tendency to provide quality repair and restoration services for what many considered low prices. Its salvaged and refurbished droids and equipment sold in-store were also popularly received for the quality and care of the handiwork. It was also the go-to place for all parts or components unavailable or discontinued on the modern galactic market.

The business had a simple principle: low-spending repeat customers were more profitable than high-spending one-time customers. As such, it never sought to fleece its customers or make them spend exorbitant amounts of credits, opting for a more affordable—albeit still marked-up—price range than other competitors on the planet.

Off the records, Sleek's Shinies provided numerous criminal services, including trade-based and credit-based laundering, smuggling, and trafficking. However, it had a strict, well-known policy to refuse to participate in the slave trade.

In 160, Yoshiko relocated Sleek's Shinies to Fondor. Her shop and services quickly gained popularity among avid speeder and starship enthusiasts, and the shop could easily stay in business in its new location. With the relocation to Fondor, Yoshiko was able to house multiple starships simultaneously and service those considered too large or bulky for ordinary hangers typical of smaller businesses.

The warehouse expanded exponentially, allowing her to contain and possess a wider variety and higher stock of components for repairs. The increased hangar space enabled her to house a wider variety of tools. It increased her profit margin, affording her more expensive mechanical hardware to fulfil orders for custom starships built from the ground up or extensively modifying stock starships with aftermarket upgrades she was previously incapable of.

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