Shiana Tarm


SWRP Writer
Jan 26, 2016
Reaction score
Shiana Tarm
Faction: Jedi Order

Rank:Jedi Consular
HEIGHT: 5'5''
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Dark Orange
SKIN: Caucasian, Pale.
CREDITS: 21'000
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Deep scares around neck.

Strengths: Strong with the force, negotiation, Persuasion and piece making.

Weaknesses: Isn't strong with saber combat due to her light frame and pacifistic nature ''Even Sith can be taught the ways of piece if the mind and body is willing''.

PERSONALITY: Shiana Is a calm, controlled and collected person, even when in the face of danger. Due to the teaching of her master she has learnt that peace and harmony and cooperation is the only path that will lead to ever lasting harmony. Because of this and the promise she made to her master on his deathbed Shiana has dedicated her life to forming a new era of understanding. She plans to achieve her goals by teaching other in the art piece, even trying to create a new from of saber combat still being able to end things peacefully even if thing escalate to violence. She only want's a world without fear, hatred and suffering. A world for everyone.

BIOGRAPHY: Shiana lived with what could only be described as a sort of traveling circus moving from planet to planet perfoming tricks and shows for credits one of the main attractions being the magical infant somehow moving objects with out touching them Until one day she was sold to a traveling sage later turning out to be her master and father figure Quin Tarm. Quin would teach her how to control her force powers and teach her the importance or Peace. For 10 years she learnt the ways of the jedi until she was old enough to venture to a jedi temple to officially become a jedi but more importantly a peace keeper.

Lightsaber forms:
When forced to do combat Shiana uses form III maintaining a defensive approach and striking when the other combatant is most vulnerable usually striking with a non lethal force attack to try and subdue her foe.

Jedi robe.
A Single Green standard lightsaber with a small leather strap attaching a few colorful feather to the end of the saber.
Old and slightly tattered Dull Orange and purple silk scarf around neck.

Jax Vos

Light in Darkness
SWRP Writer
Jul 8, 2011
Reaction score
1. Love the character
2. Move this here unless you want to rewrite the whole thing when the site resets for the next timeline.