Scales of Justice

Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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Xe pulled a few strands of hair back from her face and behind a pink ear. She stood in the bathroom for a few minutes longer than necessary, her hands long since dried. It was a dangerous assignment she'd taken on. They were almost always dangerous -- assassinations or slavery -- but this was more of a frontal assault. Not the usual risk; neither was it the usual reward on the line. Always best to save moments like these for after the ball was in motion. There was no choice to back out now. Just as well, this was what she lived for... though the Zeltron wouldn't mind if she managed to make it back home to Red.

A chirp caught her ear. As she lifted the pad, Xe noted the details Tynian had provided. Time to begin then.

The smile on her lips failed to meet her eyes, only made to pass a cursory glance by those on the way to the hanger. There were so many variables at play now. The slavers. The ship. The support.

And once Xe set foot in the hanger she added to the list: Their ship.

"Not shooting our way out of it," she remarked nearing the ship. Not unless the thing had retractable weaponry. Engines had better be quick if they hoped to escape the wrath of some very livid slavers -- or the explosion of the ship. Couldn't fault Tynian for coming through, however.

"Everything is set. They expect us. I've agreed to transfer the credits after we've visually examined the slaves to be purchased. That should make sure they're actually on the ship," Xe explained once Tynian came into view. Also, it'd make sure they had the younglings and not someone else. A cold thought, but this plan stood on the edge of a knife. Save everyone they could, but establish mission parameters and stick to them if all else failed.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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Upon Xe's return, Tyian smiled at the news that everything was seemingly going according to plan... so far. It was a tricky business, ricking your life for someone you hadn't even met yet, and with someone you had just met only hours ago. But such was the way of the Jedi and Tynian wasn't complaining, nor was he worried. He knew the living force would work things out, it always did.

As they boarded the "new" ship, the Jedi took the co-pilot seat allowing Xe to take the pilot's chair in front of the main controls. "It's the best I could do on such short notice. The shields should hold fine if we get into a scrape. And the main drive is fairly sound."

The Jedi wanted to be clear on all plans, so once in orbit, he brought up the subject. "So, we are to buy the younglings, if I'm correct? And once we have them, then we try for the bridge? I just want to make sure we are on the same page here."

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Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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Xe took her seat and began running through a pre-flight checklist. Never try to shoot an unknown blaster, and never try to fly an unknown ship. Know what you were getting into so there weren't any life-altering surprises. The entire process would take a few minutes even with Tynian already performing various checks of his own previously. "Long as it doesn't fall out of the sky, we'll manage," the Zeltron remarked followed with a smile for the Jedi's benefit.

At last the engines fired up, the all clear was given, and the two intrepid abolitionists soared off into the unknown.

Before they hit hyperdrive the Jedi brought up a good point. Xe looked over at him with a lack of traffic in the immediate area to be concerned about. "Let me ask you a question, instead. If it were possible to buy the younglings and get them off the ship without firing a shot, would that be agreeable? Or is a secondary objective to cripple this band of slavers for taking and selling younglings at all?" Since they were trying to get on the same page.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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Tynian thought about the question. It would be easier to just take the younglings and go. But in doing so, it would allow a slaver to still roam free to continue “working”. But with the odds of success weighed out in his own mind, the Jedi replied.
“I suppose taking the kids without a conflict would be better. Do you know a safe place to take them after we’ve got them?”
A thought crossed his mind, but he wasn’t going to say anything until he was sure it would work.


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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Tynian's response shouldn't have surprised her, but on a certain level it did. "Then the plan is to buy the younglings. Can't say this will be the most profitable contract I've ever taken." Wasn't going to make a single credit off this.

"I know several places we could take them. Most won't meet Jedi standards." Just a fact that Xe was more familiar with less reputable people. Some were actually fairly decent people, just engaged in less socially approved of professions. "I might know of a monastery or martial arts compound that would suit them. None of them are Force sensitive that I'm aware of, however." Or they could be raised in a boring location isolated from society -- just like the Jedi, only without the grand adventure of protecting the Republic. Assuming the Republic existed in another decade the rate things were going.

That said, "If the transaction falls through, we'll need to kill the slavers in the room, and slice the computers to slow down reinforcements. One of us escorts the younglings to safety while the other sabotages the ship -- ideally on the bridge or engine room." You know, simple. Ignoring all the many details involved in each of those actions.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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Sitting back, Tynian’s mind went through several scenarios that could possibly happen. “Once we have the kids, I’d like you to take them to whatever safe house you decide on. I am going to stay behind and take care of the ship and the slavers. I can’t allow them to continue what they are doing.”

The Jedi looked over to his cohort and explained a bit further. “I can’t just go away and let them do this to other younglings.”


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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The Zeltron's gaze lingered on the Jedi in silence for several moments. At last she asked, just to be sure, "You're asking me to leave you?"

It was perhaps not the Jedi way, but it was the one she expected considering Tynian had led with the idea of destroying the ship. Not an end Xe personally disagreed with. "Going it alone was not what you led me to believe." It would be safer. Might even be the best way to ensure both objectives were met. But was it the best outcome they could hope for?



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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“As a Jedi, I cannot ask that you risk your life any further than you need to. It would make sure the kids were safe...”

Tynian paused making sure that he was letting her decide her own fate.

“But if you wanted to stay and help me, I wouldn’t argue with it in the least. But you need to make that decision for yourself.”

The Jedi looked out the viewport at the streaking stars as he waited for her answer.


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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"It looks bad when I leave a client behind," she replied. Not that anyone would know. Xe was a realist, however. Not everyone came back from a mission -- though she usually worked alone, so most times she was personally invested in 'everyone' surviving. "Why don't we agree I'll stay so long as the kids are safe."

The ship turned and made the hyperspace jump as they talked. A little while yet before they threw the dice. Just enough time to contemplate their future, and how long it might end up being.

Ship more or less on autopilot, the Zeltron turned to retrieve her bag. She slipped a computer spike out and extended it toward Tynian. "Here. If you can't do anything flashy to destroy the ship, get this in their computer. Time delayed program -- good enough for you to escape and still deliver karmic justice, or revenge if things go badly." Long as the slavers hadn't hired a competent slicer. A Zeltron could only do so much.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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Tynian thanked Xe as he took the computer spike and tucked it into the inside pocket of his cloak. "And here I thought I was hiring you." he said with a slight smile. "So since we have a small amount of time before we head into the proverbial hornet's nest, why don't you tell me something about yourself? Unless you don't share things like that with... clients." He grinned again.

He wasn't always serious, in fact he was more fun-loving than most Jedi, and had traded barbs with his former master for years now... He just hoped the Zeltron had a bit of a sense of humor, or this was going to be a very long trip indeed.


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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Xe looked down at the controls for a moment. Her blue eyes lifted and turned back to the Jedi at her side. "Sharing is dangerous in my profession," she began, figuring it'd be best to be forthright with that fact. "I go places respectable people don't. I typically deal with the most vile scum in the galaxy. And I see enough suffering for several lifetimes, but that's why I'm here." A brief pause as she regarded Tynian a moment. "You understand what I mean?" Jedi had to deal with some messed up things too, right? Couldn't say she'd had many personal dealings with them to know what was true, and what mere rumor.

"What about you? Trust many mercenaries like me with what you are?" A smirk tugged at the Zeltron's lips.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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The Jedi had seen things... very messed up things, in his young life. And he'd be the first to admit that being a Jedi wasn't the easiest thing in the galaxy. "I've seen the ugly side of life, so yes, I do understand. And that's also why I'm here." He would do as much as he could to help anyone that needed it, as long as he could.

He looked her straight in the eyes. "I do trust you. You could have turned me in the moment you saw what I am. But you didn't." Tynian looked again out the viewport, then back to Xe. "And you care enough for younglings, more than your pocket book. Which shows me you have a heart... And that's a very valuable thing to have."

The Jedi paused as if he was going to say more, but then he just smiled and let the thought go.


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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As a Jedi Tynian could probably sense an emotional flare up, though the Zeltron's only visual cue was a brief shifting of her eyes off to the side. The memory and reason for her actions was too painful to recall, and certainly more than she'd be willing to vocalize. "I do what I can. Enslaved sentients are an expensive business." A soft sigh trailed between her lips. "Out of all the faces I see, I can only help one or two."

A soft laugh tried to break her thoughts away from such dark waters. "Besides, what's the point trying to turn a Jedi in? You'd probably use the Force to knock me unconscious and slip away." A smirk pulled at her lips as she looked over at Tynian. Better to hide from the pain and the helplessness compared to the vastness of an entire galaxy of people in need.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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Tynian smiled. He knew when not to push things too much with people, and it seemed this was one of those times. So if keeping the conversation light was the way she wanted to keep it, then he would oblige. Besides, he hadn't done anything to be as close as a confidant with her.
"Nah, you know us Jedi, I'd mess with your mind until you were mooing like a Nerf or something." He wiggled his fingers at the air to demonstrate how silly that idea would be. Then a thought came into his head... "Have you worked with Jedi before? If I may ask?"


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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A quip was on the tip of her tongue before Tynian's question deserved a more serious response. Opportunities to lighten the mood were rare, but she didn't use them as a constant shield. "No," the Zeltron admitted. "Not that I'm conscious of. Probably for the best, really." Xe smiled for a moment. "After all, out there," in the galaxy, "you'd probably think me nothing more than a pretty woman, a criminal, or a slaver. Jedi don't usually interact well with two of those three."

She leaned back in the pilot's seat, arms crossed behind the headrest. "I've heard stories of 'Dark Jedi.' Peaceful meditation didn't sit well with them? If I were Force capable I would have been one of them. Life happens. Things go wrong. You can't always do anything about it, but that doesn't mean you're helpless even out here in space. I took up trades people hate because it got me closer to the people that did more than rob banks or embezzle money. Hopefully puts me in positions to help people otherwise at their mercy with no Republic, no Jedi to save them." A brief shrug of her shoulders and a small, melancholy smile. "Zeltron can dream."

Alright, she was being a little more open with the man than she expected. Doubtful it was some Jedi magic. Probably just wanting to commiserate with someone that walked similar lines. Hell, with the Order under attack on all sides maybe it was Tynian that needed some emotional support right now.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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Tynian nodded his understanding. Normally Jedi wouldn't have associated with slavers or so-called criminals, but these were different times and in light of what was transpiring in the galaxy, the Jedi couldn't afford to be picky.

Tynian himself didn't care either way about what Xe was... she was now a partner and he would treat her as such. In fact, it was actually nice to have someone to talk to and not be judged or turned in for what he was.

"Keep on dreaming, don't ever stop... it's what keeps oneself sane in such a crazy galaxy." Tynian offered. "As far as the dark siders... I'd be careful around them, if I were you. They are certainly not to be trusted." He could've elaborated on his statement, but didn't feel it was his place to lecture the Zeltron on the Sith. She had certainly been around, and the Jedi was sure she knew what he was referring to... but if not, then she would find out eventually.



Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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Xe nodded slightly at Tynian's warning. She shifted slightly in her seat as thoughts bubbled to the surface. "We have time to kill," she began, "so what is the problem between your two groups? They left or were kicked out in large numbers, banded together, founded an Empire, and then came back to kill everyone else." Xe wasn't exceptionally informed about the matter. Fact was, she was a triffle busy with other things to poke her nose into Jedi and Sith business. That didn't change the fact from everything she'd heard it sounded like a quarrel between two people not willing to make up. Completely normal -- except these people had insane powers.

"I'm on your side because the Jedi help people. Not always when they could, but they don't conquer people." Like if you had to choose between the two why would you choose Sith? They had better fashion sense? They were really passionate? Offered you power, wealth, and glory? Probably no point asking Tynian why people supported the 'dark siders,' but she could still try to figure out why the galaxy was on fire -- again -- more than usual.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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The Jedi was a bit surprised at the question... for some reason he thought everyone knew what the reasons were behind the chasm between the Sith and the Jedi.
He quickly realized that he was naive in thinking in that way. Some people didn’t care, some were mid informed, and some just plainly didn’t know.

“In all honesty, the main problem as I see it is a matter of the heart. While both sides, Jedi and Sith alike can wield great power... some use it for their own means and purposes. For self gain, without a care of who or what it will affect. The Jedi try to use the force as a tool to help others. Not for personal gain, money or noteriety, but to help those who cannot help themselves.”

The Jedi thought some more and then continued. “The Jedi don’t seek to rule the galaxy, we seek to aid it. The Sith, I feel, are more inclined to rule than to help. Thus the distinction... and the fact that the two opposite sides could not work together.”

Tynian thought to all that has been transpired lately in the galaxy. “Sadly, the galaxy seems to want to be ruled more than they want to have peace and freedom. We have tried to stand up to the Sith... but with everyone else against us as well. It has become more difficult to do so.”


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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Exactly what she'd come to believe. The Jedi and Sith had a philosophical difference, and instead of talking it out like philosophers they dragged the entire galaxy into a shooting war. The Zeltron was inclined to put more of the blame on the Sith seeing how they were the type to subjugate others and prone to action; but how had the Jedi managed to misread or mismanage things so badly the Sith outnumbered them so radically? The Empire probably viewed their growing influence as validation of their beliefs.

"People are addicts to those that appear absolutely confident in their beliefs. Usually the loudest, least apologetic, and most fanatical," Xe responded calmly with a slight shrug. "How else do people like the Hutts obtain and hold so much power? Or is that 'held?' I don't think they've had better luck against the Empire lately."

A soft sigh parted her lips. "The majority aren't against you, Jedi. They simply don't see how they can make a different, or don't care. Until it affects them directly it's all just something happening to other people." And unfortunately selfishness was the way things were done more often than not. Didn't get a promotion? Hire an assassin. Business partner ripped you off? Assassin. Rival family keeping you from getting noticed? Assassin. Or maybe someone got creative and wanted them thrown into slavery. The last one really set Xe off.

"Like me," Xe rolled her head to the side to look over at the man, "I'm just a woman trying to survive. If the Sith buy out the politicians what can I do? Elect someone else? Will there be another election before the Empire moves against the government? They aren't preparing for another war from what I've seen. The only upside is this one will be very, very short." She wasn't trying to tell Tynian he should give up. Actually, in a way, she really was curious what she could be doing now or in the future. Daunting enough to take on the damn slavers posing as one of them, only saving a few people at a time. Taking on the weight of a galaxy would be a bit much.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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“I see your point, and your dilemma.” Tynian responded. “A war is soon coming and I fear it will be the end of the Jedi. Some of us are going into hiding, and some are going to fight... which will be at the cost of our lives. Then the Empire will rule without any type of resistance whatsoever.”

The Jedi didn’t like the thought of the Jedi just “going away” or even marching off to fight just to be slaughtered. But from what he knew, there was no other course in sight.

“You may not realize it yet, but you could make a huge difference in the galaxy. It needs people like you... people who do care. Those who would stand up to the Empire and not be in subject to a dictatorship.” Tynian gave a slight smile. “You are beautiful, but I believe, from what I’ve learned about you in our conversation, is that you’re intelligent, and your heart and your will is strong. Your beauty isn’t your greatest asset... You would make a fine leader if you put your mind to it.”
The Jedi paused shrugging his shoulders. “People would follow you, not because you are pretty, but because of what hope you would give them. But that is your choice to make. Much like its my choice to fight... til my last breath.”

The realization of death wasn’t a pleasant thought to the Jedi. He felt he still had a lot of things to accomplish... but such was the way of the force. And he would abide by it no matter what.

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