Ask [Roon] Worth A Shot

Hauron Solus

Forge Master

Character Profile
Jun 3, 2022
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Silence hung in the air as the emerald armored Alor examined them. Their visor hid where they were precisely looking. It could have been either of them but Hauron assumed they were staring at Zaia. The Solus remained quiet as his Krodas counterpart answered the Trenessar. He approved of her answers silently and awaited to see their host's reaction.

The Alor did not interrupt. She merely tilted her head slightly, as if to say 'you have my attention' with a look. When Zaia finished the warrior's voice echoed through the hall again. "Clan Trenessar is thriving. Why should I put my clan's wellbeing at risk for the sake of others'? These are hard times and sharing what we have with others may bring dangers to our doorstep that weren't there before. Your words are idealistic, Krodas. Convince me why we would be any better off sharing what we have rather than remain isolated?" They leaned forward in their throne. The Alor was ready to rebuttal but also seemed to have an open enough mind to be willing to at least listen. Maybe things were maybe not as perfect as she would want them to believe.

Hauron felt the urge to speak up but held his tongue. He could tell that the Alor was addressing Zaia directly. She would likely silence the Forge Master despite his position, if she even was aware of his standing. This was Zaia's time to shine. As a matter of fact, Hauron was actually interested to hear her conviction and argument. There were probably going to be more people like the Alor that would need convincing so this was as good of practice as any. A true test of Mandalorian diplomacy.


Zaia Krodas

Rally Master

Character Profile
Dec 7, 2021
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The tilted head was good… Zaia hoped. She was glad that she hadn’t been interrupted though, and the Alor’s next questions were reasonable. She was aware that what she said sounded idealistic, and she made no attempt to hide it.

<“Your concerns are well founded, Alor,”> Zaia acknowledged with a nod. She could understand that she didn’t want to risk the safety of her clan for people she’d never met. Maybe even had bad history with. <“It’s true that it won’t be easy, especially during trying times like these.”> Then she looked into the Alor’s visor.

<“But that’s exactly why we have to work together. We believe—”> She glanced at Hauron, but she didn’t want to put words into his mouth. <“—I believe that it’s because we’re divided as a people that we’re put into these troubled times. In the past, it was the Galactic Empire that took advantage of it. Then it was the First Order. Then it was Raze.”> She remembered all too well being called dar’manda for not standing with Fenyang. <“Our enemies exploit divisions within our people, and they expect us to only care for our own clans. What they don’t expect, or want, is for us to start working together. Mandalorians as a united force would rival any other power there is in the galaxy. We could live openly, and our people would have the same freedom to be Mandalorian as everyone else has the freedom to be… whatever they are.”>

Zaia took a breath and paused for a moment to gather her thoughts.

<”With all due respect, Alor, remaining isolated is only a short-term solution. If you choose to work with us, you would have the support of my clan, of his clan, and many others. If anything were to happen, we would all be here to defend you.”> Zaia hoped she didn’t offend the Alor with that part, and she glanced at Hauron.


Hauron Solus

Forge Master

Character Profile
Jun 3, 2022
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There was a long pause after Zaia finished speaking that the Alor of clan Trenessar took to think of an answer. Hauron had listened closely and found himself gladdened to hear what was said but the seriousness of the situation kept him from smiling even underneath his helmet.

There were many Mandalorians that felt a sense of superiority to the rest of the galaxy and wanted to conquer it. He feared that with Trenessar there were some who were fanatical about the old ways and ancient gods of Mandalore. There were many things to worry about which made him anxious to hear the Alor's answer.

Seconds seem to span into minutes until finally she spoke. <"You speak well, Krodas. Your clan must be proud. After much consideration I will speak with the rest of the leaders of the Thundertusks on this matter. You have my support."> They rose from their throne and stamped the spear twice into the ground causing sparks to fly. The characteristic sound of beskar reverberation echoed through the hall.

<"Revel with us and stay the night. Tomorrow I will hopefully have more good news to share.">

Hauron felt a weight lift from his shoulders. The sickening dread of rejection was washed away and replaced with relief. He bowed his head respectfully towards the Alor. <"Thank you, Alor Trenessar."> He accepted their offer and could barely contain his happiness. Hauron wanted to clap Zaia on the shoulder but waited until they were outside of the hall before doing so. <"That was...intense. You did great.">

It would be a few minutes before a feast was prepared but soon the evening would come and merriment would begin. The Mandalorians that had escorted them were among some of the first to congratulate them on the new alliance. One Mandalorian in particular came up to Hauron and shook his forearm, pulling him for a hug. <"Glad to see you made it here in one piece vod. I still owe you for last time."> They looked towards Zaia and extended an arm as well. <"Bev'nir of clan Trenessar.">
The sounds of music began to ring through the halls of the fortress. Today was a victory if Hauron had anything to say about it and he was going to party like it.


Zaia Krodas

Rally Master

Character Profile
Dec 7, 2021
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For a few heartbeats that the Alor merely stared at them in silence, Zaia felt frozen in her spot, unsure what to do next. She was all out of words, and if it was a rejection… they would have come all this way for nothing. But Alor Trenessar’s response was better than anything she could have hoped for.

<“Thank you, Alor.”> Zaia echoed Hauron’s statement, trying not to let her relief show. When the beskar sounded through the hall, she felt the same hope she’d felt at the beginning of that moot so long ago. A hope that maybe, the Mando’ade had a better chance of coming together now.

It was only after the doors shut behind them and Hauron clapped her on the shoulder that Zaia realized she had been holding her breath that whole time. Now that they were outside, she felt like she could breathe properly again as she smiled at Hauron beneath her helmet.

<“Thanks. That went a lot better than I expected.”> Just then, as members of Clan Trenessar began to gather around and offer congratulations, one approached and pulled Hauron in for a hug. Zaia was just about to ask who they were when they introduced themselves as Bev’nir.

<“Zaia of Clan Krodas.”> She grasped their forearm and accepted their handshake. <“It’s a pleasure to meet you.”> But as they both pulled away, she remembered that there was still one more thing she had to ask Hauron before the party really got started.

<“Could I just have one minute?”> She looked apologetically at Bev’nir, then at Hauron.


Hauron Solus

Forge Master

Character Profile
Jun 3, 2022
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The Solus was glad to hear he was not alone in his concerns. Zaia had been more help than he could have hoped for. Hauron smiled at the congratulations from their fellows and beamed as Bev'nir made his appearance. <"Likewise brother."> He answered before Bev'nir introduced himself to Zaia. Hauron knew the fellow pilot's tendencies and Bev'nir would likely be trying to flirt with Zaia before the night was over.

Before any such thing could happen Zaia asked to have a word with Hauron. The Forge Master nodded. <"Of course."> he looked back towards Bev'nir. <"I'll get that drink later. We'll catch up."> The two would have time to step aside and have some privacy while the festivities began to kick off. Maybe Hauron would even warn Zaia of Bev'nir's antics while they had a moment alone.

<"What's up?"> His tone was far more casual than it had been before. The Mikkian felt like he could trust Zaia fully now after hearing the conviction in her words from earlier. Hauron was even debating whether asking her to join Rancor Squadron as an officer. There were not enough quality leaders among them and with how successful they had been meant there were more ships in need of captains. But for now he refrained from asking that. The badger figured it would maybe lessen the value of her outside perspective at a time like this with the Thundertusks. The last thing he wanted was to cheapen the victory they had achieved or sour the moment.


Zaia Krodas

Rally Master

Character Profile
Dec 7, 2021
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As she and Hauron made their way over to a more private spot, Zaia asked herself internally if she was certain with what she was about to ask him. She knew herself to be impulsive, and while sometimes it came in handy in the heat of battle, for decisions like these it was better to be cautious. But she felt so strongly about it now that she couldn’t see any other path forward.

So, once they were alone and her companion left it open for her to ask, she did. Taking off her helmet and holding it in one arm at her side, Zaia looked at Hauron.

<“I’ve been thinking, once this is over… I think I’d like to join Rancor Squad, if you’d have me.”> She smiled a little, unsure how Hauron would take it with how sudden her request was. <“After meeting you and hearing about what you’ve been doing for our people, it’s what I’d like to be doing too.”> She meant every word.

<“If you’re not looking for anyone either, that’s fine too,”> Zaia added after a short pause. <“I’d still be willing to help out either way.”> She would understand if he declined.


Hauron Solus

Forge Master

Character Profile
Jun 3, 2022
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Hauron's head leaned back slightly, expressing a bit of surprise at the suddenness of Zaia removing her helmet. He was not a follower of The Way of the Mandalore, but he was still surprised someone so new to him would remove their helmet so readily in front of him. His posture quickly returned to normal, barely hinting at his reaction.

The Forge Master tilted his head to the right. His eyebrows behind his visor raised in an expression of pleasant surprise. She was thinking along the same lines as his own mind. Hauron's chest filled with happiness as listened to Zaia state her interest which led to him reaching up and taking his own helmet off.

The Mikkian revealed his blue skinned appearance with a warm smile across his face. His head tendrils were tied together a manner akin to braids for a better fit inside his helmet. His eyes glinted with red irises that ironically looked similar to his adoptive father whom he shared no biological relation to.

<"Are you kidding? I would be happy to have you join Rancor Squadron."> his helmet rested under his left arm similar to Zaia. <"I was going to wait until after the festivities to ask if you would join."> He outstretched his right arm, akin to how they had first greeted one another back in Nunurra. <"Welcome to the Squad.">


Zaia Krodas

Rally Master

Character Profile
Dec 7, 2021
Reaction score

Waiting for Hauron’s response was more anxiety-inducing than waiting for Alor Trenessar’s just a few minutes ago. But she didn’t let it show, instead tilting her head to look at him as his head moved slightly back. Then, when he removed his helmet to reveal the smile underneath, Zaia couldn’t help smiling back. His answer was better than she could have hoped for. Not only was it a yes, he had actually planned on asking her himself. That meant more than she could express.

So she accepted his handshake with a firm grip, looking directly into his red eyes that so reminded her of Kotii as she spoke.

<“Thank you,”> she said, <“I appreciate it— it means a lot to me.”> Zaia was practically beaming, and now she was really in the mood for a party. Glancing back over to the area that they’d just come from, the music had started and she could hear talking and laughter. Everyone was high spirited, it seemed, and for good reason. She hadn’t felt this happy in a long time.

<“Looks like someone’s still waiting on us.”> Bev’nir looked as if he were on guard duty, with his back turned and his arms crossed as he leaned on a wall around the path where they had left. Zaia grinned at Hauron. <“Let’s head back and enjoy the party!”>


Hauron Solus

Forge Master

Character Profile
Jun 3, 2022
Reaction score
Hauron's smile widened into an ear to ear grin. It was always nice to bring happiness to others and was one of the reasons he took pride in his work. It also encouraged him to have a kind heart despite living a violent lifestyle. He knew there were many Mandalorians that shared Zaia's joy when it came to improving the galaxy and making a place for their people in it.

The badger turned his head at the mention of someone waiting. His smile dropped to a more neutral expression for only a moment as he looked over to see Bev'nir but then began to give another grin. <"Sounds good to me. I should warn you though, Bev'nir probably will ask you to dance or a drinking contest. He likes women that can do both and not necessarily in that order."> He turned back to look at Zaia, giving her a wink before redonning his helmet. Now that she had been cautioned he felt fine letting her out of his sight.

Bev'nir was not alone in his attraction towards Zaia. Even Hauron could see the beautiful woman for the respectable warrior she was. But now that she was his subordinate it felt out of the question to even try flirting with her. Not to mention the Mikkian had Jace as a lover. The man was quite fulfilled.

The pair of Rancor Squad Mandalorians joined the party after a short few moments. There was food aplenty being made that wafted through the halls and stoked their appetite. The live music was joyous and upbeat with drums, strings and even vocals echoing across the walls. Children ran and played with one another and many Mandalorians were not wearing their helmets. Hauron soon found himself removing his helm once again in order to eat, going so far as to undo the wrappings that kept his head-tendrils tied up so that they flowed freely on an ethereal current around him.

There were games of knife throwing along with other forms of gambling and interactive entertainment. Hauron struck up a conversation with a few Trenassar about participating in the local Roon Games. The party would continue with each hour that passed the more friendly the Trenassar became.

The following morning the Alor of the clan would have good news for them that the other members of the Thundertusks would welcome a cooperative relationship with Rancor Squadron and other Mandalorians. They each had their own issues to deal with but now with more coordination they would be able to deal with this issues together rather than as isolated groups. It was a good day to be a Mandalorian.

End Thread
