Ask Nar Shaddaa Regaining Flight

Trael Osso-Drast

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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Nar Shaddaa

Trael had finally landed on Nar Shaddaa. He was wear something to blend in with. Right now his credits were limited he had just gotten himself a vibroknife and some basic throwing daggers. He didn't have enough on him for a ship right now and didn't feel like wasting time.

He made his way towards the spaceport. He wanted to scout around for something with more firepower than his freighter had. He had heard from some of the dockhands while walking around about a group of bounty hunters on planet. Hmm. Maybe they have a gunship instead of a freighter. I should check it out. He continued his recon first wanting to see what else was here. Eventually he came upon the bounty hunters he had heard off. The ship in this hangar was a gunship of some kind. They were also using the next hangar but he found what he wanted here.

The group seemed large as members were coming from the hangar next door to this one. By his current calculations there was around twenty of them. He cracked his fingers as a smirk formed on his lips. There were enough bounty hunters here for him to let out his frustration from losing his ship. First though he needed to check on the patrol routes and an opening to start his assault. There was a noodle shop across the street that drew his attention. He sat down and ordered some noodles while watching his quarry.


Caerllion of Cyfnos

Sith Order
Sith Master

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May 15, 2022
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An inconspicuous ship landed in the spaceport of Nar Shaddaa. It was a simple frigate, which Caerllion had rented only for this trip. After so many years, the Champion still hadn't bought his own transportation. Since he had arrived on the planet some days before his partners for this mission, the Annfyn decided that he would give a look around for good options for a vessel.

In a matter of fact, the true reason for the Sith to have arrived early was because he wanted to scout the place in search of possible subjects for the experiment that he would need to make. With the clothes that he was wearing, Caerllion could easily move through the streets of the planet without being questioned, while he hunted for potential guinea pigs.

After he left the spaceport, Caerllion saw a noodle shop across the street. His stomach immediately complained, remembering that he didn’t eat something substantial since he left his homeworld. The Annfyn decided that before going after his prey, he would fill his stomach. After all, no one works well when hungry.

At the shop, the Annfyn already saw a bunch of possible victims for abduction. There was a couple of Twi’leks, three Trandoshans and a solitary human male. Perhaps he could use this stop for food to already mark a target. From the options at his hand, he obviously settled in the solitary man.

Caerllion sat next to the man, before turning to the attendant. “I want noodles with vegetables.” he wasn’t going to eat meat if he didn’t know that it was made under the conditions of the Annfyn culture. Then, he turned to look at the human. “So, what a guy like you is doing here, all alone?” he said, before summoning his brightest smile. His mind already making plans to lure the guy and knock him out.

@Javier esschoolbus

Trael Osso-Drast

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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Trael was focused on his target. There didn't seem to be a dedicated patrol route as they were constantly moving to and from the hangars. His mind was going through various ways to make his way through the group. He finally stopped his planning to began eating his noodles. They were good considering it was Nar Shaddaa cuisine.

A man sat next to him and ordered meatless noodles. Trael couldn't blame him, you never know what the meat is on this planet. He seemed to make conversation followed by a bright smile. "If your going to try and rob me I'm sorry to inform you someone already beat you to the punch. Hence why I'm here staring at the spaceport." Trael wasn't in the mood for friends or those pretending to be so. His last escaped still sour in his mouth. He took a couple bites of his noodles before turning to the man. "Also I'm never alone even if there is no one present."

As the conversation was going on something drew his attention away from the stranger. A handful of the men began leaving the hangar and heading into the city. There was less of them now. He turned to the other man, "If you'll excuse me business calls." He pulled up a bandana hiding the lower half of his face. If the man was paying attention he would notice his eyes turn to a fiery orange as he walked away and towards the hangar.


Caerllion of Cyfnos

Sith Order
Sith Master

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May 15, 2022
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Caerllion's smile didn’t falter when the other man basically accused the Annfyn of wanting to rob him. “Relax, I don’t want to rob you. I only saw a hot man all by himself and thought that maybe he could want some company for the night.” the Champion lowered his sunglasses and winked at the human. “Or only a friend.” his smile became a friendly one. It was true, he didn’t want to steal from the guy.

What he wanted was far worse, for the human at least.

The guy comment about him never being alone puzzled the Annfyn, it was exactly what he would say. After all, he had the Force with him. “Well, you can say that I’m also never alone.” Caerllion smiled once again, while picking the bowl of noodles that the attendant brought to him. After eating some of it, the Champion immediately became surprised with how good it tasted.

He was going to once again try to convince the man to trust him when he noticed the group of people leaving the hangar on the other side of the street. The sight of them made the guy react by covering his mouth. The Champion concluded that these were the ones that robbed the human.

The Annfyn was already prepared to argue for the other man to not leave, even thinking to use the Force to compel the human to follow him. However, the glimpse of yellow in the guy’s eyes made him stop. Shit, he was talking with Sith during all this time. Caerllion wanted to face palm for having lost time with the guy, while he could have been trying to find other guinea pigs.

Rather than letting the man go, Caerllion rose from his seat and placed a hand at the guy’s shoulder. “It seems that you aren’t alone after all.” the Annfyn lowered his sunglasses, allowing the other to see how his black eyes briefly became golden. “I wasn't lying when I said that a guy like you could use some company for the night." he winked with his golden eyes, before putting the sunglasses back. By now, his eyes had already returned to the black color. "Now tell me, do you want a hand with that business of yours?” he smiled, while putting his hands inside the pocket of his leather jacket, rising it only slightly for the other to see his lightsaber straped in his waist. "Unless you still believe that I'm a thief."

@Javier esschoolbus

Trael Osso-Drast

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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Trael couldn't help but chuckle at the mans words. "Last time I was friendly to a stranger I was drugged and had all my possessions stolen so I think for now I'll pass on both offers." He was simply contemplating his moves his impatience slowly building. The noodles were a pleasant surprise that he would remember next time he was on this world. The strangers response to his suggestive warning caught him slightly off guard. His eyes narrowed slightly, "I guess you aren't too dissimilar to me than." Was this stranger insinuating the same thing or simply trying to get his guard down?

As he got up from his seat to begin his assault he felt a hand on his shoulder. He quickly spun around to face the culprit.
"Well I'll be. Why are sith on Nar Shaddaa?" He seemed to size up the other trying to gauge him. "I guess some company wouldn't be too bad. What do you want in exchange for your assistance? We both know our kind don't offer aid freely." Although Trael has done so numerous times to non sith the statement rung true when it came to the order.

His gaze flicked to the saber on his waist. Shit, he had a disadvantage now compared to this other Sith. "I may no longer believe you to be a thief but that still doesn't quiet my reservations." He would begin walking towards the hangar his hand waiving the sith to follow. Once they were out of earshot of the noodle shop, "Since you want to be so helpful the task is simple. We clear out the two hangars that this company is using. I claim the ship and any cargo in that hangar. You get the same from the other. No need to go easy I plan on killing everyone in my half of the mission." His hands went into his jacket pockets as he waited for his accomplices response to the breakdown.


Caerllion of Cyfnos

Sith Order
Sith Master

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May 15, 2022
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Caerllion’s face became serious when the other asked about what he was doing in Nar Shaddaa. “It’s for a mission. Unfortunately, it’s a classified one. “ he whispered. The Annfyn wasn’t going to reveal all the details to the other man. Even if he was a Sith, they only met each other moments ago. He couldn’t trust him.

Like the other had said, they were strangers to each other. However, the Annfyn didn't mind if they changed this detail in the future.

The Annfyn smiled deviously when the other had asked what he wanted in exchange for his help. “I only want one thing, some company. I’m going to stay in Nar Shaddaa for a long time until I can start my mission properly. Having a friendly face during this time could be good, besides being an opportunity for making new allies in our…line of work.” he said, avoiding mentioning the word Sith while they were in public. He wasn’t bold like the blond man.

He took the reaction of his fellow Sith to the sight of his lightsaber as a confirmation that the other’s weapon also had been stolen. Caerllion was starting to wonder who was the mastermind that was capable of drugging a Dark Sider and stealing everything from him. It could only be someone very smart.

Relax, dude. If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it while you were eating the noodles. It would look like choking.” he said, when they were away from the shop. Caerllion could have used his magick to constrict the other’s throat while he ate, but he had no reason for doing it. “I’m more interested in the possibility of knowing you better.

I like it. Perhaps I’ll finally find a ship for me.” the Annfyn said, nodding in agreement to this plan. “Is the person that stole your things here?” he asked, before finally remembering something important. “Can you tell me your name? I’ll say mine if you do it.

@Javier esschoolbus

Trael Osso-Drast

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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Trael listened as the sith dismissed his question. It made him smirk slightly as it showed he kept his cards close to his chest. Still he couldn't help but wonder what the Sith could be wanting on Nar Shaddaa. He couldn't make out the logic behind a full push for influence with how interwoven the hutt presence is.

"Company, you say. Well I don't plan on staying long. I just have some errands to run then I'm leaving. I don't think our work is ally friendly more like acquaintance." He wasn't in the mood for anything overt right now. His encounter with ruby soured his desires for any form of socializing.

He couldn't help worry of betrayal considering their alignment. "I'm not worried over you killing me. It is more of a precaution. If you show yourself to not be a danger that maybe possible." Though he currently wanted to be alone and solo he still couldn't turn down useful contacts. His contacts in the order were miniscule to say the least.

His comment on his lack of ship confused Trael. "You don't have a ship. That's interesting to hear." They were getting close to the hangar when he asked a question that flared up his anger. "No, I have no clue where they are currently. I'm Trael." He was watching the patrols now seeming to focus in on the mission.

He made his way closer till there was only one guard outside. He dashed forward to the guard using the force. He quickly sliced his throat before he could scream. He simply propped up the body on the wall. He made a hand gesture trying to signal the other sith to go for his hangar. He slinked his way to the door of the hangar and peaked in.


Caerllion of Cyfnos

Sith Order
Sith Master

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May 15, 2022
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"I understand." Caerllion said, before nodding in agreement. He would also not be in the mood for socialization if he had all his things stolen. "However, maybe you’ll change your mind after I help you." he smiled at the other man. The Annfyn thought that a bit of action and revenge could be a good way for the blond to vent his frustrations.

"Then, I'll have the pleasure of showing that I'm not a danger." well, at least for now Caerllion wasn't a danger for the other. Even if the other was also being cordial with him, the Annfyn wasn’t going to lower his guard. If necessary, the Champion would attack the blond without thinking twice. They were Sith, after all. They could trust, but never doing it blindly and always expecting a betrayal at any moment.

The Champion feel that anger filled the man, who the Annfyn now knows that was called Trael, when he mentioned the person that stole his things. He wondered if the other would want revenge because of it. If it was the case, he could help him with that too. "I'm Caerllion, but you can call me Caer." he said, after all he promised to say his name.

He watched Trael take down one of the guards with mortal efficiency. The guy couldn’t even say a word. With the path clear, the other Sith gestured for the Champion to go the other hangar. Using the Force to enhance his movements, Caerllion rushed toward the door. Peaking inside it, the Annfyn saw four guards, some craters and a ship. The model wasn’t fancy as he would have wanted, but for undercover missions it would be good enough.

After cracking his knuckles, Caerllion opened his hands toward the two closest guards, a Rodiand and a Aqualish. An evil smile appeared on his lips when red sparks ran down his fingers. It was time for a bit of magick.

@Javier esschoolbus

Trael Osso-Drast

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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Trael simply nodded as the man voiced his understanding with his current demeanor. He slightly angled his head as the other spoke. "Perhaps, although I may need to cool down before I realize it." His mind was still bent on vengeance. Yet he wasn't keen on chasing down his thief right away. After his current escapade his plans were consolidation of his assets and to expand his power base.

Trael couldn't help but smirk at what he just heard. "Another of the order claiming to not be dangerous. Now that's a first." A sith claiming to be harmless to any degree was definitely rare. He had learned first hand the depth to another's words. Being saberless was a new experience for the sith as he had grown accustomed to having one. He would have to rely more on the force now more than ever.

His anger had mostly subsided. He was allowing his emotions to control him. It was a focal point of his training as an acolyte to control them rather than be controlled by them. The man's name peaked his interest. It was one he hadn't heard before.

As Caer made his way to the other hangar, Trael peaked into his. He saw five guards, one of which was entering the ship with what looked like a crate. There was two near the entrance talking to each other. He coiled the force around them. At first he simply was choking the life from them. He then started coiling it around their bodies, bones starting to fracture and break under the pressure. Until eventually they fell limp on the ground.


Caerllion of Cyfnos

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
May 15, 2022
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The first thing that the two guards felt was their bodies becoming completely immobilized, while a red aura surrounded them. They would try to scream, but they would be incapable of opening their mouths. Soon, their minds would be bombarded by commands that weren't their own. The two had become simple puppets at the hands of Caerllion and the fear that flowed from them was a delight. From his hiding place, the Annfyn would make them do whatever he wanted.

And he was a cruel puppet master.

With a big smile at his lips, Caerllion moved his hands. The guards were compelled to move like how he had gestured. There was some resistance, but unless they had a stronger will or were Force users, nothing that they did would be able to break the Champion’s spell over them.

Once they were in the right position, the Annfyn made them pick their weapons and point at the other two guards. They were a Nautolan and another Aqualish, both distracted looking at some crates. “Fire.” Caerllion whispered and immediately the blasters were fired, killing the other two without giving time for them to understand what had happened.

Without these two, Caerllion made his puppets turn their blaster at each other and ordered them to fire. He immediately ended his spell, allowing the bodies to fall to the floor. He left his hiding place, approaching the corpses that once were his puppets. A large smile of satisfaction appeared on his lips. When the rest of the band came, they would think that it was the result of other criminals, since there wasn’t any lightsaber mark.

Now was time for him to see his prize.

@Javier esschoolbus

Trael Osso-Drast

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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As Trael finished with his initial victims his gaze flicked towards the other two. One of his throwing knives glinted in the sun as it pierced the neck of one. The force enhanced throw causing him to twist and fall into a stack of crates. The commotion caused the second to turn towards the sith aiming his blaster.

The weapon was quickly pulled from his hands, before it reached Trael he launched it back at them. The blaster impact distracted the bounty hunter for the split second he needed. He dashed forward to the man sweeping his leg from under him. Using the force to enhance his strength he stomped down on the thugs head.

He collected his dagger and wiped it off on the clothing of the person he let borrow it. He made his way into the ship. Inside he found a weapon rack with assorted blasters and some grenades as well as a handful of crates. He continued making his way through the ship looking for the individual he saw walking in. He heard some noise followed by some cursing. "Can't believe we were paid with fucking spice. Do they not understand how hard it is to offload this stuff."

As he made his way towards the noise a blaster bolt suddenly wissed by. "You think I couldn't hear your giant self walking through the ship." Another blaster bolt went through the hallway. He dashed down it closing the distance quickly. "What the fu..." Was all she could muster before her blaster arm was broken. As she laid on the floor screaming Trael picked up her blaster leveling it at her head and finishing her off. He dragged the body off the ship unceremoniously just dumping it onto the ground.

He went and fully explored the ship it had various blaster ammo and some crates of spice. After that he made his way towards the other hangar. He entered quietly not sure what to expect but noticed that there was no guards. "Hey, you all good in here?"


Caerllion of Cyfnos

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
May 15, 2022
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Caerllion entered the ship without any concern. He felt no one else inside it, so there was no need for the Annfyn to be careful. Besides, the Champion could deal with other criminals that appeared, he would only need to use some more of his magick, which was preferable rather than using his lightsaber.

The Annfyn walked around, studying each part of the ship. It wasn’t new, but its condition was good enough to be used by him. He would only need to pay someone to clean the bedroom, it seemed that someone died here, which was possible. Perhaps the old owner was assassinated before the ship was taken.

He also approached one of many crates that were inside the ship. Opening it, the Annfyn saw that it was full of spice. Caerllion immediately remembered the time that he used it for the first time. That was a crazy day. Unfortunately, the one in front of him wasn’t refined for the use. He would sell this stuff.

Besides the crates full of spice, Caerllion also found a weapon rack. It was filled with some grenades and different types of blasters. The Annfyn picked one of the weapons and studied it. It had ammo and looked new, so the Champion concluded that they were also going to sell them. Smiling, he decided to guard these for his own use.

After he saw everything that his new ship had to offer, Caerllion returned to the hangar. Using his magick, the Annfyn moved the corpses to put them in a position that would look as if they had been ambushed. Trael would arrive right on time to see the Champion positioning a floating dead Aqualish next to some empty crates.

"Everything went fine. I didn’t even need to use my lightsaber. " he said, while gesturing to the dead guards. Then he pointed at the crates full of spice. "I have several of these things. I'll sell this stuff." then he walked closer to Trael, letting the Trandoshan go limp in a corner. "How was your fight in the other hangar? Had fun venting off your rage?"

@Javier esschoolbus

Trael Osso-Drast

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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Trael watched him move the corpse over near some crates. "Well that's good. If you used your saber the bounty hunters would be relentless." Caer then motioned to his own spice crates. "Do whatever you want with them. Use them, sell them, it makes no difference to me." He studied the man as he began walking towards him.

"It was as expected, mostly uneventful. I wouldn't say I got to vent fully, but it is a start I suppose." He had definitely wound down some. He appeared more relaxed, yet his eyes constantly scanning his surroundings portrayed his paranoia. He scanned the hangar quickly. "It looks like an ambush, or an argument, nice touch." It was almost as if the Sith was taking notes on how he worked.

After a bit of silence, "So need any help prepping for your mission here?" Though Trael didn't really owe the other Sith he still felt that he should return the favor of sorts. He began checking his equipment in case of a new adventure.


Caerllion of Cyfnos

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
May 15, 2022
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I’m aware. This is why I’m going to carry a blaster with me.” with the assortment of weapons that were inside the ship, the Annfyn could even choose which one he wanted to use. However, he would always prefer to use his magick. It was still his most lethal weapon and far more versatile than a blaster.

Thank you. I thought that it would make the scene more believable.” by leaving the corpses in the position that they were killed, Caerllion feared that it would attract undesired attention. After all, two of the guards basically killed each other. With the way that the Annfyn had moved them, they would look as if a rival group appeared and ambushed them.

Caerllion turned to look at Trael when the man asked if he needed help in preparing for his next mission. A smile appeared at the Annfyn’s lips, it seemed that the human was trusting him a bit more. Fighting against these guards really had helped him vent some of his frustration.

Well, perhaps you can really help me. While I can’t tell the details, my mission needs me to catch individuals of certain species.” Caerllion said, while using his magick to levitate the crates that were outside the ship, he would make them float and place them inside the cargo hold of the vessel. “If you stay with me some more, I’ll be able to scout for targets more easily. After all, no one will mind two friends walking through the streets, while a lonely guy lurking in the shadows could attract attention. Besides, you can end even having the opportunity of venting the rest of your frustration or having some fun.

@Javier esschoolbus

Trael Osso-Drast

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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Trael gave Caer a bemused look. "I personally prefer melee weapons. I feel it helps keep my saber skills sharp." He was never one to use blasters much. So his skills with them were quite lacking. He liked the fact that his preference of bladed weapons allowed him to be stealthy when needed. Plus force usage drained him more than he would like to admit.

"Luckily for me it just looks like they were ambushed by how I attacked. Although that is practically what happened." A shrug escaping him, if anything a ship hijacking was commonplace on Nar Shaddaa. All it would look like is that people had raided the hangar for the ship. Especially with the fact that all the spice and weapons were loaded onboard instead of left in the hangar.

After all once he changed the transponder in the ship and double check there wasn't a tracker he would be clear of any repercussions. First he would need to find a starship mechanic of some kind. He could probably remove a tracker himself pretty easily. Changing the transponder though was outside his area of expertise.

"Certain species you say?" He scratched his chin, thinking of the implications of the statement. "One of them wouldn't happen to be human would they?" His eyes narrowing on the man, it was obvious his question was two pronged. "I guess I can stay a bit. I think I'm good on the venting for now. Too much and I may not have a reason to be upset at the individual anymore. You lead the way this is your scouting trip after all." He put his hands into his pockets and waited for him to finish loading the ship.


Caerllion of Cyfnos

Sith Order
Sith Master

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May 15, 2022
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"Melee weapons are nice, I can use a sword." being part of the Annfyn nobility, it was basically mandatory for him to have fencing lessons. It helped his skills with the lightsaber, but he still preferred using his Force abilities. They could be far more versatile. "The blaster is only a safeguard for me to not carry the lightsaber all the time. It's dangerous these times." the Champion placed a crater inside the ship, before moving his left hand to hold his chin, reflecting another possibility. "Or a vibroblade, these are useful too."

"Indeed, it was an ambush. Even if not the type that they were expecting." Caerllion said, while turning his attention back to the craters. Once he finished here, the Annfyn would contact a slicer and a mechanic to remove any tracker that his new ship had. He wanted to be free of any trace that could tie him to the events that happened in this hangar.

Caerllion raised both his arms, making a playful surrender. "You got me!" he said, before turning make another crater levitate. "I approached you in the noodle shop as part of my mission, but I abandoned the idea after you said that you were a Sith." another box was inside, before turning to look at Trael. "I was relieved that it was the case. It would be shame to catch someone handsome like you." he winked at the other Champion, before turning back to move the last crater inside the ship.

"Excellent!" Caerllion smiled, before walking closer to Trael. "Ord Mantell is a large planet, two eyes would help." besides, his fellow Champion proved to be very good in dealing with these criminals. He certainly would be able to help. "I think that we could start visiting places where people usually gather in large numbers." he paused to think, reflecting about places where they could go.

"A night club would be ideal. Many people, most of them drunk. They can easily talk about their lives, giving us information about where they usually stay." the use of the Force to facilitate their talking would also help. "What do you think?"

@Javier esschoolbus

Trael Osso-Drast

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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He listened to Caer's explanation. "Well now that you have a ship you can always leave your saber there. Although that does increase the likelihood of it being stolen." He seemed to be thinking of other ways he could hide his saber. Trael never was one for being saberless even when necessary. "If I had to be saberless I'd prefer having a vibroblade." Looking down at his equipment realizing he currently didn't have a proper melee weapon.

Trael was watching the Sith load his ship before he playfully surrendered. "Abandoning a potential subject simply because they're a Sith. I guess it was for the best, the people of the galaxy are thanking you for your wise decision." He gave Caer a courtly bow. Though he remained alert he couldn't be a complete stiff, it simply wasn't who he was.

He listened as Caer ran him through his plan. A nightclub was a good first choice, yet the planet was home to casinos and places of less upstanding repute. "A nightclub would be smart to scout for easy prey. Although if you want more high class subjects a casino would be a better option. A more ill reputed type of establishment would be good for an easy way to cover your tracks. As most who go to those don't inform others of it or have anyone willing to look for them. Ultimately it's up to you as I have no knowledge on your other species besides humans." Though he knew he didn't give him a concise answer, he broke down the locations in a way to gain some understanding of the mission indirectly.


Caerllion of Cyfnos

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
May 15, 2022
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"This is why I prefer to maintain it with me." even if these were dangerous days for a Sith to carry a lightsaber, Caerllion believed that the weapon would be safer with his rather than stored inside a ship, which could be easily stolen while he wasn’t around. "If necessary, I would carry a vibroblade too. Then my saber would stay safe at my home. No one would steal it there." unless they wanted to be eaten by an Arkanian dragon, he added mentally.

Caerllion laughed with Trael's comment. "For sure. Besides, there are so few of us these days that our Dark Lady would be furious if we started to catch each other unnecessarily only to fulfill missions that could be accomplished by taking common individuals." he wasn’t sure how high his fellow Sith was in the hierarchy, so it was still possible that Darth Tempest could be very pissed if he was taken out.

The Annfyn briefly pondered about Trael's counsel, finding out that they had merit. "You are right. We should scout for people that no one would miss if they disappeared." it would avoid great problems for the Sith, since no one would search for those that they captured. "However, our targets need to be at least healthy." if the took a beggar from an alley, there was little chance for their survival to the experiment.

"Lead our way." he said, gesturing toward the exit. "I believe that you'll have more practice in knowing your path to these places than me." Caerllion was a noble after all, the seediest place that he went was a dirty cantina. Since Trael was helping him, the Annfyn decided to give some more details about the species that he needed. "By the way, besides a human, I need to watch for Twi’leks and Trandoshans."

@Javier esschoolbus

Trael Osso-Drast

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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Trael had discovered recently that carrying your lightsaber still didn't ensure it's safety. "A skilled pickpocket can still make away with it. Storing it when it's not necessary would be the best option in my mind." He was realizing he needed a form of home or base. He was lacking one himself currently, something he would need to remedy sometime soon.

He chuckled, "I'm sure there's some in the order she wouldn't mind using as experiments." He assumed from his recent adventures he was probably on that list. Though he would never openly admit it to his fellow Sith he was confident in his assumption.

He seemed to think on Caer's words. "Twi'leks are pretty common as multiple establishments use them as call girls. Trandoshans on the other hand would be more rare. Healthy subjects are easy in hutt space, you could simply buy them. Although I'd rather avoid that option for now." He began leading them out of the hangar while explaining.

As they stepped out he scanned the streets. "Unless you have a sleeping drug a nightclub could work. Two individuals hustling out another over a disagreement is not an uncommon sight. We should stop at one of those first." He would lead him down the city streets towards the night district.


Caerllion of Cyfnos

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
May 15, 2022
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You are right. However, I’m sure that anyone that tries to pickpocket me will regret bitterly.” Caerllion said, before smiling deviously at Trael. He had learned to pay more attention to signals of the Force, carefully avoiding being taken by surprise. While it wasn’t impossible for someone to still sneak around him, the Annfyn was sure that he would be able to notice it.

Unless they are some type of super stealth thief.

The Annfyn simply smiled at his fellow Champion when he commented about Tempest not minding if some of the members of the Order were used in experiments. Caerllion wondered if Trael was talking about himself or someone else. However, it was probably true. Turning the failures of their group in subjects for experiments would be something that a Dark Lord of the Sith would do.

I don’t have sleeping drugs, but I have other resources.” the Annfyn had his sorcery and telepathy, he could easily make their prey obey his commands. “Besides, I think I’ll only watch out for possible victims, follow them around to learn their routine and see places where the kidnappings can be made. Then I’ll pass this information on to the others that will arrive in the next few days and we can go after them.”Caerllion didn’t want to be the one doing everything on this mission, the others should help too.

But you are already helping me by showing these places.” Caerllion placed a hand at Trael’s shoulder. “Thank you for it.” he smiled, taking some time to appreciate the man’s handsome face. “So, since we are going to work together for now, maybe we could talk a bit.” he said, while they walked through the street. “How long have you been part of our group, if you don’t mind answering it, of course.

@Javier esschoolbus