Tradition Populist Party


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SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2012
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The Populist Party (PP) is a major political party within the Galactic Senate, with representation across the New Republic and the Free World Alliance. It is represented by a white geometric planetary map, intended to show the strength of individual worlds.


Broadly speaking, the Populists strive for a galaxy in which the sovereignty of individual worlds is put above the continued centralisation of the Senate. Whilst they support a central military, the Populists believe this should be answerable to a committee, not an executive, and should be made up primarily of levied troops from member planets. The Populists are opposed to the concept of a 'Supreme Chancellor', which they view as a 'gateway to tyranny.

Placing the interests of 'self-governance, freedom and liberty' above the interests of what they perceive as a corporate-controlled 'pay to play' system of galactic politics, the Populists tend to be viewed as idealists by their rivals. Most believe that power should be more evenly spread, and not just focused on the Core.

In the present day, the Populists are in favour of an alliance with Jedi Order, which they view as a much-needed safeguard, as well as a good moral compass, in the face of the Sith Empire.

The Populist Party is firmly against the Sith Empire and the Five Syndicates but believes that diplomacy should be pursued, and civilian casualties reduced wherever possible.


For much of its history, the Populist Party has been described as "Idealistic" and "Weak", with a lack of practical solutions to the problems faced by the Galaxy. This criticism continues to this day, with many members of the party being members of the "Intelligencia" of their respective worlds, and viewed as somewhat disconnected from the concerns of "Ordinary People".


To provide the opposition for the Centrist Party, as well as flavour for political characters.

I stole this template from @Mockingjay