Personal Notifications Guidelines

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Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
The Star Wars RP
Personal Notifications Guidelines

Leaving for the weekend, or maybe leaving the site in general for awhile? Maybe you’re returning from a vacation or a long break from the site? Regardless, this is the board you want to post in to let other members know about your comings and goings so they can keep up to date about your status on the site! Please feel free to post a thread letting us know that you are leaving the site for a certain amount of time, or that you are returning to the site from being away for whatever reason. As always, normal out of character rules apply in these threads.

If you are only going to be away for a day or two, or you have only been away for that same amount of time, please do not post a thread about it. It may sound cruel, but because of the amount of members we have many people do not notice when someone has been gone for that short a time period, even if the person who has been or is going to be away is an administrator! The only exception to this rule is if the user in question is, in fact, an administrator, in which case users should be made aware as to the online status of the administrator.

This board is also not to be used for new members. Introductory threads should be placed in the “Welcome New Members!” board, just as threads about members returning after long periods of time away from the site should not be placed in the welcome board.
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