Ask Padawan Adventure to Gravlex Med

Theia Durand

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
May 16, 2023
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Theia was not prepared to see her companions laying unconscious throughout the room and paused mid-step when she entered the room. He even took down Scales who was laying without his tail. Theia took in a deep breath hoping the others were on their way, it would be inauthentic of her to deny that she felt nervous, but one thing she did have was courage and a thing for hot guys.

And this guy was smokin'...

Gods Daaamn...

He asked how many of them there were and Theia gave him a cheeky grin, "How many of me do you see?" she waggled her eyebrows stepping further into the room, the grasp on her saber tightening. He looked like a child though waving his saber around, hearing the hum of the blade cut through the air, but not loud enough to drown the whispers from the shadows that followed him.

"I can give you a souvenir. It would be a shame though," Theia ignited her blade, "Open shirt, stunning eyes, I bet you're popular." The force flowed through the padawan, internally her senses told her nothing else mattered and this guy could very well end her where she stood if she wasn't vigilant. " are you single?" she asked throwing out her palm in a push to the dark-haired hottie.


The Storyteller

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Dec 24, 2017
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The man eyed the Padawan calmly, noting the ignited blade. When she spoke, it was difficult to read his expression. How old was this girl? His gaze flicked up and down to give her a once-over, “I’m single after your tits come in,” He said dryly, channeling the Force right as she launched her attack. He couldn’t have predicted what she would do, so he could only ground himself.

As a result, the man skidded clear back across the room, remembering to hop so he jumped over the unconscious padawans. He landed on the other side, using the Force to send chunks of Pango tail flying right at the girl.

“I like the flattery though, keep it coming,” He said with a smirk, advancing to close the distance between them with his blade drawn.


Theia Durand

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
May 16, 2023
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A small frown flickered when he mentioned the lack of breasts she had developed but her push landed, sending him backwards and unfortunately not tripping over the unconscious bodies of padawans. There was though a small rush as if she had just scored a goal with her push, but he retaliated with a throw of his own, instead of at herself, but with the severed tail of Scales'. Already advancing, the padawan was met with disgust and annoyance (because her boobs were just fine), and little time to respond. So she held up her blade, the saber slicing the tail in half.

The weight of it caused her to stumble back and over the tail parts that hit the ground. It took an extremely large amount of willpower to not vomit because she was certain there were pongo tail body juices on her and because she touched it. On top of it, this guy was still coming at her, and asking for more flattery?

She wasn't understanding how someone so hot could also be an enemy. "It must be hard to get a date when your tits are bigger than most then..." Theia scoffed, the girl was still very nimble and was quickly back on her feet, saber poised as came within striking distance. She swung her blade, a backhanded swing from his hip to his shoulder, testing the waters with the guy who was just playing with the blade like a toy only earlier.


The Storyteller

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Dec 24, 2017
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“Mm, it’s impolite to stare,” He replied breezily as she once again remarked about his chest. He was already moving to close the distance, expecting another swing with her saber after she had to deal with the tail. As the blow came from his hip to shoulder, he effectively cut his own saber in a diagonal arc to catch hers in a lock.

He leaned in close, “My eyes are up here,” The man said, his voice velvety smooth and a sultry smile on his lips. As he spoke, his left hand that had the lit cigarra in it came up close. Without warning, the ignited end of it was manipulated by the Force, hot embers flying directly into her eyes and face at close range while they were in their saberlock. It was the use of pyrokinesis drawing from a heated source in his hand already.


Theia Durand

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
May 16, 2023
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His saber met her own, locking them as Theia pressed, stepping in as he also leaned in, speaking smoothly as though he were a siren like herself. "And yet-" she stopped, his voice was enough of a distraction to keep her from immediately breaking the lock and enough for him to ignite something in palm and back into her face.

The padawan let out a yell as she quickly stumbled back, breaking the saber lock, but ensuring she stayed on his corner to force him to turn if he tired to strike at her. The embers singed her eyebrows and she could smell the stench of burning hair, her hair that took so much time to care for, now burnt and that was unacceptable. Her free palm ignited with the Force, a brilliant light flashed, it would disrupt anyone's vision who would have sight of the passive attack.

Her own eyes burned from the embers and watered as though she had leaned over the campfire for too long; she used the back of her sleeve to clear the tears, streaks marking down her cheeks as though she were crying. "So what's your secret to your looks? The total Thorne workout routine? Magic? A toad disguised as a prince?" Theia questioned despite being annoyed with how bad she was doing; her orneriness though still seemed unfazed by the beats so far. She went on the defense, saber poised at her side, the Light flowed through the redheaded padawan, ready to keep this up until Shaw and Zessel arrived, though was completely unaware of the other sith in the building.


The Storyteller

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Dec 24, 2017
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His attack was successful, but the girl surprised him. The abrupt light was blinding and he instinctively shifted back, his saber held up in front of him defensively. The light was searing and his eyes also watered. Fortunately, she had her own recovery which allowed him a moment to collect himself. She wouldn’t be able to pull that off again and catch him off guard.

“Not exactly the kind of flashing I like...” He muttered with distaste, preparing another attack. The man couldn’t help but find the singed brows and frazzled hair on the girl entertaining to behold. When she spoke, he had to admire her persistence.

With some distance, he lazily strutted in a half circle around her, almost as if to bait her into attacking first. Her questions drew out a grin, “I’ve met Tusken Raiders less thirsty than you,” He shot back, channeling the Force. However, before he attacked, his eyes narrowed as he looked at her.

“Why are you and your friends attempting to operationalize this place?” He asked, “Perhaps we can come to an arrangement that doesn’t lead to further bloodshed,” He said, his gaze flicking over to the unconscious and sliced-up padawans before glancing back at her singed face, “Consider the odds, Scarlet, you seem like a smart girl,” He said with that same easy grin on his lips.


Theia Durand

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
May 16, 2023
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He approached again, but made sure not to approach too closely, walking a path around her as though he were ready for another around. She wondered if he was really amused by her or if it were just for show, a play to disguise the annoyance he felt underneath. Then again, was that much different from herself? She had drew up this image of things that went against the Light and life itself were twisted monsters, creatures she would know instantly to avoid. However, how does one avoid the darkness when it seemed...normal? She even saw it on Korriban when she visited for the wedding festivities; these thoughts of course would be something she could ideally explore later since for now she had to make sure she was going to get out of here for later.

Her foot slid back in the slightest, anticipating for another attack when he asked her about their mission here. If the girl had eyebrows, it would certainly be quirked as she seemed cautious about his next proposal. "An arrangement? If it involves you packing your bags and leaving, perhaps." she said, her gaze quickly flickered to her companions, she was uncertain how long they could go without medical attention.

"Its just you left, more of us will be here any minute." she told him knowing Zes and Shaw were on their way, but seemed to be taking a while. Her mind continued to connect thoughts and her brow narrowed; she remembered from the report the Jedi Council had approved this mission because the danger was on the low side. No where it talked about the syndicate members being Force users, "Who are you?" she blurted out.


The Storyteller

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Dec 24, 2017
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The man smirked as he caught her nervously looking around herself as if expecting others to join. He didn’t switch off the saber but lowered it, making it clear he was done fighting for now. However, he wasn’t going to be caught off guard so was on watch for any sudden movements.

“It’s just me here, yes,” He confirmed, “Some of my buddies have gone to say hello to yours, so I wouldn’t wait on them,” The man grinned.

“I will leave as soon as our contract is up,” He stated flatly, “You know, the contract we have with an Anx clan that wants us to be here?” The Jedi always had one side of the story, never the full. He doubted she and her do-gooder friends had any clue what they were doing here. They always showed up at places posing as the hero without realizing that not everyone wanted to be saved or get dragged into messes.

“Take it up with the clan, have them pay me what I’m owed, and my boys and I will leave,” He said nonchalantly.

@GABA @throwitintothefire

Theia Durand

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
May 16, 2023
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When he mentioned there were others with him meeting Shaw and Zes, the padawan's grasp on her saber tightened. So they were probably not coming at any minute and would explain why they were taking so long to get here. She didn't like that, there were so many of them already hurt. Regardless, Theia listened to the dark hottie even though what he spoke about made her stomach twist uncomfortably, this whole thing sounded... complicated, but not complicated at the same time.

Another clan? But why?

Theia's arm dropped to her side, shoulders relaxing for a moment as her annoyance took a new turn. She reached into her senses, looking for any hint of deception, but this mission itself was starting to raise questions. Thank the gods she had some critical thinking skills, "We were given this mission to revive this place, clean house if needed... why would they be against that?" The redhead shook her head, suddenly feeling used, like the Anx didn't want to volunteer their own, negotiate, engage in clearly a conflict between the clans. So send the jedi because they wouldn't have to pay them for their services, and the others, clearly had more money and buy their own mercenaries. The cogs in her mind were turning and the dark-haired man would see it.

Theia extinguished her saber, "Okay, so how do I know you're telling the truth? Why take this contract? I'm sure there are others more worth your time and not in a place where the gravity feels like bricks on your chest." The teen asked, brow narrowed, still suspicious why take such a crappy job here.


The Storyteller

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Dec 24, 2017
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The man rolled his eyes and lit a new cigarra to smoke while the girl blabbed about her theories. He half pondered if simply killing her was the easier move, but then the boss would ask extra questions. The clan that hired him had some clear instructions, but they preferred intimidation over bloodshed. Already these Jedi proved to cause a big mess.

“Turning this place on positions the planet to be a player in wars,” He said, “The clan that hired me doesn’t want Gravlex Med to get tangled up in a Jedi and Sith mess. Getting war and defense ready means it has to become a shield for the Jedi and the first line of defense should attacks come. This clan wants to stay neutral,” The man explained, “They gave up trying diplomacy so they cut fancy checks to people like me who are hired to keep disruptive goody-two-shoes like you the fuck out of here,” He said with a wink.

At her last question, he gave a vague shrug, exhaling a cloud of smoke, “Training in high grav gets me these tits you can’t stop staring at much faster,” He said with a half grin. Did the job pay well? Yes. Did he also have his own superficial reasons for taking it? Also yes.

“So, what’s it gonna be? We keep fighting till I burn off more of your hair or we find your little friends and you pay out my contract?"


Theia Durand

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
May 16, 2023
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It felt conflicting to understand what he was explaining, she knew that sentiment toward force users, particularly Jedi like herself and the ongoing wars with the Sith. She grew up with hearing the displeasure of either side getting involved with worlds that just want to be left alone. Though for certain, she didn't want to be perceived as the jedi of the old, enforcers for other parties, she didn't feel no different than the man that stood across from her. She wasn't a tool or a pawn, and certainly not a goody-two-shoes.

"Hey! I will respect not having boobs, but I am not a goody-two-shoes." she reaffirmed, certainly believing she was not the model jedi student at any of the temples so far. He gave a response to taking the contract here and she scowled at him, but then shared a half grin herself, feeling stupidly giddy still about how good he looked.

"I'll pay you double to whatever they are paying you." she then stated firmly, deciding what to do going forward. He found credits to be important, so she would make sure they were worth it for him to let herself and the others get out of there.



Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Dec 3, 2023
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”Dude, I will always help you. We are friends!” Zessel smiled at Shaw, while patting on his back. He wasn’t going to leave his bro to face problems alone. This remained true even when the human called the other team again and none of them answered.

Zessel didn’t like the idea of splitting, but before he could protest Theia had already rushed through the right path, leaving the two teenagers to proceed through the left one. Sighing, the half-Arkanian walked away with Shaw. What happened next was the most frustrating experience that he ever had.

Somehow, the left path was a labyrinth. Every hall and door was exactly the same, with the two Padawans running in circles. Or at least Zessel had run in circles because he got lost from Shaw at some point. Alone, he tried to decipher how to find an exit from this cursed place, before he died from hunger.

When he opened another door, Zessel was expecting to find an exactly same hall, or a minotaur appeared, because by this point he thought that he had entered in this tale. What he found behind the door was a bit different.

On the floor was the other team, while Theia had a conversation with a guy dressed in black leather and giving bad boy vibes. She was talking about paying him more. “Uh, excuse me? Am I interrupting something?” Zessel said, while turning to look at the other Padawan and noticing that Bors Lacked his tail. “What happened with him?

@throwitintothefire @GABA @Sreeya

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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The man quirked a brow at her claim of being able to pay him double. Who did she think she was? The girl was some random teenager. He couldn’t deny she had a spoiled bitch vibe about her, but weren’t most Jedi dirt poor? Perhaps not since Ezra Thorne showed the galaxy that even filthy rich brats could be Jedi too.

“Oh?” He asked as he left his cigarra in his lips, finally switching off the saber and lower his other hand to his side, “You have my attention, Scarlett,” He said, tilting his head to smirk at her.

It was then that the doors hissed open and someone else (@LouJoVi ) barged in and started blabbering. The man knew it wasn’t one of his men, so that left nothing but an ambush as the cause. As the girl would likely turn to regard her comrade, the man moved quickly. His blaster was drawn and he fired a stun bolt right at her head while it would be turned to knock her out.

If the attempt worked, he would fire off another bolt in rapid succession toward the new intruder’s chest to drop him too. The boy had no weapons drawn and would likely be slower anyway thanks to being unaccustomed to the high gravity. The man, on the other hand, had been in this environment for a while. The Force was channeled to ground the man so the boy couldn't attempt any throw or pull tricks.

@GABA @throwitintothefire
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Theia Durand

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
May 16, 2023
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Oh shit...

It was working, he even turned off the lightsaber and let it hang to his side. She could feel her heart beat a little faster to the hope that if he agreed, they could all clear out without further issues. That was of course until she heard the doors behind her open and she whipped around, seeing the white-haired Zessel standing at the door. Her eyes narrowed when he stepped inside, asking idiotically what was going on in there. Which of course looked bad since...well... she could explain later. Theia glared at Zessel, watching her whole plan fizzle up.

"You useless fu-"

The teen had felt her senses fire a warning throughout her body, but before she could even finish her sentence, the stun bolt hit her.

Theia fell to the floor, unconscious with the rest of the padawans.

@Sreeya @LouJoVi @throwitintothefire

Shaw Amaris

Jedi Order
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Jan 22, 2024
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Wait. Theia was still mad at him? But she had said—but there wasn't time for Shaw to dwell on that now or turn and give Theia his usual blank, muddled expression. The padawan had already moved on, and then she was gone, cutting off on a path that led to the left. Shaw looked over at Zessel and shrugged, confused.

Now just the two of them, Zessel and Shaw would cut to the right. "Still man," Shaw replied when the other padawan said that he would always be there to help him out, "You're a real one for coming along. High key was kinda—" That was when Shaw turned and realized that he was talking to himself. "Zessel? Zessel?" Shaw looked around, hoping to catch sight of that striking white hair that always stood out, but bro had just vanished. Was Shaw being his usual oblivious self or was the gravity starting to get to him in unexpected ways? Shaw rubbed his eyes and blinked, hoping to see Zessel standing there giving him a what is wrong with you dude look, but the half arkanian really was gone.

Shaw would start down a hallway in search of his buddy. He wandered for a little while until he spotted a blur of white hair ducking around a corner. Shaw almost called out to Zessel, but he was already out of sight. Bolting after him, Shaw slid to a halt as soon as he rounded the corner and spotted the gravity generator. It wasn't the gravity generator that made him freeze in his tracks but the scene unfolding around it. Caul and Myla and Bors and Theia were all lying on the ground. Shaw's heart immediately sank, and he reached out through the force, desperate to find their presence. He did. They were still alive, hearts still beating. They were just unconscious. Not dead. He breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short lived.

It was just Zessel and some dude left standing. Some dude was too vague. Bro looked like he had walked straight off the cover of one of those romance novels Prani was obsessed with. Definitely a pirate romance novel. Something like The Passion Within the Pirate or The Cutlass and the Coreset or Three Sheets to the Wind and the Wicked Wench.

Lightsaber hilt now in hand, Shaw didn't rush forward, intentionally taking measured steps toward them. There was no way for him to sneak up on them, but he wasn't going to rush in headfirst just yet either. He had made that mistake one too many times. He was going to take his time and reach out one more time to ask the force to guide him, not feeling too confident that he wouldn't end up scattered on the ground like the rest of them. @LouJoVi @Sreeya @GABA


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Dec 3, 2023
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The words that came out of Theia's mouth made Zessel conclude that she didn’t want her conversation to be disrupted. He was still confused with the reason, unless she was having a secret date with a bad boy. The half-Arkanian thought that there were better places for that rather than an abandoned labyrinthic warehouse.

He also felt a strange feeling looking at Leatherboy's way of dressing. It was like the one that he felt when…

He couldn’t think about it anymore because Theia didn’t even finish her cursing because she was hit by a stun bolt from the man. Alarms blared on Zessel's mind when Mr. Leather Jacket pointed the weapon at him. The only thing that he could do was to dive out of the way of the stun bolt.

Now he had an idea about what had happened with the others.

The half-Arkanian grabbed his lightsaber and activated it. “Sorry, Mr. Hot in Leather. I didn’t want to disturb your conversation. I was only trying to find my friends.” Zessel put his lightsaber in a defensive position and slowly backed away from the man. If he brought down all the others, then the guy was good. And had a lightsaber too. His only chance was to distract him until Shaw arrived.

Maybe I could bake for you as an apology? I’m a famous baker, my face is even in a magazine. You can ask for any dessert that I make it for you.” he said, his eyes always focused on the man. He really doubted that the dude would know about his building fame as a baker and his victory in the Teens Baking All Stars, but he would do anything to distract Leatherboy.

Where was Shaw? Did the minotaur ate him?

@throwitintothefire @Sreeya @GABA

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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How many of these padawans were there? Each time he took one out, another barged in. He wasn’t a nice man, but this was flipping him towards his old ways. His stubble-lined jaw tightened as yet another guy walked into the room. This one appeared more cautious, drawing a weapon but actually assessing his surroundings. This one would require a bit more thought.

The man stared at the guy, aware of the white-haired teen’s movements, but keeping his focus briefly on the latest newcomer. He began to smirk and prepare some quip, but his gaze quickly fixed on something. There was an instant surge of rage.

“Shut the fuck up, Q-tip,” He growled to cut off the white-haired boy's sales pitch, unleashing an abrupt use of the Force in an attempt to throw him into the wall next to him. His eyes remained on the last boy, the man seeing red he was so mad. The boy would notice that the man’s gaze zeroed in on his wrist for some reason.

The man would coil the Force around Shaw’s neck in an attempt to pin him against the wall behind him and lift him into the air. The man was so enraged that his eyes had tints of gold in them, the first hints of pure anger since the padawans showed up.

“Are you fooling around with my sister, you little shit? He growled murderously, ready to break the Jedi in half. If Shaw wasn’t too busy hyperventilating, perhaps he would notice the man’s wrist carried a very familiar beaded bracelet. Except his was faded and many years old.

@throwitintothefire @LouJoVi


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Dec 3, 2023
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You aren’t my boss!” Zessel screamed, but immediately felt the Force colliding against his body. He was sent against the wall, with his head colliding against it. He slowly slumped toward the floor right on time to see Shaw arriving inside the room. Sadly, the half-Arkanian wasn’t going to help him anymore.

Before the darkness covered his vision, the half-Arkanian heard Leatherboy say that Shaw was fooling with his sister. It must be Prani, because she was his friend’s girlfriend. Two thoughts crossed his chaotic mind. The first was that Prani had a hot leather-clad brother and the second was that he was happy in not staying in the middle of a family affair.

@throwitintothefire @Sreeya

Shaw Amaris

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Jan 22, 2024
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Before Shaw could react or do anything more than take a few steps forward, Zessel had been flung into a wall and fell unconscious. Shaw gulped. Had he been in danger before? He was surely at death's door now. Once they were all down for the count there would be no one around to steady the man's hand and presumable murderous inclinations.

Distracted by the latest fallen padawan, Shaw would feel an all too familiar chill snake its way around his neck before his whole body was drug and slung against the wall. Duracrete scraped his back as he slid upwards, feet leaving the ground. Distracted again. Why was Shaw always getting distracted?

Here he was with the lives of his friends in his hands, and he was making all the same mistakes he always did. The padawan cursed himself. Silently because he couldn't actually curse himself because, you know, he was being actively choked. Shaw would attempt to telekinetically resist the grip of the force around his neck and buy himself some time. He knew that force choke was an ability that required a lot of concentration.

The last time he had been in this position he had hurled an inactive frag grenade at the Sith acolyte. It had been just distracting enough to break her concentration and give Shaw a chance to break free, but this guy? This guy was very focused. Like murderously focused. Shaw had a feeling he wouldn't fall for the same trick. So he double downed on resisting the man's invisible grip, one hand at his throat to focus the force and the other still wrapped tightly around his lightsaber but not completely useless, two fingers off the blade just as Master Valtiere had taught him to help.

Shaw must have had one of those faces that just pissed people off since this was the second time in the last few months that someone had tried to choke him out. That was when Shaw noticed where the man was looking. Maybe it wasn't his face but his wrist. Or to be more specific the colorful bracelets around his wrist, the ones that he never went anywhere without. His favorite accessories. Shaw was generally a pretty oblivious person, but there was nothing like death's door to make a guy focus in real quick. His gaze flicked between the man's wrist and his face and, for once, Shaw actually put two and two together.

"Feroz?" was all he could manage, eyes wide. @Sreeya

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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It was a name he hadn’t heard in a while. To hear it from the lips of this stranger made him wince. The choke loosened and the boy would land in a heap on the ground. The man sneered at him, the hints of gold still in his eyes. One bracelet was something, but this boy had two. He almost didn’t want to be correct, but the fact that the boy knew his name spoke volumes.

The man pointed his saber at the boy. He half hoped he would be as dumb as the Pango that threw his limbs into the saber. He was losing his patience with these Jedi and their meddling, and now one of them was potentially creeping on his sister. The only thing that stopped him from lashing out was the fact that he knew his name.

He tilted his head, scoffing, “Tell me why I shouldn’t slice you up into little chocolate ribbons like that oversized anteater back there.”
