Operation: Knightfall

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Jul 15, 2011
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New Sith Imperium
Operation: Knightfall


In the weeks following the fall of Coruscant and the scattering of the New Jedi Order, it was acknowledged by the Dark Lord and the upper echelon of Sith that historically a Jedi in hiding was far more likely to be a source of victory and inspiration for any resistance movements. Weeks spent in conference with the Dark Council and Ubiqtorate analysts led to the Dark Lord ordering the formation of a special task force. The Jedi Hunters were formed from the best Imperium Soldiers, Sith, and Bounty Hunters that were on the Imperial payroll, and their mission was dubbed Knightfall, a nod to Palpatine’s purge that brought the Jedi Order to its breaking point.

Operation Knightfall has three objectives as directed by the Dark Council.

  1. The Extermination of Jedi, wherever they may be found. This is the most combat-heavy and intelligence driven aspect of Operation Knightfall, as it is based around gathering intelligence from all around the galaxy to track down rumors of Jedi enclaves and gatherings, and then attack in force to dispose of them.
  2. The Capture of Force Sensitive Children is the second directive, designed to grow the number of Sith in the galaxy and preventing the Jedi from replenishing their numbers with new initiates. Capturing them early to put them through indoctrination programs is a key strategy for the growth of the Imperium.
  3. Discrediting the Jedi is a secret aspect of Operation Knightfall that is only opened to the most trusted Crusaders and Masters. Months were spent crafting synthetic crystals and raiding the Crystal Caves of Ilum for “traditional” Jedi colors of blue and green and yellow crystals. Sith are given these crystals and then sent into population centers in disguise to cause catastrophes that can be laid at the feet of the Jedi. This False Flag operation is designed to take advantage of the mistrust in the Jedi following the fall of Coruscant.

OOC Note: Operation Knightfall is open to Sith or Imperium Soldiers looking to gain prestige, and Independent Bounty Hunters looking to make money. Operation Knightfall counts towards your mission requirement for promotion and is done in conjunction with GABA and the Jedi Order as a collaborative role-play. It can be agreed no kill/capture between writers if they wish to have a sample of the dangerous new galaxy living under Sith control without the risk. Operation Knightfall will be moderated by Rom or GABA to ensure no hazing or unfair targeting.
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