Approved Oonta Goota Solo


SWRP Writer
Jan 3, 2017
Reaction score
What is going to happen in your plot?
Atuu, Darmus & Uvren will be working together to track down some persons of interest to both the Sector Rangers and the BHG. In an effort to rid a planet of some scum and villainy as well as gain Initiate [Rank 1] Status with the BHG for both Atuu & Uvren.

What other writers (and their characters) will be a part of this?
@Rimrald (@Atuu Skirata)
@Faded (@Uvren Sol)
@Ecclessey (@Darmus Onn)

Where are all the locations in which your plot will take place?
Rodia, Samana City

Please provide a basic in-character timeline of what you expect to happen. Include opposition type for each thread:
[*] The Boys Are Back In Town - Atuu has gotten his hands on a puck containing information on a planetary bounty for the capture of the two heads of a Rodian arms smuggling ring. Deciding to follow up on the lead due to his scarcity on credits he heads to the planets surface to meet with the Sector Rangers (Darmus & Uvren) who are rendezvousing with him in Samana City. Looking to pick up some info on the gangs where abouts they start canvassing for information. (Dice)

[*] Cantina Blues - The trio gain the knowledge that the heads of the arms dealing trio are present with some cronies celebrating a big deal at the Toopil Cantina in Samana City. Heading there to collect on the bounty warm or cold and dealing with their cronies. (SelfDM)

[*] Run Run Rangers - With the bounties handled the trio needs to get back to their ship(s) and deliver the quarrel to the planetary authority. The only issue is getting there, staying out of the public eye is their best bet. Who knows if the local authorities will take kindly to shootouts or who else on the street works for the same criminal element (Stealth/Dice)

[*] That'll Cost Ya - Having arrived to turn in the bounties the trio are quickly dressed down by the issuing party, citing the commotion they caused. He is only willing to pay them half the take and will need to be convinced otherwise if the trio plans to be able to even cover their costs. (Self DM)

What do you or your character hope to achieve with this plot? What is the "end-game?” Link any items you’re seeking if applicable.
One of the Sector Rangers & The Mandalorian look to gain initiate status with the BHG. As well as forming a relationship for potential further endeavors.

Do you need any involvement of canon NPCs or faction leaders to be DMed by a staff member? If so, please detail who/what and for what purpose.
Don't think so.
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SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Apr 18, 2015
Reaction score
For the record: I know the number of threads is a bit low for three BHG initiations, but I actually have no interest to join the BHG.

@Darmus Onn joins this plot for a small sum of credits to cover expenses made.


SWRP Writer
Jan 3, 2017
Reaction score
For the record: I know the number of threads is a bit low for three BHG initiations, but I actually have no interest to join the BHG.

@Darmus Onn joins this plot for a small sum of credits to cover expenses made.

I'll edit accordingly!


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
With three people (only 2 of which are actually trying to join the BHG) I'd ask for a 4th thread.

You don't have to but I would like to see a dice thread or two in there but I understand some people don't like using dice or possibly a third party DM as the head(s) of the smuggling ring.

Currently "Run Run Rangers" doesn't make much sense to me. They went there after a bounty and maybe get into a short shootout and sure, if they stick around they might get fined by authorities. I don't think low level targets would have the kind of influence to have a mob come and avenge them or chase after you guys aside from those directly working for a small time smuggling ring. I'd suggest tweaking this to something that makes more sense.

I'll edit accordingly!
Don't forget to edit the actual reward section


SWRP Writer
Jan 3, 2017
Reaction score
With three people (only 2 of which are actually trying to join the BHG) I'd ask for a 4th thread.

You don't have to but I would like to see a dice thread or two in there but I understand some people don't like using dice or possibly a third party DM as the head(s) of the smuggling ring.

Currently "Run Run Rangers" doesn't make much sense to me. They went there after a bounty and maybe get into a short shootout and sure, if they stick around they might get fined by authorities. I don't think low level targets would have the kind of influence to have a mob come and avenge them or chase after you guys aside from those directly working for a small time smuggling ring. I'd suggest tweaking this to something that makes more sense.

Edited the third thread to be a stealth type escape and added a fourth thread to be a negotiations style back and forth. Is that all well?


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
It looks good. Make sure you roll dice well.

You'll have to use Damus's ship to transport the targets... IF you get them. ;-)

Happy hunting