Five Syndicates Nor’baal Boonta Ka’atha


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SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2012
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Nor’baal Boonta Ka’atha was a male Hutt born on Corellia in the Blue District of the planetary capital of Coronet City. Operating as a Restaurateur, with a hobby of beast breeding and a love of the races, Nor’baal considered himself a cultured Hutt, one of few budding players of his species outside of Hutt Space. Born to Boonta and Vestubila, both in the ‘imports business’, he was to learn the ropes of the Hutt way of life at a young age, and fell into the family business at a young age. Opening his own restaurant, Nor’baals Flanth House soon after he became an adult, a business which he operates and can still be found in to this day, Nor'baal is an up and comer on the Correllian scene, operating mostly out if the Blue District of Coronet City, something of a hotbed for Hutt space immigration.

Basic Information

Name Nor’baal Boonta Ka’atha
Homeworld Corellia
Age 41
Height 211 centimeters
Gender Male
Faction Five Syndicates
Force Sensitive No

Personality & Traits

Nor’baal was a classical Hutt businessman, with a deep booming voice and an innate understanding of business. Something of a traditionalist, Nor’baal, who had grown up on Corellia, often pinned for the ‘home country’, Nar Shaddaa, and adopted a great many of his Hutt-core cousins behaviours when it came to his own life. Greedy and pragmatic, Nor’baal considered the ‘Art of the Deal’ to be his greatest skill, and was able to extract information, credits and other useful resources out of just about everyone.

Despite his leanings, Nor’baal understood the concept of honour amongst thieves, mostly due to the influence of the more humanocentric ways of approaching crime that he had been part of on Corellia. He had an affection for those who did good work,and despite his considerable girth, could be quick to anger and just as fast to act with violence, if his contacts, allies or rivals motivated him sufficiently to do so. Nor’baal spoke Huttese and Basic.

An aspiring collector and breeder of dangerous fighting animals, Nor’baal had a good knowledge of the flora and fauna of the Galaxy, especially the chompy and dangerous kind, with a personal love of the Corellian Hound, which he sought to one day make a trade of.


Nor'baal is a classy being, always found with the latest Shyrellian Toupé atop his head, and a fat cigarra in his mouth. He rarely carries weapons, such things tend to set a bad tone for business, yet is rarely seen without a pair of Corellian Hounds at his side.
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SWRP Writer
Dec 24, 2017
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Hey, Nor'baal. Just need some clarification on what animals he owns besides hounds so that I can make a decision on approval.

Tag me once completed.


SWRP Writer
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Can we fix the part quoted below? Once completed I can move him to the Approved forum.
A keen and somewhat avid collector and breeder of dangerous fighting animals, Nor’baal had a good knowledge of the flora and fauna of the Galaxy, especially the chompy and dangerous kind, with a personal love of the Corellian Hound, which were amongst his favorite ‘pets’.