Might of the Hutts (Invite)

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Strong as Ten Regular Men
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Dec 8, 2007
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Tusa sat at one seat of the finest round table that money could buy, in the largest room of one of the the grandest palaces on Nal Hutta- Tusa's headquarters. With elaborate carved pillars, exotic and beautiful furnishings, expansive open-air balconies, and million-credit plants, it was the board room of Kings- the first meeting of the reformed Hutt Council. Tusa had personally spared no expense in the meeting- admiring his designer's handiwork. It would be a momentous day, that much is certain.

Since it was such a crucial meeting, Tusa had all communications within the room disabled. No interruptions, and he was insistent on seeing all of the Hutt Council face-to-face; it was much harder to lie that way.

He had called the meeting for a heavy concern on his mind- the coming deal with the Bogan. Due to the extreme cost to the Hutt war effort, the Hutt Warlord felt it was necessary that all concerns be addressed before any papers were signed, and today was the day all of their minds would be put at ease. His assistant approached.

"What else is required, Lord Tusa?" The Hutt stroked his chin, eyeing the timid Rodian.

[The finest in wines we have to offer, please. I know how the others enjoy their liquor.] With so much as a nod, the Rodian scurried away to gather a quarter million in wines. On such an important day, it was essential he look good. Turning back to the table, Tusa waited for his fellow Hutts arrived as refreshments were arrayed before him. He grinned, and his assistant shuddered.
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[insert title here]
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2007
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Poknor's capital ship, the Luminous, was in orbit above Nal Hutta. On his personal yacht, the Grand Admiral touched down on the landing pad at Tusa's Palace. With an entourage of seven heavily-armoured soldiers, the Cathar strode boldly into the building, giving simple nods to the local guards.

As more of a military man then a politican, Pok was mostly just here to observe, and to help with security. To that end, he positioned five of his men outside the door of the grand board room, and then entered with the other two in tow.

"Greetings, Tusa,"
he said respectfully, bowing at the waist. He then went and leaned on the wall calmly, a few feet from the door. His guards stood on either side of him, and then they simply waited for the meeting to begin. His CAR-15 was in his hands, and his guards had blasters, but they were careful not to point them at Tusa or any of his guards, or servants for that matter. They had to appear dutiful, but not threatening, to all Hutt lords.

A Rodian offered Pok some wine, but he declined. This was business.


Some Guy
SWRP Writer
May 21, 2006
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While the action was clearing up on Iktotch, Shagmous was using one of his other ships, the Brutality to arrive on Nal Hutta. The meeting had to do with the mysterious Bogan that had just destroyed the Jedi temple. And reportedly, manipulated Mandalore into fighting a battle against some of the Jedi. Certainly, a potential help. But the council could still use an update and discussion about it.

Because of the nearness of finalizing the alliance, Shagmous had quite a few more bodyguards than usual since he was meeting with the Bogan in the near future. In addition, some cool new Hutt armor was back in the ship. While the Bogan probably wouldn't violate any diplomatic norms, it wouldn't be a half bad idea to bring it along.

Once his ship landed, Shagmous squirmed into the meeting place, his guards were there just like Poknor's guards and stood dutifully waiting for the meeting to begin. Shagmous soon got into place and awaited the discussion about the new alliance with the Bogan.

Count Sam

Ex High Immortal
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Jul 9, 2009
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Ogava was in a pretty bad mood after what happened on Tatooine, and sadly he had to leave the planet with all the actions on it to attend a meeting with the other council members. However surely that was going to be an interesting meeting as well, and of course not mentioning the fact that Ogava had a feeling that this meeting was going to end pretty fast and that he would be able to get back to Tatooine fast to deal with all the chaos that was happening.

The meeting was about this Bogan guy and his faction who were the darker side of the Jedi. Personally Ogava had no love for force users, but well after all this Bogan was going to be a useful ally in the battle against the forsaken republic, and those monks who called themselves peace keepers. Finally it seemed that Ogava's ship landed on the designated area. He then exited the ship along with some of his best soldiers that served him on Tatooine. After all being cautious was always necessary even if it was at your own turf.

Quickly Ogava headed to the council chamber and waited for this sudden meeting to begin.


The Gringhost
SWRP Writer
Jan 17, 2008
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Irvin Sanderson stood near the entrance of the meeting room, as the final security point. He made sure that all those entering came in according to the directions laid down by Tusa. Communication devices were taken and placed in sealed sotrage devices that were right outside. He had two guards watching over these, as Hutts could be extremely upset if anything went missing.

There were other Tusa guards as well, but they were placed at the entrance and at a security checkpoint several hallways from the meeting room. Everything had to be safe, monitored, and controlled. This meeting was of the upmost importance according to Tusa, involving the coming days of the War.


SWRP Writer
Feb 15, 2008
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An enormous vessel sprang forth from the heavens, exiting hyperspace and wasting no time in immediately descending down towards the planet. The vessel was a vast dreadnaught ship of which the empire had named 'Dark Charity'. This was not the Chairman's capital ship rather his personal vessel that he would utilize on both buisiness trips and voyages of pleasure and bounty. The ship possessed a dark almost charcoal black hull with thousands of grey clan designs littering the surface of the enormous vessel, it was a terrifying sight to behold and all light that bombarded the surface of the planet was seemingly blocked out in it's wake.

Giant landing clamps became visible jutting out from the vessel, they were seemingly the size of tall buildings as they reached the ground with an almighty thud almost causing a small earthquake to rupture through the ground. A very large ramp descended from the the ship's core and down marched countless guards and mercenaries of all dark shapes and sizes, all of them looking as menacing as the last. Then the chairman himself exited the vessel resting atop his horrifying looking mechanical throne which he utilized with efficency, quickly descending the ramp and heading toward the palace to meet his 'fellow bretheren'.

The sounds of a hundred iron clad footsteps echoed throughout the halls of the hutt palace as Malgarr's entourage entered the large heavily decorated centre. He entered the council chambers, flanked on either side by a number of ruthless looking guards, he let forth a bellow of maniacal laughter and then greeted his Grand Council of advisors.

''Gentleman, it's been awhile'', cackled the menacing chairman.


The Black Sheep of SWRP
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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Gorrbag's ship, as he called it, arrived and parked where all other ships were. It was not as big as the others, but was more for luxury with hidden weapons then an all out warship. When the boarding ramp opened, the first was Executor CDR-382, equiped with his Alsakan armor and helmet, as well as his pistol on his hip. His plasma thrower was on Gorrbag's sled, hidden under an asortment of food and other things the Hutt carried with his hover sled. They had with them their own battalion of some Trandoshan guards, and behind them was the enormous Gorrbag the Hutt, ex-Chairman of The Hutt Empire, riding on his wide hover sled. He had already finished thirds on the way over, even getting a nibble of the serving girl while at it. Tattooine was a mess, and he had his palace locked down tight, not letting anyone in or out.

"Come on, we better get going before they complain." Gorrbag complained.

"Of Course." CDR spoke.

The former Alsakan led his master and escort through the halls until they finally arrived before the others. CDR only gave them a salute followed by a kneeling bow before stating his name and rank.

"Executor CDR-382. Sorry for the delays."

Gorrbag laughed, passing by CDR as he patted him on his shoulder.

"Ah, my friends. It's been far too long. What has brought us all together?"
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Site Owner
May 3, 2010
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The Valkyrie loomed in the sky for a moment, slowly descending into a landing bay. The ship was large and luxurious, fitting for a Hutt with exquisite tastes. Jorv hated traveling, and he had been doing a lot of it recently. Tatooine was a complete mess and he was genuinely concerned for his forces there.

Jorv brought his remaining forces over to Nal Hutta with him, which were only three starfighters along with his ship. The door to his ship opened and he climbed onto his usual hovering disc to get his enormous slug self around. Accompanying him were a number of his best guards. With the battle looming around the corner, it was a good idea to always travel with them, especially since it always made a Hutt appear more impressive.

The Hutt allowed his men to walk before him and he floated slowly behind them. He hated being away from his own luxurious chamber with all the twi'lek women he wanted. Of course, Jorv also knew his friend Tusa would no doubt treat them with the best refreshments.

Jorv was glad that Tusa had called this meeting. It had been far too long since the council had last met. He finally entered the chamber and grinned widely, turning to Tusa.

"Hello, old friend. I'm afraid your palace might rival mine."

He guffawed before turning to Shagmous, his ally in Iktoch. He gave him a nod in greeting, no doubt glowing over the obvious victory over the doomed village. He also acknowledged Ogava and Gorbagg, his associates on Tatooine. At long last, he addressed Malgarr, their Chairman as he squeezed himself into his seat.

"Ah, good to see you, Malgarr. It's been a long time."
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Some Guy
SWRP Writer
May 21, 2006
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Shagmous admired the beautiful scenery of the Hutt Palace of Tusa. Definitely, a different flavor than the grand arena. For one, it was much more peaceful. The serene flowers and glistening chandeliers. The aesthetic cracks of the tilework. The elegant simplicity of the seating positions. It all looked so beautiful. Of course, the excitement was gone but discussion would provide all the excitement. The Dark Bogan was a man of mystery and an alluring ally. The mere talk of him could bring up more than the raw simple pleasures of watching animals and men senselessly ripping each other to shreds.

For the moment, Shagmous simply pumped along, still mobile as he wasn't too old. And then plopped himself into his "seat". The meeting would start soon.


Strong as Ten Regular Men
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Dec 8, 2007
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Tusa waited patiently, his meaty hands clasped together. One by one, his associates filed in.

First, the Grand Admiral arrived with a squad of his best troops as requested. Poknor was a good soldier, and Tusa had heard a great deal of the being. Tusa bowed his head ever so lightly in an incredibly rare act of respect. [Poknor.] He hoped the man's skills were up to par.

Next climbed in his ally at Iktoch- Shagmous, with even more guards. Tusa nodded a hello, servants clearing a space for the Hutt lord.

Third, the Lord of Tatooine, Ogava. Tusa was extremely wary of the Hutt he hadn't met, though he treated the stranger equally- his servants setting him a place at the table with great haste.

Malgarr himself was next to arrive, an impressive and terrifying entourage close behind. The Hutt knew style- that much was for sure, and although it wasn't Tusa's personal flair, he acknowledged it would work splendidly in holovids.

The ever-friendly Gorrbag arrived shortly after, his Trandoshans adding an extra layer of menace to the small army forming in Tusa's grand hall. He looked around, getting the feeling he wouldn't see his room in the same configuration ever again.

Finally, Jorv arrived, fashionably late, bringing his own entourage into the packed meeting room. Barely enough room to slither around, Tusa's mass of assistants brought each Hutt to their pre-set seat, with Malgarr at the grandest chair, and in a clockwise manner Ogava, Jorv, Tusa, Shagmous, and finally Gorbagg. The meeting could begin.

[It’s a pleasure to see you all- we have so much to discuss.] Not being one for theatrics, or for wasting time, the Warlord cut to the chase, unfolding his hands and pressing a single, inconspicuous button on his terminal. As nonthreatening as this would seem, this little button would do a number of things. First and foremost, it would send up shimmering, transparent arcs of blue around him, Shagmous, Jorv, and Gorrbag- short, but powerful personal shield generators implanted into their seats before the meeting had begun. Next, the almighty button would send a signal to his trusted enforcer, giving him the signal to move. Finally, an ominous click would be heard from under Malgarr’s mass- a tiny detonation causing a two meter by two meter plot of floor to give way and drop the Hutt Leader two stories below, into a pit… Tusa’s trio of prized vornskrs waiting in hungry anticipation around a pool of corrosive acid, armor glinting as brightly as their razor-sharp teeth. Letting loose a laugh mad enough to rival his predecessor, Tusa palmed under the table for his personal Rodian Blade Pistol, bringing it up and watching as the chaos unfolded.

Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
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ADMIN NOTE: Per the agreement of the parties involved in this thread, in anticipation of the upcoming Battle of Nar Shaddaa, this thread will be locked. HOWEVER, it will be unlocked once the battle is over, and this thread - and the coup attempt therein - will continue on from there. In case I forget, though, be sure to give me a reminder. :)


SWRP Writer
Feb 15, 2008
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The council chambers quickly became engulfed in flames, the flamethrower weilding soldiers appeared to administer their weapons with a number of malicious modifications. One of which Malgarr recognized as a very dangerous, highly explosive green flame that also caued a great deal more smoke then the average flame would. The council lay behind the dangerous combination of orange and green flames, the smoke bombarding their lungs at a rapid rate, poisoning anyone in the room who wasn't wearing a rebreather, it would also be very dangerous to those with shields if not taken care of quickly. It was a very clever infantry tactic that served as both a distraction, a defense and an offense against any particular target. While this display cut across the chambers, blaster fire riddled through the flames which made it all the more difficult to dodge and defend the attacks.

In a brief moment the council became visible and Malgarr took note of their tactics, where they were hiding and how quick they were to react. They appeared to have little military experience outside of the soldiers they had recruited, this pleased the chairman as he grinned a terrifyingly maniacal grin that cut through his horrifying visage. He dialed up his shield strength considerably which would reduse the amount of time he could use it but would deflect a considerable amount of damage. He had his troops encircle himself and the reject as they retreated from the council chambers. The foundations of the room were becoming unstable with all the flames, explosions and blaster fire that riddled through the walls.

Suddenly a stray grenade flung through the flames, heading straight towards it's intended target. Malgarr turned for a breif instant to see the grenade and immediately reacted, the centuries of skill on the battlefied of his homeworld allowed him to launch himself forward into the hall way catching the tail end of the explosive radius, while he escaped the flames that the detonation emitted, the force knocked him straight into a palace wall, weakening him for a moment. He turned to see the soldiers behind him had not been so lucky and neither had his new found accomplice either, he had been badly burned, but the shield and the soldiers around him had appeared to take the majority of the damage. While himself and Ogavva merely sustained heavy burns from the attack.

Malgarr looked down and cursed loudly in huttese, one of his mechanical legs appeared to have been damaged in the explosion. His throne still had a large amount of power within its systems so he took the oppurtunity to initiate a levitation protocol. His spider like, vicious legs retreated within his seat and thrusters quickly emitted from the bottom, his large hulking figure was supported easily by the technology, the same technology that allowed his own palace to float above the ground as well. As he did this quickly he came out of his reverie to find himself in the thick of a tight battle in the main palace corridor, ahead of him were the palace guards along with his own men engaged in a battle of epic proportions, the majority of it appeared to be a melee battle as soldiers beat eachother to death with their rifles.

He looked over to one of his soldiers holding a guided rocket launcher and with his cybernetic arm he pulled the weapon from the corpse and initiated its guidance system. He programmed two rockets and immediately launched them, one towards the guards in his way and the second one aiming at a wall ahead of him and to the left.

The explosions rocked the very foundations of the palace itself, the newly found enormous hole in the wall allowed the exit of many of his troops, but they continued to cover their master. Malgarr looked to the dead rocket trooper on the ground and found he had one more rocket left on his person, he picked it up using his now badly burned crisp hand and reloaded the launcher. He floated back towards Ogavva's flametroopers who were still covering their retreat, soldiers covered him firing away at their enemies, his sheilds were beginning to fail but he pressed onward. Ogavva cowered behind him at all times.

He ripped the guidance system from the launcher with his mechanical arm, flicked on the ignition system and fired the rocket. He aimed the launcher, using his military insintcs from long ago to aim at his own men and Ogavva's, the rocket first connected with the flame troopers in the center of the room, the explosion was beyond all measurements of heat and force, it leveled the entranceway to the council chambers and the roof appeared to collapse in on the council who were now being engulfed in a fiery, gruseome death. The screams of dieing soldiers clawing away at their own burning flesh echoed throughout the council chambers as Malgarr looked on, smiling ever so sweetly. After the moment of terror he quickly turned away, dropping the weapon of destruction as he did so and stepped towards Ogavva the Hutt, seemingly in awe of the events that had just taken place before him.

Malgarr produced a large bladed weapon from his throne and immediately impaled the Hutt, pinning him to the wall behind him without any hesitation whatsoever. All appeared to slow down for a moment, as the seemingly insane chairman did nothing but stare into his victim's eyes, twisting the bladly malciously as he did so.

''Your services...are no longer required...maggot'', hissed the heavily burned and scared Hutt, ever so pleasantly.

While the last member of the Hutt council held on for dear life at the end of his leaders blade, he appeared to look around at all the chaos that was taking place. Soldiers beat eachother violently with their rifles and bloody gauntlets, the council chambers was now reduced to fire, smoke and rubble and the formerly highly decorated palace walls were now scorched and riddled with holes.

''Know this maggot. You die knowing that I live on as I always have done. Do you know how many of our race have died by my hand? I do not, their last breaths have slowly blurred from memory with the countless other beings I have killed. All so that this empire will reign as the most profitable, glorious empire this galaxy has EVER KNOWN!!!''

He relinquished his hands from the blade, leaving the large blade and the now dead traitor to a traitor haning from the palace wall. His sheild finally failed and he began his journey through the hole he had caused straight through the palace wall that lead into another hallway, his soldiers followed him as they made their escape through the back of the palace. Along the way they recieved a scrambled communication from Dark Charity, Malgarr's personal vessel. They had detected large amounts of weapons fire and a great deal of heat eminating from within the palace, before they could investigate the other soldiers had attempted to sabotage the ships engines. The battle ragaed on across the planet itself as ships had begun firing on eachother, there appeared to be no Anti-Air gun placements on the surface of the planet.

Malgarr was heavily scarred, burned, tired and barely breathing but he managed to press onward and also managed to direct his soldiers throughout their retreat through the palace. Finally they met a battallion of troops outside a large window at the rear wing of the palace, they blasted through and jumped outside, meeting the other troops, before they could open fire, bombers flew by overhead, their wings wear decorated in the same clan symbols as the Dark Charity, they flew by, raining fire down on the troops below. They circled the palace and pressed forward again, Dark Charity came into view and they eventually reached the vessel.

Out of all the troops he had brought with him, twelve were alive and he was barely alive himself after the ordeal, he would most likely require even more mechanical replacements and heavy medical surgery, but before he could do anything, he approached the commander of the vessel after they boarded and brought up the rear ramp.

''Captain, a coup was just attempted by the newly appointed Grand Council, they murdered Ogavva in cold blood before my very eyes,I have the recording in my augmentations, fortunately your well-trained soldiers managed to cover my retreat after I killed a few of their men myself, mind you. Such insurrections as these will no longer be tolerated if we are defeat those Republic Basterds in the core, understood captain? Signal my palace, we have a great many things to discuss''.
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