

SWRP Writer
Mar 10, 2012
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The Mandalorian Stag

  • Thread Prefix: Fanon

  • Name: Mando'ara (Mandalorian Stag)

  • Biology: The Mando'ara or Mandalorian Stag as it is called in galactic basic is known for one thing, it's size. A male stag is known to grow to 2.75m (9ft) and 135kg (300lbs) with females 2.13m (7ft) and 124.74kg (275lbs) on average. Regardless of gender the Mando'ara are known as stags. The fur coloration of the stag varies upon what planetary environment they are born on, Manda'lor Mando'ara are known to have a deep brown coloration or a pure white color depending on if they are woodland or arctic stags. Meanwhile Kalevalan Mando'ara are known to have an ashen coloration. These variations in fur coloration are not considered to be subspecies but evolutionary adaptations. Male Mando'ara are known to have antlers with up to 16 points. These antlers are used for jousting with other males during Mando'ara mating season and are covered in a prized velvet before their mating season begins. These antlers tell how healthy a male Mando'ara is, the more points on a Stag's crown the healthier he is. However, after mating season ends these antler's are typically shed until a mating season begins once more. All Mando'ara quadrupedal, meaning they utilize all four of their legs for motion. Each Mando'ara is born with two eyes located on the front of the head, two pairs of ears which can be rotated to listen for danger, and a particularly potent snout which can pick up a variety of scents from up to half a mile away.

  • Breeding: Mando'ara breed sexually with one male and one female accomplishing intercourse. This occurs during the mating season which are known to happen in both the spring and the fall or roughly when these seasons occur. Gestation typically take four to five months before a female stag births 1-2 live fawns. These fawns, regardless of gender, will remain with the mother until they are two years of age. At this point they reach sexual maturity and the mother will run off a male Mando'ara in effort to protect it's younger siblings. Female Mando'ara will remain with thier mother for their entire lives and eventually form a massive coven of female Mando'ara.

  • Strengths: Mando'ara breed and raise their young in almost exclusively female family units called covens, this protects the young from predators such as the Alii'oya. This combined with twin breeding seasons means the Mando'ara have an exceptionally high birth rate. Finally, the Mando'ara are a highly adaptable species and are able to thrive in most environments given there is food and water for them to consume. Aside from this, the Mando'ara have an excellent sense of hearing and smell. This allows for the Mando'ara to hear or smell danger long before it actually becomes a threat should the predator not be stealthy or quick. Mando'ara are also known for their high running speeds when fleeing from or charging at perceived threats.

  • Weaknesses: Mando'ara aren't particularly known for their ferocity (outside of males in mating season) and are typically the targets of most predators. This combined with the fact that many Mandalorians hunt these animals for fresh meat makes them a rather heavily hunted species. On top of this, Mando'ara have particularly poor eyesight, especially at night. Despite high running speeds, Mando'ara have some difficulty accelerating to their top speeds due to their size and weight.

  • Diet: Omnivore, female Mando'ara are known for eating purely vegetation. Males have been seen killing and consuming young, defenseless Mando'ara as well as the scraps of meat from the remains of corpses.

  • Behavior/Temperament: Female Mando'ara are known to be skittish and easily spooked, often running from danger rather then facing it. While the same can be true about the males, it isn't uncommon to see a male Mando'ara turn and face down a threat once it processes what is happening. This trait among male Mando'ara is especially true during the mating season when extra testosterone floods the sexually mature males. During these seasons most Mandalorians will not stalk a Mando'ara coven alone in fear of stumbling across competing males and meeting a grisly end.

  • Communication: Mando'ara communicate through vocal calls, bodily language, and pheromones.

  • Culture: N/A

  • History: When the Mandalorian first settled on Manda'yaim they found covens of roaming Mando'ara across the planet already present. These original settlers hunted these creatures for a fresh supply of meat. When they began to conquer other worlds within the sector they took these beasts with them alongside other species such as the Alii'oya. This allowed the Mando'ara to populate and thrive on most planets within the Mandalorian sector.

  • Planet: Manda'lor. But the species as a whole can be found throughout the Mandalorian sector.

  • Technology: N/A

  • Intent: As stated in the Alii'oya repost, I am expanding upon the lore of the Mandalorian sector by adding new species to it. The Mando'ara is acting as the base of the food-chain for most planets within the systems and allowing for lush ecosystems to exist!
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SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
Looks good.

My only feedback is: How do you see this being used on the site to enrich the roleplay?


SWRP Writer
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Utilized as something to hunt in threads if people choose to. Adding more wildlife to the scene with defined strengths and weaknesses. And allowing for people to tame and utilize them as pets. On top of that, we don't really have many approved species that are extremely adaptable and serve as a bottom ring in the food chain something that strikes me as odd.


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
Sound logic. Approved.