Lutomi Renelo


cantankerous by rite
SWRP Writer
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score

Too funny, I literally created the names Lutomi and Xotomi. I remember googling them both and nothing turning up on the web. Now they are both stolen from me. LOL. I am the original Lutomi and Xotomi. No name stealer can take this away from me!


This Jedi's Lament:
'There's never enough knowledge,
Never enough acquired skill,
Never enough brandished weapons,
Never enough spilt blood
To appease the Will of the Force.'

Praying For Time






Name: Lutomi Renelo Gil
Faction: New Jedi Order
Specialty: Sentinel
Rank: Jedi Master
Mentor: Master Larik Novan
Planet of Birth: Mandalorian settlement
Species: Humanoid
Current Homeworld: Moon of Galtea
Current Vessel: Class-C Frigate
Age: 30's
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 115lbs
Eyes: Light Powder Blue
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Skin Tone: Olive
Marks: Tattoo: Arachnid, RIGHT hand, legs etched along fingers.

APPEARANCE: Lutomi dresses modestly in salwar kameez. Her hair is always free flowing.
STRENGTH: Lutomi is short and thin, but quick.
DEXTERITY: Agile Karateka. Technologically inclined.
INTELLIGENCE: Lutomi has been through the wringer and learned a lot from the views of other cultures. She was raised as a Sith Acolyte, accepted by the Jedi, abducted and introduced to the deep pride of the Mandalorians.
WISDOM: She will willingly let anyone know her past just to keep them walking in the Light.
CHARISMA: No longer distant as in the days of her youth, but outspoken and honest even when it hurts.


Lutomi will initially address a conflict with a passive aggressive approach. Apprenticed to the previous Watchmaster and Shadow Keeper, she has practiced extensively to develop her skills as the Master Illusionist, utilizing her strength in advanced abilities pertaining to Projective Telepathy, Mind Tricks and Illusions, Cloaking Abilities and Concealment, to name the typical assortment of skills she will employ in unison to initially create mass confusion among the enemy or those she intends to manipulate for the benefit of the greater good.

Utilized by an Illusion method or physical manifestation through refined Cloaking technique, Lutomi has caused her victims to succumb to Seizure, by forcing them to endure a visual of rapid bright flashing lights within the mind.

As a Master of sensory perception alteration, Lutomi has learned to utilized Force Cloaking to repeatedly shift and warp one's physical perception of their surroundings off kilter, which has caused them to lose their sense of equilibrium and fall over where they stand.

Over the years from numerous others, she learned to be adept to defend herself and others through Force Statis, Tutaminis, Kinetite, Absorb, Barrier and attack with Niman Jar’Kai and Electric Judgement, to name a few fine assortment of skills complimenting Advanced Telekinesis on the Battlefront.

One of the more strange occurrences Lutomi had experience in her past, was an episode involving Force Drain in order to increase her strength in the Force to enhance her output of a necessary Force Power.

Lutomi's signature mercy killing move, is a Force Push aimed directly into one's heart.

Piloting Small Craft:■■■■■■■■■■

Mastery - Niman Form VI - Jar'Kai


Larik Novan - Master, mentor and father figure. The man who initially brought Lutomi into the Jedi Order, and whom she had the opportunity to watch and learn from since. The only one who can get through to her when she isn’t quite seeing the world clearly.

Reland Gil - Closest friend. The first person to see Lutomi when she is not playing the part or living up to expectations. She highly respects him as someone with whom she can relate. Being with him, she realizes how much his association matters to her and thus has taken to teasing him rather than openly deal with the issue. Wether or not he has her head in a spin, she is happiest when he is around. Husband. Baby Larik's father.

Xanthus - Late sister’s Master. Lutomi watched as he redeemed himself away from service to the Sith Imperium. Esteemed brother. Although she finds his disposition dark, she knows it is at times a ruse to conceal his grant sense of humor. She would go out of her way for him if he ever needs help.

Lucien Fang - Teacher and a good friend. Lutomi knows she can trust him if she ever needs his assistance.

Sionann Ione - Good friend. Lutomi considers her a sister.

Clan Renelo - As a blood relative to the Late Mand'alor's wife, and adoptive Mother to their surviving children, Lutomi is an honorary Clan member.

Biological Family:
Xotomi Renelo - Twin sister. Deceased.

Mand’alor Sisk Renelo - Brother in-law. Deceased.

Parja, Heron & Nakshi Renelo - Adopted nieces and nephew. (NPC)

Knight Rane Vastra

Knight Kai Sera

Knight Khelsea Vong

Padawan Ryassto Nalon


APPEARANCE: Lutomi dresses modestly in salwar kameez. Her hair is always free flowing.
STRENGTH: Lutomi is short and thin, but quick.
DEXTERITY: Agile Karateka. Technologically inclined.
INTELLIGENCE: Lutomi has been through the wringer and learned a lot from the views of other cultures. She was raised as a Sith Acolyte, accepted by the Jedi, abducted and introduced to the deep pride of the Mandalorians.
WISDOM: She will willingly let anyone know her past just to keep them walking in the Light.
CHARISMA: No longer distant as in the days of her youth, but outspoken and honest even when it hurts.

1 NPC - Boarding Action an NPC

2 LUTOMI - Looking forward through the past

3 XOTOMI - To Fend Off Hell's Gates

4 XOTOMI - {Class} Force Concealment

5 A trip to Ossus

6 XOTOMI - A night on the town

7 XOTOMI - In love with an ideal

8 XOTOMI - The pirate’s life for me

9 XOTOMI - Breaking a rusty cage

10 XOTOMI - How darksiders make friends

11 XOTOMI - The First Steps [Ask]

12 XOTOMI -[OPEN] I Dare You to Look at Me Like That Again!

13 XOTOMI - Phantom or astral is my love?

14 XOTOMI - Angels we have heard on high

15 XOTOMI - In the Days of the Jedi, We Sang

16 XOTOMI - Black Sands [Closed] NULLIFIED

17 XOTOMI - Black Sands

18 XOTOMI - Memory Wipe

19 XOTOMI - Seasoning

20 LUTOMI - Before the storm

21 LUTOMI - Simulated aftermath

22 LUTOMI - Illusion

23 LUTOMI - A New Generation of Jedi

24 LUTOMI - Force absorb

25 LUTOMI - Outthinking and Out Maneuvering Opponents, A Combat Training Class

26 LUTOMI - Calculating the distance

27 LUTOMI - Surprising Discovery

28 XOTOMI - A Watch in the Darkness

29 XOTOMI -[Flashback] What? No Fireworks?!

30 XOTOMI -[Flashback] Walking the Fine Line

31 XOTOMI -(Renelo) Search and Rescue

32 XOTOMI -[Renelo Social] Booze, Blades and Mando’ade


34 XOTOMI - In the Blink of an Eye

35 LUTOMI - Derra IV, Bac City, Team Alpha

36 LUTOMI - Posers (Jedi)

37 XOTOMI - We Have Burned

38 XOTOMI - Idiot’s Array

39 XOTOMI - Go Long

40 XOTOMI - Who Rescues Who?

41 XOTOMI - The Last Roll Call For Xotomi Renelo

42 LUTOMI - Cram Session

43 LUTOMI - Elusive Reality

44 LUTOMI - A Redefining Moment

45 LUTOMI - Defense of Lamaredd: Farsands, Little Mon Cal

46 LUTOMI - Déjà Vu Anyone?éjà-vu-anyone.54275/

47 LUTOMI - Hitting The Simulators

48 LUTOMI - Quale

49 LUTOMI - Cram Session on Lamaredd

50 LUTOMI -[OPEN] Naboo, Not Known

51 LUTOMI - Stranded - Jedi Mission

52 LUTOMI - The Aftermath

53 LUTOMI - And the Force said: 'Let There Be Light.' Jedi

54 LUTOMI - The Tug

55 LUTOMI - A Jedi's Lament

56 LUTOMI - The Promise of Peacekeepers: Wrea Convocation

57 LUTOMI - A Grand Beginning

58 LUTOMI - Opening Up a Can of Whoops

59 LUTOMI - Introductions (UNCANNON)

60 LUTOMI - The Force is with us ALWAYS

61 LUTOMI - How to Bewitch the Mind and Ensnare the Senses

62 LUTOMI -[CLOSED] [Naboo] Lightsabers and the Force

63 LUTOMI - Polar Opposites in the Force

64 LUTOMI - Making Light in the Night

65 LUTOMI - Battle of Reckoning: Dawn of Rebellion (UNCANNON)

66 LUTOMI - A Jedi Icon in Peril

67 LUTOMI - The Exchange

68 LUTOMI -[Jedi Mission] The Wayward Knight

69 LUTOMI - Liberation from Seclusion

70 LUTOMI - Another Under Wing

71 LUTOMI - Almost Giving Up

72 LUTOMI - Battle of Zigoola

73 LUTOMI - [Jedi Only] Call to Action

74 LUTOMI - The Force Alive in Us

75 LUTOMI - Crossing Realms

76 LUTOMI - Admissions and Omissions

77 LUTOMI - New Home, New Day

78 LUTOMI - [Grays] Why the Separatists?

79 LUTOMI - [Jedi Mission] Rodia - Clan Mother

80 LUTOMI - Who Should Play Good Cop Again?

81 LUTOMI - Pulled in All Directions

82 LUTOMI - And the Word Was Ruin

83 LUTOMI - [Mando Confederacy] You Can Take the Girl Out of the Clan…

84 LUTOMI - From Nowhere to a Floating Space City

85 LUTOMI - Out of the Mouths of Babes

86 LUTOMI - A Cup of Tea is a Cup of Peace

87 LUTOMI - A New Kind of Peacekeeper [Open to all Jedi]

88 LUTOMI - Path of the Jedi

89 LUTOMI - Hard Choices

90 LUTOMI - Knock, Knock!

91 LUTOMI - Weddingzilla

92 NPC - BONUS THREAD -Batman lends his Cowl…

93 ZABIĆ - Meeting a Sith Master.

94 ZABIĆ - The Living Core

95 ZABIĆ - A New Season

96 ZABIĆ - Mind Games

97 ZABIĆ - Of Thunder and Lightning

98 ZABIĆ - Of Thunder and Lightning: Refrain (Flashback)

99 ZABIĆ - Key to Eden

100 ZABIĆ - The Art of Telekinesis

101 ZABIĆ - How Dry I Am

102 ZABIĆ - One Sith, Two Sith

103 ZABIĆ - What is that I cannot see? (BRIEFING)

104 ZABIĆ - Our’s to Do or Die So make it Count

105 ZABIĆ - When God is Gone

106 ZABIĆ - The Devil Takes Hold

107 ZABIĆ - Ice Cold Hands Taking Hold (Battle of Lacrima - Flashback)

108 ZABIĆ - Open the Door to Heaven or Hell

109 ZABIĆ - Who’ll Have Mercy On Your Soul

110 ZABIĆ - Implications

111 ZABIĆ - Pyromania 103

112 ZABIĆ - The Desert's Test

113 ZABIĆ - Hot in Drespdae

114 ZABIĆ - [IMPERIALS ONLY] A Celebration of Victory: The Imperial Ball

115 ZABIĆ - What you've learned. (Zabic)

116 ZABIĆ - Phantasmagoric

117 ZABIĆ - Cinnagaran Trials: Rescue Me

118 ZABIĆ - Limitations Are A Lie

119 ZABIĆ - Forging Honor

120 ZABIĆ - Composite of Darkness

121 ZABIĆ - Darkside Emotions

122 ZABIĆ - Field Trip into Dreshdae

123 ZABIĆ - The Interview

124 ZABIĆ - A Phenomenal Exchange
(An example of how we are having much fun yet)

125 ZABIĆ - Returning Home ( Closed )

126 ZABIĆ - In the Market Square

127 ZABIĆ - The Spear Which to Pierce Fate

128 ZABIĆ - [Sith Mission] Corrupted Matrix

129 ZABIĆ - The Mask

130 ZABIĆ - So This Is The Other Side Of The Galactic Core

131 ZABIĆ - Transcendence

132 ZABIĆ - The Final Steps

133 ZABIĆ - The Fields of Chandrila

134 ZABIĆ - Around The Dinnertable [Open to any Jedi]

135 ZABIĆ - Glimmers of Hope

136 ZABIĆ - Tutaminis


138 ZABIĆ - [multi-faction] W E D D I N G Z I L L A

04/03/13 - 12/27/15
doc pages = 2,231
post count = 1,825
total threads = 138




Padawan Ryassto Nalon


Intuition never takes a break.
Inventive, studious and insightful.
Her only real weakness is her sister. While Lutomi tries to show her sister how to prosper in a good way, she has to accept her different views and loves her regardless.

Reformed Sith. Evolving spirit. Always conscious about doing the right thing, as guided by the Jedi. Believes she has finally found stability and purpose in her life with those whom she can call her family.

The truth of their origins was most obscure to her for the longest time. What this child remembered isn't the truth as she would come to learn it during meditation as an adult. But this is what was believed.

Lutomi is an Identical Twin. The two sisters lived as one being until the tender age of 5 when they were selected as gifted and lead from their parents' home to begin their training with the Sith on Dromund Kaas. While each child no longer saw one another as often as they preferred, they did continue to communicate telepathically as twins tend to do, but all the more successfully while apart, through their learned utilization of the Force.

They grew in power with the help of one another. Lutomi excelled in the Philosophy of the Sith, regardless of its warped mentality which she felt was perfected. Lutomi always answered questions of her Lord with witful logic. In this manner she aided her sister through training. And her sister taught her how to let go of conscious decision and to move through a fight without thought. And it was her thoughts which did her in today.

At the age of 20 Lutomi was just fine in her training with her Lord, until the Jedi Larik Novan killed her Lord. That event stole Lutomi’s very honor from her. She fought back against this Jedi as hard as she could, but could not prevail against the calm temperament of the warrior who was able to anticipate her every move. Her epitome was the strange sensation she had when the Jedi who was fighting her, discovered what he termed, “the good in her.” He kept talking about this, throughout the entire length of her retaliation attack. It was true that she did have a happy memory still inside of her, and the Jedi opened it up to Lutomi until it burned throughout her being. It confused her and she lost her focus during the battle until she could no longer raise her Lightsaber against him. Everything about him challenged her ideals.

She was ruined, destroyed. It felt pathetic...weak. There she was on the floor crying. She hadn’t cried in nearly a decade. She always had her emotions well contained, and beat them down, turned them into hate as they should be. Lutomi could not stay where she was in the new state of mind which the Jedi had opened up to her. And thankfully, neither was it his intention to abandon her there to be slaughtered by the Sith. He lead her away with him, away from the life of the Sith, the only way of life she had understood. Naturally she fells quite attached to him above others, trusting him the most. For a Sith to learn trust, is against all manner of conditioning.

Her ways of manipulating the Force were different. She needed to learn to create the results the Jedi had Mastered. And her natural ways, she knew, would surely aggravate the Jedi. She lives out her days trying to not react on her trained instincts, and learning the differences between Light and Darkness, to not do what she is inherently able to do. She find it a constant inner struggle to remain detached from the ways of the Sith. But she vowed to Master Novan that when she is able to recognize any measure of internal doubt, no matter how minute, she will not raise a finger to alter the Force around her, regardless of imminent risk of death.

Early on during her Knighthood, while facing intense situations, Lutomi had little trouble if any determining what must be done. Incidentally she was typically able to see past the hardships in life and make the best decisions as the Force guided. But toss a deeply disturbing emotional aspect into the mix, and Lutomi may have become more baffled by its effect upon her and unable to react accordingly. She may have locked-up under the pressure of wanting to do what is right, confused between what Will comes from the Force, and that which may be her own desire. Thus she would perhaps miss out on her opportunity to react altogether. However, she is not one who does not learn from her limitations. If Lutomi was unable to withdrawal from a situation emotionally, she did hope to meditate on the desired outcome, rather than remain and stand in the way of fate. This however, hadn't always been the case. But she has never forgotten her promise to her Master, Larik Novan, to never raise the Force in anger. Her struggles have given her a solid understanding of her limitations, and just what it takes to get back on track.

In her later years, Lutomi found it easier to work around the oppressive state which the Sith imposed upon the Jedi Order and all the death they wrought in their wake, including that of her twin. She rediscovered hope, in witnessing the determination of the young.

Resilient attitude up until this moment in her life. As for the present, she is quite overwhelmed. But as when she was younger, luckily Lutomi is still very pensive in listening to the Will of the Force. Her faith in the Force is not shaken, however after great emotional strife she must endure often in silence. They worst development from her current life experience is her ability to meditate often eludes her. Her adult personality often reflects her current state of frustration, in her atypical outspokenness. In her mind, until she finds her center, her future as a successful Jedi is questionable. She is avoiding council, wanting to solve everything on her own. But the New Jedi Order is the only place she sees herself as belonging. She will join the Jedi in their stand with the Rebellion, to resolve the oppression of the Sith once and for all.

Lutomi had been mistook for her twin Xotomi, and taken to meet the one who sought her sister. To her surprise the man wanted to free her from her oaths. He showed Lutomi a different picture of her sister than she could have ever imagined, a smiling woman, who knew more happiness than even Lutomi had ever experienced herself. This brought Lutomi to realize that there is more go life than she had been living. It reminded her of her youth, when her family was whole, before she and her twin were ripped from their parents. The hardest part to accept however, is this individual was an enemy of the Jedi. But Lutomi knew that every second of life which one had left to play out, could very well hold the key to redemption. However, neither saw eye to eye, and neither thought themselves the one needing the redemption but the other.

It was difficult to look at Sisk, knowing what he stands for. He boasted openly with pride about his kills and his self righteousness knew no bounds, in Lutomi's eyes. However Xotomi seemed to honor him, and she married him, making Sisk, Lutomi's brother. And what Xotomi realized from the start, which Lutomi felt ashamed to accept, is that Sisk, in capturing Lutomi and bringing her to help locate Xotomi herself, saved her from perhaps losing her life in the Battle of Coruscant. It was a difficult time, the two years she staying with him on his ship, after the Jedi scattered throughout space and the Mandalorian vessel stayed away from a home bound civil war. She kept in constant Telepathic contact with the captured (or rescued) Jedi younglings. And Lutomi sought out to make Telepathic contact with her Master to be reunited with the Jedi once again.

When she believed she had found him after having repetitive visions of the same stars, Xotomi helped Lutomi and the willing Padawans embark for their new life. Xotomi was key to assuring the success of their transport, as there were things about space flight through Sith dominated space which Lutomi never had the chance to learn, having been removed from them early on in her life. The group spend two weeks searching before they were successful.

Having been separated again from her sister whom she searched for for years, Lutomi and Xotomi reconnected Telepathically. Lutomi helps her sister evolve away from her sinister inclination and make better choices.

Having been reunited with the Jedi and her former Master while they were in hiding from the Sith, Lutomi has no doubt about her purpose. The Order finally coming back into formation is a dream come true. The Galaxy is crying out for the Light, and Lutomi recognizes her place in it.

JEDI KNIGHT 3rd Chapter:
In Meditation it was revealed to Lutomi that her origins are in fact not Imperial, but Mandalorian. Her father was simply referred to as called, Courage, by all, and her mother addressed in kind as, A Good Thing, by her father. Her father was built very strong, suffered a near fatal strike to the head while protecting the community. He was revered with much kindness by all, and Lutomi remembers helping him with simple tasks which required dexterity. Her mother was frail but healthy, much like Lutomi herself.

A Sith had touched down in the outskirts of their settlement and discovered the twins. They were just about five years of age, very unruly and wildly experimenting with their natural talents in the Force. The Sith lured the girls to him and taught them skills in the Force to test their abilities. He encouraged them to keep his presence a secret from the rest of the Clan. And then the Sith brought in reinforcements, who burned down the town, stealing away the girls from their devoted mother’s death grip. The story is logged in the Archives of Mandalorian History.

After they were taken, Lutomi and Xotomi created a joint memory to kill the pain of the truth. They told themselves that their parents gave them up for training, had other children and also forgotten all about them. Discovering the truth of having been raised in a loving extended family, which is all either of them every truly wished for in life, was absolutely life altering for both of the twins.

In fact, with the knowledge about their past, came a sound sense of true belonging.

As Xotomi went down the path of creating a family, Lutomi lived vicariously through her sister’s experiences, as both were connected on a Projective Telepathic level. Lutomi was constantly assisting Xotomi through her personal evolution. She learned a lot about life which she never got the chance to create for herself. Focussing on the Jedi Path, she hadn't taken time to develop personal relationships. Her true feelings unspoken and unrealized, she always found it easier to simply hail that the galaxy had a different purpose for her. In their near constant exchange, Lutomi can honestly claim that she has grown to love her extended family. But this Jedi often restrains from such personal experience. She has no intent to allow anything interfere with her better judgement in the Force. And sadly, she has had her share of experiences that interfered with her concentration on the Force; each event somehow involved her sister.

JEDI KNIGHT 4th Chapter:
Lutomi set out on her way to visit her sister’s family and meet Xotomi and Sisk’s children for the first time. She was sidetracked by a call in the Force. Following her instincts, she did indeed serve the Will of the Force. She saved a child from slavery, and then from becoming victim to the Darkside of the Force, as puppeteered by a Sith Master. Not only just any Sith Master, but the very one who taught her sister before she escaped the Sith. It was very odd that the Force cried out that this Sith should not be confronted with force. Xotomi, herself, had believed him reformable. Lutomi obeyed the Will of the Force, seeking the most effective outcome with as little confrontation as possible.

She just intended to assure that the Sith would leave the citizens at peace. It was during that confrontation with the Sith Master that Xotomi cried out to her in great fear before suddenly going silent. A sense of loyalty to his Apprentice, this Sith Master more than allowed Lutomi to escape him, he flat out told her to actually go and help Xotomi; and then he left the people without causing further strife! Indeed Lutomi was in tune with the Force as ever! What great suffering had transpired that caused Lutomi an intense emotional overload was that the Sith Imperium began to Fire Bomb the Mandalorian System. Had Lutomi not confronted the Sith Master and actually made her trip to Mandallia in time, everyone would have been back on the planet, and have been killed in the attack.

After Xotomi went silent, Lutomi became extremely worried. She struggled to keep of sound mind in the Force, finding it difficult to perform her duties, and even interact with people. It would be weeks before she learned that her sister survived. This knowledge eased her fears a great deal. But it was that not long after their attachment had broken, that her sister fell further to the Darkside of the Force. Lutomi tried to reach out with Light, but her sister was non-receptive. It felt like losing half of herself. She handled change so well before, but this was personal.

Not being able to move the galaxy to help felt crippling. This event was the hardest internal conflict she ever endured, so she believed, until her sister went out on a tangent, thinking she was going to find her husband who was already presumed KIA. This explained more to Lutomi about Xotomi’s state of mind, than she understood prior. Had Xotomi only been able to reach out and let Lutomi know where she was stationed, Lutomi could have helped her through it! Instead, Xotomi made a rash decision which ultimately lead to her death. This…this is the hardest internal conflict Lutomi is ever forced to endure.

Lutomi’s twin died, and Lutomi was left in a sorry state to try and learn to cope alone. She knew she had to take her concerns to the Council, just to be honest with them to admit that she is not stable like before. Instead she removed herself from the Order, until the time she can make her peace with the event. Afterwards she plans to return to the Order, and become active in the Rebellion. Many more weeks had passed before she finally learned where the Mandalorian Clan had relocated.

"I've spent a lot of my life battling the darkness. Mostly I have discovered this darkness to exist within myself. I struggle every day to honor the Will of the Force. It's easiest when something doesn't directly effect nor pertain to me. To be honest, had I been present when Xotomi was killed, I cannot confirm I would have possessed the self control to listen to this Force."

This feeling is however quite prevalent among an oppressed people. But freedom is truly found to be grounded in the Lightside of the Force.

Lutomi's Force Signature can be felt as prominent, but she has complete control to dissipate her presence in the Force. She is often found to be intrusive, as she is naturally inclined to reach out in order to spread the love, and lighten any room, or stressful situation to her benefit.

-NJO Gunship La Pharaon lead by Captain Sahure. Original Knighthood assignment, diplomacy and liberation operations. Two Star Fighter Squadrons.
-NJO Class-C Frigate Zephira lead by the same experienced Crew, so devoted to the Jedi Master after all the missions they ran together, that they entire crew put in to be reassigned to her new vessel. Two Star Fighter Squadrons. First Master reassignment, medical emergencies.

Two-Bits Astromech Droid - Commendations: saved Lutomi and her comrades during the Battle of Reckoning & the Battle of Zigoola.

Lightsaber Acquired from Master Xanthus
Modified Sith Lightsaber
Slug Thrower
Concealed pouch of herbal medicines

JEDI KNIGHT 5th Chapter:
After much needed time alone for reflection, Lutomi hadn't realized the changes as they came over her, but she has finally evolved into a solid ethical adult, and very much trusting in the Force. She learned to let go of her own insecurities and anticipation, and accept that everything which occurs be it good or bad has its purpose in the Universe. The responsibility of rearing her Late sister's three orphaned children, Parja, Heron and Nakshi has greatly effected her in a most profound fashion. There is one thing to note of them from their coming to live with Lutomi, Nakshi was so heartbroken by her Mother's loss that she stopped all talk of her belief in her Father's survival, as she grew fearful of losing Lutomi as well. The children filled a void in her heart and in her life. And Lutomi accepted Padawan Rane Vastra as her first Apprentice, without hesitation. Trusting in the Force, she learned, that it alone is actually enough, and this conviction gives her the strength and confidence to move forward in all things.

With the NJO working with the Rebellion, Lutomi was lead to meet Xanthus, Master in the Force, for the first time since his path upon his redemption. Knowing that particular path personally, and how difficult it is to learn to truly trust, she accepted him without question as Xotomi had regarded him, a Brother. She could not resist temptation to immediately test his personality, by displaying behavior a little less than cordial. She was surprised how far he had come since that day long ago, when he wanted to destroy a village and she was forced to dissuade him. She found him intriguing, and planned to follow his progress, offering her guidance and support wherever he needed. His plight reminded her, that had she not been redeemed all those years ago, she too would be standing in his shoes. She thought how some, simply started out as hardwired to find themselves on the path of redemption. She hopes to get to know him further, and not think of it as being for the sake of her Late sister.

Lutomi allowed Xanthus to keep Xotomi's Lightsaber, as well as did she hold onto his. In fact, while he offered Xotomi's to her, he hadn't even asked her for his to be returned. She has this belief that Lightsabers always migrate back to their masters. She wanted to assure, that no matter where his path leads him, she shall meet up with Xotomi's old Master once again.


- Serious about Meditation for personal growth.
- Always seeking to understand self and others on a Psychological level.
- Trusts in the Force.
- Highly intuitive.
- Inquisitive.
- Faces issues head on.
- Feels responsible for any of her student's shortcomings.
- Emotionally easy to read.
- A little under socialized with her age group.
- Doesn't drink often, and never remembers what happens those nights.
- Fearful of deep emotional attachments.
- Shy under certain circumstances.
- Never sleeps, moreso passes out from exhaustion when convenient.

- Jedi above all else.
- Protective.
- Lighthearted.
- Water off the back personality.
- Truthful.
- Open hearted.
- Does not hold a grudge.
- Can't keep her down.
- Confident.
- Knows when to speak up to guide another.
- Knows when to keep quiet and allow one to draw their own conclusions.
- Loyal to her word.
- Aims to help.
- Accepts every opportunity to discuss Dogma.
- Challenging. Will push your buttons to help you learn to adapt.
- Confrontational towards anyone whom she feels to be off track.
- Hides a grand sense of humor.
- Very much a girly girl.
- Feels quite accomplished through teaching the youth.
- Believes the Force leads people to one another.
- Believes everyone has something to teach.
- Believes everyone has something to learn.

JEDI MASTER 6th Chapter:
Lutomi was thrust into a period of reflection, which she could not escape as it was orchestrated by none other than Watchmaster of the Order, Orlaan Ghess. She learned way more about herself than she was prepared to discover. For one thing, burying her feelings and circumventing around them as she moves through the Force is possibly a risky practice. He intended for her to face her inner demons long set dormant, in order to build her up stronger.

Her Apprentice's deadly skirmish with a Sith caused Lutomi to begin teaching more. She was the creator of the Cram Session Class, which her students took to emulating. To her delight Rane was Knighted. Lutomi immediately took her second Apprentice Padawan Kai Sera, a very brave young man, swift and adept learner. Lutomi sought the recognition of an Honorary Title of Preceptor or Conciliator to become more involved with teaching and Promotions of Jedi, and was faced with rejection. She withdrew from offering any more of her in demand and time consuming Cram Sessions of basic Force Powers, and delved instead into specialized training, and devoted her time solely to the Jedi of Lamaredd.

Lutomi has discovered a buried Jedi Temple upon Galtea's Moon. It was a fascinating revelation, very alive with the Living Force. Immediately upon entering she was separated from her Padawans and everyone was put to the test regarding their Faith in the Force. An ancient tablet carved into the wall illuminated and was burned into her memory. Intent to understand it, she sees the writing in her dreams and during times of duress. After the Trial, the Jedi Temple was to be explored thoroughly by the group. Galtea's Moon is otherwise a volatile planet, perhaps for reason to conceal this Temple. She quickly realized its value and intends to establish a jedi refuge there. For the time being, it is her personal retreat.

A few most notable of events took place not long after she was appointed to Master. The Rebels located Sisk! Lutomi joined up with the Rebel team and fought with them to free her brother. During this same event, the Rebels captured the Dark Lord of the Sith who had destroyed the Mandalorian world's and captured Sisk in the first place. It was a good day and a bad day which stirred so many memories, creating more equally painful as when she lost her sister. Lutomi immediately learned from the Knight Sionann Ione upon her return to Lamaredd, that Larik Novan her old Master was also captured during a charitable mission of his own. Lamaredd, she worried, may become a target for the Sith. Lutomi immediately decided it best to exchange Sisk's children whom she loves dearly into his care, on the moon of Galtea, her secret meeting place. Life is changing again; but she cannot feel the loneliness left behind in the wake of the children leaving to reside with their father, because she intends to make a few changes upon Lamaredd to help assure the safety of the Jedi residents there. She awaits message from the Order, if they ever acquire Intel that Lamaredd must be evacuated. Lutomi will see to it that those in her care will be ready should any such emergency come to light.

Another Padawan, nearly prepared to venture into Knighthood. Another Padawan who has grown to be like a son to her. What dedication will Kai choose? Will he go out and make his own way as Rane had done? Will he be content to wait for life to come to him? For a Jedi always finds life happening, no matter his or her choice in the matter.

JEDI MASTER Gray Chapter 7:
On a routine security check Lutomi discovered the presence of an old acquaintance Jedi Master Reland Gil upon Lamaredd. She allowed herself to be a voice to him for the Will of the Force, and not only reunited him to his calling with the Jedi, but built a genuine friendship with him. The sheer benefit for Lutomi was to let go of her responsibilities as a figurehead for authority, to simply dwell and talk freely, to be herself with him.

Reland became more stable to take charge of Lamaredd so that Lutomi could lead her rescue mission for Larik and Sionann. Having also received information on the whereabouts of her sister's killer now a Sith Master, she sought aid from her brother in-law, now Mand'alor, Sisk Renelo.

Immediately following the successful rescue, the Jedi suffered a dismantling from the inside out. Lutomi's hard work in missions and dedication to teaching was passed over once again. With the downfall of the Council she was rejected for a seat, not even considered by some of those closest to her. But to add salt to the wound, the Dark Jedi who systematically destroyed Ebberla Daw as Grandmaster, and attempted to kill a huge assembly of Jedi, Padawans included, was elected into the Council by Lutomi's peers. Somehow Larik himself sat at the center of this disaster, as the newly appointed Grandmaster. Lutomi has no idea how he could support the elected Council. All faith she held to tore in two.

Immediately following this motion, the Jedi Master retreated to the Temple of Galtea to further strengthen Reland who is suffering nightmares from his past. Lutomi was taken up by the Temple herself, not to come out of this powerful Force realm on her own accord, neither to escape until she actually possesses such a desire.

Lamaredd and all other outposts quickly become abandoned, due to Larik's prior incarceration by the newly appointed Dark Lord of the Sith, and the unstable state of the rejected sensitive Ebberla Daw alike. Anyone who comes to Galtea's moon will meet the lost Master Lutomi Renelo within the Temple.




- Has fears of an impending Militarized Jedi Order.
- Analyzes others on a Psychological level.
- Trusts in her personal ability concerning the Force Powers.
- No longer trusts the Force as a controlling entity over the Galaxy.
- Has witnessed man eat his young so to speak, so she certainly doesn't trust the individual either.
- Highly intuitive.
- Analytical.
- Emotionally easy to read.
- Increasingly reclusive.
- Drinks too much.
- Fearful of deep emotional attachments.
- Shy under certain circumstances.
- Never sleeps, moreso passes out from exhaustion when convenient.

- Values family, and honors ties.
- No longer feels remorse for turning away from difficult situations.
- Protective of the innocent, but no longer of those who are not.
- Heavy burdened.
- Tumultuous mindset.
- Introspective.
- Secretive but truthful.
- Won't care if you draw your own conclusions.
- Shielded heart.
- Judgmental.
- Brazen.
- Brooding.
- Loyal to her word, but promises sparingly.
- If she gets involved, will consider anything for victory.
- Doesn't care to argue over Dogma.
- Challenging.
- Defensive.
- Hides a grand sense of irony.
- Still very feminine.
- No longer believes the Light of the Force leads anyone to a positive outcome, and those who believe so are only self-righteous.
- No longer concerned with the image of the Jedi as an Order.
- Still believes everyone has something to teach, wether correct or in error.
- Believes everyone has something to learn, good or bad.
- Bites back when irritated.
- Stands opposed to the new Council's inability to forgive the distant past, but blatant disregard to address true and current threats from within.
- Always opposed those Dark Jedi as members of the Order.
- Refuses to teach any Padawan who has no understanding of the difference between a Gray Jedi from a Dark Jedi.
- No longer vigil to honor her first promise to Larik.
Location: Ognisty, The Moon of Galtea.

Along major trade routes: The Rimma Trade Route intersecting the Corellian Trade Spine extends down the Triton Trade Route, also intersecting the Hydian Way, to farthest known reaches of the Kathol Sector to the Galtea Run. Click for full map.




The Lost Jedi Temple Inclusion within the Moon Ognisty, belonging to the planet Galtea

Primary dwelling of Lutomi Renelo and Reland Gil.

Meeting place for the Secretly Home to a Society of Gray Jedi Separatists.

With the recent development surrounding the turbulent expulsion of Jedi Master Ebberla Daw as Grandmaster of the Jedi Council, and the blatant disrespect shown towards her as a fellow Jedi, or for her dedicated service, a number of Jedi of the New Order feel abruptly disconcerted.

Traditionally the elders and the Council should serve as prime examples of the Jedi Code, who stand out above all the rest. The Council meditates to lead the Jedi Order to fulfill the Will of the Force.

Gray Jedi are not Dark Jedi. Gray Jedi have lost faith in the Council to lead for different personal reasons.

It is the suspicion of some within this Separatist group that the inclusion of certain Jedi to the Council have been supported by Jedi of questionable intent, and such inclusion may be a deliberate act designed to cause an irreparable rift among members of the Order. Believing the future of the Jedi upon shaky foundation, these Separatists fear the loss of the Jedi Code altogether, and seek to preserve traditions. Likewise some Separatists associated with the Temple inclusion discovered on Ognisty, adhere to more outrageous fears that the truly honorable members of the Order exalted to Council, may regrettably become exploited as Pawns for a possible hidden sinister agenda perpetrated by others. It is the intent of all involved to be watchful, and to preserve the honor of what it means to be Jedi, in the case that particular Jedi reveal a hidden agenda of destruction.

While not all involved possess the same suspicions, the Temple remnant also provides temporary safe haven for those who wish to gather secretly, out from under the Council's watchful eye.

We are Jedi, who live to adhere to the Jedi Code. We seek unity, preservation, truth, and above all trust.

Jedi Master Lutomi Renelo first discovered the buried Temple when approaching the moon for Science exploration.

The location can be quite beneficial for those wanting to remain off the grid, as the Galtea System reaches far into the Outer Rim.


Galtea's Moon has a Type III Atmosphere, and appears to be a hostile unstable planet marred by volcanic activity and tectonic tremors. Geological study of the planet does not entirely support this experience to the extreme it is witnessed. It is highly possible, that the Temple itself is at the root of drastically increasing one’s perception of these devastating anomalies. This discovery by Scientists was forbidden from being documented in any form, Master Renelo believing its hostile environment is a key factor in assuring the safety of the underground base, as many travelers who come across Galtea's Moon simply overlook it as too dangerous and therefore useless for habitation and move on without giving the Moon a second thought.

The area immediately surrounding the underground Temple is mostly barren volcanic rock and soot. Plant life is sporadic, with growth stunted.

Animal life of this area consists of poisonous, scaly, burrowing desert creatures. The total number of species dwelling here is not currently classified, many only venturing into the open during the night hours.

Certain insect species live in mass hordes and erect tall dirt mounds.

The majority of the Moon’s water basin is located near the equator. The year is 277 standard days. The temperature is typically hot, draught is common, with acid rain occurring during monsoons directly related to Volcanic venting. Hot Geysers are found near active Volcanoes. Acid lakes are also common.

There are areas of the Moon riddled with Sink Holes, Quick Sand, mounds of Sulfur and Salt.

RPs concerning the Temple Presence were written with intent to reflect SW Rebels episode Path of the Jedi.

To date the underground Temple remnant is physically unexplored in its entirety by the Jedi who have entered. Scanning of Ship’s Sensors have revealed that the shape of the structure resembles that of the revered Jedi Symbol.

The Submerged Dome
The main dome consists of numerous rooms, and extends out three main corridors. Two corridors on either side adjoin rooms to be used for individual housing or training, while the central corridor leads to a cavern which could suffice as a small Hangar for personal craft. From the corridors and the Hangar, natural lava tubes vent to the surface and can be utilized as secondary launch shafts for spacecraft.

Launch Shaft
Entrance into the Temple has been achieved through approaching the dome-shape protrusion, concealed under a thick layer of volcanic ash, then locating and unearthing an erosion covered stone inscribed with Jedi symbols. Immediately after placing a palm upon the slate, the Temple opened up under the Jedi's feet, closing behind them, casting them into complete darkness, while they plummeted down towards the cool, dusty stone foundation. A Presence in the Force quickly began evaluating their innermost needs, with intent to bring to light one's unrecognized fears, to be faced in order that one may grow stronger as an individual. It has since been concluded that this Presence is often dormant.

After the initial entrance into a pitch-black room, Jedi have witnessed a Tablet of ancient inscription in an adjoining room to be the first to alight encouraging people to enter, the message one will read just happens to be different to each individual. Corridors extend just beyond.

Lava Tube
The Temple harbors a working Oxygen Generator, wherein breathe masks are not required.

The Temple’s foundation is unstable, sections of the foundation rest in a bed of rock next to find itself dislodged to someday possibly drop into the volcano below. The entire structure should be incredibly hot, but remarkably it is not. Neither are there foundation cracks uncovered anywhere within the Temple dome.

Acceptance into the Separatists is to be based on the fact that your character position is sincere and loyal, and not willing harm or breech of confidence. All members will have been personally discovered through observation and conversation, and brought to the Temple by a respective member.

Separatists are respectable Jedi of the Order, encouraged to partake in Jedi Missions but make independent investigation into such Council requests.

The intentions at the creation of the Society are: 1) To protect those of the Council we trust, from being made scapegoats for the actions of those whom may have anterior motives wether true or imagined. 2) We also distrust the Council to be able to properly discern the Will of the Force. Neither do we presume to understand it as we once believed we had.

This is not a Jedi Outpost or an official Safe House. Training classes which take place on Ognisty are between members of the Separatists.



Master Lutomi Renelo
Master Reland Gil
Master Lucien Fang
Master Rane Vastra

Knight Sionann Ionne
Knight Kai Sera
Knight Jade Evoyn
Knight Caden Ansgar

Padawan Dakkous Hyde
Padawan Korra​


JEDI MASTER Gray Chapter 8:
Reland Gil finally returned to Galtea's Moon, Ognisty, to retrieve her. After a short conversation the Temple released her from its alternate realm. Lutomi realized how much Reland meant to her, and she gave him her testimony. She made the underground Temple her new home, and was very happy that he remained with her more and more often.

It was not just Reland who came to Ognisty. Other concerned Masters of the Order began visiting her to discuss their mistrust in the newly formed Council. They shared suspicions of its formation and members. Everyone came for different reasons and different views, but they stood united with the awareness that something was very off kilter, with the Force and those who served it. They recognized this imbalance even within themselves. Lutomi would eventually learn that this phenomenon is the master plan of the Sith Empress Andraste. Soon they invited others to come, and Ognisty became a meeting place of a group which would name themselves the Secret Society of Gray Jedi. The Society sought to protect the future of the Jedi Code, and assure that Missions they would be assigned, were most definitely for the good of the Galaxy.

Lutomi was certainly not protected from feeling confused in the wake of these troubled Galactic times. It was the mental effects of Zigoola, home of the a Dark Lord of the Sith and Illusionist, which lingered in the back of her mind that threw her balance off kilter moreso than the effects of the Galaxy spiraling out of balance between Light and Dark. She found herself unable to meditate, often withdrawing suddenly from shock, unable to remember what it was that effected her so. Reland Gil joined her and helped her through her struggle. Some part of her just had to know that Xotomi and Sisk were free of that Dark Nexus. When on Zigoola to rescue Larik Novan and Sionann Ionne, Lutomi saw Xotomi who came to direct her path, unaware that Sisk was about to meet his death. Lutomi needed closure, but while meditating was haunted with the thought that she left the two Souls caught in the Darkness, and they required assistance to finally be free. Once she saw her struggle and retained the vision she met during her meditation, she was able to evolve more grounded and stable than the past few months. Even the Temple presence was unable to cure her ails. Reland was her Godsend in the matter.

Reland was very active with the entails of the Jedi Order, particularly a mobile military base, while Lutomi was active in small local Missions of the Separatists. The idea of the Jedi evolving into a Military frightened her; Jedi need be free to follow the Will of the Force and not act on orders of how to attain a predetermined outcome. During this time she became particularly involved with familial ties, rearing Heron and Nakshi in her care once again. She became closer to the Renelo Clan as they merged with others forming an alliance called the Mandalorian Confederacy. She wanted Reland with her more than anything, and she felt hurt and angry with Larik for leading him away from her.

What else could she do but spend time on Galactic Evolution between her other obligations? However...

"The Force leads, not by bureaucracy, nor intended plans. The Force doesn't generally guide the masses, but the individual into motion. Choices to move and advance the Jedi in any uniform direction, is always the decision of the Council. The Council chose war. I am not yet certain exactly how I feel about that declaration. I have decided I shall not stay on Galactic Evolution to mull it over. The Jedi Council in repetitive disarray and a series of internal changes, I wonder if the decision is inspired through Vision granted by the Force, or one's personal intention to strategically strike at the Sith while they are suffering internal strife."

Her new Apprentice, Padawan Ryassto Nalon, not trained to join the offensive, she would continue to train as obligated, gathering him on the spur of the moment to leave the Star Destroyer, as the decision to declare war on the Sith was announced onboard to all.

She would train him in private, before releasing him to follow his own path as the weight of the decision of the Council wore heavily upon her brow.

JEDI MASTER Gray Chapter 9:
Onboard the Galactic Evolution the Jedi Council took Reland among them. No sooner had he been chosen, when the Council called for the indiscriminatory extermination of all Sith. Never before had Lutomi felt so enraged, and so beside herself. She thought of all the young faces that would perish from this foolish declaration. Jedi are not to be held to strict orders, but should be encouraged to freely beseech the Will of the Force! Without a word, she gathered her children and fled from the Galactic Evolution, first catching a glimpse of the approaching Reland before locking her latch tight between them.

It was hard to be away from him. She went where the Force lead her. Her mission called for a few months dedicated out of her life. It is during this time, she learned she could not write the rules for every chapter of her life. She carried Reland's baby. He came to her forlorn, dedicated to leave her if she willed it, or propose marriage, with his Lightsaber Crystal set into the ring.

His heroic actions among one destitute town, lead to the close of the Jedi's purpose on the planet. At its conclusion, Lutomi left to give her final speech at Ognisty, planning to return to Reland onboard Galactic Evolution. Instead Reland beat her to it, returning to Ognisty with Larik. She would marry Reland shortly after.

She will become more involved with her family in the Renelo Clan of the Mandalorian Confederacy. Lutomi will visit Ognisty from time to time, to recall Reland's Ghost there. Heron, Nakshi and Larik will train among the best of fighters, and be well rounded in skills and their development of the Force.

In her old age Lutomi will retire among Clan Renelo
where her children may raise families of their own...
...until the Force calls for their service... hunt down the devils who murdered their parents... old of age and decrepit.

Lutomi will enter into the Temple of Ognisty.
She will conjure the Spirit of the Force,
and those presences among it
who she knew and loved throughout this life,
and simply become consumed by the Force.

Her body will never be found,
but her Spirit rests within this Temple.​

Last edited:


cantankerous by rite
SWRP Writer
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score

1 NPC - Boarding Action an NPC

2 LUTOMI - Looking forward through the past

3 XOTOMI - To Fend Off Hell's Gates

4 XOTOMI - {Class} Force Concealment

5 A trip to Ossus

6 XOTOMI - A night on the town

7 XOTOMI - In love with an ideal

8 XOTOMI - The pirate’s life for me

9 XOTOMI - Breaking a rusty cage

10 XOTOMI - How darksiders make friends

11 XOTOMI - The First Steps [Ask]

12 XOTOMI -[OPEN] I Dare You to Look at Me Like That Again!

13 XOTOMI - Phantom or astral is my love?

14 XOTOMI - Angels we have heard on high

15 XOTOMI - In the Days of the Jedi, We Sang

16 XOTOMI - Black Sands [Closed] NULLIFIED

17 XOTOMI - Black Sands

18 XOTOMI - Memory Wipe

19 XOTOMI - Seasoning

20 LUTOMI - Before the storm

21 LUTOMI - Simulated aftermath

22 LUTOMI - Illusion

23 LUTOMI - A New Generation of Jedi

24 LUTOMI - Force absorb

25 LUTOMI - Outthinking and Out Maneuvering Opponents, A Combat Training Class

26 LUTOMI - Calculating the distance

27 LUTOMI - Surprising Discovery

28 XOTOMI - A Watch in the Darkness

29 XOTOMI -[Flashback] What? No Fireworks?!

30 XOTOMI -[Flashback] Walking the Fine Line

31 XOTOMI -(Renelo) Search and Rescue

32 XOTOMI -[Renelo Social] Booze, Blades and Mando’ade


34 XOTOMI - In the Blink of an Eye

35 LUTOMI - Derra IV, Bac City, Team Alpha

36 LUTOMI - Posers (Jedi)

37 XOTOMI - We Have Burned

38 XOTOMI - Idiot’s Array

39 XOTOMI - Go Long

40 XOTOMI - Who Rescues Who?

41 XOTOMI - The Last Roll Call For Xotomi Renelo

42 LUTOMI - Cram Session

43 LUTOMI - Elusive Reality

44 LUTOMI - A Redefining Moment

45 LUTOMI - Defense of Lamaredd: Farsands, Little Mon Cal

46 LUTOMI - Déjà Vu Anyone?éjà-vu-anyone.54275/

47 LUTOMI - Hitting The Simulators

48 LUTOMI - Quale

49 LUTOMI - Cram Session on Lamaredd

50 LUTOMI -[OPEN] Naboo, Not Known

51 LUTOMI - Stranded - Jedi Mission

52 LUTOMI - The Aftermath

53 LUTOMI - And the Force said: 'Let There Be Light.' Jedi

54 LUTOMI - The Tug

55 LUTOMI - A Jedi's Lament

56 LUTOMI - The Promise of Peacekeepers: Wrea Convocation

57 LUTOMI - A Grand Beginning

58 LUTOMI - Opening Up a Can of Whoops

59 LUTOMI - Introductions (UNCANNON)

60 LUTOMI - The Force is with us ALWAYS

61 LUTOMI - How to Bewitch the Mind and Ensnare the Senses

62 LUTOMI -[CLOSED] [Naboo] Lightsabers and the Force

63 LUTOMI - Polar Opposites in the Force

64 LUTOMI - Making Light in the Night

65 LUTOMI - Battle of Reckoning: Dawn of Rebellion (UNCANNON)

66 LUTOMI - A Jedi Icon in Peril

67 LUTOMI - The Exchange

68 LUTOMI -[Jedi Mission] The Wayward Knight

69 LUTOMI - Liberation from Seclusion

70 LUTOMI - Another Under Wing

71 LUTOMI - Almost Giving Up

72 LUTOMI - Battle of Zigoola

73 LUTOMI - [Jedi Only] Call to Action

74 LUTOMI - The Force Alive in Us

75 LUTOMI - Crossing Realms

76 LUTOMI - Admissions and Omissions

77 LUTOMI - New Home, New Day

78 LUTOMI - [Grays] Why the Separatists?

79 LUTOMI - [Jedi Mission] Rodia - Clan Mother

80 LUTOMI - Who Should Play Good Cop Again?

81 LUTOMI - Pulled in All Directions

82 LUTOMI - And the Word Was Ruin

83 LUTOMI - [Mando Confederacy] You Can Take the Girl Out of the Clan…

84 LUTOMI - From Nowhere to a Floating Space City

85 LUTOMI - Out of the Mouths of Babes

86 LUTOMI - A Cup of Tea is a Cup of Peace

87 LUTOMI - A New Kind of Peacekeeper [Open to all Jedi]

88 LUTOMI - Path of the Jedi

89 LUTOMI - Hard Choices

90 LUTOMI - Knock, Knock!

91 LUTOMI - Weddingzilla

92 NPC - BONUS THREAD -Batman lends his Cowl…

93 ZABIĆ - Meeting a Sith Master.

94 ZABIĆ - The Living Core

95 ZABIĆ - A New Season

96 ZABIĆ - Mind Games

97 ZABIĆ - Of Thunder and Lightning

98 ZABIĆ - Of Thunder and Lightning: Refrain (Flashback)

99 ZABIĆ - Key to Eden

100 ZABIĆ - The Art of Telekinesis

101 ZABIĆ - How Dry I Am

102 ZABIĆ - One Sith, Two Sith

103 ZABIĆ - What is that I cannot see? (BRIEFING)

104 ZABIĆ - Our’s to Do or Die So make it Count

105 ZABIĆ - When God is Gone

106 ZABIĆ - The Devil Takes Hold

107 ZABIĆ - Ice Cold Hands Taking Hold (Battle of Lacrima - Flashback)

108 ZABIĆ - Open the Door to Heaven or Hell

109 ZABIĆ - Who’ll Have Mercy On Your Soul

110 ZABIĆ - Implications

111 ZABIĆ - Pyromania 103

112 ZABIĆ - The Desert's Test

113 ZABIĆ - Hot in Drespdae

114 ZABIĆ - [IMPERIALS ONLY] A Celebration of Victory: The Imperial Ball

115 ZABIĆ - What you've learned. (Zabic)

116 ZABIĆ - Phantasmagoric

117 ZABIĆ - Cinnagaran Trials: Rescue Me

118 ZABIĆ - Limitations Are A Lie

119 ZABIĆ - Forging Honor

120 ZABIĆ - Composite of Darkness

121 ZABIĆ - Darkside Emotions

122 ZABIĆ - Field Trip into Dreshdae

123 ZABIĆ - The Interview

124 ZABIĆ - A Phenomenal Exchange
(An example of how we are having much fun yet)

125 ZABIĆ - Returning Home ( Closed )

126 ZABIĆ - In the Market Square

127 ZABIĆ - The Spear Which to Pierce Fate

128 ZABIĆ - [Sith Mission] Corrupted Matrix

129 ZABIĆ - The Mask

130 ZABIĆ - So This Is The Other Side Of The Galactic Core

131 ZABIĆ - Transcendence

132 ZABIĆ - The Final Steps

133 ZABIĆ - The Fields of Chandrila

134 ZABIĆ - Around The Dinnertable [Open to any Jedi]

135 ZABIĆ - Glimmers of Hope

136 ZABIĆ - Tutaminis


138 ZABIĆ - [multi-faction] W E D D I N G Z I L L A

04/03/13 - 12/27/15
doc pages = 2,231
post count = 1,825
total threads = 138

And one last thread: with Lutomi.


*** *** ***​


1. Looking Forward through the Past meeting a Jedi Master.

2. A Trip To Ossus with Master Novan Philosophical Discussion & Mission.

3. Before the Storm Battle Simulation.

4. Simulated Aftermath with Lucien Fang.

5. Illusion Instruction.

6. A New Generation of Jedi Philosophical Discussion.

7. Force Absorb Class.

8. Outthinking and Out Maneuvering Opponents A Combat Training Class.

9. Calculating the Distance Skirmish & Abduction.

10. Surprising Discovery meeting the enemy who happens to be family.

Boarding Action for the side of the Empire.


*** *** ***​

1. The Promise. How sincerely Lutomi will uphold her Vow to Master Novan. A short PvP SKIRMISH with a Sith Master. Lutomi rescued a child from the Sith and remained to fight the Sith who threatened the citizens of a town unless she would come peacefully as his prisoner. Lutomi heeds the Force crying out that this man shall soon be reformed. A turning point premonition about a mutual party whom both cared for, her sister, caused the Sith to withdraw promising Lutomi safe passage. At that point both parted without further incident. COMPLETE.

2. Derra IV Bac City: Team Alpha riot control MISSION. Lutomi guided two Jedi Padawans through an intense situation, encouraging them to trust in the Force, over exhibiting violence. ABANDONED.

3. Posers slave rescue MISSION. After engaged lifelong in Projective Telepathy with her twin, Lutomi feels stir crazy after her sister’s family is sent fleeing into hiding, turmoil silencing their connection. Inherent worry caused her the inability to give her thoughts entirely to Meditation for some time. She agitated the Master in charge, but internally was quite thankful for his heated response to her after feeling so alone. She laughed aloud at his passionate response to her. She wanted to make him understand her true emotions, but he would not see her for who she is. ABANDONED.

4. Cram Session EXTENSIVE PADAWAN GROUP TRAINING SESSION #1. Lots of Core Force Powers covered. But Lutomi suffered the loss of her twin during the end of this class session. During her class, experiencing her sense of remorse, she found a student feeling fear while he accessed the Force. But it has not been determined why this occurred. COMPLETE.

5. Elusive Reality This Jedi's Lament. Lutomi recalls the student to her that exhibited trouble in her class, and Master Novan joins her in the DISCUSSION. It doesn’t go well, as the student felt ambushed. But Lutomi just having learned through the Force that she lost her twin, respectfully bows out of the topic of the Darkside of the Force, claiming there is the only one side to Force and just Dark people create the Chaos. She declares that through her lifetime she has learned that there is never enough knowledge, never enough acquired skill, never enough brandished weapons, never enough spilt blood to appease the Will of the Force Corrupted. At the end of their confrontation, Lutomi prepares to leave the safety of the Jedi Base to visit her Late sister's surviving family. She will think about life during her trip. She realized how deep a Jedi can truly feel about the Universal opposition she faces. Seeing Larik and knowing his eventful past shared by all the Jedi Masters, she discovers her own remarkable ability to circumvent around her own pain, the peace required while connecting to the Force. COMPLETE.

6. A Redefining Moment Rediscovering Purpose and a Promise. Lutomi meets with her Late twin's extended family and brings back her three orphaned children into her care. It is during this TRIP, she decides to take on their last name to give the children a sense of unity and her dedication to them. COMPLETE.

7. Defense of Lamaredd Farsands Little Mon Cal Defense JEDI MISSION. Lutomi lead this Mission. ONGOING.

8. Déjà Vu Anyone? An unexpected MEETING with the Assassin Xanthus on a Rebel ship before a scheduled Flight Training class. Meeting the reformed Sith Executioner and former Master to her Late sister who long ago also left the Sith, Lutomi learns that he played a supportive role towards her twin, during her last moments in life. Seeing him now a full fledged member of the Rebellion, is her premonition regarding him come true, however Lutomi does not forget she is first and foremost a Jedi, and warns him what will befall him should he reveal himself to hide a sinister plot. COMPLETE. -PART 1 of 3

9. Hitting The Simulators Rebel Fighter TRAINING...NOT. It was in conversation with Xanthus that Lutomi discovered her sister’s death has taught her what it felt like to break, and exactly to what extent it will require she pick herself back up from devastation and get back to work. She realized she is made stronger in her willpower by it. ABANDONED. -PART 2 of 3

10. Quale conversation with Xanthus. COMPLETE. -PART 3 of 3

11. Cram Session on Lamaredd PADAWAN TRAINING SESSION #2. Just before the beginning of class Lutomi practices Dual Blade Ataru against twin Remotes. She welcomes her student to his solo training session. As his first spoken statement to her involves the fact that he does not have a Master, Lutomi listens to the Force, and trusting to give Fate a chance, immediately offers him Apprenticeship without imposing expectations. She takes him through his Core Powers and Lightsaber Training and discusses Philosophy with him. COMPLETE.

12. OPEN Naboo-Not Known HOLOCRON TRAINING...NOT. Ambushed by a Padawan?! COMPLETE.

13. Stranded JEDI MISSION. Bringing her Padawan along, Lutomi went with another Knight to rescue stranded vessels near Sullest. The Jedi utilized their Force skills to board the vessels and free trapped crew members from thieving pirates. The Jedi returned the suppliers’ ships command over to their rightful owners. As the Pirates instituted one last initiative to overtake the area, a space battle then ensued, requiring the initiative of every man involved. Lutomi stuck to her code of ethics, and would not pursue any individual discovered retreating. With the assistance of allied forces, the Jedi overtook the massive Pirate ring. Lutomi negotiated the return of all goods, seeing the Pirates returned to their home worlds and documenting their location. Lutomi lead this Mission. COMPLETE. -PART 1 of 2

14. The Aftermath Philosophical DISCUSSION of the Jedi Code with her Padawan Rane, and of their recent completed Jedi Mission. COMPLETE. -PART 2 of 2

15. And the Force said: ‘Let There Be Light.’ JEDI MISSION. Working with natives to perform a Rain Dance, and get them involved in changing the heart of their planet effected by a Dark Force Nexus. The Jedi needed their help to institute Alter Environment. Lutomi lead this Mission. COMPLETE.

16. The Tug MISSION. After a Vision, Lutomi takes along a Padawan to seek out a Jedi Holocron. COMPLETE.

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cantankerous by rite
SWRP Writer
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score
I was there a second ago!


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2012
Reaction score
Two tabs? Pressed backspace when you shouldn't have? Happens often enough.


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2012
Reaction score
Hey, just wipe the first part in edit and put something generic there instead. No one has to know...


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2012
Reaction score
Would you end up as a literal piece of shit?


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
Reaction score
Moved to Character Profile board.

...and welcome to our forum, Lutomi!


SWRP Writer
Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score
Welcome to SWRP!

Good start to your profile, it looks a LOT like my own first profile! Keep adding to it, expanding the bio, and roleplaying with the character to get a better feel for who she is and what she's all about! Just to give you a perspective on how profiles develop.... Like I said, my Jedi Larik Novan started exactly like this. You can still see the posts from people about expanding the bio and etc. And now he's a Jedi Master with this profile set-up. So keep steadily working at it! :)

If you'd ever like to RP with any of my character, I can certainly put something together with you.

Enjoy your time here!


cantankerous by rite
SWRP Writer
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks! I'll take it! She does need a Jedi who wouldn't mind taking responsibility for her backstory. I hope to place her in the Jedi Faction. I don't feel that the others are a good fit; unless I'm just missing something there.


The White Fire
SWRP Writer
Mar 12, 2013
Reaction score
I like the concept. Greatness, in you I sense.


SWRP Writer
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
Well, if you're gonna go with the Jedi, my offer for a master is still open.


cantankerous by rite
SWRP Writer
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score
Awe Sisk Renelo! When you said:
So hey, are you with the Jedi? Cause if so, when you get approved, I've got a good knight to take you on...
I thought you meant you wanted to kick her @r$3! My bad! I just arranged a Jedi to play her story out. I am sure we can arrange something down the line.