lizziie's workshop && link directory


innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pellentesque varius massa, vitae convallis turpis. Proin ornare velit et enim consequat, ac fringilla mi vestibulum. Praesent interdum purus quis nibh porttitor varius. Quisque rhoncus a lectus a pellentesque. Nullam suscipit sodales orci, id hendrerit felis ullamcorper a. Mauris sed eleifend ipsum. Nullam dictum interdum lacinia. Fusce lacinia commodo nisl id sollicitudin. Nam scelerisque scelerisque mauris. Cras vel commodo sapien. Etiam accumsan nisi ac quam scelerisque fringilla. Aliquam odio metus, elementum in aliquam posuere, auctor id enim. Vestibulum eget porttitor neque, nec efficitur lectus. Etiam venenatis ipsum in lorem sodales, in congue neque feugiat. Nullam tincidunt, lectus eget sollicitudin ullamcorper, nulla arcu vehicula leo, ac venenatis odio nulla non velit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

"Etiam fringilla nulla ac fermentum gravida. Fusce quis est non risus varius pellentesque quis id felis." Ut fringilla libero vitae ex accumsan efficitur. Suspendisse sed felis non urna feugiat volutpat. "Fusce magna urna, pulvinar non venenatis a, varius vestibulum diam. Donec orci est, commodo in sollicitudin consectetur, commodo eget urna. Curabitur auctor urna auctor dictum dignissim. Aenean placerat aliquet lorem, non auctor risus suscipit ac. Duis rutrum sem nunc, vitae semper sem dignissim in. Nullam urna nulla, interdum sed diam scelerisque, lobortis aliquet nulla." Curabitur interdum arcu at egestas pulvinar. Phasellus vulputate tempor ante. Morbi sed metus nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras placerat, lectus vel elementum commodo, turpis ante vehicula risus, nec feugiat libero urna eu justo. Nulla vestibulum porta leo eu commodo.

Cras molestie at magna id eleifend. Ut porta sagittis rhoncus. Morbi blandit dignissim fringilla. Donec faucibus sit amet ipsum et elementum. Ut pharetra justo ac eros sodales dignissim. Cras convallis nisi eu massa malesuada, vitae vestibulum nulla aliquet. Quisque bibendum lectus dui, at laoreet ipsum sollicitudin quis. Aliquam in sapien venenatis, consectetur magna at, aliquet est. Duis feugiat porttitor enim, et ullamcorper elit varius at.

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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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NAME: Jaesa Valerin
GENDER: Female
AGE: 21 years (born 123 ABY)
SPECIES: Dathomirian zabrak

RANK: Knight

HEIGHT: 5’8” (1.73 m)
WEIGHT: 145 lbs (65.7 kg)

SKIN COLOR: Pale gray
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Facial "tattoos", ear piercings, yellow irises





Jaesa was born somewhere on the dark planet of Dathomir, but was found floating in space on a ship barely hanging onto its life support but a salvaging crew. They brought her to an orphanage on the nearby Corsin, where she was later discovered by the Jedi Yvain. The sisters who ran the orphanage basically handed Jaesa off the alien creature, as they were unable to handle the then-toddler’s tantrums which would often result in broken things because of her ability to use the Force. She was only three when she was brought to the Jedi Temple on Ajan Kloss by Yvain, and all of her early life was spent there.

Seeing as the Jedi very rarely take young children now, Jaesa was one of the few younglings to have grown up fully in the Temple. Her favorite thing to do as a young child was to bother the older padawans about their stories of other worlds. Many were sorrowful, some less so, but nevertheless they excited her to start her training and also gave her even more reason to be grateful for her upbringing. Because she was raised in the Temple, Jaesa was able to begin her training sooner than some, and she became a Jedi Knight soon before her eighteenth birthday.

It was during her years as a padawan that Jaesa began to experience the night terrors that haunt her to this day. Memories of the dreams were fleeting—they often disappeared from her mind as soon as she awoke in a cold sweat. But the stronger her connection to the light side of the Force grew, the less severe her nightmares were. This spurred her into high gear, and Jaesa puts a great deal of her energy into her connection with the Force. While she didn’t neglect any of her other studies, she definitely was not as focused on lightsaber combat as she was with becoming “one with the Force.”

After passing her trials and becoming a knight, Jaesa has begun to venture out into the greater galaxy. She has thus far gone on several missions and even helped to retake Felucia, but she is still looking for a purpose for herself outside of her commitment as a Jedi.


Jaesa was a devoted padawan and did well in her studies, but she excelled most notably in the usage of the Force. She has always been keen to use the Force (even as a tantrum-throwing toddler), but through her studies Jaesa was able to deepen her connection even further. Jaesa is most adept at using the Force to aid her understanding of her surroundings or to aid herself with powers such as Force enchantment, Force sight and Force sense. She has an constant feeling of her surroundings, when not actively distracted, and is quick to spot things. She is also very proficient with telekinesis and has been since a young age.
As for her proficiency in lightsaber combat, she has grown stronger in recent months, but heavily relies on the Force during combat.

In addition to traditional Jedi abilities, Jaesa is also a decent pilot.


Jaesa has a Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor which she uses in junction with a hyperspace ring. She also has a BB-series astromech droid, which is numbered BB-33, also known as "Squeaky."


Jaesa may be familiar with any or all members of the Jedi Order.
Relationships are only listed if the characters have had a significant interaction.
  • Yvain | mentor
  • Crix Aran | friend
  • Jaikus | enemy/rival

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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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NAME: Korre Belasi
ALIASES: Senator Belasi, Princess Korre
GENDER: Female
AGE: 24 years
SPECIES: Human (Belascan)

FACTION: Free Worlds Alliance
RANK: Senator of Belasco

HEIGHT: 5'9" (1.75 m)
WEIGHT: 160 lbs (72.6 kg)

EYE COLOR: Light blue




  • Datapad
  • Holocomm
  • Hold-out blaster


Korre was born in the Belascan capital of Senta in 118 ABY as a direct descendant of the royal Belasi line. Her mother is the Duchess of Senta and her father is a prominent political figure on Belasco. Korre had a very comfortable childhood, and her parents were around enough to dot on their only child.

Belasco's septennial bacterial plague spawned a huge culture around conservation and science on the planet, leading to a very education-focused upbringing for the young Korre. As a member of the Belasi family, Korre was afforded the best of the best when it came to schooling. Though she is considered royalty, she is far down in the line of succession, leaving her free to pursue what she wanted. She chose to expend her energy in scientific pursuit, and Korre received a degree in both microbiology and biochemistry. During her time in higher education, Korre discovered a love of public speaking. After graduating, she combined her charisma and political lineage to run as Belascan's representative in the Free World Alliance.

Korre proved to be popular enough to win the election, beating the son of the planet's former ambassador. During the months before her term would begin, she was caught up on Galactic politics, taught the customs and expectations, and otherwise prepared for the job.

Though a recent addition to the Free Worlds Alliance and Galactic Senate, Korre is forthright and vocal about what she and her people want. Personally, as a scientist and native of planet under constant siege by disease, Korre values the health of the Galaxy and wishes to see more effort pushed into stopping the AMS virus.


Korre is a natural speaker, if not a bit forward in her way of addressing things. She was a part of her university's speech team, where she would participate in a variety of public speaking activities, such as debate and political addresses. Her style of speaking is focused, and she likes to sprinkle scientific findings into her speeches if the opportunity arises.

In addition, Korre's double major in both microbiology and biochemistry is a testament of her intelligence. Her interest in those subjects stems from Belasco's septennial water-borne pathogen. Scientists, after every outbreak, must contain the pathogen and decontaminate the infected water. Korre's knowledge includes the methods used for such, as well as an interest in midichlorians.

While in school, Korre also studied a few languages (in addition to the ones taught to her as a child). As a result, not only does she speak fluent Galactic Basic, she also speaks Huttese due to Belasco's nearby location to Hutt Space, as well as Twi'lieki, Durese, and Shyriiwook.


As a member of the Belasi royal family and as Belasco's senator, Korre has access to Belascan ships and connections as she needs. In addition, she has connections within both the scientific and political world.


  • Emil Ro | acquaintances
  • Jin Vaisra | friends
  • Dr. Ilana Morata | acquaintances
  • Marielle Belasi | mother, Duchess of Senta
  • Logan Belasi | father
  • Armond Belasi | grandfather, King of Belasco
  • Celeste Marrion | Prime Minister of Belasco
Korre may also be acquainted with various politicians. PCs are only listed if Korre has had a significant one-on-one conversation with them.


The Senator
  1. Smoke and Mirrors | ongoing
  2. A Night to Remember | ongoing
  3. The First of Many | ongoing
  4. Assembly of the Galactic Senate | ongoing
  5. A Drawing of Lines | ongoing

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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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Cadre-class Military Complex Station

Sith Order, Cadre Corporation

Cadre Corporation

Space station

Site of Cadre Corp. Projects

Durasteel, doonium and glass

length: 1km; diameter: 0.5km

180 - 230


225 standard tons

How many small craft can it carry?

9 months

15 MGLT; not suitable for quick repositioning

  • Boomboom
  • More boomboom

  • Equipment
  • Equipment
  • Equipment

Describe your ship in detail. A ship is a ship, but what stands out about this one? What is it like, what should be known about it? Is it reputable and reliable work horse or is it a cheap piece of junk? Is it a successful product or commercial failure? What do people use it for? Why was it designed and built? Is it old and not manufactured anymore? Is it new on the market? Describe how the interior is set up, where the crew sits, how the accommodations are, etc. Tell us as much as you can.

Describe the legality of ownership for this thing. Is it restricted to people with certain licenses? Is it illegal to own? A light freighter would be legal basically everywhere unless it's illegally modified or armed, but a gunboat loaded for Zillo beasts is probably going to be illegal or heavily restricted in many systems unless you're specially licensed or a member of groups allowed to be so armed.

This is one of the most important sections. Why are you making this ship? What stands out about it and what role does it fill on the site? Who do you intend to use this ship? This should be a well-developed idea beyond "could be useful and there isn't one so I'm making it". If this is generitech, you can omit this section, but please be sure to ling to whatever design it is based on.

If any, explain what the relevant restrictions are. This could be anything from being restricted to faction use (like capital ships), NPC/PvE use only for certain overpowered weapons, limited to use during approved plots, only available via event rewards, or whatever else seems appropriate. If none, omit this section.

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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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An Older Malou by lizziie (me :D )
This set of armor was found on Exegol by Malou and her master in Darth Sidious' vault. The armor formerly belonged to Darth Phobos, an ancient Sith lord who lived thousands of years before the Clone Wars, but has recently been custom fitted for the Sith acolyte Malou D'Amaris.

The armor itself is made of a material that appears to be bulky due to its design. Due to the age of the armor, the material it is made out of is unknown and even after being refurbished, it is obviously not a modern piece.


The armor is legal wherever it is legal to wear armor. It is somewhat concealable under a cloak, but the shoulder pauldrons might give the wearer away.


To create a write up for the armor Malou D'Amaris found on Exegol (link above) and to also describe its functions.


There is only one set of this armor and it currently belongs to Malou D'Amaris.


Type: Medium

  • TORSO: Chest region is protected by what seems to be similar to duraplast.
  • BACK: Back region is protected by what seems to be similar to duraplast.
  • UPPER ARMS: Each shoulder is protected by a pauldron made of a material similar to duraplast.
  • UPPER LEGS: A skirt-like, duraplast-like armor piece protects each upper leg but is exposed in the front.

The headpiece associated with this armor set is a modern addition that serves only to cover the eyes and provides little to no protection. It is the equivalent of a blindfold and cannot be seen through.


Function One: Armorweave Accessory
  • Most often in the form of a heavy cape, skirt, or underlay beneath armor, armor weave provides some protection against the penetrating effects of shrapnel from explosives and other unpowered high velocity impacts, with only a small amount of bleed through damage (bruising or very minor wounds). It offers no protection against kinetic impact or energy, vibroweapons, or similar "powered" weapons. Having more than one accessory (example: Cape + underweave) provides no additional effect.
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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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Aelis D'Amaris, maiden name Dovok, is the deceased mother of Malou and wife of Jacques D'Amaris.

The Dovok family hails from Alpheridies, the adopted Miralukan planet. Aelis was a prominent member of this family. They can trace their lineage back several millennia, nearly to the first colonizers of Alpheridies.

Though the Miraluka of Alpheridies tended to congregate in small agricultural communities, the Dovaks were known to come from a specific city on the planet. There they mixed themselves within the local government and, though they were not real kings, established themselves a little seat of power on the planet.

In modern days, the Dovak family has dwindled down to just a few and many of the family secrets were lost with the lives of the members. Aelis was one of the last to marry out of the family, and her early death ended the line on her side of the family.

The Dovak's, despite much of their history being lost to time, constructed many tombs across Alpheridies. Many of them have been sealed off and lost.

One member of the Dovak family, one who has been buried with time, was a woman by the name of Limos Dovak, or Darth Izicinat (from the Latvian word for "destroy," iznīcināt). She was responsible for the massacre of thousands of men, women and children on Alpheridies in her twisted desire to accumulate power from the life-Force the Miraluka held.

The resting place of Limos is in the Tomb of Izicinat, located deep in the mountains in an unknown location. Alongside her corpse are the bodies of thousands of those she killed. It is said they were put there to prevent her spirit from leaving. Her grave would contain her weapons/armor/etc.

Sin of Gluttony
Age at death: estimated 30-40 years
Date of death: 6000-5000 BBY
Date of birth: 6000-5000 BBY
Name: Limos Dovak
Alias: Darth Izicinat
Gender: Female
Species: Miralukan

Desc: Limos was described as a woman with dark features and a cunning personality. She rose to power after returning to Alpheridies from off-world, and began to take control of her family and the city. She acquired a small following, and eventually became to commit atrocities in the name of power. She committed what was essentially genocide against the people of Alpheridies so that she could "consume" the essence of the Force in the Miralukan people. Though details of her terror are sparse and vague, it was noted that she was defeated by members of her own family and sealed away in a tomb alongside the thousands she killed.

Limos committed genocide against her own people, the Miraluka, in order to consume/absorb/whatev their Force sensitivity/essence/whatev. Her goal was to use that power to rise to power and resurrect/rise to power in the Sith. She was stopped by members of her family, who rebelled against her reign of terror. Her body was sealed away in a tomb along with thousands of her victims.

Alpherdian legend says the ghosts of the victim prevent Limos from leaving the tomb, and that anyone who enters might become an avatar for her hunger.

Family: Limos had three children: two boys and a girl, but only the boys survived to live out their lives. Her daughter, Trishula, sacrificed herself to kill Limos in a murder-suicide and is buried in Limos' Tomb. The boys, Gabriael and the other (name unknown), lived out their lives and died after marrying and having kids, at some point.


The Tomb of Timos​

The Tomb of Timos, known in the Miralukan tongue as "the grave of the restless", is located somewhere in the Alpherdian mountains. It contains the body of Timos Dovak and her thousands of victims. The tomb was specifically designed to keep her soul from leaving, as she has a heavy presence in both her belongings and her bones. The bodies of her victims are organized very similarly to the Terracotta Soldiers of real life, but they keep her in rather than protect her against outside things. Her daughter, Trishula, is buried before the entrance to Timos' tomb chambers, and her grave is marked by three intersected rings with eyes and six wings.

Age at death: estimated 10-20 years
Date of death: 6000-5000 BBY
Date of birth: 6000-5000 BBY
Name: Trishula Dovak
Alias: "the avenger"
Gender: Female
Species: Miralukan

Desc: Trishula was the youngest child of Timos Dovak. Little is known about her, other than she as responsible for ending her mother's genocide of the Miralukan people when she sacrificed herself to defeat her mother. She is depicted in Alpherdian legend as a weeping woman with six wings, and she was laid to rest before Timos' grave, tasked with keeping her mother in the grave.



Heaven's dagger - the dagger which Trishula used to kill her mother
The sin of gluttony - Darth Izicinat's lightsaber
Ancient Dovak-family crest - as name says

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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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Consiliu de Sapte
-------- -- -----
The Consiliu de Sapte, otherwise known as the Council of Seven, was a group of seven Sith lords who briefly ruled an expanding Sith empire from 5,600 BBY to 5,500 BBY. Modern day historians have associated each of the ruling members with one of the Seven Sins, as each rose and fell from power in leu with their association.

The empire continued for several decades after the dissolution of the council but ended with the death of the last remaining lord, Darth Krol.

Territory held: link

The Council of Seven was first formed around 5580-5570 BBY and began with three members: Darth Krol, Darth Izicinat, and Darth Myslec. Eventually the rest of the historic seven joined, creating what was then referred to as "the Council", but what is known as the Consiliu de Sapte in modern day.

The council formed after Darth Krol, Izicinat, and Myslec met during or after their initial training. It had been several centuries since the fall of Andraste's Empire, and the three desired to resume the Sith's foothold in the galaxy once again. Over the next couple of years they recruited the other members to the council, whether it be through training an apprentice to join them (as Darth Myslec did with Darth Artis) or bringing someone in who would contribute to already existing plans (as, again, Darth Myslec did with Darth Malamo).

Once the Council was formed, though many of the members had their own agendas, they began to expand Sith territory around much of the North or just West of the Core. With the exception of Darth Krol's territory around Morrellia, they didn't expand much outside of this area.

Their downfall began with the death of Darth Senteur and the exile of Darth Roem not long after. With two members gone from the seven, they began to lose vital footholds in their empire. The deaths of Darth Izicinat and Darth Malamo further caused the council trouble, as there were only three remaining members at that point. Rebellions sprung up all across their main empire. Unable to gather enough forces to keep all their territory, the remaining three were forced to go on the defensive. The nail in the coffin was Darth Myslec's disappearance, and Darth Artis's death by the hands of his apprentice, who named herself Darth Avidit and put herself on the council.

Seeing as he was left to rule an empire alongside his fellow councilmember's former apprentice, Darth Krol abandoned Darth Avidit for his little swath of territory far to the Northeast. Darth Avidit was unable to manage the remaining territory on her own, and other than Darth Krol's small stronghold, the Empire of the Consiliu de Sapte fell.



Age at death: Unknown

Date of death: 5600-5500 BBY

Date of birth: 5600-5500 BBY
Name: Harlor Morrgas

Alias: Darth Roem

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Desc: Harlor was born on Coruscant in the seat of privilege and wealth. He struggled for nothing, wanted for nothing, and could manage most things by mentioning his family name. His force sensitivity was discovered when he was a toddler, so his training began early. All these combined, Harlor became obsessed with the idea of his own importance. He deserved the world; the galaxy.

At fourteen, Harlor "removed" his older brothers and father from the line and declared himself the head of the Morrgas family. He then traveled off world, and when he returned years later, bore the name Darth Roem. Harlor rose to join the Consiliu de Sapte. Alongside the other members, he conquered parts of the galaxy and their success only served to inflate his already massive ego. He was the youngest member of the order, and he had the largest swath of territory between the seven.

Halor was driven out by the other council members and forced into exile after he attempted to declare himself the leader of the council. He expected the support of the others, unable to imagine they would not see him in the same light he saw himself. They were insulted and angered by his hubris, and he was driven off by the (then) five other members of the council. Harlor disappeared off on a backwater planet and spent years running from their assassins until they finally lost track of him.

His place and time of death is unknown.


Age at death: 20-40 years

Date of death: 5600-5500 BBY

Date of birth: 5600-5500 BBY
Name: Cel Vordam

Alias: Darth Artis

Gender: Male

Species: Duros

Desc: Cel spent several years as a bounty hunter working for various employers before he became involved in crime syndicates. He would do anything for a price, which put despicable crimes on his hands, but also made him connections with the underworld's most influential peoples. After taking on a job for a woman named Vasau Grar, it was revealed she was the Sith lord Darth Myselc. She had noticed his potential in the Force and offered to train him as her apprentice. He accepted, and his training began.

The Duros, after years of training, eventually rose to join his master on the Council. He took the name Darth Artis and used his new power and influence to return to the underworld of crime. This time however, he was the employer. He seeded his influence over all parts of the galaxy, causing chaos in the enemies of the Council's empire, and returning with a large amount of currency. Through his illegal dealings, he became incredibly wealthy and was the Sith lord responsible for funding many of the other lords' passion projects (especially the experiments of his former master).

He took on an apprentice of his own, a young and rash zabraki woman named Savomi. She eventually proved to be his demise when she murdered him in cold blood while he slept. She took on the name Darth Avidit and took over his crime empire, though she drove it to ruin through her ignorance and mismanagement.


Age at death: Unknown

Date of death: 5600-5500 BBY

Date of birth: 5600-5500 BBY
Name: Vasau Grar

Alias: Darth Myslec

Gender: Female

Species: Espirion

Desc: Vasau, despite the extensive records and details of her research, left little to no information on herself. Nor did anyone else leave much information on her. Comments about her methods of teaching have been found in the journals and logs of her former apprentice Darth Artis, but they are scarce.

What is known about her is she was a scientist who used her power as a Sith lord to dedicate herself to some of the first research done on midi-chlorians by the Sith. She was incredibly obsessed with her work and was noted to spend every second she could in her laboratories. Her reason for studying midi-chlorians is unknown. It is known through Anselmi historians, however, that she conducted many (often fatal) experiments on the victims of Darth Malamo's purges. The results of her studies were kept in a holocron, which went with her when she disappeared.

Vasau disappeared after the deaths or disappearances of the other council members, leaving Darth Krol to continue their empire. It is unknown where she went, what she did afterwards, or how she died. She took with her holocrons containing the results of her experiments, and through the millennia several efforts have been made to retrieve them.


Age at death: 45 years

Date of death: 5600-5500 BBY

Date of birth: 5600-5500 BBY
Name: Limos Dovak

Alias: Darth Izicinat

Gender: Female

Species: Miralukan

Desc: Limos was born and raised on Alpheridies, and after leaving and then returning from off-world as a Sith lord, rose to power and began to take control of the planet. She acquired a following within her home town and family, and began to enact her plan to grow her power. Though her method is unknown, Limos had discovered a way to "consume" the essence of the Force found in force sensitive sentients. Unfortunately for her people, the Miraluka, they were targeted by her for their force sensitivity.

She committed what was essentially genocide against the people of Alpheridies so that she could "consume" their Force essence. The details of her attacks against the Miraluka are well recorded, and she murdered thousands upon thousands of them with her saber in her desire to consume their power. She was eventually killed by her youngest daughter, Trishula, who sacrificed her life to kill her mother. Both Limos and Trishula were buried in the Tomb of Timos, which is located and sealed somewhere in the Alpherdian mountains. The corpses of her victims line the outer chambers of the tomb, and Alpherdian legend says the ghosts of these victims prevent Limos from leaving the tomb.


Age at death: estimated around 40 years

Date of death: 5600-5500 BBY

Date of birth: 5600-5500 BBY
Name: Ahumlu Kas

Alias: Darth Malamo

Gender: Female

Species: Nautolan

Desc: Ahumlu was born on Glee Anselm but little is known about her early life. In her young adult years she was a part of the Nautolan military and fought in several short conflicts against the Anselmi. She was invited to the council by Darth Myslec.

Ahumlu rose to power in the Sith after discovering her force sensitivity at some point, and after returning from somewhere off-planet, nearly drove the Anselmi into extinction under the name of Nautolan armies. She was essentially a military dictator before her fall and was regarded as a cold and unfeeling person who would burst into fits of rage without warning. The reason for her hatred for the Anselmi was unclear, but there was little she cared about other than driving them from existence. It was said that the very sight of the Nautolan's armor struck fear into the hearts of her enemies.

Ahumlu was defeated by an Anselmi jedi during a fight in which the jedi tricked her into entering an underwater cave, then used the Force to seal her inside by collapsing the entrance. It is assumed she starved to death in the dark, murky waters of the cave. If she escaped, she never remerged to reveal herself.


Age at death: 190 years

Date of death: 5600-5400 BBY

Date of birth: 5600-5500 BBY
Name: Rex Acedia

Alias: Darth Krol, King Acedia

Gender: Male

Species: Morellian

Desc: Rex was a Morellian king whose reign resulted in the death of millions of Morellians due to his negligence of his people. Before his reign, as heir to the throne, he lived a life of luxury and hedonism. Once he was discovered to be force-sensitive, a mentor was brought to him and he was taught the ways of the Force from the comfort of his home. Rex excelled in his training and eventually went off-world to continue it, though he returned many many years later after his father's "unfortunate" death.

In addition to his "duties" as a king, Rex was also left in charge of the Council's empire, though not by choice. He did little to save it from collapsing, and through his disinterest and Darth Avidit's mismanagement, the empire fell.

He sat on the throne for nearly 200 years, but did nothing to help his people in their times of need. The man continued to enjoy the fruits of luxury while spending the wealth of Morellia's taxes. His lack of leadership led to corruption, rebellion, and eventually famine in his kingdom. Many attempts on his life were made, but all were unsuccessful.

Only after his natural death were his people freed from his apathy, but millions of lives had already been lost to famine and starvation. Morellia abandoned monarchy some years after his reign.


Age at death: 29 years

Date of death: 5600-5500 BBY

Date of birth: 5600-5500 BBY
Name: Satera Majo

Alias: Darth Senteur

Gender: Female

Species: Zeltron

Desc: Satera was born to a wealthy family on Zeltros and studied under a Sith woman named Susie Ukinat. Everything known about Satera is from the point of view of her master, whose journals were published post-mortem. Satera fell madly in love with her master, and after completing her training continued to cling to the woman. She eventually surpassed all those around her and came to sit on the Council as Darth Senteur.

The woman was insanely jealous of Ukinat and would not let the woman speak or be spoken to by anyone Satera considered a threat to their "love." Many men and women died at the hands of the jealous Zeltros, especially those who she envied for appearance or intelligence. This became a problem for the other council members, especially when they began to feel the wrath of the jealous lord.

She was eventually killed by the other council members and Ukinat as her obsession and possessiveness of Susie was proving detrimental to all their own lives. Within her last moments of life, Satera stumbled over and struck down Ukinat. Her last words were: "If I can't have you, no one will."

To create history for 5600-5500 BBY which can be referred by characters, and to create a basis for a series of artifacts relating to the Sith Lords listed above.

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innocent of all crimes
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Dec 19, 2019
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Sin of Wrath​

Age at death: estimated around 40 years
Date of death: 6000-5000 BBY
Date of birth: 6000-5000 BBY
Name: Ahumlu Kas
Alias: Darth Malamo
Gender: Female
Species: Nautolan

Desc: Ahumlu was born on Glee Anselm but little is known about her early life. In her young adult years she was a part of the Nautolan military. Ahumlu rose to power in the Sith, and after returning from somewhere off-planet, nearly drove the Anselmi into extinction under the name of Nautolan armies. She was essentially a military dictator before her fall and was regarded as a cold and unfeeling person who would burst into fits of rage without warning. Her hatred for the Anselmi was unknown to most.

She was defeated by an Anselmi jedi during a fight. The jedi tricked her into entering an underwater cave and used the Force to seal her inside by collapsing the entrance. It is assumed she starved to death.


innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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Sin of Sloth​

Age at death: estimated over 100 years
Date of death: 6000-5000 BBY
Date of birth: 6000-5000 BBY
Name: Rex Acedia
Alias: Darth Krol, King Acedia
Gender: Male
Species: Morellian

Desc: Rex was a Morellian king whose reign resulted in the death of millions of Morellians. Before his reign, as heir to the throne, he lived a life of luxury and hedonism. Once he was discovered to be force-sensitive, a mentor was brought to him and he was taught the ways of the Force. Rex excelled in his training and eventually went off-world to continue it, though he returned many many years later after his father's "unfortunate" death. He sat on the throne for over 100 years but did little to help his people. The man continued to enjoy the fruits of luxury while spending the wealth of Morellia's citizens. His lack of leadership led to corruption, rebellion, and eventually famine. Many attempts on his life were made, but all were unsuccessful. Only after his natural death were his people freed from his apathy, but millions of lives had already been lost to famine and starvation. It is believed that Morellia abandoned monarchy some years after his reign.


innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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Sin of Lust​

Age at death: Unknown
Date of death: 6000-5000 BBY
Date of birth: 6000-5000 BBY
Name: Vasau Grar
Alias: Darth Myslec
Gender: Female
Species: Espirion

Desc: Vasau, despite the extensive records and details of her research, left little to no information on herself. What is known about the Espirion is that she was a scientist of sorts who used the Sith as a gateway to do some of the first studies by the Sith on midi-chlorians. She was noted to be an obsessive individual. Her cause and age during death are unknown. How she rose to power is unknown. The details of her experiments are incredibly extensive but are located within holocrons accessible only by a significant Dark Side power. Her reason for studying midi-chlorians is unknown. It is known through Anselmi historians, however, that she conducted many (often fatal) experiments on the victims of Darth Malamo's purges.


innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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Sin of Envy​

Age at death: 29 years
Date of death: 6000-5000 BBY
Date of birth: 6000-5000 BBY
Name: Satera Majo
Alias: Darth Senteur
Gender: Female
Species: Zeltron

Desc: Satera was born on Zeltros and eventually came under the guide of her master, Susie Ukinat. What is known about Satera is almost completely from Susie's point of view, written in a series of books recounting Satera's life after her death. Satera fell madly in love with her master, and was insanely jealous. She surpassed her master after several years of training and used her influence to keep her former master at her side at all times. Satera would strike down any man or woman who expressed any amount of interest in Susie. Out of all the council members, she was considered the most powerful and most unhinged. She was eventually killed by the other council members as her obsession and possessiveness of Susie was proving detrimental.


innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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Sin of Greed​

Age at death: 20-40 years
Date of death: 6000-5000 BBY
Date of birth: 6000-5000 BBY
Name: Blazna Kreaaskangilb
Alias: Darth Artis
Gender: Male
Species: Rodian

Desc: Blazna was a crime boss who, after learning of his connection to the Force, later rose as a Sith Lord. He had his fingers in nearly every aspect of organized crime by the time of his death. He was, through his illegal dealings, incredibly wealthy and funded many passion projects of the Sith council. He died by the hands of his apprentice, who promptly took over and eventually ruined his crime empire.
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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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Sin of Pride​

Age at death: around 20 years
Date of death: 6000-5000 BBY
Date of birth: 6000-5000 BBY
Name: Harlor Morrgas
Alias: Darth Roem
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Desc: Harlor was born on Coruscant in the seat of privilege and wealth. He struggled for nothing, wanted for nothing, and could manage most things by mentioning his family name. His force sensitivity was discovered when he was a toddler, so his training began early. All these combined, Harlor became obsessed with the idea of his own importance. The only thing he didn't have was the title of family head. At fourteen, Harlor "removed" his older brothers and father from the line and declared himself the head of the Morrgas family. He then traveled off world, and when he returned, bore the name Darth Roem. Harlor eventually declared himself the leader of the Consiliu de Sapte, which ultimately proved to be his downfall. He was driven out by the other council members and forced into exile somewhere on a backwater planet.
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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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Auden Belasi University of Senta


Requires written recommendation

Tuition for off-worlders is considered pricey;
Belascan citizens attend for free

Averages 70,000-90,000 students
- 90% Belascan
- 10% Off-planet
Academic Departments

- School of Natural Science
- School of Applied Science
- School of Formal Science
- School of Medical Science
- School of Art and Music
- School of History, Cultures, and Ancient Technology
- School of Technology


The Auden Belasi University of Senta, commonly referred to as either Senta University or ABUS, was founded by King Auden Belasi in [DATE BBY/ABY]. As one might expect, the university specialized in the natural sciences and began as a way to educate the younger generations to deal with Septorus over the following lifetimes. Over time, it expanded to include many other schools and even began to accept enrollment from foreigners.
Prestigious Degrees

- Microbiology
- Biochemistry
- Public health
- Epidemiology
- Medicine

Notable Alumni

- Armond Belasi, King
- Celeste Marrion, Prime Minister
- Marielle Belasi, Duchess of Senta
- Korre Belasi, Senator of Belasco and Head of GHO
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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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Journals of Ukinat

Site Lore
The Journals of Ukinat were the diaries of Susie Ukinat published post-mortem by an unknown affiliate of hers. The diaries are said to contain various things, from deeply personal information about Darth Senteur, to Sith secrets, to nothing but the woes of a woman kept prisoner by a Sith lord. It is unknown where the journals ended up after they were published, but it was believe their owner crash landed on Taris. Only one print was ever made, as production was stopped by an unknown person, and the originals have been destroyed.

The journals are bound in letter and bear the symbol of the Council of Seven. Their contents are unknown. The journals are not the originals, so the text is printed rather than written.

To create an artifact containing a secret.

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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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Darth Senteur's Saber

Site Lore
This is a lightsaber which formerly belonged to Darth Senteur, a member of the Consiliu de Sapte often referred to as the "Sin of Envy."

The lightsaber is red and black, with a textured grip and an asymmetrical hilt. On the side of the blade the words "Darth Senteur" are engraved in the ancient Sith language of Ur-Kittât, and the blade is a bright yellow color.

To create a write up for
the saber found on Taris by Cinere Autem and given to Malou D'Amaris.

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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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Darth Izicinat's lightsaber

Site Lore
This lightsaber belonged to Darth Izicinat, an ancient Sith Lord who sat on the Council of Seven during the days of the Consiliu de Sapte. She possessed the unique ability to consume the Force-essence of those she slew, and this was the blade she did so with. That being said, this blade was not the means in which she was able to do so, but it is said that anyone who wields the lightsaber can feel the weight of a thousand deaths on their hands.

The lightsaber has a long, silver, and metallic hilt with a red leather grip. Near the top where the blade comes to life is a decorative piece with words engraved in Ur-Kittât. The blade, though just a lightsaber on its own, is heavy in the Force, and has an aura of the Dark Side surrounding it.

To create a write up for the lightsaber of Darth Izicinat (Limos Dovok) which was found by Malou in the Tomb of Limos.

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