Legends - Two Years Later

Cainhurst Crow

SWRP Writer
Aug 7, 2013
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I feel like as we go on, the line between legends and canon are getting more blurred. Stuff from the legends is making its way in through tiny mentions or off-hand statements from the various new canon materials. I also can't help but feel that the canon material so far is a bit...lacking in meat, so to say. There's not the same level of depth in most canon entries as there are in legends entries. What I'm hoping for is an eventual book on just canon stuffs, Either a new big encyclopedia on the lore, or preferably a tabletop RPG book. Cause those seem to be the biggest source of lore the legends had in terms of going in depth about stuff.

Outside of that though, I've no real complaints. Just waiting for them to eventually import Thrawn and the Yuuzhan Vong, but adapted to fit in the new canon of things. Just having both occur later then their previous incarnations in the old canon.


SWRP Writer
Sep 22, 2015
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I feel like the new canon writers are stuck between keeping somethings from canon and running as far away from the original EU as possible. I'm worried they are going to purposely bring in the KOTOR and Thrawn stories and twist them just to make them different from the original EU. That being said I still much prefer and will always regard the original EU as being the main timeline and the new EU being an alternate timeline. This may make me sound like someone clinging to the old ways and not wanting to change, but I love the original EU and those stories are the one's I will always associate with Star Wars.


Mech Fan
SWRP Writer
May 1, 2012
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Two years later, how have your feelings changed about the introduction of Legends and the official canon, if at all?
Well, I've liked them axing the old EU from the start, so my feelings haven't changed. I really like most of the new stuff that's come out, both in the (one) book I've read, and all the comics, as well as Star Wars Rebels, though you can argue that Rebels isn't EU. One of the biggest things I like is that they can write WHAT THEY WANT, and not be concerned about "Oh, wait, this one book from twenty years ago states that our plotline won't work because of some other plotline they did back there".

Take the Season 2 ending of Rebels, where they used Malachor, and reinvented it in a way that was much cooler, I found, than the KOTOR 2. Yes, there were some slight nods to KOTOR, but that was essentially all they did. And like I stated in the fanfic thread @Brandon Rhea posted, I think this pruning of the EU is far overdue. DC (especially) and Marvel comics tidy and shake up their universes every so often, so Star Wars, with nearly 40 years worth of accumulated EU stuff, was in desperate need of a spring cleaning.