Independent Kaarz Pollux


"Are we the baddies?"
SWRP Writer
Apr 10, 2016
Reaction score
Name: Kaarz Pollux
Race: Near-Human(Human-Zabrak)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Age: Twenty standard rotations

Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 178lbs.

Faction: None so far, seeing where the winds take him.
Force Sensitive: No abilities have manifested as of yet.
Biography: Kaarz grew up an only child to a Zabrak father and a Human mother, near the surface levels of Coruscant. His was a peaceful childhood, far from the gangs and violence below and removed from the politics that so often tore families apart on the upper levels. His father ran a strict educational household, being from a gas-mining family himself he made sure his son received the education that he never had. His mother was quiet and reserved, letting her gruff husband handle the talking when neighbors or friends came around. The few times she did speak was when Kaarz's grandfather, her father, came around. He was as reserved as his daughter, letting an intimidating air of command and authority speak for him.

Kaarz dreaded those visits. Each and every time it felt as if he were a prized pet; inspected, prodded, and test in matters of the mind and physical prowess. The man's crystal blue eyes bore holes in him as he studied test grades, athletic accomplishments, as well as combat training. He was made to learn the use of vibroblades, basic blasters, and hand-to-hand combat. Sometimes his grandfather would bring others to observe the tests, as well as other humans his age to compete against. He bested each and every one of them, never knowing what happened to them as their benefactors dragged them away scowling. So it continued for years, until Kaarz was twenty years old.

By his twentieth Kaarz's grandfather was bent over with age, requiring a power-chair and Kaarz's fathers assistance to getting about the yearly tests as they traveled from the house to the gymnasium. This time, however, Kaarz's grandfather had invited them to his estate on Dantooine. The tests went on as usual, with Kaarz slowly making his way through each one, passing each as he always had. The final test of hand-to-hand combat shifted dramatically when a single vibro-dagger was flung in the ring between him and this years competition. It was over in a matter of heartbeats, with Kaarz standing bloodied, but triumphant over his now deceased competition.

With a glint in his in his grandfather's eye he was led deep into the bowels of the estate, past fading tapestries depicting strange spoked circular symbols. Until they were before a rusted and cobwebbed security door. It was in there Kaarz learned his true heritage. Through his mother's they were able to trace their bloodline to an Admiral who had served in the ancient and long gone Empire. White plastoid armor flanked the sides of the room beyond the door, leading the way to an ancient storage device. For exceeding his grandfather's exceptions for years, Kaarz was given foreboding black armor, discolored in places from obvious repairs, but otherwise whole.

He left the estate with the armor, as well with a small complement of weaponry and provisions. Kaarz's grandfather announced this as his "last test" as he was forced to board a transport ship with his parents looking on, impassive yet seemingly proud. Then he was stuck, in the middle of nowhere, a deadend starport in the Outer Rim with naught but what was given to him, and not a single credit to his name.
Description: Kaarz is a sturdy young man of twenty cycles, with pale skin from long periods of time spent in armor or spaceports. He wears his brown hair short, in a quasi-military style that hangs just above the ears. On his forehead are two small horns, the largest of Zabrak horn-like nubs that his hair normally hides. He bears a regal and contained nature, with tall posture and sure movements. His eyes are an icy blue, a trait inherited from his mother's side of the family.
Personality: Kaarz can be described in two words; meticulous, and reserved. He does his best to think ahead and be prepared for his future endeavors, putting all he learned to the test as he seeks to survive in a galaxy he has yet to truly see.

To the outside observer Kaarz may seem cold, distant, and particular about the smallest of things. These observations are correct, though he does his best to break free from his militaristic mindset by cracking an occasional joke in a deadpan manner, often messing up the punchline or failing to deliver the joke at an appropriate time.

Despite a cold and austere outward appearance inside Kaarz is a worrier. He anxiously awaits each moment as a plan unfolds, and does his best to cover up any perceived weakness his frigid disposition. He has not been close enough to anyone to truly let his walls down, and his icy facade doesn't help much.

Trained for Combat:
Kaarz was raised at a young age to appreciate both the range of a blaster, and the personal nature of a vibroblade. He is trained in both and can hold his own fairly well. This, however, doesn't mean he is a master at it, and can only last so long against multiple or more skilled opponents.

Cool Headed: Kaarz is able to keep a cool head in times of stress and action. He doesn't often give into his emotions or baser instincts, but when he does there's no going back until the situation is over.

Bilingual: Kaarz is able to speak, read, and write both Zabrak and Galactic Basic.

Weapon Familiarity: Kaarz is able to use a variety of weapons if given enough time to study it, though if it is entirely foreign to him he often uses it wrong or can't seem to find the safety.

Analytical Mind: Due to years of testing Kaarz is able to process information at a faster pace, helping him in combat and other fast-paced scenarios. Whether or not he remembers the information gained at such a fast rate depends on the downtime he is able to get afterwards. He needs sleep or other forms of rest to properly process the information.
-Pollux Family Heirloom Armor
E-11 Blaster Rifle
-Water canteen, holding two liters of water
-Worn Macrobinoculars
Glie-44 Blaster Pistol
-Utility-belt containing: grappling hook enough for fifteen meters, emergency ration bar, small toolkit, and three blaster powercells.
-Basic commlink, integrated into his helmet.
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"Are we the baddies?"
SWRP Writer
Apr 10, 2016
Reaction score
Reserved for future stories, kills, etc.