Imperial Tech Restricted Armor Imperial Armored Spacesuit


The Man, The Legend, The Mythos!
SWRP Writer
Sep 3, 2023
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Imperial Armored Spacesuit

Heavy Armor

• Head: Full Coverage
• Torso: Full Coverage
• Back: Full Coverage
• Upper Arms: Full Coverage
• Lower Arms: Full Coverage
• Upper Legs: Full Coverage
• Lower Legs: Full Coverage

Function 1: Environment Suit
  • Airsealed, it protects the user from harsher environments and the vacuum of space.
Function 2: Rebreather
  • In combination with the Environmental Suit, the rebreather recycles the suit's air.
Function 3: Utility HUD
  • Gives the environmental readout and system check upon the transparisteel viewplate of the helm.
Function 4: Vision Modes
  • Allows the suit to adapt the viewscreen according to the different levels of light as well as use thermal imaging.
Function 5: Life Support Pack
  • Grants the suit the ability to regulate the quality of the suit's recycled air and adds drinking water for the suit's wearer.

This Armored Spacesuit is an Imperial Variant manufactured by the Imperial Department of Military Research to be a one size fits all Armor in combative scenarios. With the extended ability of the suit's environment, and the addition of the Utility HUD as well, it covers most infantry needs.
As the name suggests, this is armor for Imperial Personnel and as such, is legal for members of the Empire. However, as with any militant items, a few have been stolen or sold selectively and variant knockoff copies have been made. Illegal for non-Imperialists.
Intended to expand and legalize the Armored Spacesuit of The Disparaged Battalion and that of it's entailed PC, Valor Gravitas whilst adding a non-Mandalorian Heavy Armor flavorful for the Empire.
Restricted to Imperial PCs and NPCs. However, if an non-Imperial was to acquire this tech, an Imperial Bounty would incur. As Heavy Armor, and entailed restrictions of such, it is legal for PvP.
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