Immortal Knights

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SWRP Writer
Mar 10, 2012
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Immortal Knights
The word 'Knight' used almost ironically, these Force-wielders are no mystics like their Jedi counterparts. They wield the Force as a tool in service to the Ascendancy, and while they study it they also study the art of war and train in fighting with weapons mundane as well as mystical. Where their brethren battle enemy soldiers, Immortal Knights battle enemy Force-wielders. They are neither fully light-siders nor dark-siders, but somewhere in the middle. The Creed of the Immortal is too self-sacrificing to truly commit to the Dark Side of the Force, but by their very nature the Immortal Knights are too violent and destructive to truly be aligned with the Light Side of the Force.

Force Powers
Powers common among the Immortal Knights include battle meditation, telekinesis, tutaminis, electric judgment, Force reflex, Force stealth, projectile guidance, and a suite of defensive and interrupt powers designed to shut down enemy Force-users. Many know how to engage in meditative healing trances as well as some minor Force healing, but few have access to the more sophisticated Sith or Jedi techniques unless they have trained with those Orders.

Position and Role
An Immortal's status as an Immortal Knight is denoted through a qualifier to their military specialty, not through special rank. Though their specialty training is separate from that of the Immortals, they enter basic training alongside other Immortals and serve in the Legions alongside their non-Force-sensitive brethren. The Knight's role in the lower ranks is as much combat support as it is to engage the enemy, bringing their Force powers to bear against the foe as well as in support of their comrades.

When fighting a Force-wielder, however, the Immortal Knight has his chance to truly shine. Moreso than the other Immortals, they are able to effectively neutralize an enemy Force-wielder's powers through a combination of suppression and counters. Unlike most Force traditions, however, the Knights have training easily on par with special operators. Though they lack significant offensive capability with the Force, they have an abundance of proficiency with more mundane offensive methods to engage their opponents.

Coming Soon

This is all being reworked/editted from Solaris's base platform.
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