
Essla Ta'dek


Character Profile
Feb 8, 2024
Reaction score
In King Dusty Daytonus' scrapyards, there was plenty of junk. Half a TIE solar panel, a blown-out hyperdrive, and a warped laser cannon were just a few of the odds and ends lying about. However, if you knew where to look and what you were looking for, there were plenty of useful things too. Essla knew both.

"Cee-Too, hold this for me," Essla grunted, scooching out from under the ship she was raiding for parts and holding out a tangled mess of wires and computer parts. The droid whistled a question, but leaned forward to take the item from her. "No, it doesn't work right now. But if I can fix it, it would be a nice addition to the Wespre." She was so close to getting her ship back. Cee-Too let out the droid equivalent of a sigh and shook his mismatched R5 head as he placed the item in a satchel that held her most recent acquisitions. Her room (or was it a cell?) was beginning to look like a mechanic's workshop. Partially because it was. When she wasn't training the king's pilots, she was tinkering with some piece of machinery. An irritated bleep interrupted Essla's thoughts. "Hm? Oh, fine, mister impatient, I'll see if there is anything else worthwile and then we can leave." Sighing, the Twi'lek vanished back under the beat-up starship.She was wearing a simple orange flightsuit, tall black boots, brown work gloves, and a white headpiece, but most of the color was marred by spots of grease.

Essla plunged her hands into the guts of the starfighter, flashlight held in her mouth. As she fiddled around, though, she felt something that wasn't supposed to be here: what felt like a metal cube, perhaps about palm-sized, and with no wires or anything connected to it. The Twi'lek frowned as she fished out the object and held it in front of her. It was, in fact, cuboidal, but the surface was so grimy that it was difficult to observe any details. She used her gloved hand to wipe off some of the dirt and grease, exposing a bit of gold-silver metal and glasslike material. Essla wasn't sure what it was, but her gut instinct told her it was important.