Mission Pack Good Intentions


SWRP Writer
Jan 1, 2020
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Mission Pack: Good Intentions

In a dramatic Senate meeting of the Free Worlds Alliance, Senator Soygun York of Kattada was arrested by Sector Ranger Lieutenant Corran Velt on the order of Prime Minister Naeva Rue herself. The Senator had been accused of leaking information from a closed hearing of politicians along with corruption, bribery, and graft. A broad investigation has been opened to get to the bottom of these claims, procure evidence should any be found, and bring the truth to light. The Rangers have been armed with court documents and subpoenas to help them get past any closed doors or gruff attendants. Avoiding political entanglements and the subtle brush of vice will be harder than ever in this house of cards.

Location: Coruscant and Kattada

Faction Rewards: The Sector Rangers can earn some good-will, or at least political favor, from certain groups in the Free Worlds Alliance and the powerful politicians that operate the government.

Individual Rewards:
There is something to be said about rubbing shoulders with politicians, the rich, and the famous. Making the right introductions can go a long way with helping your career or maybe helping others down the road.

OOC Info: All threads in this pack are Self-DM and are encouraged to use dice if you want some randomness to your encounters. This is a pack for Sector Rangers to really cut into smoke-filled backrooms and political games. If you like Noire-style investigations, this is the place. Most importantly, these threads are for story and fun!


Greased Palms

Soygun York comes from a political dynasty from the world of Kattada. His father, Jorgan York, was a Senator of the world in the Free Worlds Alliance as well. Local authorities have been investigating Jorgan York for sometime and publicly enough for the former Senator to not seek reelection. The Sector Rangers are to head to Kattada and discover if there is any connection between the corruption cases and Soygun York. The apple may not fall far from the tree on a paradise world that is anything but.
Participants: @Kestrel (Bast Emblai) & @Raydo (Nick Shaw)
Status: Full

The Ghost Leak

A leak of the Free Worlds Alliance Senate meeting on reforming the alliance in the face of growing galactic uncertainty led to public outcry and diplomatic embarrassments. The meeting was entirely confidential and any information finding its way to the public is a crime. The Sector Rangers have been tasked with investigating Senator York's office and staff for suspicion of being the source of the leak that damaged public goodwill. Find evidence or the culprit and bring them to justice.
Participants: @TerranSteel (Corran Velt) & @Sreeya (Trys Aran)
Thread: Good Intentions - The Ghost Leak
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SWRP Writer
Jan 1, 2020
Reaction score
I've added Nick and Bast to Greased Palms. Enjoy investigating financial corruptions!