Mission Pack Expansionist Tendencies


SWRP Writer
Jul 27, 2022
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At the behest of Darth Tempest, Thel Xeros seeks to extend Sith control to planets close to Mustafar.

Planet 1 - Manpha
The petroleum miners of the Manpha swamplands have grown tired of exploitation from the government based in the capital of Shanpan. They have organised themselves and wish to depose the government and install themselves into power. They are willing to ally the planet with the Sith Order, if you can help them overthrow the government. Do so, by whatever means you choose.
Participants (2-3): @Trodai Narat-iv-Adas @Feifi candorus @Khlan Gonk

Planet 2 – Rutan
The king of Rutan desperately clings to power in the face of those who wish to challenge his position on the throne. He has agreed to pledge allegiance to the Sith Order, if they can simply help him stay on the throne. His main rivals are gathering at the castle of a prominent Baron, for a great hunt. Find a way of being present at the hunt, to eliminate his rivals. However, there are perhaps alternative ways of taking them out of consideration… On the other hand, you might find that one of them may be a more suitable candidate for ruler. Just ensure whoever is on the throne, answers to the Sith.
Participants (2-3): @Azar Kressh @Gemini @Nefid

Planet 3 – Cotellier
The presidential election is soon to take place on the desert mining planet. The unlikely challenger is behind in the polls, and it seems inevitable that the planet’s long running president will win again. The challenger has contacted the Sith Order, promising the he will ally with the Sith if they can help him win the election. Destroy the reputation of Cotellier’s president, fabricate evidence of corruption or come up with a more effective strategy. Perhaps you might try forming an alliance with the current president instead. Just make sure whoever wins the election is an ally of the Sith Order.
Participants (2-3): @Karys @Param Vour @Ayomi Jakarta

Hopefully people sign up and can have fun with the missions. Just reply with your character name and the mission you are interested in. When there are enough signups for a mission (hopefully), it will be marked as full. Once there are enough participants for a mission, you can post the OP and have fun roleplaying it. The only thing I would ideally like is that if a thread is started, it is completed.
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SWRP Writer
Sep 3, 2023
Reaction score
I'm very interested. Sign me up for Planet 1 - Manpha. :)

Time to ferment some rebellion.


Good natured cowboy
SWRP Writer
Apr 24, 2023
Reaction score
We'll, if there's room I guess we can do feifi, would be a great learning experience for her! Maybe number uno if there's room?