Expansionary Defense Force

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Jul 15, 2011
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Chiss Ascendancy

Expansionary Defense Force


"The role of a warrior is to protect the Chiss people.
The warrior's own survival is of only secondary importance."
--Grand Admiral Thrawn

The Chiss Expansionary Defense Force is the main military body of the Chiss Ascendancy, equipped with some of the best technology available to the galaxy at large in order to make up for their smaller size when compared to the other main factions of the Galaxy, such as the Galactic Alliance or Sith Imperium. In the end superior technology and expert training are what lead the CEDF to victory, not size.

The CEDF is made of two main branches, the Navy and the Army, which have recently had their ranks combined in order to increase their strength on the field. The Navy has also been reformed to teach tactics that were originally used, and developed, by Mitth'raw'nuruodo, or Thrawn, who is now viewed as a hero and master tactician, though some of his views are still looked down upon. The ships in the navy have also been refitted with better and bigger masers, with bigger ships to match such as the Saracen and Zeus Dreadnaughts. Still, Chiss Naval tradition remains strong, the principle remains to hit strong and fast, not giving the enemy a chance to react or call in reinforcements, resulting in maximum damage for minimum loss. Thus the main ship in battle remains to be Cruisers and other smaller capital ships, along with the assistance of superior fighters such as the Clawcraft.

The second main branch of the CEDF, the Army has also been recently reformed in order to maximize effectiveness in the field. One of the new additions is the addition of superior ground vehicles that can strike fiercely at the enemy while the troops capture an area. Another addition is the use of droids, such as the .222, in their army, though due to Chiss resentment of such devices, they are not used to their full potential much and the droids are not up to par with those made by the GA or Imperium unless they are in limited production. Some things that have remained the same however, such as the fact the Army still focuses on light armor that allows them to maneuver quickly through the battlefield while still providing enough protection to get them through the day. The Army is also still expertly trained, allowing the Chiss Ascendancy to throw highly experienced soldiers into the fray that rival and best most other faction troops. Chiss troops also still use Charrics as their main weapon, but have no expanded into using other weapons such as blasters and explosives, while also evolving their armor to use Fractal Pattern Camouflage and Pulse Stickers to better their chances on the field; they are also still highly organized and have clear lines of communications, increasing their effectiveness. In the end, while not the biggest Army in the galaxy, the Chiss Army can stand toe to toe with some of the bigger faction armies and maybe even win.

Chiss Expansionary Defense Force Ranks

The ultimate commander of the CEDF, the Imperator can overrule anybody's decision with his own. Still he rarely gets involved, unless the fate of the Chiss depends on it, since he has other duties to attend to that affect the faction, leaving most duties to the Tactical Commander who manages the CEDF.

Tactical Commander
The overall commander of the CEDF, the Tactical Commander is second only to the Imperator. Usually however, he has sole control over the military since the Imperator only gets involved in high risk-high reward situations, and he is also in charge of the day to day maintenance of the CEDF as well as developing new tech for the CEDF to use against their enemies.

Maximus Legatus
The Maximus Legatus is the ultimate commander of a planetary assault or invasion, controlling all naval and army aspects of the battle, as well as around two Prima Legatus-ranked Chiss. He controls the overall tactics of the Army and Navy he is given command of and is basically as high as you get without being a part of the Council of Eminence.

Prima Legatus
Assisting the Maximus Legatus is the Prima Legatus' primary role, but they are also given command of their own personal fleet and army, as well as command over three to five Legatus ranked Chiss, that can lead attacks on planets of lower priority that a Maximus Legatus cannot be concerned with. Those who are Prima Legatus, however, are masterminds and brilliant tacticians, and almost always have personal experience on the field of battle.

The low-ranking Generals and Admirals of the CEDF, a Legatus is put under the command of a Prima Legatus, and is in charge of providing the army and fleet, he is given command of, battle winning strategies. The Legatus leads thousands of troops and dozens of capital ships in battle, and is highly respected both by his superiors and by his subordinates for his knowledge of battle tactics.

Centurion Prime
The highest ranking officer to be on the field, the Centurion Prime is a hardened soldier that is in command of around five Centurions. In order to reach the rank of Centurion Prime, not only does a soldier have to be smart and knowledgeable of battle tactics, but also needs enough skill in fighting himself that he is able to survive in the front lines as he carries out the orders of his superiors and leads his men to victory.

A veteran warrior, breaths away from being a Centurion Prime, the Centurion is in command of one hundred Legionnaires and about
ten Legionnaire Primes, while being under the direct command of a Centurion Prime. Those who earn this rank have usually participated in several battles, and have emerged victorious while also showing talent in command and leadership. When in a fleet, they also take command of a sole capital ship and its starfighters (if any).

Centurion Adjutant
A Legionnaire Prime in the process of getting officially promoted to Centurion, the Centurion Adjutant takes command of half of what the Centurion commands. Helping the Centurion manage his forces in battle as a skilled soldier and leader.

Legionnaire Prime
The first true officer rank, the Legionnaire Prime is in direct command of ten Legionnaires, or a squadron of fighters. This is a Chiss' first taste of true leadership and is a test of their skill. Those that fail, die or remain in the same rank until they better themselves, while those that succeed are given the chance to command even more troops and soldiers as a Centurion.

Your standard Chiss trooper, the Legionnaire is the first official rank of the CEDF and in the navy they are given a starfighter to pilot. Those that are Legionnaire are given top end technology, and have just finished grueling and difficult training, making them skilled killing machines on the field. The only command they are given is over Conscripti, whom they are expected to train.

New to the CEDF and not officially part of it, and still in training are the Conscripti, rarely are they ever called into battle instead they are given missions to do under the supervision of a Legionnaire. Usually those that are Conscripti do not stay Conscripti for long, and are moved up to Legionnaire, or Legionnaire Prime, depending on their skill level.


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