Armor Doc's Armor

Killa Ree

Killa Queen
SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2017
Reaction score
Doc's Armor
Sometimes, the aesthetic of armor doesn't coincide with the occupation of its' wearer. However, this light suit of armor does. Made for those whose medical journeys involve places with a little more danger than a sniffly cough, the material suitably proclaims to the galaxy that the wearer is a medical professional. Duraplast panels cover the torso, lower arms and back, while the jacket acts as a cohesive cover... with pockets!... ending in a square coattail to just above the knees. The rest of the material, however, is simply thermal flightsuit material paired with standard function boots all in white and standard medical cross badge on the back, giving the aesthetic of a medical professional at all times.
Legal, however this is considered a professional protective suit of armor, and is not readily available to regular citizens of the galaxy.
To give a write-up for the good Doctor's personal armor that can be later expanded upon and edited later, as well as a writeup for any potential medical-friendly characters to use as a base for their own armor.
NO. However, it would not be easy to obtain such profession-specific threads, and if one were not a medical professional and openly wearing these, they would be met with much scrutiny and suspicion.
Type and Coverage Type: Light Armor Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)
  • Torso: Lightweight blast vest with duraplast plates for upper and lower torso, removeable.
  • Back: Lightweight blast vest with layer of duraplast plates for upper and lower back, removeable.
  • Lower Arms: Thin layer of duraplast covering the forearm from wrist to elbow, removeable.
Function 1: Dart Launcher
  • Can launch a dart accurately up to 15m. This dart is filled with a fast-acting, short-lived sedative that can render near-humans unconscious, or a sedative tailored to one specific alien physiology. The dart is incapable of penetrating even the lightest armor, or even thick leathers. The dart has the same practical effect as a medium stun bolt.
Function 2: Mag-Boots
  • Magnetic boots contain electromagnets in the soles and allow for enhanced movement on ferrous surfaces in microgravity or steep gradients. This functionality must be turned on or off manually by a button or switch.
Function 3: Concealed Blade
  • Concealed blades are typically 4-6 inches in length and lock into place once extended. They are almost always placed along the fore-arm or boot. They are no substitute for true combat knives as the locking mechanism can break under strong impacts. Still, some people enjoy them as a helpful backup.
Function 4: Computer Spike (4 Functions for Medium or Light Armor only)
  • Computer spikes are used to forcibly decrypt or unlock computer terminals. Most civilian systems can be cracked in one posting round, while most military or hardened systems take two or more.
Function 5: Thermal Undersuit (5 Functions for Light Armor only)
  • Thermal undersuits wick away or reflect thermal energy for brief periods of time. They are not nearly as effective as a suit that firefighters would wear. Most commonly used to protect soldiers from flamethrower weapons or short bursts of extreme heat or cold, and are only good for 1-2 posts of exposure depending on intensity. They are useless against blasters.