Destruction of the Arena OOC

The Good Doctor

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Jul 4, 2017
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I'm fine with either. I guess we just see what happens naturally


SWRP Writer
Oct 19, 2016
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@Fyston, just the standard jetpack, flamethrower and the Quick-Release System and @Undine I'm not too bothered about either but I have a slight bias towards 1v1 mini battles.


Taut yet Malleable
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Feb 11, 2012
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I did just want to clarify because I forgot to put it in my gear spoiler: Celtar is wearing Jedi Modular Armor medium variant with the nomex cloak

Edit: I DID put it in my IC portion of the post, I just wanted to also put it here for ease of reference

The Good Doctor

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Jul 4, 2017
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I did just want to clarify because I forgot to put it in my gear spoiler: Celtar is wearing Jedi Modular Armor medium variant with the nomex cloak

Edit: I DID put it in my IC portion of the post, I just wanted to also put it here for ease of reference

I saw it


SWRP Writer
Oct 8, 2014
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But suddenly Xaxis with the all knowing power of the Darkside of the Force, then sensed one force signature close by, and getting closer. It was faint but still there. Curious Xaxis focused more into it with his keen senses and he could see it all too well. He then informs Kann of such. "I sense someone with the Force coming this way. Coming from the rear. Be ready" He said to Kann so that the Viper of Mandalore would re-position himself to account for this revelation. So Xaxis then ran around the arena as quickly as he could with the force the closer to the rear he got. The spots two cloaked figures, with about 15 meters of distance Xaxis has his firmly eyes on them. Unknown to him, one of was a Jedi who was pulling in his force signature, so he assumed that one of them was a Jedi and one of them was a non-force sensitive. They are both on the ground, either attempting to go up or go around.

Wasting no time, Xaxis with his Kyber Staff firmly in his right hand, extends his left arm and with the power of hate for the Jedi, he attempts to apply a firm telekinetic grip to one of the two people @Fyston by the neck and then attempting to crush it, assuming that he is a non-force sensitive and would have little way of defending himself aside (unless the Jedi tries to protect him perhaps) if he was able to make the first move. And he is sure that Kann is moving in himself so that he can assist.

OOC: Hello! Since Undine's nor Fyston post never stated that Undine's person was concealing her force presence. I detected it.[/spoiler]

Actually I changed my mind. I've yet to move Emerald from the cantina. If you want to sense her Force signature from that location go for it, although on a world full of darksiders I wouldn't consider it odd to sense another Force signature. As for when I do have her move in my next post she will be suppressing her Force signature. If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer it if one of the Jedi you sensed was one of the Jedi NPCs we brought along with us as I'd greatly enjoy being able to determine where and how my own character moves. To clarify, Fyston's post does not determine where my character is nor how she got there. Also, Fyston's post doesn't determine if Emerald is suppressing her Force signature or not. If you need to ask me where Emerald is and how she's getting there then ask me, I'm all ears, but don't assume for yourself and then expect me to just go with it.​


The Good Doctor

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Jul 4, 2017
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Sorry about that. I missed one keyword. I'll make the changes.


SWRP Writer
Oct 8, 2014
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I have jury duty starting monday, the 25th, through friday, the 29th. I just wanted to give you guys a heads up. I will be specifically focusing on this thread so hopefully I can post within a reasonable timeframe of when it is my turn to do so. Apologies otherwise.

In other news, @christhebarker you have until 5:20 am EST tomorrow to post or request a 24 hour extension. It's currently 8:10 pm EST as of writing this, so you might want to hightail it. One way or another I will be posting tomorrow afternoon.​


The Good Doctor

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Jul 4, 2017
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Hey @Undine . Can you clarify the distance between your character and mine when your character is shooting?

And what is my character doing by the time you are firing? Either i'm blind or I'm not seeing it. (Probably the former lolol)


SWRP Writer
Oct 8, 2014
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Hey @Undine . Can you clarify the distance between your character and mine when your character is shooting?

And what is my character doing by the time you are firing? Either i'm blind or I'm not seeing it. (Probably the former lolol)

I'm not sure of the size of the arena so I didn't want to put in the exact distance and then be wrong. @Fyston is right on the steps of the arena, your about 30 meters from him. I mentioned being about halfway from where our characters where towards where Fyston's Jedi is now. If we said the distance from point a to point b is 120 meters then half of that would be 60 meters so I'd be about the same distance from you as you are from Fyston's Jedi. Does that sound right to you?

On your second question, I'm shooting you as your Force choking Celtar, since Emerald heard your character running and then ran to where she is now as you continued running towards Celtar, our attacks would be happening roughly the same time.​


Taut yet Malleable
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2012
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@christhebarker, where is your character in relation to @Faster Than Light's? I can draw a picture to demonstrate what I'm seeing in my mind's eye because it may be a tad difficult to explain right now. In my mind, he is at the top of the arena looking away from my character's position. I say this because, while you said he saw them, he is watching FtL's character's back and not paying much attention to the rear entrance. Is this correct?


SWRP Writer
Oct 19, 2016
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I wouldn't say he's looking from you but he's generally watching over FTL, scanning the area around him and assessing threats to him. so his attention wouldn't be completely on him but he'll still be checking on you @Fyston


SWRP Writer
Oct 8, 2014
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@Faster Than Light I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I'm posting this, but myself and @Fyston do have some concerns about your post.

First and foremost, particle weaponry fires at a rate 80% that of normal blaster weaponry. I refuse to accept that your character is able to react the way he did to 6 particle shots coming at him from behind when he had no forewarning of Emerald's attacks and was completely focused on Force choking Fyston's Jedi. Using such a precise Force attack at 30 meters with enough strength to overwhelm a trained Force wielder would require far more concentration than a mere afterthought.

Either your sith is forced to abandon his Force attack, being interrupted by Emerald's particle shots, so he may dodge them, or he goes through with the attack and forced on the defensive. I'd be willing to accept your character sidestepping the first round of Emerald's shots, even blocking the second one, but you'd have to come up with a better method of evading the third. As it is your character is hearing them, turning to look at the incoming fire, then turning back to look at Fyston's Jedi before jumping out of the way all the while he is still following through with his Force choke on Fyston's Jedi and dodging Fyston's attacks. I understand we've pinned you between a rock and a hard place, but that was our intention and I'm not gonna accept a "lol nope" moment.

Basically if your gonna forego the first Force choke to evade Emerald's attacks, I accept that, but you still have Fyston's attacks to deal with. If You follow through with the first Force choke then I refuse to accept that your sith is still able to just move out of the way. Your looking at a window of 2-3 seconds from the time Emerald pulls the trigger to when the bolts hit, most likely less time. With no forewarning of her advance your not gonna be able to stop what your doing, look around, and then move. It's either move or follow through with your attack on Fyston's Jedi.​


The Good Doctor

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Jul 4, 2017
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It says velocity speed is at 80% of a normal blaster shot, not firing rate. That's a big distinction. So your weapon is one that you can fire as fast as you pull the trigger and that's what I gathered from your post. So there would be minimum time in-between shots so they would be flying at Xaxis standing still choking someone.

And my impression of what happened with Fyston countering was incorrect admittedly.

Xaxis would be hear the sound of two blaster shots (with the dual barrel firing) being fired at the same time from Emerald. Which would break his concentration. So I wouldn't mind that Xaxis' choke attempt was interrupted instantly.

I wrote that Fyston's character countered it, as Fyston put in his post. So I thought that implied that my character would abandon the choke. I never did state I continued it. That may have been an issue with me not being clear. So my character isn't intending to be choking Fyston's person while dodging.

So. I'm fine with my dropping my choke to dodge both parties attacks. I think my dodging to both parties attacks is reasonable minus the continued choking. So essentially would be done to either parties.


SWRP Writer
Oct 8, 2014
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Apologies, I meant speed not rate, particle weaponry fires at 80% of the speed of blaster weaponry, which is still fast enough to travel 30 meters in a matter of seconds.

If you don't mind explicitly stating your character's first Force choke was interrupted I'm perfectly fine with him dodging Emerald's attacks. I would like to point out though that because your Force choke effectively didn't happen @Fyston has nothing to stop him from attacking as soon as he sees your character, roughly the same time Emerald attacks him. Given the distance between our characters being equal, his blaster shots would reach your sith before Emerald's particle shots do, so if your dodging Emerald's shots you get hit by Celtar's, if you stand in place to avoid Celtar's shots you get hit by Emerald's. Personally, I'd drop to the ground and let the shots fly over your head.​

The Good Doctor

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Jul 4, 2017
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Honestly. If I jump to the side, or anywhere backwards any real distance, i'm outside of a 30 meter radius of Fyston. Which is literally the very edge of his weapons range. I did go to a tech mod, anything past that range fizzles out. So if I'm dodge Emerald's shots by jumping to the side, i'd be out-ranging Fyston by proxy. Which would mean I'd have to get closer for any kind of attack on the side too too so I'd do that.

And I don't think getting on the ground is an option since his physical actions say he just peppered the air, impling (to me) he was shooting randomly and I could still get hit by his attack even if I don't move in addition to Emerald's attack. And plus sitting duck.

I'll make sure my post reads that his first choke attempt ceased instantly because he got shot at by Emerald and it doesn't continue. He dodges Emeralds, out-ranges. And I have to get closer for an attack. This cool?
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