

SWRP Writer
Mar 9, 2010
Reaction score
A long time had passed since she'd shown her face to the world. A long time had passed in gneral actually, since she had bothered with the unpleasentries of society, the rules and laws which restricted her and made life all the more confusing. The Zabrak female had taken to hiding on a small, out of the way planent which was only lightly populated. One port which saw only smaller cargo ships bringing supplies from larger planets, and a few scattered cities.

Tsuki hadn't even set foot in the cities. She and her companion Phisto had lurked the rest of the world, exploring the forests and enjoying their life. Companion was a loose term though. Most, at a glance, thought the creature which followed her about to be a pet, but that was the farthest from the truth one could be. Phisto, the beautiful, mocha colored nexu, was more a friend or even sibling than anything else. They quarreled and got over it, they did their own things. They were, however, held together by a strange bond formed when she'd rescued the lonely little cub from a cetain death and cared for him in place of his mother.

Now though, the pair had decided to return to civilization. Tsuki went without the hassles of trying to sneak Phisto onto a ship, herself following, and instead waited for a small enough craft to settle down. When it did, she took the only reasonable course of action available. She lead the pilot away to the outskirts of the city where no one would see and killed him, taking the craft as her own. Off she and her nexu friend went, jumping from one planet to the next. Their ride was only made for shorter trips, and so they were forced to stop regularly. They continued this until they reached Tatooine, and when they made a rough landing at the port the ship itself was showing heavily the signs of wear it had received recently.

Tsuki and Phisto stepped out and the Zabrak shielded her eyes against the sun, recognizing this planet from some time ago. She'd visited this planent, and a bar here. She'd met a man, well several, but one of them was of importance. Vizza. She wondered what had come of her former mentor. She'd been unable to finish her training under him. She'd been swept up by a freelancer, paid by a good friend of her former master who had been keeping an eye out for the escaped slave. Caught, bound, and separated from Phisto she'd managed to free herself when the ship transporting her crashed. Through sheer luck she managed to get off the rock they landed on, and a large chunk of time had been spent scouring the glaxy to find the small, dark-colored nexu. Reunited with him the pair had simply vanished in what they thought to be the best course of action, hiding out and surviving.

These thoughts were trailing through her mind as she looped a loose chair around Phisto's neck, for show alone to keep people from complaining or freaking out over the animal. The made their way to the same cantina they'd been in the last time this planet saw them, stepping into the dim-lit and noisy bar for a little reprieve. Unlike most people, Tsuki and Phisto almost never had to pick their way through a crowd. As soon as people noticed the nexu they moved out of theway eagerly, and the pair walked to a table on the far side, well away from the door, and selected a table in a fairly empty portion of the cantina to sit.

The next few hours were spent sipping one drink after another, until sundown came and night unleashed her unholy rule on the scuzzy bar. She wasn't worried though. The training she'd received from Vizza in the ways of the Force, the guard shoto at her hips, and the nexu laying at he feet were plenty to keep her safe should someone get a little ballsy and try something stupid. As she finished what was her fifth drink, she waved a hand at the bartender for another and closed her eyes, reaching down to stroke Phisto's spade-shaped head absently. What had happened in the time she was away? More importantly, why had she come to this little place as if drawn by an invisible cord?
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SWRP Writer
Mar 9, 2010
Reaction score
Planet : Tatooine

Building : Cantina in the lower districts

Time : Arrived on Tatooine in the late afternoon, reached the cantina shortly after. Currently it is early to mid evening

Other Information : Tsuki is slightly tipsy and Phisto is getting bored of doing nothing.