Dark Jedi of the Bogan: Suggestions and Feedback


Staff Emeritus
SWRP Writer
May 30, 2013
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I like to walk on the wild-man-eating-Ent side of life.


SWRP Writer
Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
I was bored so I decided to do this. :)

Dark Jedi Of The Bogan


Link to Beliefs and Hierachy

Link to Faction OOC

Sign-Up FAQ
Who can sign up?
Anyone! I'm trying to make the faction as open and diverse as possible, so any members is allowed to join, provided they apply with a character that has plausible cause to be there. However, pertaining to cross faction interests and in accordance with the Independant Factiosn rules, playing a double agent ad/or sabotaging the faction does need to be approved by me - I'm all for story, so if it's a good plotline then I'll probably agree to it, but I do have to look out for other members too, so please keep that in mind.

What kind of characters do you look for?
Generally speaking, all characters are welcome and accepted, and if there isn't a niche your character can fit into, then I'll do my best to create one. I'm also looking at things like diplomats to other factions and informal membership, so if you're interested but still want to be mainly involved in another faction, shoot me a PM and we'll talk about where we can fit you in.

Do I have to be Force Sensitive?
While the faction is obviously tailored towards Force Sensitives, that doesn't mean that we won't refuse your character if they aren't. However, do understand that the focus is elsewhere, so you may not find your character well catered for unless you provide some initiative.

Do I have to be a Dark Side user?
Down the track I'd love to explore Light Side users, redemption and even a schism within the faction. That said, however, at the moment I'm afraid I cannot accept Light Side Force users - you either must have fallen to the Dark Side already, or agree to fall within your first RP joining the faction. If we want to explore great and exciting stories involving division, then first we need to be unified. For Non-Force Sensitivies, this is not an issue obviously, but loyalty is expected unless you notify me otherwise. As stated above, I'm perfectly open to there being dissent and plotting, but let's just make sure it's fun and exciting first.

Can I be x rank?
At the moment, I'm accepting people at only Apprentice and Initiated levels based on past merit, writing ability and RP experience. I'm doing this for a number of reasons, but the core of it is basically this: I want people to earn their position, not be handed it by seniority, so I'm essentially starting you all off on a level playing field - this also helps me gauge who will be most well suited for leadership positions as the faction expands. I'll also have other systems implemented to track your achievements separate from rank, so if for any reason you want to play an Apprentice and not be promoted, then there will be a system in place to reflect ta level of veterancy and achievement. More details on this soon.

How do I sign up?
If you are interested in joining the faction, please simply state your character's name, along with a link to their character sheet below. Please also include a short blurb (50 words or so, nothing major) to describe how your character came to join the faction, as well as outlining a basic skillset.

*-High Lords and Dark Masters will be announced based on activity and involvement at this stage, rather then past merit in other factions. This may be subject to change.


Dark Jedi of the Bogan
Beliefs and Hierarchy

“No peace, only chaos.
No knowledge, only instinct.
No serenity, only passion.
No life, only death.”

I) All life is suffering. Until you accept this fact, you will never understand anything. Accept the suffering your life will bring. Allow it to motivate you. Let it anger you. The universe is chaos. Life is made of random actions that create who we are. Beings cannot be harmonious with one another because they are, in essence, animalistic creatures driven by instinct. Do not avoid this. Use chaos to further our aims and our strength, for chaos brings darkness to existence. It may be seen as a cruel irony of the Dark Jedi - that we must be somewhat ordered to create chaos, but this is only true by a strict definition. While it is true the Dark Jedi must be in some form organized, the core of our mission is not to create order or reform society, as Sith and Jedi have strived for for millenia, but to destroy the shackles society has created for itself.

II) If the Jedi have been plagued by one thing since their creation it has been indecisiveness. They fail to react. They only want to contemplate. When it is time to act the Jedi only want to mediate in their ivory towers. The Sith too have fallen prey to this idea - confined by their hierarchies, the Sith often find themselves incapable of swift action when necessary. A Dark Jedi does not wait. We demand you to act swiftly, not wait on guidance from the Force or any other. Failure to react is a failure to act. Do what you know is right.

III) The dogmatic Jedi would have you believe you can become content, serene, but we know this is a lie. We creatures are not above the need for emotion, for passion. Instead of repression, we only ask that you use your emotions to fuel your power, to guide you. However, a Dark Jedi must also recognize to be ruled completely by their passions is in itself a fallacy.

IV) Death is all around us. It is a part of everything, as everything dies. Denying this is denying the meaning of ourselves and the truth to existence: there is no life. We are fleeting creatures in a universe as meaningless as an unused plow. Whatever we are, whatever our meaning, we imbue it; there is no cosmic plan. Either live well or die swift; do not contemplate the afterlife, for that gives way to stagnation. Instead, use your power to its fullest, for there is no reward waiting for those pure of heart. However, do not discard life for no reason - every game of dejariik has its pawns. Recognize the importance of using the lives of others to further your own goals, but do not cherish life. To kill is natural. A Dark Jedi must feel nothing when doing so.

High Lord of the Bogan
The High Lord of the Bogan exists both above and beneath the High Lord Triumvirate. As the rightful leader of the Dark Jedi, the High Lord of the Bogan serves as an advisor to the Triumvirate, but also maintains veto power when necessary. The Bogan's responsibilities largely lie within maintaining and upholding the lore of the Dark Jedi, ever seeking to expand the organization's pool of knowledge, as well as conducting experiments and rituals to deepen his or her own understanding of the Dark Side of the Force. For these reasons, most of the day-to-day administrative duties fall of the High Lord Triumvirate.

The High Lord of the Bogan is the commanding leader of the faction.

High Lord
The High Lord Triumvirate serves as the ruling body of the Dark Jedi. These three masters of the Dark Jedi together handle all administrative, political and military matters of executive command, as well as embodying the apex of mastery of the Dark Side. The Triumvirate rarely communicate in person, as each High Lord is responsible for each of the three training facilities of the Dark Jedi. A fourth seat in these meetings is occupied by the High Lord of the Bogan.

Dark Masters
With a mastery of the Dark Side of the Force, supreme experience in the field and proven combat capabilities, the Dark Masters serve as the most powerful members of the organization save the four High Lords.

Dark Jedi, Initiated
Initiated Dark Jedi serve as the bulk of the organization. Their training complete, they are free to travel the galaxy of their own free will to expand their knowledge and understanding of the Dark Side of the Force, as well as independently undertake missions on behalf of the organisation.

The inexperienced, youthful recruits of the Dark Jedi, members of this rank have not yet completed their training in the Dark Side of the Force and require instruction before being initiated.


Dark Jedi of the Bogan
Military and Assets


Dark Jedi of the Bogan
Planets and Territories

Ξ Sluis Van

The manufacturing and military heartland of the resurgent Bogan empire, Sluis Van boasts significant assets that help build the Bogan military engine and support the Dark Jedi abroad. While Sluis Van itself remains largely independant, the government is manipulated by the Bogan, effectively rendering the majority of Sluissi resources at the Dark Jedi's disposal. This includes the lucrative Sluis Van Shipyards and associated defence squadrons, as well as Sluis Van's own considerable ground and naval defense forces. In addition, several hundred Apprentices use one of the facilities as a training facility in order to keep a vigilant eye on the native Sluissi.

Ξ Dagobah

Hidden within an ancient research facility harking back to the days of the New Republic, the Dark Temple of Dagobah represents the only civilized settlement on the swamp world. Perched atop the peak of Mount Yoda, and a short hike from the Dark Side Nexus that hid the Jedi Master for many years, the Dark Temple relies on secrecy and surprising firepower to remain protected from outsider interests, while safely training the hundreds of Dark Jedi Apprentices located there.

Ξ Mustafar

TBC (?, mission dependant)

Special thanks to @BZenwrath for letting me use his template. Also, @Green Ranger and or @Ben wrote most of the writeups for this.
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SWRP Writer
Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
Sorry for the double post but I know the links are messed up. I am fixing it right now.