Dark Jedi Beliefs and Organization

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Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
Dark Jedi of the Bogan
Beliefs and Organization

Welcome, young acolyte, to the Dark Jedi of the Bogan. In this holocron, you will find all you need to know about the beliefs and organizational structure of our order. Be forewarned, new apprentice: these are closely guarded secrets that no one outside of our order is privileged to. Any revelation of this information to anyone outside the order will surely result in swift and sudden retribution at the Bogan's decree.

If you are incapable of handling the weighty responsibility that these secrets bring with them, turn back now. The weak will be culled from the masses, as there is no tolerance for failure. One failure could result in the destruction of the entire order and everything the Bogan and his minions have worked to build.

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Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
Dark Jedi Beliefs
The Dark Jedi Code

No peace, only suffering.
No knowledge, only instinct.
No serenity, only passion.
No harmony, only chaos.
No life, only death.
- As written by the first Bogan

I) All life is suffering. Until you accept this fact, you will never understand anything. Accept the suffering your life will bring. Allow it to motivate you, anger you.

II) If the Jedi have been plagued by one thing since their creation it has been indecisiveness. They fail to react. They only want to contemplate. When it is time to act the Jedi only want to mediate in their ivory towers. We demand you to act swiftly, not wait on guidance from the Force. Failure to react is a failure to act. Do what you know is right.

III) The dogmatic Jedi would have you believe you can become content, serene, but we know this is a lie. We creatures are not above the need for emotion, for passion. Instead of repression, we only ask that you use your emotions to fuel your power, to guide you.

IV) There is no will of the Force. The universe is chaos. Life is made of random actions that create who we are. Beings cannot be harmonious with one another because they are, in essence, animalistic creatures driven by instinct. Do not avoid this. Use chaos to further your aims and your powers, for chaos brings darkness to existence.

V) Death is all around us. It is a part of everything, as everything dies. Denying this is denying the meaning of ourselves and the truth to existence: there is no life. We are fleeting creatures in a universe as meaningless as an unused plow. Whatever we are, whatever our meaning, we imbue it; there is no cosmic plan. Either live well or die swift; do not contemplate the afterlife, for that gives way to stagnation. Instead, use your power to its fullest, for there is no reward waiting for those pure of heart.​

Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
Dark Jedi Organization
Dark Jedi Ranks

The Bogan
The Bogan is the most powerful of the Dark Jedi of the Bogan, and therefore is their rightful leader. He or she is the embodiment of what it means to truly give oneself over to the dark side and embrace the tenets.

The Bogan is in command of the faction.

High Lord
The High Lord is the Bogan's right hand and closest adviser. He or she is the apprentice to the Bogan, and one day may very well take up the mantle of leader when strong enough to overthrow the Bogan.

The High Lord is the second in command of the faction.

Lord of the Temple
The Lord of the Temple is the left hand of the Bogan and is a post generally held of an administrative nature. The Lord of the Temple presides over all training and everything that goes on in the temple. The only one to know the secrets of the temple equally as the Bogan himself would be the Lord of the Temple.

The Lord of the Temple is third in command of the faction.

Dark Master
The Dark Masters are the most powerful Dark Jedi in the order besides the Bogan and High Lord. Their numbers make up the Instructors, the Dark Assassins, and the Marauders, each specializing in one area of expertise. The Instructors are the teachers, whereas the Dark Assassins are those who lurk in the shadows and manipulate events through the power of the dark side, and the Marauders are the battlemasters, experts in the ways of combat.

Crusaders make up the bulk of the Dark Jedi, for they are Acolytes who have graduated and moved on to receive missions of their own, but they have yet to acquire the knowledge needed to specialize in any area.

The Acolytes are the raw recruits of the Dark Jedi of the Bogan. They are not quite Dark Jedi and require the training of Instructors in order to become masters of the dark side.
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