Completed Mission Drop-Off


Internet Hate Machine
Nov 13, 2013
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Mission Drop-Off

Once you've finished your assigned mission(s), please reply to this entry with a link to the thread. This helps us keep track of what missions are still available, versus ones that have not been started or remain works in progress. Keep in mind that this is not a sign-up thread.

To view current availability missions, please see the general mission directory as well as the insurgency missions hub. To sign up for a mission, please see this post.

When dropping off a thread, please use the following format:

  • Participants: Name and rank. Profile links are not necessary.
  • Mission Name: Self-explanatory.
  • Thread Link: Self-explanatory.
  • Summary: A brief summary of what happened in the thread.
A mission only needs to be dropped off once. If completing a mission with your fellow players, please coordinate with each other to decide who will reply to this thread to prevent multiple posts.


cantankerous by rite
SWRP Writer
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score
Participants: Crusader Zabić. Sadly my partner actually archived their character before the thread was finished, so I cannot link them. So I had the last word in it.

Mission Name and Link: Sith Mission-Corrupted Matrix

Summary: Everyone try not to die from insane AI Imperial Droids. Also watch out for Zabić. Three Imperial Droids with AI and a Patch Program giving them a conscience, returned successfully to the Imperium for thorough use. And my archived partner has suffered the severe trauma of watching her inept NPC comrades die. Zabić will try and remember to send flowers.
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SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Participants: Acolytes, Mizchno (Me) and Kathrin (SoB)

Mission Name: Go, Go, Antarian Rangers

Thread Link:

Summary: Mizchno and Kathrin infiltrate Nedar's estate, killing everyone there, luring the Jedi to them. After a stalemate between the Jedi Knight, Ytwe, Kathrin took Nedar's daughter hostage. Lowering her guard, Mizchno goes in for the kill only to receive a devastating force repulse, pushing Kathrin and Mizchno away long enough for Ytwe to try and escape with Nedar's daughter. The Jedi then attempted to confiscate Mizchno's lightsaber in a last ditch effort to try to Teleport/Force Travel out of the area. Mizchno's lightsaber mechanism activated eviscerating Ytwe's hand, leaving Nedar's daughter in the infinite void of space.

Participants: Mizchno, Vilaan, and Cerise

Mission Name: Burning Arrow (Prequel)

Thread Link: Burning Arrow (Getting Answers)

Summary: Before this thread, Mizchno and the crew go off to find information on the cultists and their leaders to relay towards the other Sith in the area.
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Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Participant: Jade D'ukal
Mission Name: Planet of the Living Dead
Thread Link: Moron of the Dead
Summary: Jade visits a village that has been frequently attacked, only for another attack to take place that night. Bitten during the attack, and expecting to turn into a zombie herself, she heads off in pursuit of the zombies. As she doesn't turn, even though hours have passed, she starts getting suspicious. She finds one of the "zombies" and kills it, his almost human state heightening her suspicions. She follows a trail she discovers and finds the zombies' lair, a cave guarded by a zabrak. She questions the zabrak to discover that the zombies are just nut jobs killing villages for gun. She kills the zabrak, traps the rest inside the cave and returns after leaving a tracking beacon in the cave.
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SWRP Writer
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
Participants: Jorath Baylor (Acolyte), Kes (Crusader), Major Rarda (Major)
Mission Name: Winter War: Hell Freezes Over
Thread Link:
Summary: The Three members of the Sith Empire went into the base, fighting their way through Duros Forces, eventually splitting off with each squad taking a detachment of Storm Troopers while heading to the Command Center, disabling the bases overall defenses before eventually capturing the main target. During the mission Jorath was shot while mocking the Duros and proving a distraction and was healed. Multiple Duros died in a variety of brutal manners.


SWRP Writer
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
Participants: Jorath Baylor (Acolyte), Lillieth Sunsinger (Acolyte)
Mission Name: Harbinger of Death - Sleipnir
Thread Link:
Summary: Jorath and Lilleith engaged the Sith War Behemoth with Jorath suffering numerous broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder before having his leg crushed when he actually succeeded in killing the beast while Lillieth was impaled through the shoulder by the beast. After successfully defeating it, Jorath and Lilleith both reached out using the force to repair their injuries in slightly different ways, surviving long enough for an Imperial Pilot to come and pick them up.
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I can haz sith burgerz?
SWRP Writer
Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
A loooooong time in waiting, this one, and for that I apologize.

- Acolyte Kara Vol-Dirge
- Acolyte Lauke Chaosas
Mission Name: Establishing Footholds
Thread Link: Thread here.
- The Acolytes traveled Ratattak in order to clear out an ancient coliseum for use by the Imperium. In doing so they were at first captured when an explosive trap at the entrance knocked both Acolytes unconscious. However the two both recovered and escaped from their immediate captors independently from one another before regrouping. In their continued attempt to hunt down and clear out any of the believed smugglers still alive, they discovered it was in fact a slaver operation. They freed the slaves, one of whom was discovered to be Force-sensitive, and proceeded further through the coliseum to finish what they'd come for. In the end many smugglers/slavers were killed in a number of violent and limb-severing ways, over a dozen slaves were rescued, a young Nautolan woman was added to the ranks of the Sith Hopefuls, and Kara lost both her coat and shirt at one point much to Lauke's annoyance.

A success, overall.


That Guy
SWRP Writer
Mar 13, 2014
Reaction score
PARTICIPANTS: Acolyte Mila Fay & Indie Kaythous Silver

MISSION & LINK: The Fury of Sacul (Resist Illusion)

Traveling to Empress Teta in search of the illusive Corbenic, Mila enlists the aid of her long time friend, Kaythous Silver. Together they track the creature to the ruins of the Jedi Sage temple in the forests surrounding Cinnagar, and things quickly take a turn for the worse when the two become separated while trying to explore the depths of the temple. In her own search, Mila runs up against the Corbenic's illusions and is forced into making a horrifying choice - kill her friend or be killed. Instinct takes over and Mila kills Kaythous (believing herself to be in grave danger at the time).

Overwhelmed by the sheer horror of what she has done, Mila begins to doubt herself as a Sith, and as a person, before the Corbenic unexpectedly reveals itself to her. The illusion broken, she decides to take the fuzzy little bugger home with her before reuniting with Kaythous. The two narrowly manage to avoid an ancient trap left dormant in the temple before escaping and parting ways... potentially for the last time.
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SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
PARTICIPANTS: Crusader Veles & Acolyte Abel Kartan

MISSION & LINK: Cry Wolf (Persuasion)

Abel Kartan made contact with Veles inside the Mandelmotors facility on the planet Kuat. Shortly after their meeting they began their interrogation of a one Sidias Komad. Komad was the mandalorian suspected of keeping information from the empire. With some physical and mental prodding the individual gave up the location of the prized Mandalorian Wolf.

Upon reaching the location where the wolf was being kept, Abel created a distraction at the main entrance while Veles came around from behind. While keeping the attention on himself Abel killed several of the mandalorians. During this encounter he also revived a slug wound to his leg. Utilizing the dark side healing application of the force he was able to maintain his injury until it could be looked at. Crusader Veles' flanking tactic worked perfectly and he was able to catch several mandalorian's by surprise, killing all who got in his way. Abel also managed to kill the mandalorian wolf. Using an obscure method of strangulation the Acolyte was able to defeat the beast.

Taking one mandalorian captive and bringing the body of the mandalorain wolf with them, Veles and Abel, returned to Kuat city and relinquished the pair into the possession of the commanding officer at the local garrison.
(I'm totes stealing this from Gam Gam cause it looks pretty. Thanks for making a sweet code for drop offs dude!)


Master of Explosions
SWRP Writer
Jan 17, 2015
Reaction score
Participants: Veronica Necro (Acolyte) and Kyo'Dhii' (Thug for hire)
Mission: The Given
Link: Link
Summary: Once Veronica and Kyo'Dhii' arrived, te exchanged greetings and went along with the mission. They distracted and stealthily killed the two guards protecting the entrance and took their ID cards. Once inside they walked in the base and received directions from one of the guards and walked to the main computer room. Inside they found Ertopa on the computer, after trying to trick us, Veronica went on the computer and discovered the data spoof was already put in motion, and the shields would go down any second. A confused Ertopa rushed to the computer to discover that a Twi'lek man in robes had appeared on the Holo-screen. The man betrayed Ertopa and left him for dead. Ertopa then willingly came on an Imperial shuttle with the group and was flown to an Imperial starship. (Go easy on Ertopa, he was very cooperative and will likely tell the Empire everything he knows about the situation. He also shows deep remorse for what he has done.)


SWRP Writer
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
Participants: Jorath Baylor, Crusader. Lillieth Sunsinger, Crusader.
Mission Name: Say You Love Me
Thread Link:
Summary: Jorath, Lillieth, and briefly Andromeda enter the Gungan bar, Bar Bar Drinks and all hell breaks lose. With Lillieth using mind tricks to convince the Gungan bouncer to lead them to the back, Jorath and his partner proceed to cut a bloody path through everyone and everything. A gigantic Gungan attacks Jorath only to be beaten down on the spot before the pair advance on Echo's location. Rather than shutting down the broadcast, the pair proceed to kill her on camera, announcing that they personally would go after any and all enemies of the Empire. Both Sith make their faces known to anyone and everyone watching the broadcast.

Participants: Jorath Baylor, Crusader. Lillieth Sunsinger, Crusader.
Bounty Name: Zedey'yet
Thread Link:
Summary: Jorath returns to Kashyyyk, using intelligence which he had gathered to track the fugitive. Rather than allow the man to jepordize his efforts in a future mission, he leads Lillieth through the jungles in search of an abandoned Military Base where the cultist might broadcast from. Making no effort to hide their presence while taking refuge in the night from the predators of the jungle, they are attacked by a Wookie who had been hired by the cult member and Jorath is shot in the back. Lilieth ultimately claims the bounty, killing the man who had dared to shoot her partner and the pair disembark afterward.


SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Participants: Mizchno Endo, Thirteen

Mission Name: Marriage-Go-Round

Thread Link:

Summary: Mizchno and Thirteen raid the divorce lawyers' office by sheer force, Thirteen storms the front entrance while Mizchno scaled the top, breaking off any escape routes. From there they both wiped out anyone that had any affiliation with the solo 11 terrorists.


SWRP Writer
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
Participants: V and Prazutis

Mission Name: The Broken Vajra Erchitu

Thread Link:


V and Prazutis were sent to deal with a spirit who had, in life, lost her master and bound her soul to an object. Kath hounds managed to break the vessel and her spirit possessed one of the hounds. Upon discovery, they were attacked and Prazutis found his first meeting with a ghost less than settling. After a brief moment of possession, V managed to free his Apprentice and trapped the spirit inside of himself where she currently resides.


SWRP Writer
Jul 4, 2014
Reaction score
Participants: Acolyte Virion Morrak , Crusader Mitsuki Mysterio

Mission Name: The Battle of Hapes [S3E3]

Thread Link:

Summary: Under orders from Veles, Mitsuki and Virion infiltrated the Summer Estate of the Queen Mother, eliminate the acting Queen and her loyalists. Mitsuki took a slightly more direct approach while Virion eliminated outside patrols and a tower guard sniper. Inside the two used there combined skill set to gain access to the control room on the main floor. Once gained, Virion called for AT/ST reinforcement to distract the remaining forces while the two assassins completed the task of killing the Queen Mother.

One the QM was eliminated Acolyte Virion assumed a disguise as one of the guards and posted as killing the Sith assassins, while Mizsuki used Sith Magic to feign death. Thus eluding capture by the remaining forces on the estate until they could escape after the end of the Hapes mission.


SWRP Writer
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
Participants: Yusanis Dar'sen, Acolyte. Javik Dalos, Acolyte.
Mission Name: Parasytes of a Star Destroyer
Thread Link: Oh yes...
Summary: Javik and Yusanis were aboard a star destroyer when Chiss attacked, and boarded, seeking to sabotage the vessel. One by one, and by splitting up, the Sith were able to eliminate the threats and secure vital components of the ship, such as life support and the main reactor. Hunting the Chiss was difficult, but made easier with their wits and sensing their presence through the Force. Things would get more heated, resulting in damage to the ship and it's crew, but the day was ultimately won. The Hyperdrive was damaged, and they were left stranded, however...

In the end, their ability to sense through the Force was improved, they made the Captain of the Star Destroyer pissed at their existence, and became drinking buddies.


Story Admin
SWRP Supporter
Mar 12, 2015
Reaction score
Participants: Javik Dalos and Teran Mantisa

Mission & Link: Remington Steelworks

Summary: Javik and Teran arrived at the Remington Steelworks factory and were forced to use Telekinesis to combat the heavily armed droids working throughout the factory. They fought their way to two separate control centers in order to shut down the factory's droid workers. Upon reaching the second control set organic enemies arrived and they were forced to fight their way back to the first control set in order to permanently disable them before finally eliminating the organic opponents as well.


Story Admin
SWRP Supporter
Mar 12, 2015
Reaction score
Participants: Javik Dalos and Jagen Tagratt

Mission & Link: Citadel's Lifeblood (Insurgency Mission)

Summary: After the Dark Jedi Tagratt arrived on the Peragus mining facility and began killing off members of the facility, Javik was dispatched to track down and eliminate the threat. With the help of Peragus Security Javik managed to prevent the self-destruct before dueling and defeating the Dark Jedi in one on one combat.


The Hot Mess
SWRP Writer
Aug 22, 2013
Reaction score
  • Participants: Crusader Tsukihana and Acolyte Ivaris Kyuul
  • Mission Name: Ghost of Our Past
  • Thread Link: LINK
  • Summary: Both Sith ventured to a castle to investigate stories that a powerful Sith spirit, Darth Gohan/ Gohal, inhabited it. They were quickly attacked, tested, and subdued. The spirit’s intent was to find if they were suitable “vessels” for him to inhabit, hoping to find new life and someone to impart his knowledge to. After settling on Ivaris, he drew on the well of power in the castle to permanently heal them with Dark Transfer. This caused the castle to destabilize and fall into the ocean after the two females were able to escape, Ivaris begrudgingly accepting Gohan’s now continual influence.


The Slightly Above Average RPer.
SWRP Writer
May 9, 2014
Reaction score
Mission to Serenno [S4E2 War]

Participants: Arkteleus Krayzen and Javik Dalos

Summary: After escaping the invasion of Korriban, Ark and Javik give their reports on the invasion to the Dark Lord himself, while in the presence of Count-Dowager Andarta and Count Malvern, the latter of which, both Ark and Javik sense something wrong within. With the invasion of Korriban only having just taken place, Ark and Javik can only assume the worst, but hope for the best. After a quick "Scooby-Doing around", they discover that the Count Malvern has been acting suspiciously, and they decide to spy on a transmission he was in the process of taking, to reveal that the Count is in league with the Coterie!

Ark and Javik quickly record the conversation and go to warn Count-Dowager Andarta of the eminent threat on her life, but Andarta quickly dismisses the claim that her second in command would even think such a thing, throwing the messenger, Ark, into a holding cell upon the request of Count Malvern himself. Meanwhile, a hired assassin gainst the trust of and frames Javik for an attempted assassination on the Count-Dowager Andarta- which is only stopped short by the intervention of Javik, coincidentally setting him up for the frame job -, and Javik is quickly hunted down by Andarta and her armed guards.

Ark, escaping from his holding cell, arrives just in time to intervene in the potential executions of both Andarta and Javik Dalos with a very unique decision that helped to prove to Andarta of Malvern's intentions. The subsequent recording only gave her the solid evidence she needed to remove Malvern from power.


I have a bad feeling about this...
SWRP Writer
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
Participants: Javik Dalos, acolyte and Ryak De'ruus, Lord
Mandalore the Barbarian: Linky

Summary: Ryak and Javik got themselves caught by the Mandalorians. They then escape and killed Mandalore the Barbarian. After killing the Mando's leader they killed the rest of the Mandalorians. Ryak took the time to teach Javik some lessons including lightning.