Cartel Newsletter #2 - 11/17/2013


SWRP Writer
Apr 10, 2012
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Hello and welcome for the our our second little Cartel Newsletter! Can you believe that we managed to not blow this up yet?!

Now that things have settled down somewhat Matt, I and a few others started re-evaluating the Hutt Cartel as a whole and in this newsletter I'll share some of the changes. I'd also like to use this opportunity to commend my 2nd in command once again, Hurricane Matt [formerly Hurricane Gary], has truly stepped up and because of my hectic schedule really done everything that needed doing. So again man, thank you. I don't plan to be busy like this forever but when I am I appreciate when people step up and do things on their own.

So moving on to the changes and updates.


This was the first thing we focused on. As many of you can tell this thread has been expanded quite a bit since we started out, and an interesting little new feature was added. Personalized missions handed out by actual PC's from the Cartel, not just generic missions that can be given out by any random person. So far we've received positive feedback so expect more missions in the future, including Vero, Yuri and Jack.

Another thing I'll point out are mission involving the Waste Rangers. With Duke, their Leader, leaving the site so suddenly this leaves the Cartel and the Rangers in a bit of a pinch. What this means for us is that Matt sat down and edited those missions to be usable by Cartel members without relying on the Waste Rangers. It sucks that it happened like this but we have to try and make the best of it.

If you have ideas and suggestions about missions, don't hesitate to submit your own and we'll try to add them to the mix as well. Also don't be afraid to take the initiative and start your own threads and jobs.


Another thing that's changed since the last Newsletter would be our staff itself. In an effort to spread the load out a bit I've had Wit and Lucid join up. Wit's there to help with write ups, feedback and faction structure as well as eventually leading missions. Lucid, our tech admin, has less of an IC job but more of an OOC presence. Whatever needs doing around the board he'll probably be the one to do it for us, since he's a baws. Their names may not be on the staff list or whatever but they are here and helping out, or will eventually. lol


The newest things that's just been added to the Cartel Database section is the Cartel Assets thread. It details some of the more noteworthy spots in the galaxy where the Hutts do business. The thread is still a work in progress but the first draft was done by Matt who managed to get it posted just in time for this Newsletter.

We'll continue to add to it in an attempt to make it clear just how far reaching the arms of the Cartel are. Hope you enjoy it.


Another thing that we're doing is this little guild to show the main players of the Cartel. Characters like Yuri Sharp, Jack Tamblyn and Borga the Hutt. Those listed there can freely consider themselves important to the Cartel and by that same listing enjoy more IC recognition from other players. While we haven't posted the thread itself just yet, we're close to finalizing it and it should be up soon.


This is a big one. First of we've altered the definition and name of the very First rank, formerly known as Familiar. From now on it will be known as Prospect and we've come to the agreement that all new members will start out with that rank. You can find the new definition here.

The really big change was the following. Some of you may not like this but after quite the discussion we've come to the agreement to change the ranks of some characters. This change is in effect as of now and if it includes you, I'm sorry, but you will have to change the rank.


Jack Tamblyn
Lorelei Melrava
Yuri Sharp


Adrian Wolfe
Guy Anderson
Sonny Mills
Serenity Labelle
Borga the Hutt
Nor'Baal VesaJilic Diori

Prospect (Kung)

Shkrik Phorskk
Emile Matherson
Mintaka Bade
Tagg Vosrian
Karl Moore
Mai Le
Gorbodaa Besadii Bohethmo
Borgeye Vosadii Tuaba
Claire DeTreece
Arkantos Raja
Joca Mada Boorka
John Eldritch
Tran Karn Inrokini
Nemo Sharp
Dargeth the Hunter
Destro Vulcanis Shade, Blake Cripe

It'd also like to add that no one should consider this a demotion. This is simply fixing an error on my part because we didn't have the rank system down fully when people started signing up, hence why it needed changing. Please understand that this is a new faction and that sometimes things like this may happen and that we may need to make adjustments.

To anyone who may feel this puts them back a bit, please don't. Try to look at this as an opportunity to actually earn the step up in rank and with time and posts the higher ranks will come.

Matt and I will also sit down sometime soon and come up with a guide/thread for promotions to work, so no need to worry about that.


Another big change. Dropping the Cartel Militia board we've dedicated to changing it up and creating RPing areas for our members. Think of Rebels bases, or Sith and Jedi temples. These planets will be Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa. I'm just waiting on an admin to make the final changes before we open it up for RPing it, but expect the opportunity to RP [Training], [Social], [Missions] and [Other] types of threads in a safe environment and get to know your fellow Cartel members.


Something new and fun that we're trying out. Bounties!

You know the Hutts post bounties and that's what we're looking to do as well. Here you can find the interest check thread for the very first bounty.

What we're hoping this will eventually grow in to is a board of bounties that one can see around Monitors on Nar Shaddaa and people will include in their posts and expand the lore of the Cartel at the same time. Of course catching these ruthless traitors and enemies of the Cartel will not only earn you money but respect and connections as well.

Whether these bounties will actually become a thread or not really depends on the feedback we receive, which is up to you.


Perhaps the most important thing in this newsletter. The overall story and direction of the Hutt Cartel. Where are we going with this? What's gonna happen?

This is something that hasn't been addressed much publicly but it's something that's being worked on daily and I'm happy to say that quite soon we'll start doing arcs and moving things in a more active direction. In the mean time feel free to continue doing your thing as an Announcement will follow when everything is written up and approved.

Expect awesomeness!


As always we all welcome your feedback, thoughts and ideas as Cassanova said, we can't read minds just yet. So as you already might know you can always share them in the Suggestions and Feedback thread and we'll address your thoughts and ideas. I won't lie and say that the faction is completely figured out and done, so if you have ideas regarding missions, bounties, inter-faction missions or just awesome thread don't hesitate to either post there or contact anyone from the staff.

Until next time.

Hutt FL Head Honcho

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Just Matt Now

SWRP Writer
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
The Hutt Cartel worlds of Nar Shaddaa and Nal Hutta are up and open for business. Feel free to start some threads in those sections. Remember, they are much like rebel bases, or Jedi temples in an OOC sense. Have fun Cartel!!!!