Cari Quarn


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
Cari Quarn

(I'll draw something up [ST]tonight[/ST] later.)​

Physical Attributes:
Cari is a human female who stands at average height and has a small build. She is physically toned due to the nature of her work and her skin seemed to adapt to a tan tone. She has brown eyes and sandy blonde hair, which is tied back in a ponytail almost on a daily basis. Cari wears loose fitting, light clothing to keep herself cool and to protect herself from the sun. She also has a large scarf to protect her face and head as well as pair of goggles for unexpected Tatooine sandstorms.

Cari is highly competitive. She doesn't take no for an answer and tends to go out of her way to prove she can do the impossible task at hand. She had a harden exterior and a strong will and likes to go up and beyond what is required of her. Yet, Cari does have some ditzy characteristics to her, frequently having those 'blonde' moments but attributes them as being a quirky scientist.

Cari can be loud when she wants to voice her opinion and doesn't seem to take any care if she says something that might offend another. Which not to mention, has gotten her into trouble numerous times in her life.

Cari doesn't consider herself a skillful individual; she can tell someone all they need to know about rock formation and components, but to ask her to explain what is happening in the galaxy, she couldn't tell you a thing. Some of the skills she has picked up is climbing, as well as an acute sense of observation. Being raised in a military family with 5 older brothers, Cari did learn how to fight; wrestling with her siblings when she was younger gave her her tough exterior and her eldest brother taught her how to throw a punch when other kids teased her. She also knows how to shoot.

Cari Quarn was the youngest in her family. She had five older brothers proceeding her and they didn't make her life easy. Her mother was a homemaker and her father was a colonel in the Republic Military. Cari was raised on Coruscant and was sent to the best schools her parents could afford along with her brothers. She seemed to make more rivals in school than friends and her teachers attributed this to her tough and competitive personality. Cari's fiercest rival was another girl named Josselyn Wright. The two girls seemed to have personal vendettas against one another even though they never talked to each other.

Because she made so many rivals she had a hard time with bullies in school, whether or not she was either being bullied or she was the bully herself, it seemed someone always got hurt. Cari eventually had put her biggest rival Josselyn in her spot, and thus was allowed to return to school after a few days of suspension. Her mother disapproved of her daughter's tomboyish mannerisms, but her father encouraged it, seeing he didn't want his daughter to be a complete push over when she gotten older. Cari recalled her father always telling her mother 'It builds character.' Cari refused to change her tomboyish manners and her mother thought perhaps enrolling her daughter in etiquette classes, she could get her to change her mind. Unfortunately, pocket full of credits wasted, the girl managed to get herself kicked out etiquette school and her mother eventually gave up, allowing her daughter to be who she wanted to be.

Cari's family took frequent visits to her Grandfather, who she adored. Though her parent's reasoning was that her grandfather was getting old and senile, and won't be around much longer, Cari couldn't see what her parents were seeing. She took great interest of her Grandfather's stories and myths and as she grew older, Cari found inspiration in them.

Because of Cari's ambitious, competitive spirit, she excelled in her schooling, graduating at the top of her class. It was recorded she mocked her rivals in her Valedictory speech. Her family embarrassed by the situation made Cari write an apology letter to the entire student body. The girl reluctantly agreed.

Cari took up studies at Coruscant University, receiving her degree, and is now currently working on her thesis in geochemistry. Her research has taken her to Tatooine, which from the beginning of her studies has been a great interest for her. It took her years to get the grant she needed to study on the sandy world due to the current situation with the Hutts. However, now that she is there, she is beginning to see the concern that her fellow scholars and granters had warned her about. She is now stuck in something bigger than what was initially thought.

Rope, various climbing supplies, canteens, energy bars, blanket, flashlight, sample containers, datapad, observation journal, pistol, goggles, knife, chisel-head rock hammer, map, and a pack to carry it all in.

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