Ask Corellia Been A Long Time


Blackwell Tech CEO

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The Good Doctor
Oct 11, 2020
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It really has been. Feels like it has been ages since Newton last talked to Lyra, a good friend of his. She and her company were successful in what they were doing, and after the news of the Systems Consortium constructing a Hypergate went on holonet waves, it was a blast in the past and Newton felt the need to see her again.

After getting in contact with her, she is on Corellia. And so here is, the Blackwell CEO has some freetime after doing some other buisness on Corellia and he will pay her a visit.

Coronet City has recovered from the damage from the Sith attack, they didn't have time to do a major amount since they were driven off in relatively short order. The planet is secure, safe in ISC hands, as it should be.

Newton would wait with his party where he and Lyra would meet in a plaza in the city, with the sun shining. It was easy on the eyes and it was untouched by the battle. The Blackwell man's companion astromech droid M7 was at his side, the little droid was excited to see Lyra again. Newton was wearing a nice button up shirt, nothing to dressy or too casual. He would stand right by a bench, checking his chrono.

Also with Newton is...


Blackwell Agent

Character Profile
The Good Doctor
Jan 7, 2023
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Nye Arden, who is Newton's son to everyone. Nye Arden was brought to Corellia along at his insistence. Father had dragged him along to his Blackwell business stuff although he would rather be doing something else, but he was forced to and couldn't escape from it. Meetings, presentations. Boring stuff. But now they are at the park so he can be away from it. He was glad to be away. Nye brought his skimboard with him so he can have some fun with it. He would like to go real fast with it and go very high with it and not wear the dumb helmet he is wearing right now, but due to law he has to have a limiter on and wear a helmet. Not that Father would allow it anyways.

While Father was with his droid waiting for the friend of his, Nye would be having some fun on his skimboard, zooming around on it. Father did want to introduce him to his friend, what Father told him about her is that her many is behind the Hypergates. And after what Father told him about the gates, they sound really amazing.


Darth Tiamat

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order
Sith Lord

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Nov 15, 2020
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...Anat Asteria...


It took her a moment to process the message that came to her from Newton, it had been years, maybe even as long as decades since she had last spoken with them. However, it was always a shock when she was able to come across those who knew her before her journey with the sith. Their paths branched in different journeys, occasionally coming back together for projects here and there, but regardless, he was friend from the beginning. He was an aspiring tech just starting at Blackwell, and for herself, she was on the verge to discovering her passion and potential.

Now it seemed like a good time to meet and catch up. Blackwell had shared interest in the gates, even was a stakeholder at one point. Both now seeming to profit off of war which the woman didn't mind in the end.

He agreed to come to Corellia, the world still cleaning up from the attack not only by the Killiks but also by the recent move of the Empire that still infuriated the woman. Luckily...and unluckily for the rest of the galaxy, the people of Corellia were a fiery bunch and it didn't take much to mobilize them.

She managed to rearrange her day to take the time to meet with Newton, wearing something more casual for comfort as she spotted his droid first, then him, giving a small wave.

"Hey, its great to see you again-" she patted the droid's dome, clearly greeting the droid first, then looking to the human, "And you also Newton." she grinned.

@The Good Doctor


Blackwell Tech CEO

Character Profile
The Good Doctor
Oct 11, 2020
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Newton would smile and reply with a wave back and he would see his old friend once more. It has indeed been a long time. It's been many years and Newton still remembers their discovery of the Hypergate in the Unknown Regions like it was yesterday. And she's done great for herself with her company Asteria Industries.

After being patted, M7 would beep happily, ecstatic to see Lyra. The R3 droid always enjoyed seeing Lyra. Newton too was happy to see her. Lyra looks magnificent. "Likewise" he would reply smiling. "Glad to see you again. My buddy is too" he would glance at his droid for a second. "We've live in interesting times." With everything that's happening in the galaxy. The Killiks, the rogue Republic fleet, the Sith-Imperial Split, and their war with the ISC.

"How have you been? Feels like ages since we last met. So much stuff has happened..." Newton didn't mind some small talk before they talked about other things. This is a good time for two friends to catch up after being apart for a more than scant amount of time. Newton would sit down on the bench. Lyra could join him on it if he wants. Newton could see in the corner of his eye his kid Nye still playing on his skimboard, safely.



Darth Tiamat

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order
Sith Lord

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Nov 15, 2020
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Tia grinned the droid beeped and whorled in excitement to see her; she never understood how others could not see personality in a droid like R3, they were more than just metal and wire. "Times have certainly have not left anyone bored." she replied, taking a seat on the bench beside him. The redhead leaned back, crossing a leg over her knee as she watched the boy on his skimboard, "I've been doing okay, busy with the new contract with ISC to build the hypergate in the corporate sector. Its nice to be back home though, I missed this place, even if it is in disrepair." she said, eyes narrowing slightly.

"I see despite your boycotts, Blackwell is doing well." she said, though it wasn't like the Empire had money for things, but then she paused, thinking, her eyes following Nye.

" he yours?" she asked pointing to the kid on the skimboard, "He looks exactly like you." she said looking at Newton and then back at the kid. Her brow furrowed, mind processing when or if she had seen or heard anything about him having kids. Perhaps she missed it in their last conversation, or maybe it had just been so long, she was not as familiar with Newton as she thought she was.

@The Good Doctor


Blackwell Tech CEO

Character Profile
The Good Doctor
Oct 11, 2020
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Newton nodded as she talked about her contract with the ISC with the hypergates. That was very impressive, it will be for Lyra's company and also for the Corporate Sector and the Consortium. "Nice. I must say: Congratulations on your contract with with the ISC-." he meant it. Newton isn't totally ruthless and uncaring, he means his friend well. "You deserve it and it's great to to see AI thriving" he would smile.

"Thanks" he replied about Blackwell doing well. "Blackwell always does what it does. Boycott or no boycott" he said, nothing special about that. It's the galaxy's premier megacorporation not for nothing. The some of the shareholders aren't too happy about the boycott. Oh well, those are the breaks. Newton can keep them under control though, although the Hypergate news was a good reprieve.

Newton would look over towards his kid playing on the skimboard. "Yeah he's mine" She's right he does look exactly like him. There is a very good reason why Nye looks exactly like a younger version of Newton, but he's going to leave that out. Newton would then wave over for his kid to come over. In which case Nye would come over closer towards the two after landing.

"This is Nye" he would start introducing the two "Nye, this is my good friend Lyra Durrand. Chief Astro-Engineer of Asteria Industries"

Nye would then extend his hand over to Lyra for a handshake. "Nice to meet you." the kid would smile. "So, you can make the Hypergates? Wow..." Nye said with amazement, he knows about ships traveling through hyperspace, but the idea of a gate that one could go through, even ships if they are big enough, and take them almost anywhere in the galaxy.



Darth Tiamat

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order
Sith Lord

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Nov 15, 2020
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For a company as large as Blackwell, she could imagine there were some of their customers who would be unhappy, but what they offered was something others could pick up on. It was a plus for such a business, having something that is needed by the majority of the galaxy and when it came to war time, it seemed like they were unstoppable at times in their ability to supply the demand. She shared her gaze between him and Nye as he called him over, her own thoughts wandering to question if Newton would hold her in the same esteem if he ever knew she was a Sith. It was certainly a secret she was not willing to reveal nor knowledge he was privvy to at this point.

Tia gave Nye a small wave when he joined them, she never took Newton for a family kind of guy, still feeling surprised to see the similarities and overall processing the relation of the two. "Yes, they're pretty cool...or at least I think they're neat, they certainly will change how we commute through space." she said glancing at Newton before returning her gaze to Nye.

"Maybe once AI gets further situated and if you're interested, we can host an internship program." she suggested.

@The Good Doctor


Blackwell Agent

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The Good Doctor
Jan 7, 2023
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Nye smiled as Lyra talked about how they will change about how space commutes will work. And internship at AI? Very intriguing. "That sounds... nice" Nye said with an slight awkward hesitation and smile before glancing at Father momentarily. Nye thought more about it, the potential, the possibilities, but he thinks with how controlling Father is he wouldn't allow him to do that. Father has made it to no secret to Nye that he is to hold up his legacy. Blackwell might be a huge megacorp, but to Nye nothing about Blackwell interests him, the paperwork is boring, trying to build robots is dull, having his activities and fun restricted, and being constantly monitored by Father or by a spy droid of his puts Nye on edge.

Newton didn't say anything, his eyes would draw on Nye to see his reaction, he can already tell he's getting ideas of his own. The Courscanti man would then turn towards Lyra "That would something we can to look into" he said. Newton would have to ponder about that, he has things planned out for Nye.

"Need any help getting AI situated?" Newton would ask. Via the contract AIndustries most likely has access to credits and resources giving their success but it was worth asking perhaps. Blackwell has a lot credits and resources as well. Perhaps another deal could be made. Maybe, maybe not. But an invitation was made.

"Also, have the Jedi been harassing you and your company lately still?" Newton faintly remembered seeing that random broadcast by the Jedi where the random Grandmaster randomly accused her of being the... some sort of Sith. With fake footage of her being unmasked. It made no sense, typical of Jedi though. "Between them, the Sith, and the Empire". The war is still going on as far as Newton knows, and the Empire is still a threat.. "I could assign you a retinue of bodyguard droids, if you would want that." He would that offer as a friend, no strings attached


Darth Tiamat

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order
Sith Lord

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Nov 15, 2020
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Nye seemed hesitant to give a response; it did not go unnoticed by the woman as she caught the glance the teen gave to his father before giving an answer. She was uncertain what was going on between the two of them, but she wouldn't pry, leaving their family business alone. "Don't worry, you don't have to make a decision now, we're still early in getting established here." she reassured Nye.

The woman's attention turned back to Newton who also agreed it would be something to think about down the road. The awkwardness of this conversation luckily was redirected to AI as Newton inquired if she needed assistance.

"We're doing well so far, we are finishing contracts with the ISC for upgrades for their navy and other defense fleets." she informed, in fact, she was still soaking in to the realization her work was soon going to be permanently integrated into military warfare. "I'm sure the upgrades will need more maintenance and attending, nothing too complex that a droid couldn't do." she hummed, crossing her leg over her knee as she leaned back against the bench.

Waving her hand, indicating the Jedi had not been an issue lately, she was taken by surprise when he offered her security detail. Her blue eyes widened and a genuine smile pulled at the corner of lip, "I would like that." she said, more so liking the idea she could better hide her force abilities when protecting herself in case the Empire decided to handle her once and for all.

@The Good Doctor