Base Battle Strategy Talk


Backend Admin
Nov 28, 2010
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This is for all the users involved in the Attack on Berchest Moon to talk about an attack strategy. You can also use this thread during the attack to talk to each other.

You don't have to be in the Base team to post in this thread. In the end, both groups rely on each other.


Lovely Night
SWRP Writer
Aug 15, 2011
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First off will be opening details, because this is important. What'll we be working with, what're the specific objectives, who's likely to do which role? Once we know that, we can work out how to co-ordinate after the opening post in the main thread, using what specifics we'll have.


Backend Admin
Nov 28, 2010
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First off will be opening details, because this is important. What'll we be working with, what're the specific objectives, who's likely to do which role? Once we know that, we can work out how to co-ordinate after the opening post in the main thread, using what specifics we'll have.

I can tell you that you'll be working with what your characters have. Meaning, your own ships, your own weapons and your own men. You guys can bring npc men, as in thugs or crewmen your characters have hired.

No one will have Chiss tech for this attack, otherwise it'd ruin the whole point of sending non-affiliated men.

What you're attacking is a small base, which we slip into undetected at the start. We don't know the exact amount of men they have, that'll depend who joins and what rank they're so just keep an eye on who signs up for the attack. IF they start pulling "I have 10000000 npcs" then I'll talk to Phil about how it's not going to work.

As for who is leading, who is doing what, it's up to you. The Chiss want that base gone, and if possible, we'd like it if you got information from that base about the Mando's, but that's not the prime directive.

I wrote this in a super rush, so if some of it doesn't make sense I'm sorry.

I got to run now.


Lovely Night
SWRP Writer
Aug 15, 2011
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Simplifies a lot. So, all I got is Vaerin and two Droidekas that are partially-customized. What's everyone else bringin'?


SWRP Writer
Sep 30, 2011
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Well the characters seem to cover each other fairly well. Vaerin is an powerful ex-Sith, and his force powers will clearly be invaluable. Traask is clearly the best fighter of the group, although all three are proficient, with Sotelo being the worst - although the fact he's a droid means he can shrug off wounds more easily, although Traask is a medic, so you two will be okay in that area too. Both Sotelo and Vaerin are adept hackers, so the secondary objective should be simple.

I'm uncertain about the main objective however. How do we want to destroy the base, explosives? system overload? raze it to the ground? etc.

Edit: I have Sotelo, and could potentially bring an NPC - as Sotelo is the leader of a criminal organisation. I have a ship, as well; a modified Baudo-Class Yacht, which has space for 8 and is small enough for the insertion. Other than that, all I have is a 6'4" droid with a load of disruptor weapons and the ability to slice into any computer systems this side of the unknown regions.
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The Alpha and the Omega
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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My character will just be bringing himself, his ship might be close by which would have his two droids on board which mainly act as a boarding crew. Aside from that he's more proficient in close quarters battles and is a hacker through some RPs I did.

That said he'd be best for hacking any info the Chiss would need/arming explosives/just being another gun.

He'd be best used to arm the explosives/bring them in and finding any information necessary. I might throw in a junker droid to carry explosives along with us if that's the case cause one man couldn't carry enough to blow up a base; unless it has a self destruct then it'll just be him.


Lovely Night
SWRP Writer
Aug 15, 2011
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Might overload the base's generator system, along with some explosives on the buildings that might not be caught in the blast. Means we can simplify our work - seize base command or a secondary access point, get whatever data we can, set the base to blow, run like hell. Droidekas are expendable, as would be the thug Sotelo might bring, I'm assuming. Don't know how Traask would feel leaving a droid or anythin' behind.


SWRP Writer
Sep 30, 2011
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The seems to be about the plan, yes. Although what are we going to do if we meet resistance. Obviously we will be outnumbered, so we need some kind of battle plan, as such. Plus we need a way to gain access to the base, unless we start the rp already inside.


Lovely Night
SWRP Writer
Aug 15, 2011
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Entry... Eh, find a door, hack or re-wire the controls if we can. Or use explosives to blast our way in. I prefer the former. If neither of those options would work, cause a distraction on the outside of the base, somewhere the surveillance is bad. Resistance: any patrols on the outside can be a plus and a negative. We can capture an NPC, if the opportunity arises, and find out codes or anything we might need, which is where Vaerin's abilities would be helpful. After we get in, whatever resistance we encounter, we'll adapt as we need to. I'd suggest using the Droidekas to distract the Mandos while the sentients could find alternate routes. if no alternate route is available, we fight it out and make a break for it when we get a chance.

Like I said, we'll mostly have to adapt.


The Alpha and the Omega
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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I was told we're starting the RP inside the building already, so we dont have to worry about slipping in..

He'd be fine with using a droid, but they're more designed for quick entry/surprise kind of stuff. They can be lethal, but more designed to capture those on board.

We could go in with Mando armor? Look like them, the droid we could just say is something found and being converted to Mando use. Once we get in Traask could slice into the system find the weak point and they move there to blow the joint.

EDIT: Maybe split into 2/3 one of us with the 2 droideka's while the other 2 are slipping into a different part of the base?


SWRP Writer
Sep 30, 2011
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Well, I think we need to appoint positions. Here would be my nominations;

Vaerin: Leader. He seems to be the most tactically aware and able to adapt of the group.
Traask: Head of security. The profile suggests he's a skilled fighter, both at range and close combat. He is also likely more adept with explosives than the others.
Sotelo: Slicer. It's basically what I set his entire profile up to be.

The NPCs can all just be extra guns or pack-donkeys.


Lovely Night
SWRP Writer
Aug 15, 2011
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Yay, leader. :CHappy

Alrighty. I like Rev's idea of disguises. The droids can be written off as new claims for the Mando military, but that's a weak excuse and we'll have to adapt when someone calls us out on it. Since we'll be inside the base, we'll need to try to blend. Only thing I can figure would mess up the cover other than the droids is that Mando'a isn't common enough to be known by most outsiders. Vaerin can understand it due to his Force affinity. Can Traask and Stoleto understand or speak it?

Then there's the fact that we'll likely have to pose as new transfers. if the attack is going on before we've infiltrated, that means we'll need to justify how we got there. So, how do we get the armor? We can eliminate a patrol, get the armor, but that'll mean the armor is recognized and our voices will give us away, unless Vaerin can compensate for the group. Stoleto, I'm assuming, can mimic voices to a degree?

I can, in all honestly, point out most everything we'll need to deal with, and forget others.

Aluminum Falcon

Republic AFL
SWRP Writer
Sep 6, 2010
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Looks like you guys are doing great with the planning, glad we have you on the job.


SWRP Writer
Sep 30, 2011
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Well Sotelo can mimic voices perfectly, but if he doesn't know the language then he can't use it really.

That said, as a droid...he could just pass as one of the droids you're taking. The only issue would be that of weaponry - but his repulse-hand is built in and a disruptor rifle could be passed off as more of the stuff we're ferrying with us. If we take Traask's freighter then he and Vaerin could claim to be ferrying the stuff to the base after in response to Mando intel that implies there will be an attack soon (the forest attack).


Lovely Night
SWRP Writer
Aug 15, 2011
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I keep thinking Stilletto when I type Sotelo. X.x Sorry for that.

Anyways, that'd make sense. Change the ID codes for the freighter to pass it off as a Mando ship. Still, the armor is an issue. Mandos live and breathe with their armor, most quite literally in the military. However, there's a Death Watch player in the Woods attack, so maybe armor from them, or rather the DW character's IC owner, could be used? If so, we can work with that, armor marked with clan symbols and the Mandalore's symbol.


The Alpha and the Omega
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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Traask would be able to understand Mando and speak it to a basic degree, but he wouldn't be able to hold out a command structure kind of conversation. More of the slang that mercs use in Hutt space. Has a pretty good handle on languages, but wouldn't use him as a translator.

I'd say we steal the Mando armor, once we get into the base get as deep as we can together and if our cover is blown split into 2 separate teams to get the chosen objectives. 1 group blows the place while the other gets the information. Meet up after we complete it and get out together.


Lovely Night
SWRP Writer
Aug 15, 2011
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Alright, sounds good. Here's where I'm thinking we get the armor - intercept a Mando picket ship near the Chiss-Mando border. Killed or captured the crew, made the attack look like the work of pirates. Armor gets the damage fixed up by the Chiss, then we get sent to the base. We use Traask's freighter with changed ID codes, something Traask's contacts might've gotten him or something. That'll cover our IC basis for how we got the armor, and it should be enough to appease Phil and the other Mandos.

If our cover's blown in the base, we do like you suggest, Rev. Traask and the two droidekas, to blow the base, maybe an NPC thug. Vaerin and Sotelo, as well as any other NPCs without a designated function, can take care of the information-gathering. After that, we high-tail it back to the freighter and leave during the fighting in the forest.

All agreed, say yay or nay?


The Alpha and the Omega
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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Works for me. :)


Lovely Night
SWRP Writer
Aug 15, 2011
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Alright then. We've got our stuff worked out, we'll wait for the thread to go up. Input from the Chiss leadership would also be helpful to add more context to everything, but we can do that ourselves if need be. I look forward to blowing the Mandos to bits. :CHappy

On a side-note, I just thought about it. Once the base gets blown to bits or we're forced to retreat, whichever way it works out, what effect will it have on the forest battle?