Archimedes Laboratory!


SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
Welcome to Archimedes's Lab!
*Credit to the always fabulous Jiang Winters for the idea*


I've been told you have an idea. Well, what are you waiting for! Show it to me!

This will be the unofficial (totally official) Waste Ranger Tech board!

Feel free to post any and all ideas here. This board is being put in place to help lead to the rangers into a new avenue of revenue! BLING BLING! The format for tech submission is the same as on the tech forum. If you would live to add sweet formatting to it by all means "Express yo self!" but be aware that the formatting will be altered when we submit it to the tech board. That being said I'll hand this over to our own Archimedes to finish it off.

"Right, right, Good day to you fellow inventors. I offer my sanctuary to my fellow Rangers. This area is a breeding ground of inspiration and imagination! Use it wisely, bolster the line of Waste Ranger Technology! Without further ado. Please, make yourself at home and for the love of science don't drink any of my vials!"
