Anthoni Cole


SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2018
Reaction score

Anthoni Cole


► 22
► Human
► 6'2
► 190
► Sea Green
► Black
► Mandalore
► Male
► Sith Empire
► Acolyte
► Confirmed
Anthoni Cole was born on Mandalore to a low ranking clan. He spent much of his early childhood growing up similar to the other Mandalorian children. Learning how to fight with honor, speak mando'a and respect the authority of family. Life was good for the most part, even under Sith occupation. The bitterness and resentment towards Force Sensitives was a common underlying factor amidst Mandalorians. Which was why at an early age Anthoni's life changed drastically. Only a small boy Anthoni's parents started to see signs of his force sensitivity. At the time Anthoni didn't know how to control the power, or harness it in any way. Tearing his family apart due to their love for their son and their duty to the clan.

Word traveled fast about the young Mandalorian boy who showed signs of the Force. When the family house Anthoni's clan served found out about him they ordered an execution for the boy Anthoni. The Sith were no better than the Jedi in the eyes of every Mandalorian. Force sensitive's were no exception. To this day Anthoni will say that they would have killed him, a boy, for being gifted the power over the force. A thought which makes himself bitter towards his Mandalorian ancestry. However they didn't get the chance, as if a miracle a single Sith with a detachment of troopers intervened from the public execution. He took the boy Anthoni and taught him how to better use his gifts. He started off as an Apprentice, learning under this man and soaking up everything the Sith would offer.

For the first time in his life Anthoni traveled away from Mandalore. Venturing to worlds he'd not known existed, his Master guiding him all the while in the ways of the Sith. It was a hard road, serving the Empire, yet Anthoni would never complain. He owed the Sith his life and never forgot about the Mandalorians whom tried to kill him. Bitterness and hate swallowed up most of his teenage years. His anger forged in him a newfound desire to serve the Empire and more importantly the Sith. His master took advantage of this, surely, and made Anthoni into a weapon. A dull sword that needed only discipline to truly reach grand potential.

In time however the two of them, Master and Apprentice knew where the relationship would ultimately be forced to end. It was a day like any other, except it began much earlier than most others. His master found him in the dark of his room, explained to him why he must leave, then walked away. Anthoni never saw the man again and the hole was never filled. Eaten up by his loneliness Anthoni wanders world to world serving the Empire. His youth breeding inexperience, yet rocked with potential.

Anthoni is first and foremost loyal to the Empire in which he serves determinedly. Although he has spent much of his life underneath the Sith hierarchy Anthoni hungers for more. Just an Acolyte riddled with inexperience already Anthoni has been making steps to garner reputation among the other Sith. Volunteering his time and services to the authorities which command Empire forces. He hopes that his achievements within the Empire military will make him better suited to undertake a master. Like any true Acolyte should aspire to know Anthoni understands that he knows nothing. Learning under a master would be his true path towards greater knowledge of the Dark Side. Appearance

Anthoni is a naturally adventurous person, probably due to his Mandalorian roots, as he always needs to be on the move. Creating a sense of distance between himself and others within the Order. He rarely spends the time to get to know people because much of his time is dedicated to his duties. His most personal relationships are between him and the people he is tasked alongside with while in service to the Empire.

If one ever gets to know Anthoni they will commonly say he's a man of few words. Due to his Mandalorian roots he speaks plainly and means what he says. Valuing this in others and finding those who talk to much to mainly come across as annoying. Even more people will say that Anthoni is a man of the mission, seeing tasks completed as quickly and efficiently as possible. The end goal will almost certainly matter more than how he got there. Especially if it's a directive of Sith or Imperial command. The mission matters most and failure is not an option. This probably could be seen as why Anthoni takes failure so hard. Letting others down, namely his superiors, hurts Anthoni on a personal level.

None know better the raising animosity between the Mandalorians and the Sith Empire. This conflict is one which Anthoni couldn't deny riddles him to his core. The planet he was born on, his old childhood clan, and the growing rise of tensions. Mandalore was the boy in Anthoni, a time he was free of the wandering Sith life. He wonders sometimes if that boy is dead, even though it was the Mandalorians whom tried to kill him. It's odd at least, picturing what he'd do in service to the Empire if they told him it was his home world they'd need to destroy next.

Anthoni stands fairly tall and will always have that proud, chin up, stance as he walks. His dark black hair drawing people in to his sea green eyes which stare at anyone he's speaking to. He is usually dressed in uniform or his Sith robes, lightsaber on his hip. He's a pale man, never really caring for the sunlight and spending much of his time on ships locked in outer space. When he was younger his Mandalorian clan tattooed their sigil on his left calf. Anthoni regards it as a symbol of his roots to Mandalore, even if they'd never accept a force sensitive among them.

Other than the tattoo Anthoni has a tiny crescent moon shaped scar on the back of his left hand. It's a distinguishing mark on him and sometimes when he's lost in his thoughts he'll unconsciously rub the back of his left hand.



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