Ask Alive In A Hive

Xyrin Davarok

Sith Order

Character Profile
Die Shize
Nov 30, 2023
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She heard the scream. A child’s scream. A girl’s scream. Only it vanished as quickly as the sea on a dying planet. A scream silenced in buried memories, but ever burning beneath a river of lava.

Echoes fade away like the cries in a cave, replaced by the quiet of the climb. Away from the base of the black mountain, up they go, up the volcano, up Mount Wildfire. It isn’t so quiet though. It wasn't so silent. Past. Present. A girl listened closely to the strokes of a piano. Liquid music. Poetic notes. No lyrics though.

She wasn’t so alone. Foot by foot, leg by leg, she ascended ahead, up the mountain. Ever rest did beckon her to bed but, as long as her mother nudged her, pushed her, never wavered, did not take a break, then neither did that mother’s daughter.

“Xyrin,” her mother spoke as she turned to face her daughter on the face of a black rock and golden vein. The mountain was magnificent in a magisterial kind of way, up close or from far away. It was breathtaking. 'Mighty' did not do its authority justice, the fiery fury in her fissures, the wild fire that determined whether a girl one day becomes a woman, and a Sith becomes a Sith, come Pureblood or Hybrid.

In that vein, Daramyth Davarok was one of the most beautiful Sith women in the eyes of their homeland, and her daughter wouldn’t disagree with the notion. Neither did her husband. Her eyes, bright as sunlight, penetrated her daughter's eyes that moment, who knew what a woman could become that very instant within this galaxy of opportunity as vibrant as violent.

However, her mother was no less powerful and full of power. Her daughter believed there to be a bit of a difference.

"Strength is power. Power is strength. Yet, ponder over this question: Which is greater? Which comes first? When you learn the answer, you will discover your own, my daughter of Davarok.” She bowed low, knelt to the child’s level, eyes into eyes. “You will claim your own, with the purest of blood, not as Pureblood, not as Hybrid, but as…Sith…”

As tough as Mother was, so was the girl’s brother. Saythel Davarok was a young man when a young woman was once a young girl. He didn’t need his mother for his quest. No, as far as mother and daughter would climb, his mission was to climb further, to reach the crater of the volcano—to reach the peak of power.

He did. However, as mother and daughter approached, as Xyrin spied her brother from a distance, she noticed how Saythel stood ever so close to the edge of the cone, where the throat of the volcano opened and naught but a pool of red lava loomed above black rock.

Xyrin remembered that moment then as now. How her brother stepped ever closer to the edge. She remembered his smile. Or was it a grin? It was genuine. He spoke low. He was so composed. He said: “These violent delights have violent ends.”

Then he jumped off the edge.
He plummeted into the depths.
The man had taken his last leap.
He’s silent. A girl can only scream.

In hate. In pain. In rage.

She wasn’t even a Sith Acolyte then. Just a helpless kid who couldn’t save him. Who couldn’t go in. Yet she was always a Sith. A Sith who suddenly had a weapon in her grip. The hilt of a lightsaber whose crimson blade was just then ignited.


Cheriss would have to act fast if she hadn’t already in her vision. Xyrin swung her blade, not at Cheriss, but at a mirror image, at a young Sith woman who had failed to save her brother, to keep him from falling through that ring.

Down that circle so round, falling upside down.

So Xyrin swung her lightsaber at another Xyrin who was determined to murder his brother’s sister. It just so happened to also be Cheriss.

@Sicadorito (@Cheriss Ktrame)

Cheriss Ktrame

Sith Order

Character Profile
Feb 4, 2022
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Cheriss was still blinking the vision out of her head when she suddenly saw something bright red swinging toward her. What the—

In a flash she lifted her own lightsaber, already out from before, stopping the red blade just before it cut her in half. Looking up, she saw that Xyrin was the one who had attacked her, some expression on the acolyte’s face that she hadn’t seen before.

“Xyrin! What are you doing?” Cheriss shifted to Xyrin’s left before pulling her blade back. Though their lightsabers were no longer in contact, she still kept it out just in case the other Sith tried something again. It was then she realized that her partner, too, was likely experiencing the same thing she had been in. “Snap out of it!”

Whether or not she listened, Cheriss backed away. She had no idea what the acolyte was seeing, but whatever it was, she didn’t want to be in the way.

“It’s me, Cheriss.” She tried to reach her again. This temple required two Sith, so as much as the younger woman’s comments irritated her, Cheriss did not want this to be a waste of her time if they accidentally killed each other.

@Die Shize

Xyrin Davarok

Sith Order

Character Profile
Die Shize
Nov 30, 2023
Reaction score


“It’s me, Cheriss.”

When Xyrin blinked the next moment, she saw Cheriss, not Xyrin. She saw a room within ruins, not the throat of a volcano. She saw a sister of her Sith Order, not the brother of her Sith family. The face before her was not red. It was pink. It was the pretty woman if just as much the ugly Human.


Xyrin deactivated her blade and stood up straight.

“What are you standing around for? Exit’s that way.”

Wasting no more time, the Sith decided the other Sith could stay here and play if she wanted but that would be the wrong move.

This temple required two Sith, so as much as the older bitch’s comments irritated her, Xyrin did not want this to be a waste of time if they accidentally killed each other.

Well, it might be an accident for Cheriss, at least, but for Xyrin it would probably be on purpose, and sorry Palpatine but Sith Alchemy mattered less to Xyrin than her memories.

@Sicadorito (@Cheriss Ktrame)

Cheriss Ktrame

Sith Order

Character Profile
Feb 4, 2022
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Xyrin pretended as if nothing had happened and that she hadn’t just attacked the closest thing she had to a friend in this entire temple. Typical. Though, even if Cheriss was used to it by now, it didn’t mean that she wasn’t still vexed by it.

Opting not to respond in case they would waste even more time, Cheriss followed Xyrin as she exited the room. The path ahead was dark again, and she almost found that appealing now that she didn’t have to look at the acolyte’s pudgy face.

As they went further down, they would eventually reach another, larger room. This one was partially collapsed, with nearly half of the ceiling on the ground. Fortunately, it appeared that the object they were looking for was still intact. Or maybe it was just Cheriss. That would be even better. Either way, the holocron sat on top of a small pedestal, tantalizingly close.

This time, though, Cheriss didn’t just walk over and grab it lest there was another giant spider hanging from the ceiling. The whole setup seemed deceptively simple. Too simple. She didn’t want to fall for that trick again.

But what else was there to do?

So Cheriss went up to the holocron, grabbed it, and walked back. There was no further collapse of the roof, no rumbling that shook the temple, and no fires that appeared out of nowhere.

“Guess we didn’t need two.” Then she heard a roar.

@Die Shize

Xyrin Davarok

Sith Order

Character Profile
Die Shize
Nov 30, 2023
Reaction score
Xyrin kept quiet as they walked the hallway and came to another chamber. Honestly, one rock looked the same as the other, and you could only pass so many walls before they all just looked like, well, walls.

Impressive. Cheriss was a Sith of action, no doubt about it. Even Xyrin had to admit it. They simply had different approaches in this kind of business.

Where Xyrin might have investigated the room for more than giant spiders hanging from ceilings, Cheriss decided, nah, not important. Traps. Contraptions. These were fallacies of the imagination for this Sith Champion.

Where Xyrin had learned a lesson earlier about waltzing up to shiny objects like prisms and holocrons, Cheris apparently hadn’t

So, despite the sudden rumbling in her stomach (she hadn’t had breakfast in Cheriss’ stupid ship unless the true Sith missed it), that roar had indeed not been from Xyrin.

“Guess we didn’t need two.”

“Most impressive, Cheriss. How precious is your intellect! Why, you are right! We just need one intelligent Sith with a brain whose weight didn’t fade into her face.”

Now, whatever Cheriss the Champion might follow that up with, Xyrin just then activated her blade but didn’t swing away at her ‘partner’ or whatever.


No. But it is a Herglic in the doorway coming their way.

@Sicadorito (@Cheriss Ktrame)

Cheriss Ktrame

Sith Order

Character Profile
Feb 4, 2022
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“For goodness sake, would you please keep your mouth shut!” Cheriss ignited her lightsaber, and even if she did feel the urge to swing it at the other Sith she wouldn’t for now. The Herglic that came storming through the doorway seemed more than eager to take their prize from them, and she was reminded of that zombie one she’d encountered way back on Deysum.

At least this time it was alive. She hoped. Cheriss didn’t bother correcting Xyrin about her species classification, because if one day she decided to call another Herglic a Chevin, she wouldn’t be upset if the acolyte found her arm torn off instead.

As for this Herglic, Cheriss would pull him forward with the Force in an attempt to make him fall. However, what was strong enough to send the Herglic sliding forward on its stomach didn’t seem to affect it at all. Strange. He kept charging.

“This one is as stubborn as you,” Cheriss muttered under her breath as she held her saber up instead. When the Herglic reached the rubble, he would grab a chunk of rock with both hands before chucking them at the two Sith. Cheriss ducked, letting one fly over her head.

“Who is this?” She was more confused than anything about what was going on, but she too picked up a piece of stone with the Force and threw it at the Herglic. Instead of balking, he took it straight to the chest and roared again. What the kriff? Cheriss almost thought she was in another hallucination.

@Die Shize

Xyrin Davarok

Sith Order

Character Profile
Die Shize
Nov 30, 2023
Reaction score
Cheriss was polite. She had only a moment ago requested Xyrin, not to keep her mouth shut, but to please keep her mouth shut. To Xyrin, there was a difference. Manners mattered. So this Human Sith was suddenly promoted to Inferior Idiot Bitch Level 1 with an unlimited level cap.

Xyrin had no reason to be so polite, however. It was not particularly her fault that her partner was to this temple what a moth was to a flame, a magpie to a shiny object or a Sith to a Sith’s lightsaber.


As rubble came her way, Xyrin wasn’t troubled if Cheriss might splatten and be flattened into a pancake the next moment. She was more focused on cleaving through her rubble with her sword. It carved the rock apart like she will do to this Herglic’s heart.

As two halves of broken stone went flying, Xyrin wondered if maybe one half (accidentally?) ended up hitting Cheriss on the head. Maybe.

“Who is this?”
"Captain Obvious Joe, obviously. Kriff should I know?"

As Cheriss picked up rock, because Cheriss the Champion absolutely loved to pick up objects like nobody’s business, Xyrin Davarok did not. She instead elected to witness what happened after the Human’s thrown stone.

Absolutely nothing.


Kriff this.

Instead of watching, Xyrin went walking forward and tore her sword straight for this idiot Herglic. Then, before she knew what happened, the Sith Sith went flying backward toward Cheriss. The Acolyte didn’t see if her sword swing had hit or missed.

@Sicadorito (@Cheriss Ktrame)

Cheriss Ktrame

Sith Order

Character Profile
Feb 4, 2022
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Cheriss ducked once more when a second piece of rubble flew over her head, not from Captain Obvious Joe but from Xyrin. She pitied the girl’s future allies if she would ever get any— they would have to watch out for her as much as their opponent. Unfortunately for the champion, that was her right now.

So she decided to keep her distance and moved to a different spot in the room.

It was Cheriss’ turn to watch when Xyrin rushed to the Herglic with her lightsaber. She was sent flying back in an instant, landing once again where the champion was. Cheriss raised her brow, looking down at the acolyte. “Miss me so soon?”

Unfortunately, the Herglic had only been further aggravated by Xyrin’s charge. With another roar, he rushed toward the two Sith before swinging a fist at Cheriss. Leaping backwards, she was able to avoid the blow. She looked around for other potential ways to kill this thing— he seemed to be invincible.

That was when she noticed that his eyes were on the holocron still in her left hand. She tossed it up once, and the Herglic’s eyes followed its trail back into her hand like a puppy. He’s mad. Not in the same way as Kayden though, and that she was thankful for.

“Hey, Xyrin.” The other Sith would probably like this plan. “I’ll be the bait.” Cheriss threw the holocron up again, this time keeping it in the air with the Force. “You get to stab him in the back.” With that, she would let the bullfight begin as the Herglic charged again.

@Die Shize

Xyrin Davarok

Sith Order

Character Profile
Die Shize
Nov 30, 2023
Reaction score
“Miss me so soon?”


Xyrin looked up at Cheriss, her expression of not looking up to Cheriss. Having landed on her back after flying backward for more than a stagger, the Sith was glad that she hadn’t snapped anything that might sound like a carrot snapped in half.

She got up the next instant.

Unfortunately for the Herglic, it was dealing with two Sith and one Sith and one Human and two women. Xyrin and Cheriss and, whatever the Champion is, the Acolyte is one to fight, not one to quit.

The Sith noticed that the Herglic’s eyes were on Cheriss, given that he had to pick a Sith to target and charge in. As the Herglic rushed for Cheriss, Xyrin rushed forward toward it.

As the Fat Herglic swung its fist at the Sith Champion who leapt backward, the Sith Acolyte was getting right into position for what might happen the next moment.

“Hey, Xyrin. I’ll be the bait. You get to stab him in the back.”


At that, Xyrin thrust her sword forward just as the Herglic began to charge for Cheriss again. Fortunately, Xyrin had since repositioned to arrive behind the Herglic during this time. Her saber moved to pierce through the Herglic’s chest via the stab at his back.

Whatever happened, whether this was the killer maneuver or not, hopefully it would at least cause some damage, unless it was an illusion.

@Sicadorito (@Cheriss Ktrame)

Cheriss Ktrame

Sith Order

Character Profile
Feb 4, 2022
Reaction score

Cheriss knew that Xyrin wouldn’t say no to stabbing someone in the back. It was about what she expected from her anyway. So, when the Herglic was ready to charge again, the acolyte was already on it.

The Herglic let out a roar as Xyrin’s lightsaber cut into his back. Seemingly possessed by the holocron, however, it wasn’t a roar of pain but rather of fury. Cheriss watched, half surprised and half impressed, as he slowly got back up to his feet. His eyes were still fixed on the little artifact in the air. Unfortunately, he had little to no strength left inside as Xyrin’s blade continued to burn in his back.

After what seemed like an eternity, the Herglic collapsed and let out his last breath. He wasn’t invincible after all. He had just been driven by insanity, too focused to die. As for Xyrin, Cheriss gave her partner a slight nod.

“Well done,” she said, letting the holocron drop back into her palm. “Let’s get out of here then, shall we?”

Whatever comments the acolyte might or might not make next, Cheriss still asked herself why and how she’d convinced herself that this temple needed two Sith.

@Die Shize

Xyrin Davarok

Sith Order

Character Profile
Die Shize
Nov 30, 2023
Reaction score
Xyrin just blinked at the eternity it took for this idiot Herglic to let out its last dramatic breath, wishing it would just hurry up and die already. She didn’t attempt no cinematic backstab just for Finding Nemo’s last gasp.

“Well done,” Cheriss nodded.

“Hm.” Xyrin spotted her holocron.

“Let’s get out of here then, shall we?”

But said nothing of it at the moment.

“Waiting on you.”
Xyrin walked off.

The Acolyte, as always, wouldn’t actually wait as she headed for the exit. She figured the best way to leave was to, well, leave.
Naturally, she would let her companion determine what happened in the next environment.

That was when a giant slab nearly took Xyrin out by nearly taking out her forehead.

“Druk! It's stuck.”

Xyrin tried Force Lift, whacked it with her lightsaber, but the dark rock seemed as ancient as Darth Sidious’ face on a cold summer’s day. Just something a young Acolyte once heard in a cafe, and it admittedly wasn’t as funny as a certain Champion’s face.

“It won’t budge.”

Suddenly the ceiling began to budge as it came shifting downward as if it wanted to squash heads into melons.

The Acolyte looked up, looked down, looked right, looked left, scowled at the Champion.

“What did you touch THIS time, Cheriss!?"

@Sicadorito (@Cheriss Ktrame)

Cheriss Ktrame

Sith Order

Character Profile
Feb 4, 2022
Reaction score

Cheriss, having already walked into her fair share of traps today, was content to let Xyrin take the lead once again. At least if something happened again, it wouldn’t be her fault.

Yet even as the champion opened her mouth to warn the acolyte about that tripwire in front of her foot, even as the other Sith nearly ran into some slab, Xyrin still found a way to blame Cheriss for their misfortune. Even Force pushes and lightsaber cuts weren’t enough to get them out of this mess, apparently.

“Believe it or not, it was you who tripped that wire.” Cheriss mirrored her partner and looked up, down, left, and right as the ceiling began to close in. She had no intention of dying here, and definitely not with Xyrin. Just the thought of being next to her for eternity was enough to motivate her to start looking for some way to turn the ceiling off, or something.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t as easy as finding an off switch. Cheriss felt around the walls, hoping to find something that might slow the ceiling or provide some kind of clue that would lead them out. There was nothing until she moved her boot and saw a pyramid shaped hole in the ground.

Having no other option, she shoved the holocron in, and the ceiling stopped. At this point it had gotten so low that they were practically forced to crawl. Close call. Cheriss was just glad that she’d dodged the bullet of haunting this place forever with only Xyrin as company. A small opening was just in front of them, having appeared when she put in the holocron.

“Let’s keep moving.” The only problem, Cheriss realized just as she finished her sentence, was that the holocron now refused to budge from the hole.

@Die Shize

Xyrin Davarok

Sith Order

Character Profile
Die Shize
Nov 30, 2023
Reaction score
“Believe it or not, it was you who tripped that wire.”


Xyrin looked back at the slab, that rectangle so rectangular, the ceiling moving upside down, and the suspiciously tripped-on trip wire in between the floor and the ceiling.


Moments later, having pondered over what she would have named her lightsaber after taking the throne instead of dying beside Cheriss, she realized she would at least be spared the embarrassment of anybody knowing it.

Finally, the Human actually touched something and nothing bad happened. For once, the ceiling stopped, but Xyrin could have probably gotten that holocron yesterday had Cheriss not have existed to begin with to get in every shiny object's way.

“It shouldn’t have been there.”

On her hands on knees, Xyrin looked at Cheriss, eyes into eyes, showing she isn’t scared of this arrogant little miss. Just irritated and blameless.

“Like you. If Cheriss the Champion didn’t go around touching everything, like a bowl of N&Ns just to find the pretty one in pink, well, slap my ass and call me Sally, we wouldn’t be in this situation to begin with, would we, Cheriss?”

@Sicadorito (@Cheriss Ktrame)

Cheriss Ktrame

Sith Order

Character Profile
Feb 4, 2022
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Cheriss had been ready to move on, to forget this, even, and just get out of here. But then Xyrin made yet another comment despite the fact that they had almost died yet again, and this time the champion had had enough.

Biting her lower lip before she lifted her head, Cheriss met Xyrin’s gaze. There was no joke in her eyes now.

“Well, Sally, I’ve spent my whole day tolerating your blabbering mouth and quite frankly, I am getting tired of hearing it. So I will ask you once again, kindly, would you Please. Shut. Up. It was maddening what she’d had to go through today, and if Xyrin said anything more she was more than half inclined to simply whip out her blade and cut the girl’s head off right now.

Instead of doing that, however, Cheriss managed to control herself and work on cutting the holocron out of the hole instead in silence. If the girl wanted to push her again, she could try. She would do more than “slap her ass” as she’d so eloquently put it.

@Die Shize

Xyrin Davarok

Sith Order

Character Profile
Die Shize
Nov 30, 2023
Reaction score
“Well, Sally, I’ve spent my whole day tolerating your blabbering mouth and quite frankly, I am getting tired of hearing it. So I will ask you once again, kindly, would you Please. Shut. Up.


In hindsight Xyrin didn’t know what this woman’s problem was. Some people were just in denial with their failures but, meh, whatever, the Acolyte wouldn’t hold it against the Champion for being inadequate.

After all, not every Sith could be Sith.

“Shut. Up.”

The Sith repeated.


She looked up.

“Ceiling goes down. Holocron comes up from the ground.”

Thinking out loud if not about how Cheriss is a fat cow.

“Look for a pyramid, Cheriss.”

Xyrin licked success from her lips.

“If we can find a hole opposite your little love triangle…”

She blinked.

“...That…did not come out right…I have a feeling the ceiling will move up, we take the holocron back out, we don’t get flattened in the process.”

She grinned.

“Got it.”

She Force Yeeted the holocron from the hole in the floor to the hole in the ceiling and waited for something to happen.

Just hopefully nothing to do with being flattened into a Cheriss-Xyrin pancake because...ew.

@Sicadorito (@Cheriss Ktrame)

Cheriss Ktrame

Sith Order

Character Profile
Feb 4, 2022
Reaction score

“Shut. Up.” Cheriss stared at Xyrin, stopping her arm mid-carve. Had she not heard a word?

“What did you say?” Then the Sith realized that, for once, she wasn’t being snippy.

"Up." Cheriss looked up too. Indeed, there was a holocron-shaped hole in the ceiling that had certainly not been there before. Now it was a mirror image of the floor. Upside down. She hated that Xyrin had found it before her.

“Hmph.” Half scoff, half sigh at what she said next instead of responding verbally, Cheriss finished cutting the holocron out before the girl Force-tossed it into the hole. She hoped, too, that they wouldn’t end up flattened. When the ceiling did in fact move upwards, Cheriss wouldn’t say anything as she gradually got back up to a standing position, holstering her lightsaber.

It was only when they were both out of there and Cheriss had the holocron back in her hand that she stopped and turned to meet Xyrin’s gaze again.

“So,” she said, a hand on her hip, “since you’re so good at temple exploring, I’ll let you lead us out of here.” If Little Miss Sith felt like she could do a better job, Cheriss could give her a chance.

@Die Shize

Xyrin Davarok

Sith Order

Character Profile
Die Shize
Nov 30, 2023
Reaction score
Yet again, Cheriss proved to be quick as that holocron found her grip instead of Xyrin’s. Then again, a lot could happen between here and the ship, as with whatever the heck had happened to Rust Bucket.

“Since you’re so good at temple exploring, I’ll let you lead us out of here.”


She wasn’t going to make a show of it. Unlike Cheriss, Xyrin wasn’t a Sith because she wanted all the men to call her Lady Gaga. If she could pick, Xyrin was more like Lord Vader, less like Darth Sidious, and if Cheriss kept up the bad bitch attitude then maybe Xyrin would show it too.

“This way.”

She wouldn’t wait as she headed for a hallway.

“Wrong way.”

Turned and promptly headed the other way.


Xyrin looked around as dust fell on her face and the entire place began to shake.

“Please tell me these ruins aren’t collapsing.”

She sneezed, forgetting to cover her face, not knowing in which direction.

She pointed behind Cheriss at a stone slab at the entrance of the holocron chamber.

“Cuz I don’t think the holocron wants to be returned.”

Looked left, looked right.

"And I...don't know which way to go...either..."

@Sicadorito (@Cheriss Ktrame)

Cheriss Ktrame

Sith Order

Character Profile
Feb 4, 2022
Reaction score

Cheriss trailed some distance behind as Xyrin strutted into a hallway. And she says that I’m the one who walks into traps. Then the acolyte came back.

“Wrong way.” Cheriss arched a brow. She looked up as she heard a faint rumble and the ground began to shake. The acolyte sneezed in her direction, which would have been right in her face if not for the giant rock that fell between them just then.

“The ruins are not collapsing,” she said generously. As more dust and rocks began to fall, however, Cheriss knew that they wouldn’t be able to stay here for long. She didn’t want to go back into that tiny holocron chamber Xyrin pointed at in case they get crushed for good this time, nor the dead end hallway that the acolyte had just come back from.

Despite everything, however, Cheriss couldn’t help an amused smile when Xyrin finally admitted she didn’t know what she was doing.

Just then, a third option offered itself. Cheriss saw a light. Then she heard a string of frantic beeps.

“Well, would you look at that.” R6 was practically jumping, and behind the little droid was some kind of open hallway that didn’t appear to be collapsing at the moment. “Come on. We don’t have all day.” With that, Cheriss would pat Xyrin on the shoulder before making her way over to her droid.

@Die Shize

Xyrin Davarok

Sith Order

Character Profile
Die Shize
Nov 30, 2023
Reaction score
Patience, student.
I am being patient.
Patience, student!
be a patient!

Unfortunately, despite memories of previous teachings, masters who would put Champion Cheriss to shame, no academy had prepared Xyrin Davarok to be paired up with Cheriss Ktrame.

The smugness in her grin when Xyrin politely apologized for the ruins having misleading signs that sent her to a dead end, well, needless to say that the Scarlet Harlot ought to watch out in her ship tonight come bedtime.

And if you see a red face when you wake up then it will be the last color you ever see you ugly kriffing—

Droids, on the other hand, had more patience than both women.

“Good job, Rust Bucket.”

Xyrin complimented the rust bucket the moment Cheriss placed her hand on her shoulder.

It was a pat, wasn’t a squeeze, but didn’t have to be.

A Sith, especially one with a vision, when tripped by Sith Alchemy, simply acted on instinct in an instant, whether she’d be forgiven by Cheriss.

She immediately grabbed the hand on her shoulder and moved to twist the wrist and the arm, rotate and pin it at the Champion’s back, standing in position and facing the same direction.

That was the moment the ruins, while perhaps not collapsing, were once again rumbling.

@Sicadorito (@Cheriss Ktrame)

Cheriss Ktrame

Sith Order

Character Profile
Feb 4, 2022
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Cheriss was just about to make her way to the droid when she suddenly felt a pressure on her hand. Caught by surprise, she felt it twist, and she turned around just in time to see Xyrin pinning it to her back.

“What is wrong with you?” Cheriss snapped, but she wasn’t done there.

She is just asking to be left behind. Gritting her teeth, Cheriss turned around, concurrently lifting her free hand to send a short but powerful Force push directly toward Xyrin’s chest. If it hit where she intended, the girl would be sent flying back. Though the floor was rumbling and the ceiling was slowly falling, she couldn’t care less about the girl’s well-being.

Sure, maybe she was a Sith and they were supposed to be on the same side here against the trials and traps of Darth Sidious, but Xyrin had thrown that away without a second thought. Cheriss was generous, though. Xyrin had one more chance, and just one more. This was strike two and if she hit a third, she’d be out.

“If you do that again, I’m taking R6 and leaving here without you.” Cheriss turned to the acolyte. “Are you coming or not?”

@Die Shize