Ailla Taske


I can haz sith burgerz?
SWRP Writer
Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
Ailla Taske

"A weapon you don't know how to use is as good as your enemy's. Including your body and mind."
Age: 26 years old
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5'7" (1.7m)
Weight: 124lbs (56.25kg)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel
Homeworld: Unknown
Residence: Transient

Force Sensitivity: Yes
Trained: Yes

Faction: The Sith Empire
Rank: Sith Marauder

  • <+++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++++++++++++++++++>
  • While she isn't the most physically imposing figure, Ailla has taken well to the seemingly mystical ability of so many Sith to take ownership of whatever room they stride into. At the barest level of her appearance, she stands at 5' 7" with broad shoulders for her frame, and well-developed muscles ripple and tense under pale skin with every motion - a spring coiled and waiting for the right moment to snap free. Her body is covered in old and faded marks from years of slavery and training to become a Sith have left her with a myriad of old wounds across her back, chest, stomach, and arms. And this is all topped with pronounced cheek bones, raven-black locks of hair with streaks of blue dyed in her bangs, and a set of hazel eyes that seem set to look through whoever they are looking at with a cold sort of disdain if they haven't proven themselves useful to her.

    Her choices of apparel are simplistic and straight-forward. She tends to opt for sturdy and reliable footwear such as sturdy boots, dark trousers such as cargo pants, and simplistic shirts that tend to come in lighter colors as if purposefully done to offset from the rest of her outfit. When she's working out or sparring and not in her full equipment she often strips down to a sports bra, loose exercise pants, and wrappings for her feet and hands. When she isn't sparring in lighter clothes and isn't on her own time in personal quarters or less hostile surroundings, she is quick to don her armor and cloak as if to purposefully accentuate her appearance and mark herself as an imposing and powerful figure when she walks into the room.
  • Years spent wearing a slave's collar and fending for herself have left Ailla incredibly introverted and distrustful. Her first instinct when entering a new situation is to keep silent and observe what goes on around her rather than speak up or introduce herself to those involved. She has no real taste for social interaction and generally isn't one to go making real friends - she doesn't trust must anybody and its a long road to walk if somebody hopes to earn her trust. In fact she would much rather spend her time training in solitude or reading over the works and literature of Sith teachings and history. When she must deal with strangers she tends to either mock them and seemingly take nothing about them seriously, or opt to be more terse and horribly abrasive depending on the circumstances and her mood at the time.

    Socially speaking: Ailla is the first focus of all things. She has no qualms about lying, cheating, and hurting others if she feels they are in her way or would seek to hinder her progress in whatever plans and designs she has set. She is always seeking to advance and better herself through individual accomplishment as much as through the favors she is owed and the connections she has. The surest way to get the soft-spoken Sith warrior on your side is to present something she wants and convince her that associating with you is the best way to achieve it. But it should be remembered that is a dangerous game to play as the moment she has it, she might discard you - or see you as a threat too prescient to ignore.
  • Ailla doesn't know who her parents were. She doesn't even know what planet she was actually born on. Her first memories of childhood were under the reign of a Twi'lek man by the name of Ecrah'Pabo in his camp on the planet of Concord Dawn. He ran a secretive slave ring where he made most of his money selling able bodies into the ranks of mercenary armies or into the courts and services of rich aristocrats who wanted to surround themselves with obedient and waiting hands. Ailla's earliest childhood was spent more or less 'learning her place' where she was forced to wear a slave collar, to tend and clean to the guards' barracks and the slave pens in kind, and was taught just enough of how to read so that she could understand basic written instruction and command. It wasn't the sort of start to life that spoke of freedom and great things.

    Those first years were spent as a subservient slave. She went where she was told, she did as she was commanded, and she never once thought to raise a question against her master and his guards. She simply kept her silence and went about her assigned duties. The only 'spark' of desire for freedom or independence that she found in herself was when her walks through the compound would bring her close to one of the outermost fences. They were far taller than she could ever hope to climb and had razor-wire set atop them for if she even attempted it - and if she were somehow able to overcome that her master had men cultivate yards and yards of razor grass to slash and cut at the skin of any slaves who thought they might try to run for the wilderness around them. But, slave or no, she was a child with an imagination that was fed on staring out at the open sky beyond the fence and the wide-reaching forests and greenery where she could hear animals moving about freely.

    As she blossomed into a teenage girl, her potent connection to the Force began to show itself. She was clearly not like his other slaves and while he could have sold her off for a princely sum, the Twi'lek slaver found it much more ideal to keep the pretty young woman as a personal pet to show off to his clients. She received very rudimentary training in order to control and harness some of her power in small parlor tricks to appease her master: levitating a cup of wine to a client's plate or taking away a tray without even so much as touching it with her hand. It was while in her Master's personal coterie that she would come to meet a young lethan Twi'lek girl in a similar position to her own: a slave from her earliest years who had the 'luck' of showing her potential connection to the Force to their master. The two grew as close as sisters through their shared misery and tried as best they could to help each other through the harder times.

    Her life would rapidly change before she was even fourteen. A Captain of the Sacred Band, a man by the name of Obran Valhoun, had apparently been a long-time acquaintance with Ecrah. The two were apparently close enough to one another that when Obran violently severed ties with the Sacred Band and used various intelligence secrets he possessed as payment to get away, he felt one of the surest places to find safety was at the Twi'lek slaver's camp. He arrived late one night and roughly explained the situation to Ecrah'Pabo while asking for any help the other man could render. Of course he remembered all the credits that the good Captain had spent to acquire various 'merchandise' of his and likely the other adventures and troubles they had gotten up to in the past as he opened his arms and told Obran that he could stay as long as he needed until he felt safe again.

    However he let it slip to his 'old friend' that the Sith had put a rather hefty bounty on his head. Slavers seldom held any lives sacred beyond their own.

    Ecrah was no different in this regard.

    The slaver sought out through his various contacts to get in touch with members of the Sith Brotherhood. He told them that he had the rogue Brother's trust and would happily turn him over to them for the bounty. They accepted the offer and acquired the coordinates on the understanding that they'd only be sending a small team to capture Obran. What came instead was a team of Sacred Band commandos led by deadly Sith assassins. They dropped into the camp and from the first moment they began to slay the guards and bust the cages. The confusion and chaos woke Ailla up as the camp was torn apart and in the rising panic she found the only person she could: her fellow Force-sensitive slave. Together the two of them ran from their quarters and out into the morning darkness as the guards and other slaves ran in panic and confusion under the attack. It was out there where they found a break in the fence.

    From there came over a dozen meters of razor-grass. They didn't blink. They didn't even slow down as they ran.

    But at some point as they ran through the wilderness the two of them became separated. It was dark and they were bleeding. They couldn't keep track of each other - but the Sith could. It was hours into her run for freedom when a Sith shuttle came blazing overhead and a pair of Sith descended on her. Two Sith who had tracked her by her force signal as she ran. They were patient and kind enough for Sith when they 'offered' to take her with them. They tended to her numerous wounds, detached her caller, fed her, and told her briefly of just who they were and what they had planned for her. They told her that she had a potent enough connection to the force that she could maybe be powerful enough to try and join them as a fellow Sith.

    When she was brought back to Sith territory she was put under the tutelage of a Sith warrior by the name of Katiara Lapaz.

    Katiara was a harsh task-master but didn't have anything to throw at the now freed slave that she hadn't endured under her previous master. She was put into training almost from the very start, before her healing had properly finished. She was thrown into a harsh physical regimen and rushed through academic readings and studies of the Sith way and code. There was never much pause for her to rest or recuperate. There was always another lesson to study, another mistake to correct, and another task to complete under Master Lapaz's tutelage. She grew and developed her talents in the Force and her abilities with a saber so that she could come to do more than just 'stand her own' in a fight with a lightsaber in hand.

    After many years she had finally ascended to Marauder, confident in the newly instilled idea that she was no slave. That she owed nothing to anybody.

    And she was intent to make her mark on the galaxy around her.
    • Lover
      • None
    Bush did 9/11.
    • Family
      • Unknown | Father | Unknown
      • Unknown | Mother | Unknown
      • Unknown | Siblings | Unknown
    Just kidding, it was aliens.
    • Slavery
      • Ecrah'Pabo | Former Master | Deceased
  • <+++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++++++++++++++++++>
    • Lightsabers
      • Lightsaber Pike
        • Dual-phase blade ('standard' pike / 'standard' saber).
        • A traditional red blade.
        • A body of lightsaber-resistant phrik.
      • Lightsaber Shoto
        • Shoto-size blade.
        • Yellow blade.
    • None
  • Strength
    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
  • Unskilled - Novice - Adept - Expert - Master​

    • General Skills
      • Marksmanship - Adept
      • Hand-to-Hand - Expert
      • Piloting, Atmosphere - Adept
      • Piloting, Microgravity - Adept
      • Slicing - Novice
      • Cooking - Adept
      • Dancing - Adept
    • Lightsaber Forms
      • Form I - Novice
      • Form II - Untrained
      • Form III - Untrained
      • Form IV - Untrained
      • Form V - Untrained
      • Form VI - Adept
      • Form VII - Expert
    • Force Abilities
      • General Sensitivity - Expert
      • Telekinesis - Adept
      • Force Sight - Novice
      • Assisted Movement - Expert
      • Force Pull-Push - Adept
      • Force Suggestion - Novice
      • Tutaminis - Novice
      • Force Drain - Unskilled
      • Force Lightning - Unskilled
      • Force Crush - Unskilled
  • <+++++++++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++++++++++++++++++>

  • [tr2][th]Thread Title[/th][th]Summary[/th][th]Status[/th][th]Link[/th][/tr2]

  • [tr2][th]Thread Title[/th][th]Summary[/th][th]Status[/th][th]Link[/th][/tr2]

  • [tr2][th]Thread Title[/th][th]Summary[/th][th]Status[/th][th]Link[/th][/tr2]

  • [tr2][th]Bounty Target[/th][th]Bounty Sum[/th][th]Status[/th][th]Thread Title[/th][th]Link[/th][/tr2]
Speech Color: #2121D3
Face Claim: Rinko Kikuchi
Last edited:


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
might end up using this format for character profiles in the future >_>


I can haz sith burgerz?
SWRP Writer
Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
might end up using this format for character profiles in the future >_>

When I get to my desktop, I plan on making a blank slate for others to use. I'll PM it to you when I do.