Mission Pack A Knights Image


Wannabe King
SWRP Writer
Aug 20, 2015
Reaction score

A Knights Image

Mission Pack

The Imperial Knights, the newest branch of the Imperial might faces strong and justified trepidation about its formation and future. Many of its ranks consist of ex-Sith who saw the error of their ways abandoning their corrupted religion, to follow the New Order under Altair Din. This collective history and their recent development, the Imperial Knights face an uphill battle to win the respect and trust both the military and the civilian populace.

To help establish this new image and trust amongst their fellow citizens, the Knights will be sent out across the width and breath of the Empire to combat threats both Internal and External to the Empire.

Quest #1 — Hunting in the Jungle [Ask/Open]

Dromund Kaas, once a thriving Sith world holds many a holdout and bunker for Sith unwilling to leave their home without a fight. A group of ex-Sith Champions have been located operating out of an old underground mausoleum on the southern continent. Your quest is to find, locate and remove the threat the Sith pose on the local population, how this is handled is up to the discretion of the Knight in charge. Any information on other Sith holdouts should be passed to the ISB.

Participants (2-3): @Varyn Atrix @Aadya Rasheer

Quest #2 — Slay the Beast [Ask/Open]

Makem Te had been the home to grotesque Sith abominations for years. These creatures are not only a blight upon the planet, but the Galaxy itself. We must erase the darkness pouring from these creatures less they soak into and disrupt the ecosystem of Makem Te itself. Your quest is to find and eliminate any Sith Abominations you come into contact with on the planet.

Participants (2-3): @Cassir Caerleon @Wodan

Quest #3 — Future Generations [Open]

The academy on Serenno, became the most prestigious training facility for new Sith only just behind Korriban itself. A number of wealthy families sent their Force Sensitive children to the planet to learn how to become Sith. With the dissolution of the Sith Order within Imperial territory, those who have not fled must be taken under the wind of the Imperial Knights less they fall to the corruption of the Sith Religion. Your quest is to travel to Serenno and secure the transport of Force Sensitive children, back to Raxus Secundus and the Knights facility.

Participants (2-3): @Wiley Winnz @Aeron Wulfheart @Ailis Drast

[b]Character Subaccount:[/b] here
[b]Mission Perference:[/b] here
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Wannabe King
SWRP Writer
Aug 20, 2015
Reaction score