Zogg Vole


Force Mysteries and Blaster Bolts
SWRP Writer
Oct 31, 2017
Reaction score

Zogg vole


► 34
► Besalisk
► 2.09 M
► 117 KG
► Blue
► Black
► Ojom
► Male
► Raider
► No
[beebox3=500px]Born and raised on Ojomin the deep core Zogg proved to be one of the more adventurous members of his clan. At age 14 he decided to see what was on the other side of his home glacier, wandering off into the cold wilderness for three weeks before returning. When asked about he he claimed the worst part of his wandering was the hunger. He proved to be capable in the classroom, often scoring in the top quarter of his class. But Zogg always preferred more physical activity, often ending up in wrestling matches simply for the joy of exertion. He quickly gained a reputation for being violent and dumb, though not entierly accurate.
At age 19 Zogg left his clan's territory and moved to one of Ojom's orbital stations, quickly finding work as a laborer. But as Besalisks do he soon got bored and found employment as a bouncer, then a cook, then a flight controller, then a bouncer again. Ultimately his wanderlust grew until he signed onto a starship crew at age 26, traveling as far as the outer rim and back. But these are dangerous times sooner or later he would run into trouble that he could not get out of. He was just around the corner of 29 when pirates disabled and boarded the ship he was crewing at the time, killing rest for the crew. Zogg had done his best to hold off the boarders at the airlock, bludgeoning one unconscious, breaking another's rib cage, and grappling with a third when he was hit with a stun grenade.
The leader of the band was impressed by his strength and tenacity and decided to give Zogg and offer, join or dine. Zogg for his part didn't even think about the death aspect, this was something new and exciting, so a pirate he became. Put simply it was fun for him, as he could exert his muscles and his mind all while going new places and seeing new things. And as the war between the Jedi and the Sith grew his band began hiring themselves out as mercenaries, often being employed by one Sith lord or another. After a year for purely Sith contractes he grew tired of being the Sith's expendable muscle and set out on his own to find a new crew and seek adventure on his own terms.

[beebox3=500px]Zogg has always been an adventurous sort, seeking to fill his wanderlust and whatever tickles his fancy at the time. This does not mean that he has a short attention span, but simply goes with his gut on most things. But it is safe to say that he never really grew out of the “invincible” phase that most young adults tend to go through, often jumping headlong into situations or offers that sound fun or profitable. This has rewarded him with many tales to tell, which he enjoys sharing whenever possible. He also relishes good conversation, be it swapping stories, gossiping, bragging, or simply talking about nothing important. More than once he has been called a jolly giant, and it doesn't help that he will walk headlong into a fight, laughing all the way.[/beebox3]
Attributes and Skills
[beebox3=500px]Zogg Loves being physical and over the years he has grown fairly strong in all of his limbs. Though not truly quadextrous, his time in battle has impressed upon him the importance of coordination between all of his limbs. As such he often wields a simple weapon or device in his lower hands while using his upper for more detailed work. This combined with his love of wrestling as a youth has made him a fearsome close in fighter. Though his eagerness to get into the thick of it often leaves him cut and bruised, as he is a fairly large target while rushing to get close. He is also foolhardy and reckless, often concentrating on the thrill of the moment than really thinking things through.[/beebox3]
While not dumb, he tends to leave the thinking to more of the patient types, instead utilizing his intelligence mainly for brief in the moment analysis and embellishing the story afterward. He is in good health for his age, his constant activity keeping some of the fat common to his species from his midriff. Though he tends to focus on strength rather than speed leaving him a little slower than others, and it is hard to move all of his bulk out of the path of a well placed blow. His time amongst the stars has taught him that range can trump strength in many situations, so he quickly took up blaster practice. While proficient with ranged weapons he is by no means a marksman and prefers to cover an area in bolts rather than wait for the perfect shot.

.Strength: 8/10
.Dexterity: 7/10
.Agility: 5/10
.Constitution: 7/10
.Stamina: 6/10
.Intelligence: 5/10
.Ranged Accuracy: 4/10
.CQC: 8/10
(Roughly 63%)

Speaks: Basic, Besalisk, & Huttese
[beebox3=500px]Standing just shy of two meters tall and fairly bulky Zogg still posses a larger gut, but not nearly as big as many of his species. He has mottled brown skin, ranging from bark brown on his crest to a bronze like color on the insides of his arms. He posses clear blue eyes each with a dark ring around the iris and has bristly black stubble sprouting from his wattle. While no one scar stands out he has several faint ones on his knuckles and on his upper arms.[/beebox3]


MST-R Heavy Repeating Rifle 2 standard power cells (back slung)
Power Hammer 1 power cell (belt catch)
OCW Rotatable Combat Shield
MCV MK. IV Light Armor
MK-PM 1.0 Med Kit (Back slung, lower shoulders)
Generic knife x2 (belt)
Generic Commlink (belt)

Role Plays
  1. Never Tell Me The Odds
  2. Raiding Cargo
  3. A Job For Criminals
  4. The Approach

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