Vladimir Blackfyre


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SWRP Writer
Apr 2, 2018
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Vladimir Blackfyre

Faction N/ARank 1 Level Force Sensitivity
Homeworld Anzat Male 150

Character Information

  • Vlad is what most individuals would describe as a monolith of a man muscular and pale skinned. His body built as one would expect from a warrior, or a heavy weight in martial artist. He, however, is not hulking like a bodybuilder, but athletic and well built for battle. His body as a whole is defined, showing that he holds every muscle with equal strength, tone, and definition. His broad shoulders slope a bit before angling into a well-muscled chest and then moving down into a full eight-pack that he's worked hard to earn through relentless dedication.

    When it comes to the young man's eyes and hair, he inherits far more from his mother instead of his father- holding sky blue eyes that have a dark green hinting around their slitted pupils, giving them a blended shade when looked at carefully. When he is angered or enraged they take on a slightly golden hue, partially due to his connection to the dark side of the force. His hair also stems from his mother's side of the family, holding long Silver white locks that are straight initially before spiraling into a mass of curls and waves that derive from his father's curly hair. He tends to wear his hair at varying lengths, but is never shorter than his shoulders, and is usually closer to the middle of his back in length. Tending to wear it well brushed, maintained and sleek pulled back into a ponytail with his bangs at around his chin in length. His facial hair tends to be a bit of a goatee on his chin, with a light beard clinging to his jaw and lips- thickening into his sideburns and actual hair on his head., all of it is well maintained and cared for showing his dedication to his physical appearance.

    Vlad's general physique is that of an individual who spends hours upon everyday training, doing push-ups, lifting weights, running laps and doing everything he can to cut as much body fat from his body as possible and replace it with dense, tough, and lean muscle.

    Despite possessing a potent healing factor Vlad’s entire form is covered in scars. The scar's, varying from minor and barely of note to sever and obviously wounds that marks how he barely survived a mortal wound- including a massive laceration that decorates his chest and stomach two inches wide at its largest point, the thick scar tissue obviously telling a dire tale. The other more notable scar being a cross-shaped scar that has two parts, the first starting at his forehead, traveling down his forehead, skipping over his eye and re-starting at his cheek to end just over where his beard resides. The second being a scar that starts at his temple crosses horizontally over his face and nose and ends on his opposite cheek.His other scars are far less noticeable.

  • .

    • [■■■■■■■■■■] Strength
    • [■■■■■■■■■] Dexterity
    • [■■■■■■■■■■] Constitution
    • [■■■■■■■■■■] Intelligence
    • [■■■■■■■■■■]Wisdom
    • [■■■■■■■■■■] Charism

    • [■■■■■■■■■■] (Intermediate) - Telekinesis
    • [■■■■■■■■■] (Poor)- Force Mind trick
    • [■■■■■■■■■■] (Intermediate)- Force Strength​
    • [■■■■■■■■■■] (Intermediate)- Force Speed
    • [■■■■■■■■■■] (Novice)- Force Choke
    • [■■■■■■■■■] (Intermediate) - Rifles​
    • [■■■■■■■■■■] (Intermediate) - Pistols​
    • [■■■■■■■■■■] (Expert) - Swordsmanship​
    • [■■■■■■■■■■] (Basic) - Explosives​
    • [■■■■■■■■■■] (Basic) - Computer Slicing​
    • [■■■■■■■■■■] (Proficient) - Stealth​



    Blackfyre: Vlad's blade

  • Threads

Format by @Vosrik
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Lord of Naps
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
Hey there,

I am going to move this to the player workshop for now as there is no bio. In general, this characters skills and abilities need to be rolled back. Level 1 characters are on par with the average Jedi Knight. Also, any Force power that isn't Canon requires an approved write up before being able to be used (I.e. Spear of Midnight Black). I see mention of things like Sith tattoos which don't make too much sense as the Sith are only just being started and the SIth race was relatively unknown to the Galaxy.

I would recommend checking out the lore write ups for the site as well as the rules for Force Usage and how they pertain to levels. This character is definitely workable, just needs some tweaks. Let me know when the bio is complete and you make some changes and I can move it back to this board and we can go from there! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!