Open Tatooine Vano’s Invitations



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Dec 14, 2020
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Srucayr's gaze would drift to the hand on his thigh, then to Cas. "So.. you're one of the sloppy ones." He mused.

As both shared their next round of secrets, he'd nod in thought, more or less not wanting to comment to drudge up old pains for the others. A lost love and a first kill. "My given name is not Srucayr, it was a mantle that I decided to take for myself. It's something the elites of my Clan do." He'd still take both shots, honoring Cas's displeasure at his first secret, he was a team player after all.

@Scoobert @Die Shize

Casany Praxor


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Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
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Laren’s secret was a curious one. One of Cas’ memories was on a Twi’lek of her own, and she had almost used that one, though it was no love story. She nodded his way in a spell of understanding, thudding the table with an empty glass, but said nothing. Some secrets were harder to share than others. They had earned theirs and then some.

Srucayr’s round. A married man he might have been, like many shmoes in the galaxy, but there was arguably not many in this cantina who had their name changed. Names are always fun. Men of iron too. Her turn to muse. Then her turn to drink.

“To the..." What's his clan name again? "...The Oreo'yoyos, a clan of names in more ways than one!” Down the hatch. “Sloppy though they be—in hairdos if nothing else.” She winked. A twitch of the eye followed. Playful patting aside, Cas was beginning to flirt with her own focus now. After all, unless you were a Jedi using Force tricks the body could only take so much drink as much as it could only take so much damage. She was X-many shots of vodka and now Y-many shots of whisky into it and there was no need to deny it. Still, she sat upright, more alert than not, even though that meant becoming more conscious of her slurred speech.

“Well, Casany Praxor might be my name but a number only know me as Anvil. Like you two vods, I got no qualms about takin’ the hat off, but it usually stays on when I’m on the job. When that happens, Anvil is the name. The elites of my clan were armorers, see, so that means me. But it’s my bounties who sleep on the anvil after my hammer knocks ‘em out! Clang!” She thudded the table again with a chuckle.

“Eheh… Guess I’m goin’ two shots on my next turn?” She hiccuped.

@Scoobert @Rhogar
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Laren Vano


Character Profile
Jan 25, 2021
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Laren feeling only a slight buzz so far looked at Cass who was very intoxicated. Well, at least she tried. He turned to see the Mando Srucayr and thought to himself, hmm interesting. After taking in all the verbiage he looked to the two and responded.

“Well a changed name is quite exciting! I think that it is fairly worthy of a pass. And as for Cass or Anvil on occasion. I think that it’s also quite interesting. Not my taste but interesting. My go, I guess.” Laren grabbed the bottle and drank. Once he finished he felt a stronger buzz. “I use my droid to maybe sometimes spy on what my brother is doing. He’s always off on solo missions so I sneak BD-3 on his ship and let the rest carry out. I found out he’s quite the drinker.” Laren finished his turn by knocking the table twice and looking to the next in line, being Srucayr.

@Rhogar @Die Shize

Casany Praxor


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Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
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Spare the glass, grab the bottle. That little gesture on Laren’s part had not gone overlooked. Oooh, trying to one up me, are we? What also had not gone overlooked was the Mando man’s espionage proclivities. Just what else did the creep spy on with that droid of his? Twi’leks? Zeltrons? Mando chicks like me? “Mando”. That was a funny word if said enough. Like a fruit.

“You know what, creep,” Cas lunged for the bottle of whisky, waving away any attempts from Srucayr to seize his turn. He had his chance. It was the lady’s turn now. “I like this druk.” She mirrored her counterpart by putting rim to lips and tilting back, relinquishing the bottle with an aah! “So like, back on Sundari, when the mighty Mandalorians uni-fighted to reclaim our world . . . ” She trailed off, looking at Laren. Srucary What’s His Name could relate to her right now but she did not recall seeing the other guy back then.

“ . . . Lots of bickering before we eten envered the city. It was kinda dumb. Anyway, in the, while the A-Team was takin’ more Nagai names than the names of Dreadlocks’ clan, little old me found a holobook in the rubble.” She smacked her lips. By the stars, they tingled. “It was called...hmm what was it called… OH. Flight of the Hawks! Yeah! I didn’t read it. Not much of a reader. But, um, my droid, Rawl, did. Said me there’s some kinda treasure in it that...that speaks of more treasure...beneath the city…”

“Well...never did go a’lookin’...heh…”
Cas burped. The bottle slid back to Laren. Another bottle, this one a river of vodka, kissed her lips and then her throat.

@Scoobert @Rhogar

Laren Vano


Character Profile
Jan 25, 2021
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Laren sat comfortably. Listening to the new secret coming out. He enjoyed this game. Hearing others entrust secrets to him and him entrusting others with his secrets. The alcohol may have helped to loosen him up. But the majority of what Laren had been doin was of his own free will.

“Hmm, that’s quite interesting. How long have you two been acquainted with each other for?” Laren was interested to know how long their partnership had mattered. He gripped the bottle ready to take his drink after the larger Mando. Laren nonetheless liked the secret. “You’re safe, just a single shot.”

@Rhogar @Die Shize
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Casany Praxor


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
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Just a single shot. Cas had kind of forgotten about her own rules. Setting her vodka aside, she tapped the table Laren's way.

“Put some more stuff in the thing where the stuff goes in..."

While the bartender worked on her order, the customer followed up on his question by slapping a hand on Sru's shoulder. "Big guy and I have only known each other an hour and a minute! First on Mandalore, now beer—here, I mean. Buuut I wager we’ll be best friends in no time if not a little more, ain’t that right, buddy?” She began to rock buddy back and forth while laughing.

“Kriff it.” Cas seized the glass and gulped. “Okay boys, back to me! Back on my ship, Winged Pike, my droid once saw me naked." She teased that confession with a lewd smirk, though Sru need not worry; she was definitely only playing that time. "Rawl, the little tinhead, said he was doing maintenance when I stepped outta the shower. Took one look at me and said: 'Oh, hiya Cas! Hmm, does it hurt when they swing'? Well, needless to say, it hurt when my foot swung across his head!” She cackled. “Either of you two sods ever have your droid see ya naked?” She wasn’t sure if that was a thing or not. “Or got names for your droids?” She was sure most people only had numbers and letters (boring ABC-123 kind of deal). “For your ships?” Most people had names for those, at least.

@Scoobert @Rhogar

Laren Vano


Character Profile
Jan 25, 2021
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It was quite a surprise to hear that her droid had seen her nude. Laren started to question if BD-3 ever seen him. He doubted it though. “I doubt my droid has ever seen me in anything other than my armor.” He chuckled at the idea of what would’ve happened.

Responding to the question of what he calls his droid he said “Well BD-3 usually likes BD but sometimes I call him buddy” Laren leaned forward on the table “And yes I have a name for my ship. Who doesn’t? I call her The Unforced. And she’s a beautiful ship.” He liked that they were starting to get to know each other. He may have only met these Mando's tonight but he felt they could become great friends or allies at the least in the future. “What about you Srucayr? Have any names for your droids and your ship?” He was intrigued to know what the elder Mando named his things.

@Rhogar @Die Shize

Casany Praxor


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
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Cas blinked at Sru’s response before turning back to Laren. He didn’t have the most original dynamic with the whole ‘BD = Buddy’ thing going on but there was something special to be said about the name of his ship.

The Unforced?” She let the name roll off her tongue a few times, repeating it as though a chant. “Sounds...serious. Like...I can take you down kinda serious… Will blow you up. Shoot you outta the sky. Force you into submission. And won’t even need to lift a finger to do it!” Joyous at that prospect, Cas raised her drink in a toast before it disappeared down her throat. “To The Unforced!”

Oh boy, was she feeling it now. The music met her eardrums in some kind of kiss and she wanted to kiss Srucayr but settled for bopping her head to the beats as much as trying to keep her head from swaying. “So, Laren… Laren Laren Laren.” Wags a finger. “Laren, my man, my Mando man, my Laren man!” Hiccup. “I’m gonna lask you a question… Eh...ask you a question… Then you ask me one… Same question or different question, I don’t even question about it… Okay, well, what is the absolute worst, the absolute worst, thing you have ever ever ever done in your life?”


Laren Vano


Character Profile
Jan 25, 2021
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It was amusing how drunk Cass was getting. Laren couldn’t help but laugh at her. It was indeed quite a sight. The slurred speech and repetitive words. He’s surprised she hadn’t puked just yet. He let out a sigh with a smile on his face. Raising his glass for the sake of amusing the drunk acquaintance. “To The Unforced” and he drank as they let their glasses down.

Laren agreed to her game of questions and had answered her first question “The worst thing I’ve done would have to be when I killed a man on the pot in front of his family. I wanted to let him finish but he reached for his blaster so I smoked him. And then he died of the pot. Pants down to his ankles. Humiliating.” Laren laughed as he looked to the two in front of him. “You should’ve seen how his family reacted.”

@Die Shize

Casany Praxor


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
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Cas took a deep breath as she listened to Laren’s story. There was something so kriffing crude and undignified about killing someone on the can. Perhaps, somewhere in this crazy galaxy, there was a rulebook that made such an act utterly forbidden, punishable by the most excruciating fates, and something you should just never ever do. To personify her feelings on the matter, she gave Laren a face as blank as Sru’s desire for a fit figure sitting beside him, and then she burst out laughing.

“Th-That’s the worst thing!?” She slapped the table. “Oh man! Poor di’kut, getting offed that way! But, friendo, for that to be the worst thing you’ve ever done, you either have done some very bad things or only good things. I’m not sure which.”

Shrugging, she shot another glass and cleared her throat with a little jig that came out of nowhere, as if trying to copy the Twi’lek dancers onstage. “Okay okay okay so the worst thing I’ve ever did is...well remember that Chevin I said well at one point we—”


The voice exploded from out of nowhere. Cas turned to spot two Zeltron men looming over the table with a tray of shot glasses. Each one had liquid inside as pink as their skin. They passed one out to each Mando.

“FREE SHOTS FROM YO NEIGHBAZ. DRINK UP, KILLAZ! WOOOHOOOO!At that, the Zeltrons took shots of their own and disappeared while bopping their heads. They had probably been on their way to a frat table. Oh well, now their drinks were put to better use.

Cas raised her pink drink. “Laren, take us awaaaay!”


Laren Vano


Character Profile
Jan 25, 2021
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Laren raise the pink drink and toasted “To being the most lethal kind in all the galaxy” the Mando then went to smell the drink. It was sweet and fiery. The Laren pressed it to his lips as he shot it back letting this pink drink go down the hatch. The drink burned more than his Correllian sweet whiskey. “Cass have you ever seen this stuff before? Burning like an eternal flame in my throat.” Laren began to enjoy the feeling. And now the walls were starting to move and time felt like it was slowing down. Is the Mando actually getting drunk? To think all it took was a goofball to sit across from him.

“I suppose it’s my time for a question. What was your most prized victory? Whether it’s in combat or not.” Laren liked hearing the war stories from others. He felt more at home when he could hear what the others had been doing. It was a soothing feeling of warmth that shot through him.

Readying himself for the woman to tell her story he ordered more drinks. “Rum, Whiskey, Vodka, and we’ll take Scotch as well.” He knew this night would be he’d have to sleep off. But he was ready for the fun to begin.

@Die Shize

Casany Praxor


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
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Cas nodded in agreement to the burning pink stuff. She almost regretted washing her throat with it. “Nopes. But it’s Zeltron z'liquor was I zaying?” She looked left, looked right. There was a wall on one side, all at once buzzing and blinking. Her other side was a litter of other tables and other faces, each thing lost in a blur. It took a moment before she realized Laren’s voice was not just in her head.

“Huh?” Cas tried to think. It was suddenly a daunting endeavor. “My mozt private victory?” What did that even mean? Who was this guy? How'd she even get here? “Well I’m guess my best prize was thiz...thiz combo kit for makeup stuff. I don’t even WEAR makeup, ya know? I'm not that kinda woman, okay!? OKAY!? But um...I um..won the prize from the game thing and I won the thing and beat the thing and that prize came out the kriffin' door of the game thing and I won it and it WAS MINE ALL MINE”

Knocking knuckles to forehead, she snatched her thing for putting stuff in, poured two parts whiskey and three parts vodka (or was it the other way around?) and held up another toast to her Mandalore brethren.

“TO KRIFFINDOOR!” She knocked the stuff back and held up the thing. “And the...them uh...Mandatory...Manly men…Man the floor...TO THE SANDY MORNINGS ON TATTOOTEEN!”

With that, Cas tipped the glass thing to her lips again, frowned at the lack of liquid stuff and kissed the tabletop with her forehead. Then her whole world went black.


Laren Vano


Character Profile
Jan 25, 2021
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The good times were coming to an end. He witnessed his drinking buddies get drunk and pass out. Laren sat in silence for a moment. He had wanted to keep drinking but they were out for the count. The snoring lads sat across from him. Laren left a couple cards with his contact information on it in front of each Mando as they slept. He then grabbed his helm and placed it back on his head.

Laren stood up and closed the curtain for the booth and had begun to leave. Passing through the crowd and eventually out of the cantina. It was dark outside. No telling how long he was in there. He made his way to The Unforced, as he entered his buddy BD was waiting for him and Laren would then say “Well I had fun. And I may have made some new friends.” BD followed Laren to the cockpit. “Hey buddy can you fly us back? I might’ve had too much to drink.” Laren sat in his chair and leaned back as his droid piloted the ship away from Tatooine.


@Die Shize