Topp Raneeta

Topp Raneeta

SWRP Writer
Dec 22, 2017
Reaction score
NAME: Topp Raneeta

FACTION: Hutt Cartel

RANK: Burglar/Thief

Level: 1


AGE: 28 and old enough to know better.



APPEARANCE: As pictured. Typically wears monochromatic Corellain jackets with durable trousers with many pockets to contain his loot. He is 1.8 meters with some toned muscles from bar brawling and evading police.

PERSONALITY: Gruff but daring, Topp is a man who is looking for the next big score. He values his independence and doesn't particularly like that he has to give a percentage of his findings up to the Cartel but he begrudgingly accepts it. While the same spark of daring ambition that had captured his spirit at a young age still exists, he's seen a lot of his friends get busted or killed, which has tempered that aspect of his personality with a healthy dose of practicality. Basically, he's the type of person to want to rob the most lucrative and stupidly guarded places to rob but will try to do so with some degree of careful planning. He is a bad loser and when things go south for him - whether at a card game or in a botched burglary - he typically likes to either start swinging or start shooting. However, he's fairly personable and likes to chat up just about anybody and especially likes to tease those stiffs who walk the straight and narrow path. While he says he's only motivated by booze, girls, and money, there is a deep longing in him to have people remember him as the best burglar in the galaxy.

* 1 small holdout blaster he keeps in an ankle holster.
* 1 wristmounted lifesign scanner
* Handful of one-use security spikes to open tricky doors
* 1 stun baton for when things get too hot to handle but lethal force isn't justified

SKILLS: The thing Topp excels best at is breaking and entering into places that he is not supposed to be. He reads extensively on the latest security systems and keeps up to date on the best fences on his home planet of Coruscant. He's a mediocre shot at best but shooting isn't really his speciality. Can speak Zabraki, Human, Hutteese and Binary. Years on the street have made him a capable brawler but he is somewhat of a glass cannon.

BIO: Growing up in the seedy underbelly of Corsucant, Topp Raneeta grew up the oldest son of an poor immigrant family. Not agreeing with his parents' mentality of working hard and living life on the straight and narrow, Topp got into an endless amount of trouble with a gang of hooligans he ran with, eventually culminating in a juvenile arrest for breaking and entering and burglary. Serving his short time for his first offense, Topp was back to his old ways and was kicked out of the house by his irate father. He continued to rob houses and businesses, enjoying a small string of successes until he was contacted by the Hutt Cartel and informed that if he wished to continue burglary, then he was going to have to clear his targets with the Cartel first - one of the businesses Topp had robbed was a Hutt mob front - and he would need to split his loot with the Hutts. In exchange, they'd hook him up with fences to sell his ill-gotten gains and would offer him other non-burglary related jobs if he wanted. Seeing no alternative and not wanting out of the crime game, Topp accepted the terms, although he now works to be better respected in the criminal underworld and perhaps to work out a better deal for him. After all, what could be better than being a Hutt crimelord's favorite burglar?
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Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
Reaction score
One minor note, you should link your gear to some of our generic tech just for added clarity in your gear. Stun baton and Hold out blaster should work perfectly for you I think.

That change in mind,
