The Sharpener


SWRP Writer
Jan 23, 2023
Reaction score

Rix Braji


► 25

► Human

► 5'9 (175cm)

► 150 lbs (68kg)

► Brown

► Brown

► Balamak

► Male

► The Hutt Cartel

► Prospect (Kung)

► No


A rogue NWA salvage pilot under the protection of the Hutt Cartel.

Rix was a middle child — trouble seemed to follow him wherever he went, but he made good marks and managed to get into flight school. He discovered his love for worldly things at around the same time. His natural aptitude could only carry him so far through academics in contest with so many distractions, so he saw his aspirations to become a starfighter pilot fall between his fingers. Like many others in his situation, he turned to an easier career in the civilian sector.

He found himself employed on a crew of an LT-12 Salvage Freighter as a Co-Pilot under the wing of a scavenger who’d been flying the ship for over ten years. Rix learned how to operate the salvage clamp, perform maintenance on the ship’s repair droid, and even began learning how to slice in order to overcome the security protocols of salvaged computer systems. He fell in love with fixing things and generally liked the job, but there was one problem.

The pay was crap and there were very little incentives to perform well. They’d sometimes manage to bring small ghost ships back to life well enough to pilot them home but find little recognition from the company. Over the first few years the captain was pressured into retirement and he was placed in charge, and not long after that his skeleton crew began to dwindle until it was just himself and a droid. Bad habits and low pay had led Rix into a debt spiral back home, and through a mixture of anger and desperation he began making plans to escape to a better life.

He already had administrative access to the ship’s systems, and what little he didn’t have access to he was able to work around through clever slicing. Leaving everything behind Rix made for the Outer Rim, securing for himself an ill-gotten ship and abandoning his debts. It would eventually be enough to earn a bounty on his head, though not one large enough to be worth the hunt to most serious hunters.

It was not long before Rix learned the ways of Hutt Space. An enforcer came upon his ship while he was scavenging in orbit of Toydaria. Rix was left with the choice of losing everything or making protection payments to the Hutt Cartel. They’ve been squeezing him for cash ever since, but he’s still doing better than he was back at home. As an added perk, being protected by the Hutts kept other criminals off his back- mostly.


Rix is driven by greed. He got into his debt problem living a life he couldn’t afford and he continues to do so in the Outer Rim. He dreams of hauling in a big ship one day and retiring to a life of luxury and comfort. Casinos love him because he is an avid gambler and a frequent loser.

The scavenger has bottled up anxiety but tries to keep his cool. He’s in over his head, but he doesn’t want the sharks to smell him bleeding. He relies on Hutt protection as his main bargaining chip, which he uses in a pinch, but in all honesty unless his whole operation is in jeopardy he is happy to give up some salvage to avoid owing any favors or extra tributes.

He’s a bit homesick. His droid isn’t much for talking, and he is far from a home he can’t return to as a free man. Rix sometimes regrets leaving friends and family behind for this adventure, although he’d never admit it. In the end he is drawn to whatever watering hole he can find out there in hopes of interacting with others but usually ends up drinking and gambling more than anything.

He’s got a good poker face, although he frequently breaks it to smirk if he is comfortable enough to be a smart ass.


Pilot: Rix has experience flying freighters, shuttles, and other small craft at a competent level. He knows a few manuevers, but he isn’t an ace. He’s uniquely experienced at piloting a salvage ship and knows the ins and outs of operating the freighter safely among floating debris and getting in close to other ships.

Slicing: He dabbles. He knows how to get past basic security protocols. He leaves more heavy-duty tasks up to his droid.

Machinery: Rix is a fusioncutter surgeon and a damned good repair man. If he can find the parts to something he can likely put it together unless the technology is both classified and complex enough to need a guide. He doesn't have the programming knowledge to make a competent droid by himself, but he knows hardware like the back of his hand.

Combat: In an effort to protect himself he purchased a weaponized fusioncutter and carries a holdout blaster. He’s oddly functional in melee combat with the fushioncutter but he’s no jedi knight. His blaster shots are mediocre and he is mostly self-taught.


+ LT-12 Salvage Freighter
+ LE-Series Repair Droid w/ Droid Internal Blaster Arm mod.
+ SB-17 Combat Fusioncutter
+ EC-17 Holdout Blaster
+ CZ-MF Headset
+ Port Scanner


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SWRP Writer
Jan 23, 2023
Reaction score
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tempor faucibus sollicitudin. Morbi maximus et lorem quis auctor. Ut facilisis iaculis mauris eget imperdiet. Praesent a mi nisl. Sed ultrices vitae libero commodo sodales. "Mauris in sollicitudin nisi, non eleifend mauris. Fusce rutrum at diam ac volutpat."

Quisque purus leo, vulputate id turpis ac, blandit interdum sem. Mauris pretium rutrum lorem, eu venenatis leo pretium nec. Nulla mattis ac turpis vel varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc vel gravida diam. Duis magna neque, molestie sit amet faucibus sit amet, cursus a sapien. Curabitur consectetur, magna in eleifend posuere, dolor sapien lacinia arcu, eu porttitor quam enim at enim. In ac volutpat odio. Aenean non lectus cursus ante lacinia aliquam. Aenean dapibus lorem orci, eget interdum dolor rutrum at. Vestibulum ornare congue condimentum. Curabitur viverra massa ut mauris luctus interdum. Phasellus aliquam risus sit amet ipsum blandit euismod.

Aenean in tincidunt urna. Maecenas vestibulum rhoncus nibh, vel commodo enim sodales non. Nulla non nisl odio. Sed pharetra nisi bibendum dolor aliquam hendrerit. Maecenas vestibulum velit sit amet libero viverra placerat. Vivamus cursus ante eu dignissim euismod. Aliquam ultricies varius facilisis. Morbi dictum, diam sed varius fringilla, quam turpis tempus odio, vel semper erat eros quis sapien. Maecenas scelerisque purus mauris, vitae eleifend turpis finibus et. Vivamus a ultricies turpis. Sed euismod, massa eget ultrices commodo, tellus nibh tempor nisl, vel commodo libero nunc sed est. Maecenas vulputate quam id tincidunt lobortis. Nulla nec ornare lectus.
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