The Runner

Jiang Winters

Professional Cat
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score

My name is [Unreadable: Data Corrupted]. I’m a human male, 28 years old, 5‘10” and 155Lbs. My homeworld is Coruscant. This is my journal, the story of my fight to survive. If you’ve found this, I’m most likely dead.

Before I get to any entries, I’d like to point something out; I’m an actor. From the entries you’re going to read, you might be fooled into thinking I’m a soldier. But I’m not. I just used to play one for an old holovid show that went down the tubes a few years back.

But now I’ve once again taken up my role as a soldier, as Marine Captain Daxar Corso. It was not my choice to become my character. I was forced into it. And as a result, Corso’s battles are no longer scripted events with blanks and blood-spatter rounds. They’re real. The gore is real, the death is real, the terror is real. I have nightmares of the battles I’ve fought in, I still hear the screams of the fallen, the cries of agony from the people I’ve put down. The roar of laser cannons and the clamor of automatic rifles echoes in my mind, and I see explosions, tracers, and death every time I close my eyes.


The bastards who are putting me through this living hell are a group of some of the most twisted and evil rich degenerates in this galaxy, the [[Data Deleted]], who like to have a laugh or two at the expense of others. I’m just their latest victim.

They’ve destroyed my identity. They’ve stolen my possessions and burnt down my home, they froze my bank accounts and liquidated my assets. They put a enormous bounty on my head and used it to control me, made me do their bidding in the hope that they won’t get bored and execute me.

But the one thing they can’t touch, the one thing they can’t control, is my will. Oh, that doesn’t mean I won’t act the part of Dax Corso for them. I’ll happily play it. And then I’m going to make them pay for what they’ve done to me. I’m going to make them pay dearly.

~Early entries missing.
~Data corruption detected.
~Recovery attempt: Failed.
~Displaying most recent entries.

Journal Entry 319-2:
Not sure where they’ve sent me this time. The [[Data Deleted]] took control of my ship’s autopilot and sent it to some Force-forsaken hellhole. Best guess is that I’m in the expansion region. It’s a jungle world of some sort, not much interesting down here. The mission packet I was given says there’s a small outpost ten kilometers north of where I set down, I’ve got to get there and plant some charges, bring the place down. Glad I’ve got my assault rifle, Vera, with me; I wouldn’t make it far without my little bundle of automatic joy and her grenade launcher.

Journal Entry 320-0:
Blew the base clear to hell. Wasn’t as tough as it could have been, there were only ten guards. I hit them just before shift change at midnight. Burned through three mags of ammo and a couple Forty Mike-mike ’nades from my grenade launcher. That NVG gear I have is a huge advantage, too, but I still nearly got my head blown off by a blaster bolt. I’m still riding an adrenal high from that.

Journal Entry 320-3:
[[Entry Corrupted. Attempt recovery? Y/N ]]

Journal Entry 324-4:
Got another mission today. This time it’s on Coruscant. My homeworld. A pair of Attorneys are meeting in a park on one of the upper levels of the city. Each one has about five bodyguards. My goal is to assassinate both, then get out ASAP, without being spotted by a security cam or guard. It’s borderline impossible, but I don’t have much choice. Guess I’ll take a breakdown sniper rifle and a 9MM SMG for backup, and wear some kind of mask.

Journal Entry 325-0:
I have no idea how I survived that Op. I popped both the lawyers and then scrammed, but they must have had a counter-sniper watching over them because I took a round in the torso as I made my escape over a balcony. If it weren’t for my body armor, I’d be dead.

Journal Entry 327-2:
I learned something new about the people holding me today. They bicker a lot; apparently, the missions I’m sent on are decided by some sort of vote, and they spend hours screaming at each other during said vote. Maybe I could use this to my advantage when the time comes. I better hurry and wrap this entry up though, they want me to go to some desolate ball of rock called Kuar. I’ll write more when I get there.

Journal Entry 327-5:
This is the LAST time I go to Kuar for these people! I don’t care how big a bounty is on my head or how many mercs they can send after me! The landing co-ordinates they sent me were right on top of where a Pirate cruiser had touched down. I barely managed to scramble out of my ship and into a canyon before a group of Pirates stormed my vessel. I’ve killed at least fifteen so far with mines and wired grenades I’ve left behind, and I’ve picked off another five or six with my assault rifle and one with my .45, but they just keep coming. Wait… I hear them now, I have to move!

Journal Entry 328-1:
I never thought I’d hear myself say this, but by the Force, I love the Republic Navy! A Republic battle group showed up and blew the hell out of that Pirate Cruiser, and a bunch of Republic Marines came down and finished off the rest of the Pirates on the ground, then escorted me back to my ship. I’m in one piece, thank heavens. Now I’m off to the Core Worlds, to try to recover a little before the Bastards come callin’ again. Hopefully they give me at least a couple days to pick myself up and wash my uniforms before they send me on another of their suicide runs.

[End Recent Entries. Return to Index? Y/N ]

[As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. This is my first time trying my hand at this sort of profile, so let me know if I screwed anything up.
And to Storm: yes, I still have a shitload of characters. I'm creating a new one as I plan on killing off one I no longer have any interest in playing within the next few weeks.]